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Mist Challengers was a major sucess!


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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"Best.3479"


> It was great to see ele (staff ele actually!) competing but still hard to say if that build is here to stay in current meta...or be forgotten again.


Haha it was definitely a meme. Nos wakkey and I wanted to play but wakkey only knows FB and ele and I only play guardian so we had to make something work :)

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I thoroughly enjoyed watching the games I tuned into. It was pretty incredible to see 2.5k+ viewers. Thanks to all of those who put the effort into this, and congrats to Team USA for winning. It was also fun to see some off-meta specs (like soulbeast and weaver) in some of the teams as well even if they didn't go all the way.

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> @"Best.3479" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > > > @"Urejt.5648" said:

> > > > congratulations to Anet for making good balance and providing good patches.

> > >

> > > This tourney showed the game's balance isn't in such a bad state, aside from the fact chrono had to be banned.

> > >

> > > More like this please.

> >

> > Umm...

> >

> > Look at the team comps towards the end.

> >

> > * Both running FB + Scourge

> > * Both running thief (not inherently surprising)

> > * Both running mesmers for portal plays

> > * Only differences were in whether one side ran holo, one side ran warrior.

> >

> > Classes not really represented:

> >

> > * Ele

> > * Rev

> > * Ranger

> >

> > Plus... chrono was banned from the tourney because everybody considers it OP.


> 3rd place team ran a tempest B T W


You also should consider that the people that ran tempest probably did so because it's essentially budget firebrand and they didn't know how to play it, so an ele was essentially their alternative.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I'm pretty sure they also declared that banned players making new accounts is legitimate as well, so what is the issue?

They did. It was clarified back during that one tournament when some lads account shared that any alt accounts they make will not be persecuted further by Anet.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > You call inviting and paying known wintraders a success?

> >

> > Can't wintrade in a tournament like this. You're just being bitter for no reason


> No, they actively wintraded or shared accounts for profit in our game which they were punished for by the devs. If public figures like WP actively support and promote such players, maybe Anet should check if tourney organisators are still compliant with anet partner program.


Hard to miss that. But you fail to draw a line between community event and official event. It's none of their damn business who participates in that. In fact, I don't think people shouldn't get to participate because of that at all. Again, they cannot wintrade in that tournament and it is all about skill in it. If they win, they win. They earned it because they played well enough for it. It's almost like saying they shouldn't play any other gamemode at all because they've done bad things.


Besides that, just having these people participate in such event does in no way SUPPORT and PROMOTE that. I genuinely have to question your logic here, it honestly remind me of people who scream wolf

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great tournament we need more stuff like this by the community if the developers can't seem to get the hint.


Shout out the staff/and streamers for supporting this event, I can't wait to see the next one and i hope to take part in it next time :). The PvP in this game is not dead like "everyone" seems to think it is, and what needs to be done with is all the toxicity people have over each other for no real reason. Everyone who took part did a great job, and i enjoyed the final battle it was EPIC!!! 2.5k+ viewers on stream thats the MOST i have seen in the past 5-6 months of playing pvp.


stuff like this always outshine the typical "tournaments" because it's by the community and it's done really well because we the community know what we want and don't want!


GL on the next 1 and I hope to help in anyway possible.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > You call inviting and paying known wintraders a success?

> > >

> > > Can't wintrade in a tournament like this. You're just being bitter for no reason

> >

> > No, they actively wintraded or shared accounts for profit in our game which they were punished for by the devs. If public figures like WP actively support and promote such players, maybe Anet should check if tourney organisators are still compliant with anet partner program.


> Hard to miss that. But you fail to draw a line between community event and official event. It's none of their kitten business who participates in that. In fact, I don't think people shouldn't get to participate because of that at all. Again, they cannot wintrade in that tournament and it is all about skill in it. If they win, they win. They earned it because they played well enough for it. It's almost like saying they shouldn't play any other gamemode at all because they've done bad things.


> Besides that, just having these people participate in such event does in no way SUPPORT and PROMOTE that. I genuinely have to question your logic here, it honestly remind me of people who scream wolf


I'm in no way surprised you don't understand the issue. PvP is in its lowest point in history and no surprise those individuals try to monetize what is left and probably leave soon. Too bad dev team did nothing to prevent these players from coming back to pvp at all.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > You call inviting and paying known wintraders a success?

