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I don't use discord

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People use it as a multi-purpose messenger + voice chat all in one that can handle multiple persistent/permanent group environments and that maintains logs and stickied documents without any kind of server maintenance or overhead.


It's multi-platform which includes desktop, mobile, and browser, so if you're not at your PC you can still text message the group, voice chat, or do anything you normally would without even needing to install anything.


With a lot of communities, having an externally-hosted sign-up basically is used as a method to cull people who aren't serious about being part of the guild. If you're not willing to take the time to work with them, they see no reason to take their time to support you. This also generally prevents cliques from forming in the guild which can cause drama down the line if everyone stays in communication. Community as a concept is a two-way street and you need to be committed to it to any community you're part of to reap the benefits. It doesn't matter how "serious" you are in-game; what matters is putting forth the effort to be part of that group.


To be honest OP, just tell them you're not interested in voice chat. If they refuse, then leave the guild and don't make a stink about it. How they run their community is not something you have a say in as an outsider. Odds are, it's just for organization via text channels. In our guild discord, we have an entire channel devoted solely to posting links to approved/optimized builds for our WvW group play. It honestly could be something as simple as that.


If there are cool people in there... broaden your horizons and be part of their experience. It might sounds harsh, but the hard reality is that other people are allowed to set expectations and standards for their community, and if you're not going to go to those measures, you do not belong with them.


If you feel pressured or uneasy then that's your problem to work out and you can leave at any time. But by being afraid of being pressured, you're only isolating yourself.


Unless you have a position of authority in the group, there's really no justified entitlement to expect them to play to your standards, and being such a common and productive service even if not using the voice chat (and you don't even need to download anything because discord can be accessed through your web browser), it's something you're going to run across a lot, anyways.


People are generally pretty understanding about any hesitations or insecurities you may have, but you need to communicate this to them. We're in a world where physical cues and senses of emotion are not readable because our characters are unflinching and text is a poor means of conveying it. So talk to them with an open mind, and if they want to pressure you, screw them and find another group to play with.

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Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.


I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.


I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier


This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.


I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.

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Discord is not only a sound system, this is also a forum. Lot of guilds use it as a forum with all information related to the guild stored in there. The sound system is a feature of the forum: There is no obligation to use it. Only in certain sections of the forums are channels for talk and that you go in or not remains your choice. If you don't go into those sections, you don't have sound, but you keep using the rest of the forum.


As long as you don't do PvE raids and that you are not part of a "hardcore" WvW team, no need to use any of the sound system (Team Speak is another one).

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> > >

> > > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

> >

> > You can use discord for text chat only too


> I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.


I dont talk on discord mostly for physicaly cant talk i never had problem. They will understand if you dont want too just be honest

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > did you talk to your guild leaders and officers about it?


> Still too afraid. I'm afraid they will kick me if I say I don't use discord. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

> > > >

> > > > You can use discord for text chat only too

> > >

> > > I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.

> >

> > There is no overlap between text and voice channels. Basically it's like this. Your guild has a server on Discord. It's that server you will join. In that server they'll have at least 1 text chat, probably more from what I've seen from various Discord servers. Then, separate from that, there are voice channels. Unless you actively enter one of those voice channels, you are not part of any voice chat. There is no risk of not hearing them, because they can see you're not in a voice channel.

> >

> > Also, don't think for other people. You are afraid they might get mad, but I get the feeling that is not based on anything they've said or done. You put the burden of choice solely on your own shoulders, creating a potential outcome in your mind that is most likely not based on anything they've done. I get that. I've had the same problem (and sometimes still have). But unless you're a mind reader there's really no other way of finding out how they will react than by actually telling them. No amount of thinking, waiting or anything any of us here will tell you, can guarantee a specific reaction from your guild. Just do what feels best to you. Tell them as much of your reasons and background as you like to make it clear to them that you will not be joining voice chats. I personally don't know of any guild that demands their members regularly engage in voice chat conversations. For certain content like Raids or Fractals, perhaps. And even then, listening is often enough for most guilds. But mandatory voice chat in general? Not really.


> I don't know the outcome that's what worries me. They put Guild Signs up inside discord. I feel like telling them not to use discord will not be welcomed. Your right, I don't know their reaction for sure. I can think but not know.


> I'm worried they will kick me after I display my concerns or create a hostile eviomriment but I don't know how long that can go on. Leaving discord. Sooner or later they'll want me to sign up there, but aren't they creating an impossible situation by making it there instead in the gulid in the firsr place?


