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Which dragon would you fight?

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Edit: Deep Sea Dragon isn't included since the players have never seen, nor fought the deep sea dragon nor its minions and we know nothing about it.

Weird and oddly specific question, but it's thought provoking and brings up good questions about yourself:

If all 10 million of Guild Wars were to get on simultaneously to fight all 5 Elder Dragons at once, and they were split up into groups of 2 million to fight each dragon and its minions, which do you feel like you'd specialize in?

Zaithan and the Risen?

Kralkatorrik and the Brranded?

Jormag and the Icebrood?

Primordius and the Destroyers?

Or Mordremoth and the Mordrem?

Which do you feel you'd be the best at fighting, the most knowledgeable about, and the most confident in fighting?

Ultimately: Which dragon would you fight?

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Lol... this was funny to read and imagine. As Zio mentioned, you forgot the most important dragon of all! The one dragon I have wanted to face for years... The one and only Bubbles. DSD. Lord of the Seas. I don't want millions of others nearby. Just me and Bubbles. One on one. No allies, no support, no refuge. Only one of us will still be swimming after that.

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Jormag, his very existence is an affrond to the greatest, and eldest of elder dragon, Primordus.

He must he burnt away by His flames, without fail. Swift, and sure. Destroy the icebrood, and grand all his meaningless might to the Elder Dragon, Primordus

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> @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> You forgot deep sea dragon and the... deep sea dragonlings? Especially noteworthy as we'll be having an underwater combat balance patch tomorrow.


I did not include that for obvious reasons. No one has ever seen neither the deep sea dragon nor the minions. You're smart, you already know this.

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Respectfully, the answer is 'Bubbles' regardless. We know the asura have seen and/or documented it and its minions. Also, history has shown us this with world events and continents sinking. To this point, the Inquest has seen its minions. "In 1325 AE, the Inquest captured a minion of the deep sea dragon and were preparing a water-themed area called "Zone Blue" in the Infinite Coil Reactor for it to be stored in before the Reactor's destruction."


Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_sea_dragon


And finally . . . if you don't like an answer to your question, it may be in your best interest to get thicker skin and not copy and paste your indirect insults to the entire community.


That all said . . . best of luck with your new 'forms' of choice. :)

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> @"Tremidine.6871" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Me? or my Player Character?

> > The answer would vary a lot!


> Your character, I thought that would be obvious.


Sorry, it was not. The question is super interesting and, as you say, though provoking, but it is aimed at the reader, therefore don't specify if it is an hypothetical to the reader or to the character (Consider also many players have multiple characters).

In my case:

- My main, a Dynamics Asura Engie who has dedicated her life to burning things would be fascinated about fighting on the first line against Primordus... however, she would be at a huge disadvantage against such fire dragon which is already burning... Instead, she would choose Mordremoth: going against the plants within a Charrcopter, launching tons of Napalm while whistling "Ride of the Valkyries" would be a dream come true for her. (The story would have been very different if she weren't far when the pact got into the jungle.)

- My second, the Statics Necro with a degree on freezing plasma technology will no doubt try to steal and unchain a big crowd from Zhaitan's control and use them against Kralkatorrik. He's convoluted that way.

- My Charr warrior would like to confront Jormag: he has a bet with a Norn about that.

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> @"Tremidine.6871" said:


> I did not include that for obvious reasons. No one has ever seen neither the deep sea dragon nor the minions. You're smart, you already know this.


Wasn't that obvious, since half the answers were that one... also, you could've specified that, humanity is yet to learn how to mind read through text y'know. Oh, and we haven't seen Jormag as well! As per hearing about it tho...well, we already know both of them exist.


To answer your main question (ignoring DSD), it would be Jormag. I like the idea of an Ice Dragon and would love to go the North Shiverpeaks to fight it, i like snowy areas and the fight against the Claw of Jormag used to be really cool when i did it in the past. And i say that completely ignoring the fact that we already fought Mordy and Zaithan, i simply prefer Jormag concept wise (if that makes any sense).

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Bubbles. And it looks like that's happening. ?


Wouldn't it be strange to come up with an entirely new Elder Dragon when there's still 3 of the known ones left?


I am not up to date with the recent events as I just returned to GW2 but after Mordremoth's surprise appearance is there really a need to do this again?