> > > >

> > > > Can't wintrade in a tournament like this. You're just being bitter for no reason

> > >

> > > No, they actively wintraded or shared accounts for profit in our game which they were punished for by the devs. If public figures like WP actively support and promote such players, maybe Anet should check if tourney organisators are still compliant with anet partner program.

> >

> > Hard to miss that. But you fail to draw a line between community event and official event. It's none of their kitten business who participates in that. In fact, I don't think people shouldn't get to participate because of that at all. Again, they cannot wintrade in that tournament and it is all about skill in it. If they win, they win. They earned it because they played well enough for it. It's almost like saying they shouldn't play any other gamemode at all because they've done bad things.

> >

> > Besides that, just having these people participate in such event does in no way SUPPORT and PROMOTE that. I genuinely have to question your logic here, it honestly remind me of people who scream wolf


> I'm in no way surprised you don't understand the issue. PvP is in its lowest point in history and no surprise those individuals try to monetize what is left and probably leave soon. Too bad dev team did nothing to prevent these players from coming back to pvp at all.


It's comments like this in a post that is intended to reflect on the positive impact of this past weekend that are the cause of the issues you are describing. All the way through this tournament we saw close matches, different comps, exciting plays, etc. By far one of the most exciting tournaments to be a part of/watch in the past 2 years. Doesn't matter if it isn't an ESL sponsored event anymore. The game is moving in a good direction (not perfect by any means, but that isn't the point)...so if you aren't going to reflect on the greatness that was this tournament, then why post here?

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> lol this game isn't actually competitive enough to have tournaments. The ones by anet are a joke (Ats) and the community ran ones no one actually cares about.


> * This is circlequest. The team with the most speed on their side (not actual skill) wins.

> * Limited fight zones to 3 random circles on the floor.

> * 1v1 skill doesn't really mean much in circlequest so it's hard to tell if a player is good or not.

> * Balance is a joke since the game is about pve and flashy buy able skin items.

> * Pvp is handled with no care hince hackers, botters, afk pve reward hunters, and win traders.


> Sadly it takes a while for a single chained up monkey slamming keyboard keys to randomly get the right balance set. It's not like one of the 40 full time 24/7 people working on flashy skins can work on a real balance fix or real game mode. For now if you want pvp unranked is the place and you may need to wait for Guild Wars 3 for some real pvp like Guild Wars 1.



You're being a bit too harsh I think.


I'll be the first person to condemn anet for the balance state - mesmer is an abomination and FB is still too good at what it does and/or the other classes aren't good enough at that role. I don't see scourge as the big problem people make it out to be, I think scourge is fairly well balanced right now. The only thing I don't like about scourge is that it's too easy to kill with a ranged build and too hard with melee - binary matchups like that are kind of boring.


But aside from balance I think anet is doing a great job. For you to complain about hackers and wintraders is fair, but you can't say they haven't taken steps. I have at least a bit of hope that anet will continue cracking down on these people, in as much a fair way as is possible, and that we won't be seeing this kind of stuff for too much longer. For you to complain about conquest? Well, you can still play WvW. There's nothing stopping you from doing your own pvp if 1v1 is what you want. Just because it doesn't have a dedicated game mode tailored to a 1v1 skill set doesn't mean the game can't have pvp. And I don't think it's fair to say 1v1 skill is the only thing that matters, either. If that were the case then wouldn't there be only 1 class everyone uses in duels? Whichever class duels best is the one everyone has to use?


I remember in wildstar literally every person who wanted to pvp had to have the spellslinger. Is that what pvp is in your eyes? Everyone has to learn the best 1v1 build and then it's a contest of who can outjuke the other guy's shatter?


Conquest might not be the best solution in the world but it's a pretty good compromise I think between outright dueling and blobbing around the map. And the other issues HAVE had attempts made to address them. I think you need to be a little more reasonable with your expectations.


Or do you really think wildstar and WoW have better PVP? Because I don't believe that.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > You call inviting and paying known wintraders a success?

> > > >

> > > > Can't wintrade in a tournament like this. You're just being bitter for no reason

> > >

> > > No, they actively wintraded or shared accounts for profit in our game which they were punished for by the devs. If public figures like WP actively support and promote such players, maybe Anet should check if tourney organisators are still compliant with anet partner program.

> >

> > Hard to miss that. But you fail to draw a line between community event and official event. It's none of their kitten business who participates in that. In fact, I don't think people shouldn't get to participate because of that at all. Again, they cannot wintrade in that tournament and it is all about skill in it. If they win, they win. They earned it because they played well enough for it. It's almost like saying they shouldn't play any other gamemode at all because they've done bad things.

