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Is it pointless to play WvW below level 80?


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I only have one level 80 character and she is a ranger so she is good for roaming but bad for groups (that thread recently made me realise I probably killed some of my own with my longbow 2 haha). I have a guardian but she is only level 50 so it wouldn't really work out right? Or would it?

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> @"sakura.7961" said:

> I only have one level 80 character and she is a ranger so she is good for roaming but bad for groups (that thread recently made me realise I probably killed some of my own with my longbow 2 haha). I have a guardian but she is only level 50 so it wouldn't really work out right? Or would it?


In WvW, character level and gear matters unlike in PvP where you can be level 1 and be upscaled to level 80 and everyone has stats appropriate to that level. Just have level 80 exotic or ascended gear for roaming. That's what I do mostly in WvW. Zerging isn't my thing.

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When I started WvW I was on a lvl 30 elementalist, had a blast.


It is not pointless if you have fun. Sure you will not deal as much damage & have a harder time surviving but hey it's a game so if you feel like it go for it!


Some might flame on you calling you a rallybot but ignore them and just have fun. You will reach lvl 80 eventually and then contribute just as much as anyone else.

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It's completely and utterly pointless to the point that doing it basicly means you are intentionally griefing your entire server.


You no longer get XP for playing WvW so your low level character serve *absolutely zero* purpose. The tomes you get from reward tracks by playing your 80 can be used to level up low characters. If you dont have any 80 at all, then of course that's the exception.


But hey you want to grief your server, no one gonna stop you. Plenty people do that even when they are 80.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> When I started WvW I was on a lvl 30 elementalist, had a blast.


> It is not pointless if you have fun. Sure you will not deal as much damage & have a harder time surviving but hey it's a game so if you feel like it go for it!


> Some might flame on you calling you a rallybot but ignore them and just have fun. You will reach lvl 80 eventually and then contribute just as much as anyone else.


Ha, I spy a guild member on the forums! :D


I agree. Comms won't let you in their squads and you're pretty limited in what you can do, but running with them is still possible thanks to the upscaling. You just won't be able to really kill camps on your own, but that's not a big deal

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Yes it is pointless given the reasons people have stated. Until scaling is 100 percent accurate _you will die more, and kill less_ just because of your anemic stats alone. You can still take sentries and walk yaks, but that's closer to a PvE experience where you could just level up in PvE at a much faster rate. There is always following the blob (and probably dying), I guess...just don't participate in getting supply or using it. You will probably die too fast to build under fire anyway. #CusGameDesign

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It was once possible in the past especially with a denser player base and more people that didn't know what they were doing but the power creep since then has up the skill floor so you may not even beat clueless players with an uplevel unless you get very lucky. Even Vanilla only level 80 characters are marginal. Heck, you wouldn't be able to follow a commander when they glide!

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If you play the guardian you will have to front line, which on an uplevel these days will just get you killed instantly. Or you can just just sit around firing trebs at structures and repair walls in smc (don't worry this is player approved!), if you're smart about it you can run in for easy caps of stuff but avoid head on fights as much as you can.


But the best bet would be to just use the ranger until you get enough tomes, run dungeon, crystal desert(best for some exotic gear too) or gift of battle reward tracks for the 8 tomes in them.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Heck, you wouldn't be able to follow a commander when they glide!


Wvw masteries are account bound now as opposed to character bound like in the old days. So as long as players have acquired enough account ranks to unlock the gliding mastery, they could glide on a level 2 character just as easily as they do on a level 80.

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WvW upscales your character to 80, but while in theory you can join in at any level, often you're using gear that only has 1-2 stats per item vs. 3 or 4, so you'll technically be below expected performance. Also, you won't have the trait lines at your beck and call (unless I overlooked something). Just don't do anything overly dangerous that requires a well-equipped 80.


So it's a *little* pointless until you get your 3-stat gears (that usually happens at 55+ depending on if you craft them or not). But you still won't be up to stat.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> Please define "pointless."


> You will be a liability in fights and will potentially take up a spot that a level 80 could take.


No need I already looked it up on webster.


*Definition of pointless*

1 : devoid of meaning : senseless a *pointless* remark

2 : devoid of effectiveness : flat *pointless* attempts to be funny

3 : devoid of XP : a *pointless* attempt to level an upscale in GW2 WvW


— pointlessly *adverb*

— pointlessness *noun*



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I leveled my mesmer in wvw for atleast 20 levels. It was fun, I got to learn how wvw worked and loved it! I pretty much followed Xushin around on his K train and did that, misc zerg battles that I enjoyed but honestly did not help except mass invisible and portal they liked me because of those lol.


The only problem is ANYTHING on the map is probably going to kill you, so if you arent in a group you will die alot. Thats why I gave up and went to the real world to go leveling!

Still had fun!

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > Please define "pointless."

> >

> > You will be a liability in fights and will potentially take up a spot that a level 80 could take.


> No need I already looked it up on webster.


> *Definition of pointless*

> 1 : devoid of meaning : senseless a *pointless* remark

> 2 : devoid of effectiveness : flat *pointless* attempts to be funny

> 3 : devoid of XP : a *pointless* attempt to level an upscale in GW2 WvW


> — pointlessly *adverb*

> — pointlessness *noun*


> See?


Is that what he meant though? I like to ask people exactly what they mean as a courtesy to be sure we're not talking past one another.


If we go strictly by that definition then I cannot speak to meaning I can say it's likely to be less effectiveness but what I really want to say is don't bring sub 80s into WvW because I hate that sort of behavior.

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> @"sakura.7961" said:

> I only have one level 80 character and she is a ranger so she is good for roaming but bad for groups (that thread recently made me realise I probably killed some of my own with my longbow 2 haha). I have a guardian but she is only level 50 so it wouldn't really work out right? Or would it?


Ranger is fine for groups, build and play correctly

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WvW is great at lower levels. They boost you quite a bit with armor and power (maybe too much). Use to be my favorite way to level a toon before they introduced Mastery points.


Now any time spent under 80 in GW2 is wasted, because that xp can be used for masteries. So the only reason to play under level 80 is if you don't have enough books of knowledge (or a level boost) available.

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Leveling is not technically possible within WvW as the XP doesn't level your toon. HOWEVER, the WvW reward tracks that offer tomes of knowledge DO help. You just need a k-training Zerg, that you can leech.. errr.. hide in to keep from dieing a lot.


Not sure how many tomes come in a track, maybe 4-6? But each track can be completed in 6-8 hours.


By PvE standards, it's probably faster to do the story and events in open world to level.

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