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Respectfully, the answer is 'Bubbles' regardless. We know the asura have seen and/or documented it and its minions. Also, history has shown us this with world events and continents sinking. To this point, the Inquest has seen its minions. "In 1325 AE, the Inquest captured a minion of the deep sea dragon and were preparing a water-themed area called "Zone Blue" in the Infinite Coil Reactor for it to be stored in before the Reactor's destruction."


> Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_sea_dragon


> And finally . . . if you don't like an answer to your question, it may be in your best interest to get thicker skin and not copy and paste your indirect insults to the entire community.


> That all said . . . best of luck with your new 'forms' of choice. :)


I already read the entire wiki page on that before you even posted that. I didn't meant NPCs, I meant players. You don't know what the dragon nor the minions looks like, or how they fight. Idk why quoting the wiki page helps your case, I am just as excited for it as you are, but you don't know anything about it just like all the players, that is why I discluded it from selection.

This is not a matter of thick skin, I never got offended. It was also never an indirect insult, you're just misinterpreting heavily. I said "you're smart, you should know that" to prompt them to think a little before answering, use context clues and reasoning.

Also lmao don't mock me for misspelling forums, I'm on my phone.

Stop assuming everything has an underlying tone of hatred, contempt, or vindication. Chill bruh.

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> @"Ziooo.8932" said:

> > @"Tremidine.6871" said:


> > I did not include that for obvious reasons. No one has ever seen neither the deep sea dragon nor the minions. You're smart, you already know this.


> Wasn't that obvious, since half the answers were that one... also, you could've specified that, humanity is yet to learn how to mind read through text y'know. Oh, and we haven't seen Jormag as well! As per hearing about it tho...well, we already know both of them exist.


> To answer your main question (ignoring DSD), it would be Jormag. I like the idea of an Ice Dragon and would love to go the North Shiverpeaks to fight it, i like snowy areas and the fight against the Claw of Jormag used to be really cool when i did it in the past. And i say that completely ignoring the fact that we already fought Mordy and Zaithan, i simply prefer Jormag concept wise (if that makes any sense).


We haven't seen jormag but we have seen the icebrood. Also it's not mind reading to use context clues. Deep sea dragon wasn't included in the list, so maybe it wasn't desired for an answer.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Tremidine.6871" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > Me? or my Player Character?

> > > The answer would vary a lot!

> >

> > Your character, I thought that would be obvious.


> Sorry, it was not. The question is super interesting and, as you say, though provoking, but it is aimed at the reader, therefore don't specify if it is an hypothetical to the reader or to the character (Consider also many players have multiple characters).

> In my case:

> - My main, a Dynamics Asura Engie who has dedicated her life to burning things would be fascinated about fighting on the first line against Primordus... however, she would be at a huge disadvantage against such fire dragon which is already burning... Instead, she would choose Mordremoth: going against the plants within a Charrcopter, launching tons of Napalm while whistling "Ride of the Valkyries" would be a dream come true for her. (The story would have been very different if she weren't far when the pact got into the jungle.)

> - My second, the Statics Necro with a degree on freezing plasma technology will no doubt try to steal and unchain a big crowd from Zhaitan's control and use them against Kralkatorrik. He's convoluted that way.

> - My Charr warrior would like to confront Jormag: he has a bet with a Norn about that.


Thanks for the actual answer and well thought out, too. I wasn't referring to people's characters like separate people though. I don't do roleplay so that wasn't my first concern when forming the question. I was asking the player what they would fight in game with a character. Doesn't matter what character or their roleplay story. Sorry for miscommunication.

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@"Tremidine.6871" My apologies, but I was under the impression you only got one "good" response out of eight to your question, or words to that effect, and decided to leave in a huff never to return for greener 'forms'. That, of course, doesn't include your multiple copy-and-paste responses which since . . . ahem . . . are gone. All very interesting. I can't imagine where I got the notion you need thicker skin.


By the way, no players have seen other big bads prior to this game either. Also, and thank you, but the community doesn't need your prompting or prodding to make thoughtful responses to your question or any question. That in and of itself is again indirectly insulting to your peers here. And it implies and doubles down more than you intended. That all said, the answer is still the sea dragon. Obviously, given the patch today. And by the way? This response was written on a phone.


Again, best of luck with your new forum of choice. ?

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