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Quiver needed

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Hi there!

I read at this forum about quivers for gems ...but planning you add quivers to rangers? It is pretty weird-looking if you shooting from a bows and you dont have no ammo. O_o

You do a great job, but, take care for that "details" please, so much please. :)

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In my opnion should have all classes have the moment they use a bow weapon on their backs a "Standard Model" Quiver, which players can manualy deactivat or activate then if they want to see that Standard Model, which gets replaced with any other gemstore Quiver skin you activate..


Quivers in fact should be handled as own skin category and be listed up as like Glider Skins, Mounts ect., taking them literally out from the Backitem Category and let them count basically as an exclusive internal own "secondary back item", which you will see only (if you want), when you use a bow weapon.


That would make in my eyes alot more sense to handle quivers as an own exclusive back item category, that is automatically bonded to the usage of the bow weapons.

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There are a couple of quivers available as back item skins.


[basic quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quiver)

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/e0IG5Y3.jpg "")



>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/q2kgbBU.jpg "")



>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/kp2DqnT.jpg "")


Probably some others too.



_Adding: more skins, from suggestions below_

[Fire Quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Quiver_Backpack)

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/2e1zb0b.jpg "")


[Fire-breathing Quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire-Breathing_Quiver)

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/BpH36ZR.jpg "")





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I should add that it's a misunderstanding of the game's mechanics to assume that a quiver is needed. All weapons in the game are focuses for magical energies; none are purely physical weapons. Bows in GW2 do not use "arrows" as we understand them in our world; they use magic projectiles that renew as needed. So we don't need "quivers"; it's a preference on the player's part, as a result of imposing our Earth-bound expectations on Tyria.


I'm in favor of ANet adding more back-skins generally, including quivers. But I don't think it needs its own wardrobe slot.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I should add that it's a misunderstanding of the game's mechanics to assume that a quiver is needed. All weapons in the game are focuses for magical energies; none are purely physical weapons. Bows in GW2 do not use "arrows" as we understand them in our world; they use magic projectiles that renew as needed.


Exactly! Also, as a Sylvari, I like the idea of quickly growing magical arrows on my back (or on my head when I use the branchy hairstyle). XD

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I like that quivers are optional in this game. On some of my characters I like having them because it would look extremely odd if they didn't have one and were just pulling arrows out of nowhere.


But on others I like being able to skip the bulky back item and use a different backpack (or none at all) and having a quiver wouldn't make any sense for the bow they're using. My main character has two bows: one is [made of lightning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Storm_Bow "made of lightning") and shoots arrows made of light, the other appears to be [made of glass](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Dreamer "made of glass") with a string made of light and shoots unicorns. I'm not sure what kind of quiver could carry light and unicorns, and I prefer the idea that they're magically created projectiles.

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Guaranteed wardrobe unlock item from black lion chests do have some quivers available. Or course, it's random if you get the wardrobe unlock item, and what skin unlocks from it is also random.


I got a wardrobe unlock from a black lion chest the other day and previewed it. I noticed the basic quiver and at least 1 quiver from the gem shop in the list of possible skins that could unlock for my account. Of course, RNG is RNG and none of the quiver skins I don't have unlocked for me.


Gem shop would probably be the easiest way, granted a quiver is available for sale. Any other way relies on sheer luck to get.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> if ure gonna be realistic... how do rangers refill those quivers??


I am in with that idea, i played so many games, where player must buy arrows and calculate how much of them will need, cuz 1000 arrows was little bit heavy.

But, if we look at GW2 archery ...it is pretty quick with small dmg and that is not compatible with that idea.

Real archery is much slower and you can miss, but if you hit the target (living target), you can do a lethal wounds.

Game archery with that idea would have to look like a "miss, miss, miss, hit for 50% hps + condition dmg ..and so much misses".

OR next solution manual aiming, body parts with percentualy damage and system for anti-autoaim "hacks".

But second solution is really great ...if you get bigger latency, you can quit the game with really angry face. :sweat_smile:


fuh, little bit off-topic from a quivers :innocent:

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It's rather bizarre that Rangers (at the very least) do not get quivers even as an option upon character creation -engineers get the choice that nifty backpack skin.


Quivers could be introduced as skins either via the store or in the game world in so many different ways.


I loved LOTRO outfitters so much for this type of thinking behind their game design for players.

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> Yes!


> It's rather bizarre that Rangers (at the very least) do not get quivers even as an option upon character creation -engineers get the choice that nifty backpack skin.


> Quivers could be introduced as skins either via the store or in the game world in so many different ways.


> I loved LOTRO outfitters so much for this type of thinking behind their game design for players.


Did you ignore the rest of the thread? This chap below listed pretty much all the current quivers in game.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There are a couple of quivers available as back item skins.


> [basic quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quiver)

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/e0IG5Y3.jpg "")


> [Dread](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dread_Quiver_Backpack)

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/q2kgbBU.jpg "")


> [Rox's](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rox%27s_Quiver)

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/kp2DqnT.jpg "")


> Probably some others too.


> ****

> _Adding: more skins, from suggestions below_

> [Fire Quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Quiver_Backpack)

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/2e1zb0b.jpg "")


> [Fire-breathing Quiver](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire-Breathing_Quiver)

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/BpH36ZR.jpg "")

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Elva.6372" said:

> > > @""MarshallLaw.9260"

> > Yeah, I see, but sadly mostly unobtainable for me, certainly not on TP (have I missed them?) or even basic plain low level skins.

> >

> >


> The basic quivers are available to you, with lower prices than ever (due to record-low prices on ecto, other mats). (Roughly 50-60 gold.)


Thanks, looks like I am going to have to look again.

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