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Changes to UNDERWATER combat [merged]

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I at least expected some QoL changes which would permit us to distinctly customize on land and underwater builds...

We still have to dive under the water just to change the utilities...


the underwater update is a bit... underwhelming (just wanted to make the pun here)


I still have high hope for the future Underwater expansion in which they can reitarate further (that I believe will definitely come sooner or later).

In fact a whole overwhole of the underwater mechanism would for me justify the purchase of a new expansion. It would work just like gliders for first expansion and mounts for second. Underwater has a lot of potential, and if done right, it would totally refresh the experience in an underwater centered expansion.

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Seriously overhyped. For the most part those are just number tweaks whose main shining point is that Anet actually did _something at all_. Which is quite saddening.


I just hope that this is just a start, and that other changes (including enabling all the skills that are currently unusable underwater, as a base minimum) will be forthcoming.

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i was taken aback when ppl started making Underwater Expansion Threads based on one little announcement lol. i was like... why r ppl assuming underwater expansion based on this??? but then i was like, imma join the hype train, cuz an underwater mount would be awesome... even tho i dread UW combat.


but now we know our hopes and dreams are fully dead.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> And just think of all those people who gobbled up the UW precursors hoping to maybe make a quick gold. Bet they are even more disappointed than you and I.


I know... :/ *lays down*... *tries not to cry*... *cries a lot* :'( :'( :'(

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Under**whelming** ..


instead of putting more focus on underwater combat and doing with it finally what they should do with it, they waste half of the whole balance patch to revert older made pvp/wvw balance changes just to merge the splitted versions only together again... makes so much sense to waste so much time, just to undo some earlier made patch changes again now.


I would have expected AT VERY LEAST, that they fix more, if not all of the still unuseable skills to become useable underwater, but instead they made only a small hand full of skills useable under water, while most of them were left untouched...really great ....NOT.


And I would have expected as part of overall class balance and underwater combat balance, that they give all classes finally own underwater traits, instead of wasting all that time and ressources so much on on land stuff which has had it's focus on changes now for the last 6 years, while Anet kept on ignoring the underwater combat for the last 5 years permanently...


There it would have been now the perfect chance to make up a signal move, by giving underwater combat with that patch for once now 100% full attention, instead of this shameful 60/40 result that they delivered here with again more focus on land changes, than to give underwater combat finally what it needs and deserves to receive after all these wasted 5 years of underwater ignorance....

Last hope I guess is an underwater expansion ... I think that's the only way that this game will ever get to see in it's lifetime still some bigger neccessary gameplay changes to the underwater combat system and balance to make it gameplaywise EQUAL with Land Combat....




PS: fixed spelling/grammar mistakes and typing errors

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> If you’re only go do some minor damage multiplier updates to underwater skills,

> there’s really no need to announce it ahead of time, and getting us all hyped up.

> Everyone was hoping to changes to how skills worked underwater, enabling some skills that were disabled, or maybe adding new skills exclusive for underwater.

> Heck, the revenant could’ve really used an underwater legend.

> But if this is all, its really just a minor patch that will hardly affect underwater combat at all.

> But I suppose we cant look a gift horse.. or a dolyak? In the mouth, can we?


? Revs can now use Jalis underwater, and got a second UW weapon. A lot of classes received changes so that a few more skills are usable underwater than were usable underwater before this patch. Several classes had their UW skills changed pretty massively. It was not just number tweaks

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> @"Tabootrinket.2631" said:

> I at least expected some QoL changes which would permit us to distinctly customize on land and underwater builds...

> We still have to dive under the water just to change the utilities...


ok I have to agree with the comment about changing skills underwater. I can't tell you how many times I have jumped in the water with no skills assigned on a new character. :/ It is similar to my frustration while trying to learn Celestial Avatar on my Druid. I can only see those skills when in CA and it burns out really quickly making it tricky to understand which skill does what. Of course there are guides, but I like to read for myself.


And yes, I would like to see an underwater trait line as well. I just didn't expect that from this patch. Perhaps in an expansion but not a full traitline revamp.