It is pretty much the way for every guild in any mmo to use external tools for sign ups, whether that is through forums or chat tools. Organising events is hard work and any tools like discord etc make things a godsend for organisation. I dont think they are creating an impossible situation, they just want to make things easier of anything for everyone.

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why bring personal issues about some communication program you don't like to a game problem???? like really? they want discord, you don't want, then you can't play with 'em, simple. move on. like what's wrong with people these days. everything hurts players in this game. why this, why that. just stop. don't like it, don't do it.

why not talk about more important stuff like, why this class is weaker than weaver or something, balance stuff? who cares what you use or prefer to use and how to play. that's your problem to decide what you want.

I like discord, and I use it to communicate with people and sometimes talk in voice, and sometimes it's needed for raids to organize certain stuff. some prefer TS which i hate, but if a guild requires TS I won't join that guild cuz I only use discord. you don't see me complain why people prefer TS or not use any voice communication. Look from the side how it looks for example: "Why people won't use discord while raids? I need discord in order to raid because I can't understand what's going on" do yo see how bad it looks???? communication preference has nothing to do with gw2 or in gaming in general. it's your choice, they want x but you don't want x, don't play with 'em, simple.

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Yeah I've used discord for mic chat before but I mostly use it to text to a friend who no longer plays and people use it to message me when I'm not in the game. The thing I love discord for the most is sending screenshots, memes, pics, etcs to these friends that you couldn't otherwise send to gw2 friends because of the link restrictions ingame so whenever I get a new friend ingame I always try to rope them into discord and when they inevitably complain about the mic thing I'm like chill out dude I don't want to voice chat you either I just wanna send you pics, k?

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> It feels like it. Twice a guild officer had encouraged me to use discord in PM's. I went so far to tell them my discord ID but they want me to add them to discord. Should I just leave the guild?


I've read a lot of your posts and honestly you don't seem like much more than a troll but in the case you're not, yes I think you should leave the guild since you can not handle just not joining discord or saying anything to them.

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I have been bullied most of my school years. Remember that many players are actually adults and have patience with people with disabilities.

I have a few in my guild who has both dyslexia and problems with expressing them selves. If the guild is a good and kind guild, they should be very open to your concerns. The best thing is that if they don't like what you have to say, then they don't deserve you and you should find a guild that does. You are not the one who has a problem, the ones who has a problem with you are the ones with problems.


I have been working with my shyness all my life and I have made alot of progress. I have come to conclusion that the world isn't as horrible as I though, the people from my schooldays are just a small fraction of the people in this world.

I didn't make decisions, I didn't wanna show myself and I was afraid to speak as I always said the wrong things. Now I am a guild leader (not a big guild and not so active but they do like me) and I am make decisions, I need to be in front of everyone and sure I am still afraid of saying the wrong things but I have learned that I am not worse than anybody else.


I hope you can manage, Discord is a really good platform, you can link it with your phone so you se if there is something planned in the game even though you are not at home, you have a good access to all your friends and guild mates and atleast in my guild you have to join the voice chat on discord to come on raids, but you don't have to speak or even not required to have a mic. I am sure many guilds with discord does this and it is really a good app to have to get the guild together.

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Along with other severe mental health problems have Tourettes (luckily I dont swear only 10% do). Quite often they post the world boss event Tripple trouble where you need to join TS. I really wanted to have a go at it but shouting random words and repeating parts of what they are saying over and over wouldn't help them or me.

So I explained my problem to them and they were really nice about it.They understood that I couldn't listen either because the thought that I may accidently put myself on speaker would make me very anxious. It took another twice, talking to them before the anxiety levels were low enough that I finally joined a group, but we got there in the end and it was a lot of fun.

If you explain and they dont want to listen then they are not the right fit for you. But most people on here are really nice if you give them a chance. And that doesn't mean that they will treat you different, it just mean that they can make reasonable adjustments so you can enjoy the game to.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> why bring personal issues about some communication program you don't like to a game problem???? like really? they want discord, you don't want, then you can't play with 'em, simple. move on. like what's wrong with people these days. everything hurts players in this game. why this, why that. just stop. don't like it, don't do it.

> why not talk about more important stuff like, why this class is weaker than weaver or something, balance stuff? who cares what you use or prefer to use and how to play. that's your problem to decide what you want.

