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New to GW2 and choosing a class

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I am a new player to gw2 and i have started a warrior that i so far enjoy running around with. Im only lvl 25 and still learning the basics, but must admitt i was abit disencourage when i figured out that warrior is not a dps class? I enjoy playing melee dps 2handers from other games and was getting the feeling that this was what warrior is, but it was pointed out to me that this is not the case? Is it a tank then? What abilitys give me aggro if so? Im just looking to understand the mechanics. So far i been running around in my starter zone and the 15-25 zone without much direction and i have comlpeted my current map 100% and are abit puzzled about whats next. When will i start playing with other players in instances and such?


Also, if warrior is not this 2hander melee dps that im looking for, what job would you guys recommand i try? (although i must admitt im growing found of my current character and dont really wanna change, but i dont want my first character to be a tank eighter as in my experience you need abit of a lay of the land to manage tanking). If thief is anything like the final fantasy XI thief or the wow roguh its not a job for me. I like the charge right in and bash my abilitys kind of job. Im sorry this post got abit long but i really hope someone will give me some pointers. Appriciate it alot

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Warrior is dps class. Only in raids and T4 fractals ppl want you as "banner slave". But warrior can be dps class there too(both Power and condition). So no worries.


So basically you are taken as dps class to open world pve, dungeons, world bosses etc AND you have always place in raids as banner slave, that is also kinda dps role but, not that top dps. And like i said, you can still do high end pve as condition or Power dps too.

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Warrior is solid, every one lives Banners, I believe there's a version of the Spell Breaker build that uses Great Sword.


Now if you don't care about Raiding or really difficult 5 Mans like T4 Fractals I suggest you level a Necromancer and use Reaper since they rock a Great Sword and they're practically immortal.

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FYI, there is also no "real aggro" mechanic in this game. Only in some raid encounters the person with the most toughness will be focused by the boss.

You can run dungeons for instanced group content, but be aware that there is a stoy mode (for the current zonelevel the dungeon is in) and an exploration mode where lvl 80 is recommended, so instanced content is basicly just in the endgame.

you are "supposed" to level with the open world content.

And as others said before, warrior is a very flexible class, be it support or as a dps class, have fun with it :)

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As I main a Warrior, I say, stick with it for now as it is a somewhat forgiving class that lets you learn the game's mechanics without dying too often.

After you learned the basics, there's nothing stopping you from starting another character ;)


But most important of all, have fun!

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Gw2 works diferently then other mmos. There is no trinity but classes (and builds) are either dps or support. Dps builds are decently balanced right now. On the other hand support clases are basicaly set in stone right now.

They include mesmer (chronomancer), ranger (druid) and warrior (all 3 options)

Druid and chrono need specific stats to provide their support and also it require alot of time in fight to provide these buffs so their dps is rly low.

On the other hand warrior doesnt need any specific stats because all his buffs are flat (no scaling) so he can go for full damage gear without weakening his buffs. All he has to do is throw 2 banners at the ground each ~100 seconds.

So technicaly it is not a dps class (because it is not mainly taken for dps) but basicaly plays like a dps (and his dps isnt bad by far).


Also warrior is great first class to get to end-game pve since every party wants one and the rotation is not that hard

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Can't help with the first question since I'm not that experienced with Warriors..


But the second is easy.

Follow your story markers.. the green icon and the information in the top right of the screen.. that'll guide you around easy enough when you're just starting out.

Once you've completed a map you can basically do what you want to.. run around and farm some stuff, complete events, start playing with the crafting system (that'll level you up real fast) or move to another map and keep exploring.


Gw2 isn't like most MMO's so playing with other people is entirely optional and random..

You don't need other people for general exploring but you can team up with them if you like.. events/quests are random and typically random people show up and help out with them.

You won't need a party or group until you start dungeons which start at level 30.. and you'll get mail inviting you to all of them at their required levels so don't worry too much about that yet :)

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> @"Hecky.1745" said:

> Hello.

> I am a new player to gw2 and i have started a warrior that i so far enjoy running around with. Im only lvl 25 and still learning the basics, but must admitt i was abit disencourage when i figured out that warrior is not a dps class? I enjoy playing melee dps 2handers from other games and was getting the feeling that this was what warrior is, but it was pointed out to me that this is not the case? Is it a tank then? What abilitys give me aggro if so? Im just looking to understand the mechanics. So far i been running around in my starter zone and the 15-25 zone without much direction and i have comlpeted my current map 100% and are abit puzzled about whats next. When will i start playing with other players in instances and such?


> Also, if warrior is not this 2hander melee dps that im looking for, what job would you guys recommand i try? (although i must admitt im growing found of my current character and dont really wanna change, but i dont want my first character to be a tank eighter as in my experience you need abit of a lay of the land to manage tanking). If thief is anything like the final fantasy XI thief or the wow roguh its not a job for me. I like the charge right in and bash my abilitys kind of job. Im sorry this post got abit long but i really hope someone will give me some pointers. Appriciate it alot


In PvE there are 2 types of builds you use, 1st for open world PvE(any build works here, play the way you want), 2nd is for Raids & T4 Fractals. For Raids and T4 Fractals, if your the only warrior in the group, the group may ask you to do a slightly supportive role as bring banners(called bannerslave, bs for short) but you can still use the same gear you use wheter power or condi war, but slightly different in traits used.


If there is another warrior already doing bs then you can stay as a dps warrior, same thing there is a power version and a condi version, 2 different gear sets ofcourse. Power uses greatsword and axe/axe, or axe/axe and mace/shield depending on the situation. Condi uses longbow and sword/torch. Sorry but in all my years of playing gw2 i've never seen a warrior tank dungeons/raids/fractals, i'm sure some people tried but it is not as effective as a chrono per say. For now just play how you want to play no one will judge you in PvE until you try t4's and raids.

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Warrior is a great starting DPS class. I usually use Axe/Axe and Greatsword as my main power DPS weapons, but really most things work well with it.


For an alternate DPS, power mesmer/chronomancer is fun, but WAY harder to get down, as is staff elementalist. Greatsword reaper is also a fun dps build.


Though to be honest? Any class can dl very respectable DPS once you practice it enough and learn the ins-and-outs of it. For example, even my full tank warrior can still pull a respectable 8-10K dps in group content under the right circumstances. That being said, I'd recommend experimenting with different classes to see which ones FEEL most fun to you, and the DPS builds can grow from there. :3


Best of luck in game, friend!

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> @"Hecky.1745" said:

> I am a new player to gw2 and i have started a warrior that i so far enjoy running around with. Im only lvl 25 and still learning the basics, but must admitt i was abit disencourage when i figured out that warrior is not a dps class?


I don't think anyone said it explicitly, so let me add: in GW2, **everything** is a DPS class. An increasing number of classes are also capable of building toward significant group support and healing through the sacrifice of personal DPS, but ultimately, everything is a DPS class.


That said, my own experience is that GW2 classes *do not* map to my "normal" preferences in other games. Normally I love the feel of playing a Paladin style class in an MMO. In GW2 the Guardian, which seems to fill the same role, just ... doesn't work for me. It isn't bad, don't get me wrong, it just isn't what I enjoy.


So, you may find that the "warrior" experience in another game isn't what you get in GW2 from the warrior. Odds are, though, that you will get it from another class. Oddly enough, as was suggested, necromancer (with the HoT Reaper elite spec) may actually turn out to be the class you most enjoy on that front!

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