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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i was taken aback when ppl started making Underwater Expansion Threads based on one little announcement lol. i was like... why r ppl assuming underwater expansion based on this??? but then i was like, imma join the hype train, cuz an underwater mount would be awesome... even tho i dread UW combat.


> but now we know our hopes and dreams are fully dead.


Well now don't assume that just yet. As I expected, there wasn't going to be a major content influx with new skills, mounts, and UW movement mechanics. I did however have my hopes up for many of the land skills being able to be used UW. This patch was meant to be light. It could be a step forward towards more development on UW content. But I also didn't expect it to be THIS light. However, the hype it created was good for growing interest in UW development.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

This thread morphed from a predictive (coming soon) post to a feedback thread, so I'm going to use it as a merge-point for other feedback, making it easier for you to share your thoughts and for the devs to read them in a single, consolidated thread.



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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > If you’re only go do some minor damage multiplier updates to underwater skills,

> > there’s really no need to announce it ahead of time, and getting us all hyped up.

> > Everyone was hoping to changes to how skills worked underwater, enabling some skills that were disabled, or maybe adding new skills exclusive for underwater.

> > Heck, the revenant could’ve really used an underwater legend.

> > But if this is all, its really just a minor patch that will hardly affect underwater combat at all.

> > But I suppose we cant look a gift horse.. or a dolyak? In the mouth, can we?


> ? Revs can now use Jalis underwater, and got a second UW weapon. A lot of classes received changes so that a few more skills are usable underwater than were usable underwater before this patch. Several classes had their UW skills changed pretty massively. It was not just number tweaks


Most of this added stuff is nothing special and should've been there at the beginning, specially the Revenant skills.


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I wish they'd made more skills available underwater but this is pretty much what they said they'd do, and they did it. I really don't get the extreme overhype some people generated for themselves. I'm glad they added more options for revenant and I'm not sure I like the sound of the new Guardian trident auto-attack chain but I haven't had a chance to try it yet, might be OK, either way it's not that big a deal.

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Well I can understand why some are disappointed, but at the same time, this is new content people! We now have an additional reason to head underwater. My main is currently working his way into T4 Fractals, yet is still wearing the LV 60 personal story reward rebreather =/ Clearly I haven't spent any time worrying about or working towards conquering life under da sea.


Not to fear though - 400 winterberries in the bank, will have an ascended one soon!

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There is still a huge issue of the surface "limbo" state where if you are not above or under water you lose all your skills and abilities. People can just get permanently immobilized without a way to defend themselves. Even worse, if players even accidentally go into water during fights (like in WvW) they will immediately not only lose their weapon stacks but also get caught in this limbo state.


The limbo state on the water surface simply needs to go. No way around it.


Also, as others have already mentioned it, the complete lack of any functionality to change underwater skills outside water (even on surface!) is a huge issue.

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> Yes, that's right. All those other developers just didn't know what they were doing. 6 degrees of freedom is a super great idea in a game that fixes its camera to prevent gimble lock. What could go wrong? Oh wait, Vashj'ir.


GW2 doesn't have 6dof underwater.

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> > ? Revs can now use Jalis underwater, and got a second UW weapon. A lot of classes received changes so that a few more skills are usable underwater than were usable underwater before this patch. Several classes had their UW skills changed pretty massively. It was not just number tweaks


> Most of this added stuff is nothing special and should've been there at the beginning, specially the Revenant skills.



At least there is progress. Only having 1 weapon when there are 2 weapons slots and only having access to 2 of 6 legends makes for a pretty lack luster underwater experience.


I personally hope the rest of the weapons will act like the trident does and applies conditions based on the active legend. Wielding a Staff while channeling shiro and appling vuln or a shortbow while channeling mallyx and applying torment or a mace which can burn and blind while channeling Venturi.


Now, I can see how ppl may not like this idea, but this would open up more game play between the legends and weapons. Also, adds a more unique feel to how the Revenant functions

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