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What happend to the PC from GW1?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

If I was tasked with writing the end of the GW1 PC's story to be put out in a series of content updates, I would probably do a last installment of Guild Wars Beyond set in Elona and showing the events leading to the rise of Joko. In the 10 minutes I've thought about it, feels like dying a Sunspear with Koss is how they should go out.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> So that means that ... the GW1-PC could show up in a future story as an awakened that the GW2-PC has to fight?



Would be so cool if they did this and made it so if you linked your GW1 and GW2 accounts it’d take the name and class of your character(s).

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Torn Fierceslash.6375" said:

> Thank you for the reply. I think if they died, then them dying in battle in Ascalon against the Charr horde would be my head cannon. Since that is where the story began for me it would be a poetic ending.


Linsey the Player agrees with you! In her head canon, the GW1 PC died with Gwen and Keiran in Ebon Hawke fighting the charr, her mortal enemies. But Linsey the Dev recognizes that the PC was not strictly Ascalonian and since GWB never got to do its Elona storyline, I'd set the end of that character there, trying to save the world from Joko.

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I wouldnt recommend doing anything of these not really thought out "ideas"..


With this would go Anet onto extremely thin ice for receiving massive negative backlash.. because every player might have their personal own "head canon" for how the story of their GW1 PCs ends and should be linked to the story of GW2..


It shouldnt absolutely be ever anything, that should be enforced upons us by some kind of weird unfitting head canon ideas of the devs, nor anybody elses from this thread here and if they are smart, they will keep this untouched forever and don't make us fight against our own former main characters as awakened.

ANet won't make themself many friends with it, should they ever do with the old GW1 characters any linked stuff into GW2 storytelling enforcign this way upon everybody head canons, which people might not like at all, which would kind of be a massivecase of so called "powerplay" ..of taking control over other characters you shouldnt take control over as narrator...


It is as if I would come up now with some kind of crazy stuff, telling everybody here now, that you all have to take this as your GW1 PC's end stories, despite you all disliking that outcome of it. How would you feel about that, if I would be in the position to tell you, how your beloved characters have died all? Not good, right? Right!


Why is that so? Simple answer.. because you all want to decide SELF over it, like everybody wants to do so, how your self created characters have died and what their last moments were like and so on ...

So don't destroy this for everybody. It is extreme thin ice which nobody else has a right over it to step on it as you please, except the original creator of a character self.


A topic that is an absolute taboo!

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I always thought it was weird that the first thing you (didn't) do after Nightfall was deal with Yoko. May have been a bit of a 'You have outlived your usefulness' thing but it's not like he'd had a change of heart or anything.

Regardless, my personal one is in bed surrounded by their large family at a why-the-hell-have-you-not-died-yet age.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I wouldnt recommend doing anything of these not really thought out "ideas"..


> With this would go Anet onto extremely thin ice for receiving massive negative backlash.. because every player might have their personal own "head canon" for how the story of their GW1 PCs ends and should be linked to the story of GW2..


> It shouldnt absolutely be ever anything, that should be enforced upons us by some kind of weird unfitting head canon ideas of the devs, nor anybody elses from this thread here and if they are smart, they will keep this untouched forever and don't make us fight against our own former main characters as awakened.

> ANet won't make themself many friends with it, should they ever do with the old GW1 characters any linked stuff into GW2 storytelling enforcign this way upon everybody head canons, which people might not like at all, which would kind of be a massivecase of so called "powerplay" ..of taking control over other characters you shouldnt take control over as narrator...


> It is as if I would come up now with some kind of crazy stuff, telling everybody here now, that you all have to take this as your GW1 PC's end stories, despite you all disliking that outcome of it. How would you feel about that, if I would be in the position to tell you, how your beloved characters have died all? Not good, right? Right!


> Why is that so? Simple answer.. because you all want to decide SELF over it, like everybody wants to do so, how your self created characters have died and what their last moments were like and so on ...

> So don't destroy this for everybody. It is extreme thin ice which nobody else has a right over it to step on it as you please, except the original creator of a character self.


> A topic that is an absolute taboo!


For me personally I dislike unfinished storys. Grey Warden from Dragon age, Neverwinter Hero from neverwinter nights and the most famous is half life 2, etc. there are a lot of unfinished stories that I wish was finished in gaming. Some will never get a ending due to companies shutting down or Dev. staff moving on. That's why id like to see what happens to the GW1 hero good or bad my personal theory is if they survived they later took Balthazar's place as god of war. Due to getting a blessing of the gods in the realm of torment. But I understand your view point cause some games ruined the endings of some stories and I agree if done wrong it can go bad based on peoples head cannons. I personally disliked the mass effect 3 ending. I still prefer a bad ending then no ending at all.




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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Andrew Gray.5816" said:

> > My head cannon


> I'll leave it to @"LinseyMurdock.4165" and @"Jessica Price II.9813" et al to tease @"Andrew Gray.5816" about "head cannon".

> (Even without the delicious typo, the memes write themselves.)


A cannon is something that shoots cannonballs.

Canon is something that makes fanfic writers cry.




(I'll see myself out.)

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For me the protagonist was multiple people across mutliple story arcs tied together to read as a single hero story and every time an NPC recognized you from long past deeds it was more them breaking the 4th wall.


GW2 kind of threw that out the window with the very indentifiable commander.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> For me the protagonist was multiple people across mutliple story arcs tied together to read as a single hero story and every time an NPC recognized you from long past deeds it was more them breaking the 4th wall.


> GW2 kind of threw that out the window with the very indentifiable commander.


I think there's a strong element of that. ArenaNet could make multiple fates for GW1 PCs - maybe one died in the Foefire, one went down resisting Usoku, one died to Joko, one retired in Kryta to raise a family, and one got recruited by the gods for some purpose (possibly even becoming Balthazar's replacement, although putting a nameless hero in a prominent position is... questionable). It could then be left up to the player to headcanon which fate applied to their own character(s).

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> @"Jessica Price II.9813" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Andrew Gray.5816" said:

> > > My head cannon

> >

> > I'll leave it to @"LinseyMurdock.4165" and @"Jessica Price II.9813" et al to tease @"Andrew Gray.5816" about "head cannon".

> > (Even without the delicious typo, the memes write themselves.)


> A cannon is something that shoots cannonballs.

> Canon is something that makes fanfic writers cry.




> (I'll see myself out.)


I wish I could thumbs up this one at least six more times.

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IMO we could still see this happen if by some miracle ANet could be persuaded to develop additional GW1 content (or Kickstart it, or release dev tools to fans, or...anything!). The GW1 timeline started syncing up to approximately real-time with the Beyond stuff. The Elona chapter never happened, but there was also (in my understanding) going to be an Ascalon chapter where we'd see the founding of Ebonhawke (which was later detailed in [this book](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Founding)). This happened in 1080 AE, which was approx. 2012 in real life (would have made a nice lead in to GW2, but ah well).


If 1080 AE synced up to approximately 2012, then 1090 AE would sync up to 2022. To me, that would be the perfect opportunity to say goodbye to GW1 with one final event - the Foefire. In my own headcanon, that's how the PC dies, as a true son of Ascalon (also a neat bookend given that the story of GW1 started with the Searing).

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