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Hard mode for Raids

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> The same arguments that are against easy mode work for hard mode. There is no reason for content tiers and fractals are the proof. Your words, not mine. I hope they won't waste more resources on raid modes and stick to releasing wings for everyone.


I mean Kheldorn does make a point here. The devs said that they are a bit confuddled about what to about this situation as well. I guess we should just let everything be until another expansion comes and trivialize the content, it’s bound to happen eventually.


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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > The same arguments that are against easy mode work for hard mode. There is no reason for content tiers and fractals are the proof. Your words, not mine. I hope they won't waste more resources on raid modes and stick to releasing wings for everyone.


> I mean Kheldorn does make a point here. The devs said that they are a bit confuddled about what to about this situation as well. I guess we should just let everything be until another expansion comes and trivialize the content, it’s bound to happen eventually.


Won't happen as long as Anet will follow the path of "reverse power creep" (making new especs stronger by nerfing the old specs). At least PoF didn't do anything towards making raid content easier.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > The same arguments that are against easy mode work for hard mode. There is no reason for content tiers and fractals are the proof. Your words, not mine. I hope they won't waste more resources on raid modes and stick to releasing wings for everyone.


> I mean Kheldorn does make a point here. The devs said that they are a bit confuddled about what to about this situation as well. I guess we should just let everything be until another expansion comes and trivialize the content, it’s bound to happen eventually.


Only they are not making something new in this case but making the already existing CMs repeatable.


> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Here is an interesting question, talking about "repeatable CMs" does it (and should it) include the achievements that make older Raid Bosses tougher? I'm talking about Sabetha's Last Cannon, Slothasor's Golden Slubling and so on. Or is it only about Wing 4 and Wing 5 -actual- CMs?


> Only the actual CMs. The achievements are too easy, they would be basically giving CM rewards for free if they were included in the repeatable CMs. Last cannon can get messy, same with the golden slubbling, but they are too easy still. And Matt/Trio are a faceroll, nothing different from the normal mode. I could understand those being included at first just for the sake of diversity though, since we have few real CMs.


Well then I hope they add "CM" versions for all bosses in the future (once they figure how CMs will work)

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> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Here is an interesting question, talking about "repeatable CMs" does it (and should it) include the achievements that make older Raid Bosses tougher? I'm talking about Sabetha's Last Cannon, Slothasor's Golden Slubling and so on. Or is it only about Wing 4 and Wing 5 -actual- CMs?

> >

> > Only the actual CMs. The achievements are too easy, they would be basically giving CM rewards for free if they were included in the repeatable CMs. Last cannon can get messy, same with the golden slubbling, but they are too easy still. And Matt/Trio are a faceroll, nothing different from the normal mode. I could understand those being included at first just for the sake of diversity though, since we have few real CMs.


> Well then I hope they add "CM" versions for all bosses in the future (once they figure how CMs will work)


We'll need more CMs if we want the system to have any sense... Right know, a repeatable CM system would only have KC, Cairn, Mursaat, Samarog, Deimos, Desmina and Dhuum. But I think it's still enough if Anet implements something like a lot of people have already suggested: a weekly CM which gives the rewards. I think that would be sustainable, wouldn't get boring and wouldn't either split the playerbase. But honestly I'd rather have all or almost all future raid bosses having a CM, that CMs for already existing ones.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > Here is an interesting question, talking about "repeatable CMs" does it (and should it) include the achievements that make older Raid Bosses tougher? I'm talking about Sabetha's Last Cannon, Slothasor's Golden Slubling and so on. Or is it only about Wing 4 and Wing 5 -actual- CMs?

> > >

> > > Only the actual CMs. The achievements are too easy, they would be basically giving CM rewards for free if they were included in the repeatable CMs. Last cannon can get messy, same with the golden slubbling, but they are too easy still. And Matt/Trio are a faceroll, nothing different from the normal mode. I could understand those being included at first just for the sake of diversity though, since we have few real CMs.