> >

> > Besides that, just having these people participate in such event does in no way SUPPORT and PROMOTE that. I genuinely have to question your logic here, it honestly remind me of people who scream wolf


> I'm in no way surprised you don't understand the issue. PvP is in its lowest point in history and no surprise those individuals try to monetize what is left and probably leave soon. Too bad dev team did nothing to prevent these players from coming back to pvp at all.


"I don't know the proven positive effect of temporary punishments over permanent ones so I hate it and you must hate it too."


That's what you're saying right now. Actually, I've seen you quite a lot on these forums and you've never said anything that wasn't going at it from the most negative angle possible. You're the real hero. The activist for whats right. You see all the support you get? Yeah! You go, man!


But please **do** enlighten me on this pressing issue. What could possibly refute my argument that I have overlooked? I've explained it clear as day that you're standing on a hill you do not want to die on. "too bad dev team did nothing to prevent these players from coming back" why the hell should they? They got their punishment, once that is over they can participate in normal ranked again as well. Why should they be permanently excluded, persecuted over multiple accounts? Because you don't like it? That's crazy. Punishment is punishment and it doesn't reach beyond where it was intended. It's fair. I don't have to like what they've done, it's not okay to witchhunt them beyond their punishment. If they EARN something HONESTLY then they DO deserve it, period. My point still stands: They were not promoted, if anything they were tolerated. If they play and win, their win isn't worth any less than others. Now please explain what part of the puzzle I'm missing


Genuinely not surprised by the amount of "hurr pvp sucks arenanet has no idea what they are doing" this attitude causes. Comments like yours is what other people read, then they just don't think about it ever again. "oh, must suck i dont have to look into it any further" and it's vile.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I'm pretty sure they also declared that banned players making new accounts is legitimate as well, so what is the issue?

> They did. It was clarified back during that one tournament when some lads account shared that any alt accounts they make will not be persecuted further by Anet.


True, but it is kind of pointless to punish PvP only players who only play for fame and money that way. Just a publicity stunt by Anet saying "look we did something".

You can only punish them by keeping them away from tournaments and ruining their twitch income (if they only stream that one game they will loose all their subscribers lol).

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> @"Lyger.5429" said:

> > @"Best.3479" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > I'm pretty sure they also declared that banned players making new accounts is legitimate as well, so what is the issue?

> > > > They did. It was clarified back during that one tournament when some lads account shared that any alt accounts they make will not be persecuted further by Anet.

> > >

> > > True, but it is kind of pointless to punish PvP only players who only play for fame and money that way. Just a publicity stunt by Anet saying "look we did something".

> > > You can only punish them by keeping them away from tournaments and ruining their twitch income (if they only stream that one game they will loose all their subscribers lol).

> >

> > We don't play for fame and money, we play because we like GW2. Way to speak for us, AP farmer.


> Clearly he's not attacking those who play the game out of the love of pvp. We need more of those people around. He and Kheldron are talking about "pros" that are only around hoping to cash out and could not care less about the future of pvp. Letting them participate in the tourny encourages them to continue this behavior. But as another user said, this is not the thread to discuss this.


> Great job overall on the tourny from the hosts and teams.


I don't think there really are any that just hope to "cash out." Most of us just want to play with our friends and have fun playing the game. Tournaments like this help revive the scene and give us all something to look forward to.


The event went really well and had such a positive impact on PvP. It's sad to see people spewing so much toxicity and hate. :/

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> lol this game isn't actually competitive enough to have tournaments. The ones by anet are a joke (Ats) and the community ran ones no one actually cares about.


> * This is circlequest. The team with the most speed on their side (not actual skill) wins.

> * Limited fight zones to 3 random circles on the floor.

> * 1v1 skill doesn't really mean much in circlequest so it's hard to tell if a player is good or not.

> * Balance is a joke since the game is about pve and flashy buy able skin items.

> * Pvp is handled with no care hince hackers, botters, afk pve reward hunters, and win traders.


> Sadly it takes a while for a single chained up monkey slamming keyboard keys to randomly get the right balance set. It's not like one of the 40 full time 24/7 people working on flashy skins can work on a real balance fix or real game mode. For now if you want pvp unranked is the place and you may need to wait for Guild Wars 3 for some real pvp like Guild Wars 1.



Speed and having rotational back capping ability is important, but it's not about who has the most speed, otherwise 5 DP thieves would be the only viable team composition.


