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Eater of Souls Guide [SPOILERS]


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So I finally finished up the_ Path of Fire_ story and I have to say it's quite interesting. I really didn't expect for the player to actually die; to think just a few missions earlier I said 'good thing we're the main character so we can't die'. Interesting route to take, I like it.


But if I ever have to fight Eater of Souls again I would kill myself, seriously. What is up with this crazyass self-heal? And you have to solo-it? I should have asked Joko to just revive me as an Awakened. Anet, please nerf. I know you're trying to make the struggle to return to life a difficult struggle, but this boss is harder than the Blighted Pale Tree in challange mode.


I figured out a strategy that seems to work and I want to share it knowing others are going to be facing such an atrocity sooner or later. There is probably a pro MLG way to do this, but I'm a nub so I did this the chicken way, which worked.



**- If you haven't entered the afterlife or started the instance yet, be sure to equip all your boosters before you enter it.**

You can't use your inventory as a ghost. Speed Boosters are very much welcome. Optional, but not required.


**- Eater of Souls absorbs life from any of your allies. If you have friends in the instance with you or pets or minions, get rid of them before you battle.**

Ask your friends to stand at a distance so they won't get targeted by it or get them to kill themselves and remain dead, put your pets on passive, and de-summon any minions. I don't know if it steals health from Illusions, but if you're a mesmer, break your illusions as soon as you make them. Turrets are not affected.


**- Eater of Souls does it's BS Life stealing/Self Healing move roughly around every 20 seconds or so.**

When he's about to do it, he jumps at you. You don't have to know exactly when it is, but try to get a feeling of when it's coming. If you have friends with you, have them keep track since they won't be in combat.


**- Have some mobility moves, ones that get you from one side of the battlefield to another quickly, movement speed increase, and some stability.**

Optional, but not required.


**- Have some condition damaging moves.**

Not vulnerability, stuff like Burning and Poison. It comes in very handy. Optional, but not required.




**> Chicken Method**

So, what you're going to do, is every twenty seconds, in between the magical healing BS, you to dish out as much damage as you can possibly muster. Use all your conditions, Confusion, Poison, Burning, everything you can.


Then you need to run for the hills as you see that orange circle on the ground indicating the jumping at you, use any speed boosting or mobility moves and get as far away from him as possible. He heals less if you are farther away. Stay away from him until he uses the stomp attack after. Then feel free to re-engage.


The reason why I recommend stability is that if you get caught by his healing move, he drags you closer, or if you get caught by his jump, he knocks you over. With stability, you can ignore that effect.


Rise and repeat until he ded.


If you downed, just let yourself die and just do as much damage as you can using your first move, he can and will siphon health from your dying ghostly corpse. If you are a warrior, you can just get up and fight him for a few extra seconds until you die, but respawn as quickly as you can before he regenerates health from being out of combat.


If you have Signet of Agony mastery, use that first to do a little extra damage and stop yourself from healing from attacks, then spam 1 until you're dead.


**> MLG Method**

There is a way to do this if you're really good at the game. I figured out that if you stun him or use any sort of CC when he's about to jump, you can completely cancel the entire self-healing process. If you have a lot of burst damage, you can probably burn him down faster than he can heal, but I'm not really sure what profession, skill, or build can accomplish this.


However, this needs some practice to get used to the timing of his jumps and to always have CC available every 20 seconds and stability/speed boost just in case. Otherwise, it's back to square one at 100% Health again.


I was never able to defeat him solely with this method, but I did manage to cancel his Self-Healing BS when I saw the opportunity.




So that's how I killed Eater of Souls with the Chicken Method.


If anyone wants to know, I killed Eater of Souls with my Sylvari Beserker with a Mace/Axe and Bow combo. I had the _Healing Signet_ has my healing move for healing over time, _Balanced Stance_ for stability and movement speed, _Dolyak Signet_ for more stability, _Bull Charge_ to get away and well-timed stun, and _Rampager_ as my elite skill as extra stability and a way to jump farther away (also a nice way to stun if you plan to MLG it).


I had originally started the fight as a Spellbreaker, since I was testing it out, but I realized I just wasn't doing enough damage and I needed extra Fire condition damage to out damage the little healing it could suck out before I hightail it out of his range. It's nice that the Bow Beserker Ability stacks the fire's intensity and since it follows you, it did some nice damage before I re-engage with melee.


I was in a party with my boyfriend and we were swapping every instance or so, and he was so glad he didn't get to fight Eater of Souls and tagged along with me with my victory. He was the one who timed the self-healing BS and let me know when he was about to use it and to run.


This whole instance was cool storywise. Though I wish my character got revived with some pants on.

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> @"Sethanon Stormrage.6721" said:

> Did it as a greatsword guardian.

> Deal as mush damage as you can. When he jumps at you, use the gs leap to get away from the heal, then back in to attack again. Simple and doesn't take long.


> Note: gs leap and a single dodge should be enough to out range the heal


That's great! Once you figure out the rhythm this boss is quite easy actually. It's actually figuring out that's the hard part.

