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Suggestion: Fishing in the Game [merged]

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > Wasn't there a fishing event in Sandswept Isles? I never figure out how to trigger and start the event but it did get removed, right?


> Yes there was one, but last I knew, they disabled it??


I think there is some where i think it was glitched for a while then they had it fixed from what I have heard.so they have a basic concept for it if they could just expand on it some it woudl be great

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> @"Medavc.3017" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > > Wasn't there a fishing event in Sandswept Isles? I never figure out how to trigger and start the event but it did get removed, right?

> >

> > Yes there was one, but last I knew, they disabled it??


> I think there is some where i think it was glitched for a while then they had it fixed from what I have heard.so they have a basic concept for it if they could just expand on it some it woudl be great


It is back in as of a few weeks ago, but I had never figured out how to trigger it. However it seems half the time I am there the event is underway and has been a lot of fun, especially if you have a group of people there coordinated (half harpoon the fish and the other half catch and run it to a basket). Supposedly that was the event that aNet wanted to extend into the rest of Tyria. It is fun as long as there are other players around to assist. I have been there alone however when the event has spawned and tried it solo - and it is hard to coordinate it that way.


Edit: Found information in the [Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catch_as_many_fish_as_you_can! "Wiki ") on the event, and it is a reward for successful completion of the map's meta event. Which before the glitch and fix, I think that it was triggered independently from the map meta. I would hope that if fishing was implemented in game it would not be dependent on a map meta in order to be useful, especially given the fact it can be integrated into other areas of the game.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> You know, fishing could become a gold and material sink. We could make fishing poles out of green wood, lines out of jute, hooks out of silver or gold. Maybe buy worms with gold. Or we could dig up worms and such. It might work.


Oh yeah, I could see it! Different metals would produce different success rates of catching rares, like what we have with salvaging kits. Or the hooks would last for only so many casts and you'd have to manually change hooks - something that could prevent afk farmers (I'm sure there is some way that aNet can implement a captcha type of system in general for afk farming). Same with different types of poles, strings, etc....

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> @"Tenna Tulre.2076" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > You know, fishing could become a gold and material sink. We could make fishing poles out of green wood, lines out of jute, hooks out of silver or gold. Maybe buy worms with gold. Or we could dig up worms and such. It might work.


> Oh yeah, I could see it! Different metals would produce different success rates of catching rares, like what we have with salvaging kits. Or the hooks would last for only so many casts and you'd have to manually change hooks - something that could prevent afk farmers (I'm sure there is some way that aNet can implement a captcha type of system in general for afk farming). Same with different types of poles, strings, etc....


You could AFK and fish, just put in a system that would only allow you to catch so many fish without maybe recasting? You could have maybe 5 fish that would be caught and go automatically into your basket, but then you would have to recast. I think it would be kinda cool if a little RNG was involved like your fish ate your worm but you caught nothing. So it could work with a semi AFK feature?

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I just don't understand why people keep bringing up things like fishing, housing, marriage etc just to turn GW2 into the same MMO as all the others out there. GW2 IS different from the rest and it'd be nice to retain those little differences. If they did bring in fishing at least make it totally no profit account bound EVERYTHING. That way you wont have bots and afkers farming gold around the ol' fishing hole.....ijs. Prolly wouldn't see many people fishing either LOL

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> I just don't understand why people keep bringing up things like fishing, housing, marriage etc just to turn GW2 into the same MMO as all the others out there. GW2 IS different from the rest and it'd be nice to retain those little differences. If they did bring in fishing at least make it totally no profit account bound EVERYTHING. That way you wont have bots and afkers farming gold around the ol' fishing hole.....ijs. Prolly wouldn't see many people fishing either LOL


People said the same thing about mounts (myself included) and Anet managed to turn them into something unique for GW2. So if they did decide to add these things, it'd mean they figured out a way to make it special and useful for their game and it's players. Bots could be a potential issue but, depending on how the system is implemented players might not feel the need to use bots at all.