> I like discord, and I use it to communicate with people and sometimes talk in voice, and sometimes it's needed for raids to organize certain stuff. some prefer TS which i hate, but if a guild requires TS I won't join that guild cuz I only use discord. you don't see me complain why people prefer TS or not use any voice communication. Look from the side how it looks for example: "Why people won't use discord while raids? I need discord in order to raid because I can't understand what's going on" do yo see how bad it looks???? communication preference has nothing to do with gw2 or in gaming in general. it's your choice, they want x but you don't want x, don't play with 'em, simple.


That's rather simple and reductive. It's also not up to you to decide what it important and what not. You can only decide that for yourself, not others. Your "solution" is as black and white as it can get, but in case you haven't noticed, there's infinitely more grey areas than the tiny portion that's black or white. You obviously don't care about OP's issue, but that's no reason to dismiss it as trivial. Communication has everything to do with GW2. It is a MMO, after all. That means you play with other people and come across other people. Last time I checked, unless you completely ignore all other people, communication is pretty much a given part of this game and any MMO. And it's not about which program to use or not to use. OP sounds like he/she has anxiety/social issues and responses like this certainly don't make it any easier for those people. I've had the same issues too in the past. I've just developed enough of a "I don't give a f**k" attitude towards people who respond like you did to get over worrying about the consequences or what they will think of me. OP clearly hasn't found a way to deal with it yet.


>@"Fartyfolo.5941" said:

>I've read a lot of your posts and honestly you don't seem like much more than a troll but in the case you're not, yes I think you should leave the guild since you can not handle just not joining discord or saying anything to them.


Kudos on not paying enough attention to OP's posts. If this person is a troll, it's the one out of a thousand that actually manages to pull of the part, instead of all the obvious ones that can't even play the part well enough to fool people. It's not like OP can't handle saying anything to them. He/she just doesn't want to use voice chat. There's nothing wrong with text chat, as OP has stated several times already. Yours is another black and white "solution" that doesn't solve anything on either part.

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Our guild has a Discord server and we have the link to it on message of the day. Upon recruiting new players we tell them they are welcome to join our Discord if they want, and occasionally (maybe once a week) I remind people that we have Discord through which we post many guild-related announcements, have lots of useful resources and people to chat to while they are not in-game.


We personally barely use the voice chat as many of us do not like to talk. If I were you, I would explain this situation to an officer. Voice chatting is not necessary for any game mode except organized WvW.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> Kudos on not paying enough attention to OP's posts. If this person is a troll, it's the one out of a thousand that actually manages to pull of the part, instead of all the obvious ones that can't even play the part well enough to fool people. It's not like OP can't handle saying anything to them. He/she just doesn't want to use voice chat. There's nothing wrong with text chat, as OP has stated several times already. Yours is another black and white "solution" that doesn't solve anything on either part.


I did pay attention though. "It's not like OP can't handle saying anything to them." If you read their other posts they talk about not wanting to say that they don't use discord because they're afraid of people getting angry or kicking them.. that's what I'm talking about. If you are afraid that communicating something so simple to your guild, why be part of it?

I never said there's anything wrong with not using voice/only wanting to use text chat. I'm giving that solution based on them not being comfortable with telling them why they don't want to use discord and feeling pressured to join it.

Also please look up OP's past posts and comments.. I think you'd understand why I am unsure if they are serious or trolling.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

I sympathize with you completely, but everything you need to play the game is in the game. Discord is simply a popular external tool. Many guilds/groups manage just fine without it. Many individuals have valid reasons for not wanting to use it. Your issue is with your group's preferences, and if they aren't sympathetic to your concerns/needs you should look for another one. It's up to you.


My main guild uses Discord extensively, and the core members do enjoy it. But it's not a requirement. Is it frustrating sometimes, when one member of the guild isn't in voice during guild missions? Yes. But we suck it up and help that one person, even if I have to type everything out each week. And we keep inviting them to Discord, but if they can't or won't, that's fine.

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Tbh. Atleast listening to your team is better then chat. You don’t have to have a headset, or even chat within discord. All you gotta do is enter the chat. Let everyone know that you prefer not to. And if they don’t accept, then leave. But listening to some type of instruction is much easier then reading during battle. No one has to stop in battle to type, etc. and you get guided during fights. That is much easier then chat.


But signing up? Wtf lol. What you Signing Up For? I mean iv signed up for placement in raids but other then that idk. But even if you still sign up, you can still leave.... So pretty much don’t trip over you (needing) a headset. Just set discord volume on regular main to hear everyone and move on. And when you have questions, type in the squad or party chat.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

>I don't like talking through a headset or mic. I like writing.