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How would you suggest a ranger/Druid do it? I'm about to aid a friend with it (since I managed it easily via Daredevil Chicken Method) and she's raging about how this fight has balked her.


Also I understand I won't be a Daredevil, I'll be some sort of buff bot. How do I aid her in the fight?

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> How would you suggest a ranger/Druid do it? I'm about to aid a friend with it (since I managed it easily via Daredevil Chicken Method) and she's raging about how this fight has balked her.


> Also I understand I won't be a Daredevil, I'll be some sort of buff bot. How do I aid her in the fight?


I posted my video in the other two threads of my soulbeast kill on this fight....or just search youtube for Collametta - its video 17, starts at minute 34

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> How would you suggest a ranger/Druid do it? I'm about to aid a friend with it (since I managed it easily via Daredevil Chicken Method) and she's raging about how this fight has balked her.


> Also I understand I won't be a Daredevil, I'll be some sort of buff bot. How do I aid her in the fight?


I did this fight on my Druid by getting him stuck on the cage (as has been said) and putting my pet on him. He never triggered his health drain so the pet eventually whittled him down. I was out of LOS when I noticed he was stuck so my attacks were obstructed but the pet worked fine. I might have been able to finagle a way to attack him but since the pet was working I stayed put and let him work.

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Just finished the fight a bit earlier. Was a bit anti-climatic after seeing the some of the forum posts. Interrupted it twice. Got hit with the life drain once. Dodged a bunch of time. On a power reaper built relatively defensively but still full berserker. Definitely not my highest damaging character but easily one with the highest sustain..


I would say the key is having a fast casting interrupt skill but if simply dodging the drain works then that isn't necessary either.

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> How would you suggest a ranger/Druid do it? I'm about to aid a friend with it (since I managed it easily via Daredevil Chicken Method) and she's raging about how this fight has balked her.


I did as a ranger but just siccing my smokescale on it and then always staying on the opposite side of Joko's cage from it. It never did anything just ran around like a chicken. At one point, it went up the stairs and my pet came back to me but it didn't reset so I just ducked out a bit to lure it back and immediately resumed hiding again.


At one point I switched to Warhorn to give my pet some buffs - that seemed to speed it up. I also have the trait that adds poison to attacks.


It was slow, but safe.


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Did this on my ele. Always played glass cannon ele because zerker was the gear i had and didnt really want to change it because it was working fine. Didnt have any problems when HoT was released and i soloed caudacus in season 3 on my ele as well. However this fight, this fucking fight, one wrong move and i get one shot. To be honest, it got me furious.

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Sorry, this was WAY too complicated. This fight is garbage easy.

Don't bother tracking thing, don't you fancy moves. Don't worry about your build or your buffs.

All you need is a CC skill, preferably knockback, knock down, or stun, that is available in under 20 seconds.

Watch his break bar

When it turns blue immediately hit him with your CC, it will break his bar and he won't drain until the next cycle.

Commence DPS

At roughly 25% he freaks out and stops moving then gains swiftness, or superspeed. In any case he chases you faster if you're kiting him, but he's just as easy to kill and if you're doing enough damage you'll kill him before his next attempt to drain.


I will qualify this by saying I was using bow on ranger so I spent the entire time walking backwards. But at the speed of walking backwards he was fully incapable of hitting me even once. As long as I broke his break bar every time with longbow 4 he never healed and the fight took no time. I never used Longbow 5 and I only used Longbow 2 when he was stunned from break bar

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So much bad advice in this thread. Like Kal Spiro said you need to use CC skills when the breakbar comes up. Every profession has some kind of CC skill to take it down. His breakbar is tiny and even soft CC such as chill/slow/Cripple will take it down instantly. Learn the mechanics and don't runaway to skip them. That's one sure way to never learn anything if you try to cheese stuff.



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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Sorry, this was WAY too complicated. This fight is garbage easy.

> @Maximus.8376 said:

> So much bad advice in this thread. Like Kal Spiro said you need to use CC skills when the breakbar comes up. Every profession has some kind of CC skill to take it down. His breakbar is tiny and even soft CC such as chill/slow/Cripple will take it down instantly. Learn the mechanics and don't runaway to skip them. That's one sure way to never learn anything if you try to cheese stuff.



My sincerest apologies for overcomplicating things then; I did say it was the 'Chicken Method' and that I was a nub, so this is what worked for me, and for other nubs, I guess. But I maybe youre right on sayjng they wont get better like this...but it worked I guess? I knew there were better ways to go about this, but I only did what I knew what was in my knowledge and power. As a garbage filthy casual noob.


Since you sound like you know your stuff, your advice would work much better. Personally, I could never time my stuns or CC on time, maybe because I play with 200-300ping constantly since I'm in NZ and the servers are in Europe, so there's always a bit of delay when casting spells/skills. But maybe thats just a silly excuse in a futile attempt to defend myself and my strategy; Maybe you guys play with that ping and are good, I wouldn't know. I opted for a more 'complicated', but I guess 'easy to understand' (for me at least).