> >

> > Well then I hope they add "CM" versions for all bosses in the future (once they figure how CMs will work)


> We'll need more CMs if we want the system to have any sense... Right know, a repeatable CM system would only have KC, Cairn, Mursaat, Samarog, Deimos, Desmina and Dhuum. But I think it's still enough if Anet implements something like a lot of people have already suggested: a weekly CM which gives the rewards. I think that would be sustainable, wouldn't get boring and wouldn't either split the playerbase. But honestly I'd rather have all or almost all future raid bosses having a CM, that CMs for already existing ones.


Speaking for Raids, I will say this much: the reason we don't allow CM to be repeatable is because we don't want to splinter the player base. Two different play modes will send all of the "elite" players to CM, leaving "normal" mode as less desirable. I'm not happy with how we originally introduced CM, and I continue to not be happy with how we implement it. There has to be a better way.

I am looking into options for a more appealing alternative. There are a few ideas, some of which that have been proposed by the community, but it takes time to not just hem and haw over the decision (and get approvals from the powers that be), but also to properly implement it. It's not as simple as changing a line of code and BAM, it's all changed and ready to ship. It's thousands of content objects, potentially custom code, scripts that all need to interact properly, then doing this across all of the existing content, and testing it to find and fix dem bugs.

All that to say: we hear you on the Raid CM front, and we're exploring options.


It would be interesting to see if and how they implement a weekly cm. I do think it will split the playerbase, however. The devs think that too, apparently.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> It would be interesting to see if and how they implement a weekly cm. I do think it will split the playerbase, however. The devs think that too, apparently.


That text you quoted is in my opening post, and the reason for making the thread. Discuss ideas on how to implement such a thing.

Any kind of CM change will split the playerbase in some way, the question is how to make the split as small as possible so as not to negatively affect the normal raids.

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I agree with some of the above suggestions to have a baseline to unlock the CM content; however, I also think that the CM should be locked behind a raid boss clear per week rather than a full raid wing clear e.g Down VG, VG CM unlocks . I don't think this would make the hardcore raiders angry because they already clear the raids anyway so it should be an easy task for them to unlock the raid bosses and eventually full wings weekly. Plus, this way, they can clear Regular and focus the rest of the week's raid time on CM.


There should be additional achievements etc rewarded and perhaps you can throw in the odd wickedly rare loot chest that contains a precursor, armour skins or even a full set of Ascended Envoy gear (don't yell at me for that suggestion). On the other hand, I heard SO much buzz in the Mistlock when someone got Dhuum's chair! So perhaps expense isn't priority. Really, it just has to be lucrative for ppl to do it, and if a chair can make ppl go bonkers, then I bet your team can come up with something creative loot wise. =) One of the things my other game did was implement super rare mounts that only dropped from the last boss of a particular raid. It wasn't a guaranteed drop either and it was very RNG based. Having one of these rare mounts was quite a status thing at the time and folks were often more disappointed about not getting the mount than gear.


I also agree about the LI comments, they should not receive additional LI and I am not sure if they should even receive any LI at all. If this is a CM then it is not for the regular rewards. It is for unique achievements and collections that are not easy to come by and require a seriously coordinated group to complete. In the end, if you are going the route of T2 for raids, then you need to consider that in order for the end-game raiders to continue to do the content they need something to entice them to do it. If they are already running full legendary, then that is not going to cut it as a reward. Make it super rate, super lucrative and give them a wicked title to go with it and you will likely have the majority on board. ;)




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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> i don't know maddoc.. i feel that all other part of the game slower than raids :P don't people get bored with raid already? :P


Not when you can play lots of different builds and roles (and strats) : D

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They could easily add a 'CM weekly' system similar to the Fractal dailies. Allowing you to repeat and gain the additional rewards from about 2-3 (make it one if you think multiple are too many) of them each week. This might also be an incentive for some groups to finally practice CMs.

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> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > i don't know maddoc.. i feel that all other part of the game slower than raids :P don't people get bored with raid already? :P


> Not when you can play lots of different builds and roles (and strats) : D


Sigh.. good on you that you still have so much fun......

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