Nodes are where the bulk of the fighting will happen, but fights with skilled players will spill out from the nodes in interesting ways. And often times when you get a kill, the best strategy is to bully them and hound them on the roads before they get to the nodes.


You can generally tell how go a player is just based on how they move while they're fighting you.


Balance can be better but every patch has made changes in the right direction. Chronomancer is the biggest hiccup but it has been nerfed and more nerfs are promised to come.

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Just saw a replay of some games, after not playing gw2 for a while b/c I got fed up with the terrible balance (so with a fresh set of eyes).


As far as running a tourney, this one was well run and well-cast, good job there. They did a good job of explaining team comps (what players roles were) and general rotations. I want to give high praise to the people who organized, ran, and played in the tourney. This was well run, well casted, and well played.


However, I do agree with the following sentiment:


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> It was terrible. Granted I only watched the last match, but pvp in this game is so horrible to watch. You can hardly see anything going on in all the gfx spam and what not.


Wow, is it impossible to actually watch animations and players to see what is going on with a sense of tension. Watching the map to see how players rotate, and watching players healthbars creates some sense of tension...but that is not actually watching the players...its like watching a stock ticker to see how things move. When you actually focus on the center of the screen/the players...holy crap. I even know all the abilities, and I have no idea what is going on. Just fireworks and strobe lights in the middle of the screen. Big fire effects, and circles, and millions of clones, and people insta-porting around...this game has really turned to crap (over time) and animations basically mean nothing anymore.


The uniformity of comps was also pathetic. Balance is complete garbage as ANet has failed to give people "roles and holes." It is terrible when specs have so much sustain that when specs like spellbreaker gets into a 1v1, the announcers more or less say "we'll focus somewhere else b/c nothing is ever going to happen here." I am glad that I don't play anymore.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> Just saw a replay of some games, after not playing gw2 for a while b/c I got fed up with the terrible balance (so with a fresh set of eyes).


> As far as running a tourney, this one was well run and well-cast, good job there. They did a good job of explaining team comps (what players roles were) and general rotations.


> However, I do agree with the following sentiment:


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > It was terrible. Granted I only watched the last match, but pvp in this game is so horrible to watch. You can hardly see anything going on in all the gfx spam and what not.


> Wow, is it impossible to actually watch animations and players to see what is going on with a sense of tension. Watching the map to see how players rotate, and watching players healthbars creates some sense of tension...but that is not actually watching the players...its like watching a stock ticker to see how things move. When you actually focus on the center of the screen/the players...holy crap. I even know all the abilities, and I have no idea what is going on. Just fireworks and strobe lights in the middle of the screen. Big fire effects, and circles, and millions of clones, and people insta-porting around...this game has really turned to crap (over time) and animations basically mean nothing anymore.


> The uniformity of comps was also pathetic. Balance is complete garbage as ANet has failed to give people "roles and holes." It is terrible when specs have so much sustain that when specs like spellbreaker gets into a 1v1, the announcers more or less say "we'll focus somewhere else b/c nothing is ever going to happen here." I am glad that I don't play anymore.


They said they're not gonna watch it because it's not the most exciting thing happening.. they have the cast in mind. You're overreacting.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > Just saw a replay of some games, after not playing gw2 for a while b/c I got fed up with the terrible balance (so with a fresh set of eyes).

> >

> > As far as running a tourney, this one was well run and well-cast, good job there. They did a good job of explaining team comps (what players roles were) and general rotations.

> >

> > However, I do agree with the following sentiment:

> >

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > It was terrible. Granted I only watched the last match, but pvp in this game is so horrible to watch. You can hardly see anything going on in all the gfx spam and what not.

> >

> > Wow, is it impossible to actually watch animations and players to see what is going on with a sense of tension. Watching the map to see how players rotate, and watching players healthbars creates some sense of tension...but that is not actually watching the players...its like watching a stock ticker to see how things move. When you actually focus on the center of the screen/the players...holy crap. I even know all the abilities, and I have no idea what is going on. Just fireworks and strobe lights in the middle of the screen. Big fire effects, and circles, and millions of clones, and people insta-porting around...this game has really turned to crap (over time) and animations basically mean nothing anymore.

> >

> > The uniformity of comps was also pathetic. Balance is complete garbage as ANet has failed to give people "roles and holes." It is terrible when specs have so much sustain that when specs like spellbreaker gets into a 1v1, the announcers more or less say "we'll focus somewhere else b/c nothing is ever going to happen here." I am glad that I don't play anymore.


