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Core necromancer weapons


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There was a thread recently about adding bleeds to mh dagger.

It got me thinking about the other weapons too and how i view each role the weapons play. The changes i'd like to see are in brackets.


Utility, long range weapon (support)

Mh dagger

Melee power dps, sustain weapon (hybrid dps)


Range Power dps weapon


Range Condi dps weapon


Power dps,utility

Oh dagger

condi dps, transfer


power dps, sustain,


I haven't thought much about the offhands atm.

The main reason why I think staff shouldn't have major increase in damage output is we already have range dps weapons.

the staff could use a rework i think because skill 2-5 are all the same with different effects.

The main reason why I think dagger should get hybrid damage is we only have one melee weapon.


what are your thoughts on the necromancer weapon and the areas they cover.

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Focus could really use some love.


The damage is too low for use as damage. The bouncing mechanic makes no sense for a ranged weapon (unlike the similar Mesmer great sword weapon which provides its own clone to bounce off of). The boon ripping skill has too long of a cool down to be of general use (the skill hasn't kept up with boon power creep).


Nobody uses focus. Nobody has used focus for years. It should be at the top of weapons to fix in gw2.

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> @Tadsoul.6951 said:

> The main reason why I think staff shouldn't have major increase in damage output is we already have range dps weapons.

> the staff could use a rework i think because skill 2-5 are all the same with different effects.

> The main reason why I think dagger should get hybrid damage is we only have one melee weapon.


> what are your thoughts on the necromancer weapon and the areas they cover.

Condi scourge becomes OP, when you convert dagger to a condi weapon. Damage and survivability would be insane when condi scourges could make full use of the dagger LF generation and damage. On the other hand the weapon now is pretty balanced for power builds. They should just reduce the aftercast (like they did for thief dagger).


Staff only needs a 25% projectile speed buff for the autoattack (the aftercast can stay the same), then the weapon is fine (maybe normalize cooldowns to 5, 15, 20, 30 - but that's just a minor detail).


> @nekretaal.6485 said:

> Focus could really use some love.


> The damage is too low for use as damage. The bouncing mechanic makes no sense for a ranged weapon (unlike the similar Mesmer great sword weapon which provides its own clone to bounce off of). The boon ripping skill has too long of a cool down to be of general use (the skill hasn't kept up with boon power creep).


> Nobody uses focus. Nobody has used focus for years. It should be at the top of weapons to fix in gw2.

Focus 5 got a 40% damage buff in the past. It strips 3 boons, chills for 6 seconds and deals around 4k critical damage on a marauder necro. It even procs Chilling Nova and Cold Shoulder for more damage (~6k) as the chill is appplied before the damage.


The cast time was also buffed to 1 second in the past. It used to be 1,25 seconds.


Focus 4 CD was buffed to 15 seconds.


Focus range was buffed from 900 to 1200.


The weapon is totally fine now. I prefer it over warhorn most of the time.


Focus 5 is your best anti kiting utility and gives you the chance to catch up to 900 axe range. Focus 4 gives huge damage spike and LF generation when used in melee range (use it the moment when your opponent comes into melee range right before you enter shroud)...


...or as support from distance on an opponent that fights one of your team mates in melee (the scythe bounces between these two players then and deals an instant 6k damage plus grantes your team mate regeneration - not to mention the vulnerability stacking)


I guess you just don't know how to use the weapon.


Offhand dagger is the real trash weapon. Dagger 5 is so clunky and slow that it never hits anything outside of a PvE environment. It is useless on condi and power builds. Even the dagger 4 condi transfer is unreliable. This weapon needs love!

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> @nekretaal.6485 said:

> Focus could really use some love.


> The damage is too low for use as damage. The bouncing mechanic makes no sense for a ranged weapon (unlike the similar Mesmer great sword weapon which provides its own clone to bounce off of). The boon ripping skill has too long of a cool down to be of general use (the skill hasn't kept up with boon power creep).


> Nobody uses focus. Nobody has used focus for years. It should be at the top of weapons to fix in gw2.



necro focus is used by many of the more intelligent players.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Staff needs rework if people want it to be better. Having 4 1200 range 300 radius on-point instant strike attacks just locks it up for future improvements.