I'm with you. But despite my worries about Discord, I've had no trouble without using a mic, and I hope that turns out to be so for you, too. I still prefer in-game chat, but at least now I have a way to read about some things discussed when I wasn't on, through Discord's text feature.


Each guild is different, so Talindra's advice (previous page) makes sense: talk to your guild leaders or officers and see if it's ok for you not to use a mic.

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People tend towards voice chat because it's easier to chat while pressing 1111111111101111111111211111111


More seriously, a lot of it has to do with that. It *is* easier to communicate while even just roaming around. Unless you're really good/quick with Autorun, it's difficult to keep a pace while having to stop to type all the time. That and a lot of people don't like typing. Not to mention if you say "your going to need different armor" in voice chat, no one knows you used "your" and not "you're". :)


Discord and similar programs are popular as social things. The Discord server for the guild I'm in is not used for voice by most. We use the text channels primarily, and since it can be accessed via Phone, etc., it's an advantage when you are looking to do something in Gw2. You can ask "anyone want to do Fractals?" and someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to join in can simply send, from their phone, that they are on the train but will be home in about 10minutes and would like to join.

A guild member just today was able to leave a notice that he's got real life interfering with his time slot for fractals this week.


All that said, if a guild is going to mistreat you because you don't want to use a VOIP program, definitely find a new guild.

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All requests for discord I've seen so far is mainly so that you can listen to instructions and callouts. I've never seen anyone make it compulsory for people to talk. You can just hop into discord and mute your mic, no problem.

You could even just mute the discord if you're confident in your skills. But if you get kicked for missing a mechanic when people called it out a hundred times, or failing to reply the commander, then that's your own fault.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.


> I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.


> I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier


> This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.


> I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.


Missing out? Perhaps so, but personally, this time I'm not putting any of the common VoIP programs on this computer, even though it's primarily for gaming. No TS3, Mumble, Raidcall, Discord, etc., etc., if any guild I belonged to required it or strongly hinted at it I'd just leave that guild. Your example of the Guild missions is I think rather misguided, there is a thing called the Wiki, it tells you exactly what you need to do to complete the Guild missions, that should be enough for the majority of players. I belong to one guild that has Discord, but so far it's not required, even though I know they use it for Guild related stuff, as long as it remains that way I'll stick with it...the moment it changes, no matter how much I like the bounty trains I'm out. Obviously this is my personal opinion, and there might be other situations where it's called for(I did use it in the original GW, but that was mostly for whenever I was drafted to help out with Guild battles, because it is useful for that, I however am not fond of PvP so currently don't participate, nor do I plan on trying it in GW2 or going back into WvW).

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.

> >

> > I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.

> >

> > I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier

> >

> > This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.

> >

> > I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.


> Missing out? Perhaps so, but personally, this time I'm not putting any of the common VoIP programs on this computer, even though it's primarily for gaming. No TS3, Mumble, Raidcall, Discord, etc., etc., if any guild I belonged to required it or strongly hinted at it I'd just leave that guild. Your example of the Guild missions is I think rather misguided, there is a thing called the Wiki, it tells you exactly what you need to do to complete the Guild missions, that should be enough for the majority of players. I belong to one guild that has Discord, but so far it's not required, even though I know they use it for Guild related stuff, as long as it remains that way I'll stick with it...the moment it changes, no matter how much I like the bounty trains I'm out. Obviously this is my personal opinion, and there might be other situations where it's called for(I did use it in the original GW, but that was mostly for whenever I was drafted to help out with Guild battles, because it is useful for that, I however am not fond of PvP so currently don't participate, nor do I plan on trying it in GW2 or going back into WvW).


It's not misguided. There are times when you need coordination and that coordination is time sensitive. Typing is NOT as fast as voice, it really is that simple. I don't really care if any one person or two people are ten people will leave my guild. My guild has well over 400 people in it now with hardly any active recrutiing at all. If we bothered to recruit regularly we'd be capped.


Only a handful of those people use voice at all, let alone regularly. Strangely they seem to be the ones that get into dungeon groups,. get into fractal groups, get the content they want done. Knowing what to do is half the problem. Coordinating with other people doing stuff at the same time, quite a different problem. The wiki won't tell you where someone else is at a certain moment, or when their cooldowns are ready. If you have a bunch of people coordinating say reflects in a hard fight, and one person misclicks and doesn't have access to it, odds are the only way to communicate that is on voice. It's okay to say you don't like voice and won't use it. It's not okay to say that I'm overstating a case for the need for voice for coordination in hard content. It makes a world of difference. If you don't like it that's fine. Doesn't change a word I've said about it.

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