> They said they're not gonna watch it because it's not the most exciting thing happening.. they have the cast in mind. You're overreacting.



I think you are talking about my comment about spellbreakers, but its hard to tell. I am NOT faulting the casters at all, I agree with them swapping away from a fight that will go nowhere. The casters made the right call. I was making a comment on the balance, where a 1v1 with specs like that is more or less a permanent stalemate...that is a problem. It has plagued GW2 forever, but it is even worse nowadays as these sustain specs rely on so much hard mitigation that even +1's are generally ineffective.


I don't think I am overreacting, I am actually completely calm. I am just providing this as one point of my thesis regarding watching the game which is "Anet ruined their game"

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I played in the tourney and it was a blast! Thanks everyone for supporting it any hyping it up(even tho a large chunk was probably just there for the eternity give away).We know that $Tourneys are out of the question but what about another TOL soon? And keep in mind if you anet does volunteer prizes for a ToL they should be in a tournament setting where elite stacking is banned not in AT's where you can class stack 3 bunker chronos or whatever is currently op.

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> > @"Urejt.5648" said:

> > congratulations to Anet for making good balance and providing good patches.


> This tourney showed the game's balance isn't in such a bad state, aside from the fact chrono had to be banned.


> More like this please.


I'm glad to see the pvp scene elevated in such a way.


Agreed to above.


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> @"kipthelip.5802" said:

> How can you say this shows the balance isn't bad most of the teams ran the same sort of setup.


Kinda have to agree here. But that's less about balance (per se) and more about conquest + balance. You need certain roles for the map and some classes are just better than others at those roles. So classes designed for unneeded roles (like Reaper, a decent team-fighting bruise) will never be needed on such a limited game mode with 5-man teams. A thief will ALWAYS be a better roamer / +1er than a Rev. And a Holo will always be a better team fighter than a rev. Firebrand will always be better support for scourge and scourge will always be better area denial, with a Firebrand (generally to hold mid). And mesmer will always be the best side-noder because great damage, great sustain, great dueling, and portal.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > > Just saw a replay of some games, after not playing gw2 for a while b/c I got fed up with the terrible balance (so with a fresh set of eyes).

> > >

> > > As far as running a tourney, this one was well run and well-cast, good job there. They did a good job of explaining team comps (what players roles were) and general rotations.

> > >

> > > However, I do agree with the following sentiment:

> > >

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > It was terrible. Granted I only watched the last match, but pvp in this game is so horrible to watch. You can hardly see anything going on in all the gfx spam and what not.

> > >

> > > Wow, is it impossible to actually watch animations and players to see what is going on with a sense of tension. Watching the map to see how players rotate, and watching players healthbars creates some sense of tension...but that is not actually watching the players...its like watching a stock ticker to see how things move. When you actually focus on the center of the screen/the players...holy crap. I even know all the abilities, and I have no idea what is going on. Just fireworks and strobe lights in the middle of the screen. Big fire effects, and circles, and millions of clones, and people insta-porting around...this game has really turned to crap (over time) and animations basically mean nothing anymore.

> > >

> > > The uniformity of comps was also pathetic. Balance is complete garbage as ANet has failed to give people "roles and holes." It is terrible when specs have so much sustain that when specs like spellbreaker gets into a 1v1, the announcers more or less say "we'll focus somewhere else b/c nothing is ever going to happen here." I am glad that I don't play anymore.

> >

> > They said they're not gonna watch it because it's not the most exciting thing happening.. they have the cast in mind. You're overreacting.

> >


> I think you are talking about my comment about spellbreakers, but its hard to tell. I am NOT faulting the casters at all, I agree with them swapping away from a fight that will go nowhere. The casters made the right call. I was making a comment on the balance, where a 1v1 with specs like that is more or less a permanent stalemate...that is a problem. It has plagued GW2 forever, but it is even worse nowadays as these sustain specs rely on so much hard mitigation that even +1's are generally ineffective.


> I don't think I am overreacting, I am actually completely calm. I am just providing this as one point of my thesis regarding watching the game which is "Anet ruined their game"


People will always always always run a spec that is tank for side nodes bc if you run something that instantly dies to thief +1 you will lose every competitive game EVER. If warrior wasn't a thing people would play bunker weaver, and druid if not that. You will never see a competitive side noder on a glass build. Ever.

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