I remember drafting up a non-spirograph Necro staff one day because I felt the same way. As it stands, the necro staff lacks all sense of creative design and players suffer for using it despite the passive carrying it into mild viability. If it were an actual weapon, we could get Soul Marks redesigned as something more interesting and oriented toward active play.


>! [Necrotic Grasp] (1)

>!Cast-time: 1s

>!* Send out a grasping hand which bursts upon impact, striking multiple foes. Gain life force for each foe struck.

>!* Number of targets: 3

>!* Damage: (0.7)

>!* Life force per target: 1.5%

>!* Blast radius: 150

>!* Range: 1200

>!Elementalist [Fireball] projectile behavior.


>![Mark of Blood] (2)

>!Cast-time: 0 / Recharge: 5s

>!* Inscribe a pulsing mark that damages foes at the target location. While below the Life Force threshold, this skill grants Life Force on successful strikes. While above the Life Force threshold, this skill bleeds foes and heals allies with each pulse.

>!* Number of targets: 5

>!* Number of allies: 5

>!* Damage (4x): (2.8)

>!* Life Force threshold: 30%

>!* Life Force per pulse: 5%

>!* Bleeding (8s) per pulse: [damage]

>!* Healing per pulse: 130 (0.125)

>!* Duration: 4s

>!* Combo Field: Dark

>!* Radius: 180

>!* Range: 1200

>!Elementalist [Lava Font] “cast-time.”

>!Mark features are now a neon-red color; emits bright, red-colored “well mist.”

>!Life Force gain only triggers once per pulse regardless of the number of targets struck.

>!Pulses occur at the end of each second.


>![Chilblains] (3)

>!Cast-time: 0 / Recharge: 15s

>!Evade backwards and unleash a line of poisonous, chilling blasts. The initial impact counts as a blast finisher and knocks foes backward.

>!Evade: 1s

>!* Number of targets: 5

>!* Number of impacts: 5

>!* Impact damage: (0.2)

>!* Chilled (1s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed

>!* Poison (6s): [damage], -33% Healing Effectiveness

>!* Blast radius: 120

>!* Initial Impact Knockback: 400

>!* Initial Impact Combo Finisher: Blast

>!* Range: 600

>!Koda's Hammer [ice Shock Wave].

>!Backwards evasion animation equivalent in duration and distance to Elementalist [burning Retreat].


>![Foul Feast] (4a)

>!Cast-time: 0 / Recharge: 15s

>!* Cure damaging conditions on allies at the target location. You bleed and gain life force for each condition cured in this way.

>!* Number of allies: 5

>!* Conditions cured per ally: 2

>!* Self Bleeding (10s) per condition: [damage]

>!* Life force per condition: 1%

>!* Radius: 300

>!* Range: 1200

>!This skill can be placed on top of the user and will convert conditions accordingly.

>!Bleeding gained by this skill ignores the user's Condition Damage and Condition Duration.

>!Condition removal priority: Burning - > Torment - > Poison - > Bleeding - > Confusion.


>![Putrid Mark] (4b)

>!Cast-time: ½s

>!* Cure yourself of bleeding and inscribe a mark which explodes on delay at the target location. This explosion deals additional damage for each stack of bleeding you cleansed.

>!* Condition cured: [bleeding]

>!* Number of targets: 5

>!* Explosion delay: ¾s

>!* Damage: (1.25)

>!* Bonus damage per bleeding stack: 5%

>!* Combo Finisher: Blast

>!* Radius: 180

>!* Range: 1200


>![Reaper's Mark] (5)

>!Cast-time: ¾s / Recharge: 25s

>!* Surround the target area in a ring that fears and rips boons from foes that cross it.

>!* Number of targets: 10

>!* Boons removed: 3

>!* Fear (1s): Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration

>!* Duration: 3s

>!* Radius: 180

>!* Combo Field: Dark

>!* Range: 1200

>!* Unblockable

>!Boon removal occurs before fear application.


I guess I also dreamed of necro axe being a viable melee weapon as well, but needless to say I've had my thoughts about every necro weapon in general. Now more than ever, most of them are crippled by poor, straightforward designs that thought a second HP bar would save them from nonsensical powercreep in PvP or matter at all aside from being a resource in PvE. They all need work.

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