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Mount damage skills scaling in low level zones

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So the daily is Queensdale Events today and I am playing on an actual low level character. You all probably know where I am going with this post. The scaling problems are magnified with mounts. One of two people camping spawn points on raptors can wipe out the entire enemy wave as soon as it appears. it's beyond annoying.


My question is why do we even need damage skills on the mounts? The skills the masteries provide seem more than enough of a bonus. And yes, I do have mounts and I use them when solo because they are nice. I don't use them when other people are around me because it's a jerk move. I know Anet can't be responsible for how people use the tools they give us, but they can be more careful with the tools they do give us.

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Even without mounts it doesn't change anything, those with mounts with no concern to let others tag would still do the same without mounts as at that low of a level an auto attack will kill things as it is. It would make more sense to remove low level zones from the dailies.

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i hope it (mount damage) doesn't get changed, tbh - its true that there are a few who mount-wipe even if they are asked not to, but at least they are done soon and can bug off....


i have gotten used to mount damage as a QoL for doing tedious solo stuff, including doing things on alts

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I still think this is a social issue and not a game mechanics one. People CAN kill all the mobs and ruin an event for low level types. But they shouldn't. To get credit for the event, they need only participate - throw out some auto-attacks and contribute to a few kills, then move on. Anyone who camps the event and deliberately kills all the mobs so no one else gets a shot in is being an ass. My experience in this game is that most people don't behave that way, especially if you point it out to them.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > Better yet, just remove the starter zones from the daily rotation.


> Agreed. Or make it like they do harvesting. It would spread people out more.


Or give people, say, 3 daily map options to choose from, only one of which can be counted for the daily (the other two clear automatically when one is completed), and make it valid only if all events are completed with a character/characters within the map's recommended level. So, if Queensdale, Mount Maelstrom, and Malchor's Leap are the daily options, you could only get credit in Queensdale if all 4 events were completed with one or more L1-15 characters, and so forth. This would only need to have some management so that maps chosen are valid for that player in that the player's account does have at least one character within each required level range for each map (so they always have at least 3 maps to choose from even if one or more might be within the same level range). For a new player with only L1-15 characters, all three maps would be starter zones, veteran players with a bunch of L80s would get a range from low to high level maps, but won't be able to get daily credit in Queensdale for any events not done on L1-15 characters.


This would spread out the player base a bit, but still provide valid options for everyone, and help a lot to remove the issue the OP brought up. There may be some problems beyond just coding with this idea, but this was sort of off the cuff. Sounds good to me for a quick theory. :)

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/50848/game-update-notes-august-7-2018

> > Mount engagement-skill damage will now downscale more in lower-level zones.


Yep, I am ranking up a new key farmer, and can no longer one-shot the mobs with my raptor for the low-level heart quests. In fact, it does a very small amount of damage. I will miss the quick and easy kills, but am very happy to know I can now unleash my raptor on a pack of mobs without hogging all the kills and spoiling events for other players.


Thank you Anet for the much-needed adjustment.

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Yes, this was needed for lower level areas. This is a multi-player game, and a player on a mount wiping mobs, remounting, wiping, is not fun for other players trying to get in tags on events. If players limited their mount attacks to just general PvE, and not in events, then it would have been fine. But far too often I saw the above behavior.


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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> This was really a change that didn't need to be made. Who thought this was a good idea?


Quite a lot of people. I think it was a mistake to allow a single dismount to kill 5-8 mobs, without even putting us in combat (and thus allowing an instant re-mount). Besides trivializing content for L80 (which is counter to the idea of downscaling), it also meant that those without mounts were at a severe disadvantage, rather than just missing out on the joy of owning PoF.

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