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Well as much as you all want to shoot the idea down might not be a bad idea to look at it a bit more.as one person said people said same thing about mounts.just because you can not grasp what others are wanting in game and right out of the gate think it so bad or a afk thing for people.well all i can say is i do not think your looking down the long road on the idea.your fast to condemn a idea if it does not fit into your perfect ideals.those of you who protest it so much on so many fronts also should look at the other side of the coin not everyone thinks it such a bad idea to put into the game.

there are many aspect of this idea that could benift both players and the company it self alike.maybe not everyone has endless time to play the game all the time but would like something to just relax.that is the thing behind wanting fishing relaxing enjoying the game or is that a crime in this day and age.but with that said i care less if you want to shoot holes in the idea go ahead knock your self out but it will not stop the fact i will continue to post on the subject eventually someone some dev some one will see it and maybe spark a idea to put something in.if they do not o well i cna say i at least tried to spark the idea for the community.

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I, too was against mounts before they brought them in which quickly changed my outlook on them to good. But WHY do people try and make a gr8 game into the same MMO as all the others? The devs said at launch they wanted GW2 to be different from other MMO's and it is. And players want to turn it into the SAME OLD TIRED game by bringing in all the common stuff. And if ANET does, I'm still about make EVERYTHING concerning it, account bound, no profit anywhere. Then you pro fishing etc. people can fish to your hearts content, and there won't be any bots or afkers farming it. Works for both sides imo.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > I'll always back fishing, I've often found fishing enjoyable as a minigame in RPGS in the past, could give the option to open up more cooking recipes too. Plus with the way eles keep getting nerfed out of existence it'll probably be one of the few things my character will actually still be able to do lol.


> Yes I can see fishing coming along with the classic Anet FUBAR. There will be only one fishing hole that you need a special mount to get to. It will be locked behind some series of metas that have to fail and only available between 0001-0032 server time.


...Quoted for truth.


And how long before the Royal Mistlock Lily of Cantha Fishing Terrace Pass (2 weeks)?

Or the Super Rare .01% Fish that most players won't ever get because RNGsus hates them?

Or the added inventory bloat from carrying around a billion different fish? ( *Looking at YOU, Final Fantasy XIV...* )

Or the bot farmers on a wait-and-click minigame?


> @"artemis.6781" said:

> You know, fishing could become a gold and material sink. We could make fishing poles out of green wood, lines out of jute, hooks out of silver or gold. Maybe buy worms with gold. Or we could dig up worms and such. It might work.


I feel like there's definitely a place for a Skritt Jewelcrafting recipe vendor that sells Silver Shiny Lure and Gold Shiny Lure plans. :p


Of course, with the ANet pattern:

Fishing Poles made out of Spiritwood Planks, lines out of Elonian Leather or Damask....

And instead of worms, we use Spirit Shards! (Please?)


> @"juhani.5361" said:

> So long as there's a Torchlight 2-ish dynamite function, you've got my thumbs up ;)


That'll be later in the Mastery tree~

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ANet has talked about fishing in the past. At one point they had said something about wanting to add fishing and they would then add some recipes to get the cooking up to 500. No I can't find that post anymore as that was shortly after GW2 came out so I cannot remember which dev said/typed it. I have not heard them talking all that much about it since so I am not sure if there is a problem with adding it or if it was maybe something they put on the back burner for now. Thou with all the underwater stuff coming out ....... who knows .....

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But we already have fishing. It's spear, trident or harpoon fishing but it's fishing non the less. May be where you're from the most popular form of fishing is rod cast reel fishing but in other part of the world spear fishing is much more popular and it's a great sport. There is also net fishing and trap fishing but it's mainly use as industrial fishing and not much of a sport.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Said it before, I'll say it again:

> No fishing unless it's as awesome as FFXV's. Active, skill-based.

> If folks just want another cast and click, there's WoW et al for that.


I'm on that camp too. I'm totally against AFK fishing. I can only accept fishing if it's an active minigame.