**By all means, both these two folks, Spiro and Maximus, sound very well informed, so if anyone does happen to read this post; perhaps refer to their method**, which actually might work better for you, (which is probably the 'MLG; method that I mentioned,probably an easy as pie for them so it's not MLG, but it was difficult for me), but I couldn't do it xD Probably since I'm a garbage player I can't fight this garbage fight ><"

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I'm not sure how terrible that ping is, but if you can't hit the key as soon as you see the bar change from chain to blue and also have it happen in that instant, then that would definitely impact how easy this fight is. If I had any kind of lag there is no way I could ever have gotten through this fight. I was unwilling to do anything fancy, just walk backwards and wait for the break bar while auto attacking. Pretty sure my pet did most of the damage.

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I cannot say what my druid friend was doing as we are not in the same building or even the same state, but nothing she did broke the bar or got her out of the tidal pull even though she had read the threads on the issue and is generally a competent player. In the end we got the Eater trapped behind Joko's bars while her electric wyvern nibbled him to death in between her aoe arrows bolstered by two wisps channeling Might. At least we had time to banter on Discord, and the fight did conclude so we could go on to the next bit.


I think this fight does depend on profession. As I've noted, my P/P Daredevil had zero issues, an easy one-shot without changing my build at all and never bothering with the blue bar, and normally he eats so much dirt that the only reason he does LS is my tradition that he does all the content first before sturdier alts wade in.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> I'm not sure how terrible that ping is, but if you can't hit the key as soon as you see the bar change from chain to blue and also have it happen in that instant, then that would definitely impact how easy this fight is. If I had any kind of lag there is no way I could ever have gotten through this fight. I was unwilling to do anything fancy, just walk backwards and wait for the break bar while auto attacking. Pretty sure my pet did most of the damage.


Hmm, if I were to describe it, if you use a skill, it takes a little more than half a second to a whole second for the action to take place. I usually have to end up spamming the key to make sure it registers, because sometimes it doesn't. I've never had the luxury of instant casting it always has a delay, depending on what mood swings my internet decides to have at the time. Recently its been gettinf worse with up to 1k ping and I have to relog. Playable, but not good for things like PvP where skill usage and timing is important.


That's why with my second delay I like running away since its easier to time that, more than trying to time specific skills, don't think I can be as accurate. Until Oceania severs get introduced, at least.


> @Donari.5237 said:

> I cannot say what my druid friend was doing as we are not in the same building or even the same state, but nothing she did broke the bar or got her out of the tidal pull even though she had read the threads on the issue and is generally a competent player. In the end we got the Eater trapped behind Joko's bars while her electric wyvern nibbled him to death in between her aoe arrows bolstered by two wisps channeling Might. At least we had time to banter on Discord, and the fight did conclude so we could go on to the next bit.


> I think this fight does depend on profession. As I've noted, my P/P Daredevil had zero issues, an easy one-shot without changing my build at all and never bothering with the blue bar, and normally he eats so much dirt that the only reason he does LS is my tradition that he does all the content first before sturdier alts wade in.


Yeah I do think it has to do with profession. I did this with both my Warrior and Mesmer with the Chicken method I described above. I'm sort of generalizing it, but there are probably specific profession tips for the fight, but I'm glad whatever method you chose worked out.


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I accidentally had a fairly straightforward fight with him not realizing how hard it was. This was with a Necro Scourge. I dodged a lot, tried to break his bars, etc, but I don't think I'm exceptional at that. So I also have to believe that somehow the boatload of vulnerability he stacks on you also superpowers his life drain, and as a Scourge I was able to convert that into boons for a double-advantage.


So just throwing out there, besides the basics of avoiding his signature move and breaking his bar, give some thought to cleansing off his debuffs. It may be important.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

If you are a Guardian Charr and like me, you were struggling with CC, this is how I've done it: Use the (idk if this is the official translation) Hidden gun skill, the one that does dmg and pushes you backwards, THIS WILL BE KEY IN THIS BATTLE, as it has only 6 sec cd. And greatsword. When you see his blue bar appearing, use this hidden gun skill to jump backwards and inmediatly use one dodge (pressing V is easier). This will make him unable to heal a single bit. To come back to him faster, you can use either the greatsword jump or that one skill that teleports to objective and burns. I hope this helps. :D

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I don't even understand the mechanics of this fight, but it was really easy. He had some beam attack that he used once, but I think it had a breakbar (hard to tell if it was the leap attack preceding it or the beam itself?). I finished him in about 30 seconds. No issues. Perhaps he's more dangerous if you don't bring decent damage? I don't know.


Also, you don't have to solo it. If you bring friends they will be in wisp form, but you can just stand at range and the boss usually uses the stupid beam attack on the wisp. Meanwhile, the wisp has basically no chance of dying and can heal and buff you while you tee off on the boss from safety.

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  • 1 year later...

We did this with having one player fight him, and the soul distract him. You have to be pretty careful not to die, but if you use your "scare" on him as a soul then run he'll chase you. 3 to heal yourself and your friend when you zoom by. Problem is, each time we defeat him. The instance errors out. This really needs fixed. I understand we needed new blood to make the game stop being stagnant, but isn't there anyone bug testing this crap?

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