As I see it, the best way to have Fishing could be with masteries, along a rework on gathering, which could include things like hunting ranges were you can kill game daily to fill a bar over your head and earn a leather bonus and put traps to come the next day and see what was caught there; fishing ranges where you can kill large fish underwater with underwater skills to fill a similar bar and earn daily bonus rewards, but also use fishing rods on the edge of the water, or while riding your skimmer, to catch fish that can't be caught with 'spear fishing', and an overall rework of gathering nodes to encourage exploration over loading the same map in the same spot with multiple characters, by making nodes account-wide, but making them build up materials over each login, up to 28 times the materials you get now by gathering daily. So the nodes you haven't visited for a long time would have more materials that nodes you gather every day.

Maybe even have a separate gathering panel that is account bound, where players can see equipped gathering tools, trap kits, fishing rods, stats on gathering and info on how much we have depleted the resources of each region.

Skins for tools could go in the wardrobe, selected individually per character, covering the visuals of the tools equipped in the account-wide panel, so players no longer need to have any qualms about buying all skins for tools since they'd be able to use them all without having to have a full set of tools for each.


Fishing with rods in particular should be a minigame, preferably with a mastery that only gets exp from fishing, that you slowly progress to unlock new fishing skills. There could also be a side-progress with bait recipes you unlock by catching fish and bringing proof of your catches to fishing masters. As you unlock new skills, you are able to counter the 'techniques' of stronger fish, and that allows you to learn and craft new baits to catch even stronger fish.

Bait could be crafted with cooking, and cooking could extend to level 500 for the epic baits required to catch legendary fish.

Your fishing skills could be in slots 1 to 5, while the different types of bait could be selected with skills in in slots 6 to 0.

There could even be fishing rod skins, with flashy gemstore exclusives, but at leas some earnable and craftable by players.


And there could be also collections of fish, one per region, like "Fish of Kryta", "Fish of Maguuma", "Fish of the Heart of Maguuma and the Maguuma Wastes" or "Fish of the Desert" (including lad fish like land sharks and land eels). And completing each collection could have rewards like titles and recipes to craft mounted fish guild hall and housing decorations or fishing rod skins.

It could be even better if it was possible to make the descriptions of fish in collections dynamic, to include the size of the largest fish ever caught of that type. So you could go to the Krytan collection, hover your mouse over the icon of a fish in the collection, and you'd read something like "Krytan Marsh Trout: 10Kg."


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And for everyone who is saying that if people want fishing to go back to WoW:


Every game that I know of that has decent fishing in it is locked behind a subscription. I've played GW2 since its beta, and have for many many years loved the _lack_ of a subscription fee. A fishing license in my state costs me $10 for a year - why would I pay the same to WoW, a game I found boring and could barely play for a year save for the help of friends in my guild to keep it interesting, when I still am amazed daily by what I come across in GW2? There's a reason I've played this game _daily_ for over six years now. And while I do love to fish in real life, I am far too concerned about the environmental impacts of overfishing in general (as well as water pollution and its effects on the fish) to even go fishing or maintain the gear and license needed for it.


I admit that I was wary about mounts, but now that we do have them, they have added an amazing level of interaction to the game. We saw how aNet developed them and they _did_ turn them into something special. I would love to see what they could do to basic fishing. And while I grew up using rod and reel from either shoreline or a small boat, others have mentioned other ways of fishing as well. Even if they could get the current event to work throughout Tyria, it would be a start.

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Well there is this



In one of the tweets below she said


>Angelique vd Mee

>@AvanderMeeArt Jul 6

>Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot! There is lots of opportunities to wear it in the project i'm doing, there's even fishing for those of you that don't know it ? It's just made up of little things that I would think the community would enjoy.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:


> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > So long as there's a Torchlight 2-ish dynamite function, you've got my thumbs up ;)


> That'll be later in the Mastery tree~


Urgh. More potential for masteries... Then again, dynamiting fishing holes was a lot of fun.

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