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First before the nerf.


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Adrenal Health: The health per second for each stack of this effect is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 19%-reduced health per second in all modes.

Healing Signet: The healing per second of this signet is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 10%-reduced healing values in all modes.


Coz why not.

Go on .....

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> The buff to sword was already in pvp and wvw. Is it me or does it look like we got the short end of the balance patch stick?


No, we totally absolutely completely did, super appreciate it when I'm getting my whopping 1.8k crits on dagger and my Arc Divider is landing for 2k crits. But hey guys lets get back to buffing mesmers anyway so whatever

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Im amazed how they buffed condi deadeye with evades, no nerfs to shitty lame gameplay of mirage, but they found that warrior needs sword 2 buff ? I would really like to know does anyone in balance team play warrior at all?



i imagine with next balance patch they will find way to nerf 100b mobility, i know i know , but they will find way ......

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Im amazed how they buffed condi deadeye with evades, no nerfs to kitten lame gameplay of mirage, but they found that warrior needs sword 2 buff ? I would really like to know does anyone in balance team play warrior at all?


> Ps.

> i imagine with next balance patch they will find way to nerf 100b mobility, i know i know , but they will find way ......


Crippled for 5s before using it so we can prepare ourselves. And yes a power buff to a condi weapon.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > Im amazed how they buffed condi deadeye with evades, no nerfs to kitten lame gameplay of mirage, but they found that warrior needs sword 2 buff ? I would really like to know does anyone in balance team play warrior at all?

> >

> > Ps.

> > i imagine with next balance patch they will find way to nerf 100b mobility, i know i know , but they will find way ......


> Crippled for 5s before using it so we can prepare ourselves. And yes a power buff to a condi weapon.


More like stun ourselves when we cast 100b

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Anet is steadily giving me more reasons to stop playing their game. The healing was fine especially considering you actually have to land your bursts in order to enable adrenal health to begin with and if you're a Spellbreaker good luck keeping 3 stacks up at least as far as pvp and wvw are concerned. I'm tired of the constant fucking nerfs we're receiving every time. I've stuck with this class since the beginning but it's come to a point where it feels like you have to try harder than any other class just to be subpar and then you're still worse than the rest of the professions. I'm done with this bs.

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> @"Engraver.5896" said:

> I'm tired of the constant kitten nerfs we're receiving every time. I've stuck with this class since the beginning but it's come to a point where it feels like you have to try harder than any other class just to be subpar and then you're still worse than the rest of the professions. I'm done with this bs.


Come to Rev and you'll back to Warrior in no time. We got a whole year of nerfs, plus a spec that's useless outside punching piñata bosses in PvE raids, and the new patch turned our underwater damage (arguably the strongest in the game until two months ago) into thrash, despite submarine gameplay had almost no relvance in the game.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> Is it me or does it look like we got the short end of the balance patch stick?



You're thinking of Necros and on-land Revs.


Warriors got significant buffs in skills like Whirling Axe. You were already able to reach 37k dps on spellbreaker pre-patch, now it just went even higher.


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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > Is it me or does it look like we got the short end of the balance patch stick?

> Wat


> You're thinking of Necros and on-land Revs.


> Warriors got significant buffs in skills like Whirling Axe. You were already able to reach 37k dps on spellbreaker pre-patch, now it just went even higher.



No it didn't it just un-split skills pve already had most of those buffs.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Engraver.5896" said:

> > I'm tired of the constant kitten nerfs we're receiving every time. I've stuck with this class since the beginning but it's come to a point where it feels like you have to try harder than any other class just to be subpar and then you're still worse than the rest of the professions. I'm done with this bs.


> Come to Rev and you'll back to Warrior in no time. We got a whole year of nerfs, plus a spec that's useless outside punching piñata bosses in PvE raids, and the new patch turned our underwater damage (arguably the strongest in the game until two months ago) into thrash, despite submarine gameplay had almost no relvance in the game.


Mah dude, you've been absolute staples in WvW for a year or two, watching you drop 18k hits at 1200 yards and down a line of people, you certainly had a place. Still do in fact, zergs still desperately want hammer power heralds.

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It's not that bad, we got a nerf in healing signet and adren health, but mending got buffed (not to say I am using it but still)

I also really like the frenzy buff: 5 to 10 might is something when playing solo ! Elite banner got a nice CD reduction (but not rampage sadly...)


My main concern is they didn't balance many skills., it was more minor adjustments between pvp et pve. I mean, a balance patch every 3 months is already very little for a MMO. Most do balance every months...

So we could expect a big balance patch but it doesn't happen that often. Each incoming patch, we have many expectations, and most of the times, it is a deception because it is usually not enough and we know we will have to wait 3 more months. Some might think "Ok, they didn't adressed many important issues, they will probably do them next patch". But no, it doesn't happen !

Add to that almost no communication from balance team. They said they were reading forums to gather informations but they almost never answer. Suppose one common thing that needs to be buffed, it is regularly post on forums. They should asnwer and tell us how it is balanced or not, and if they are going to do something about this.


Balance between skills and traits should be the backbone of the game, before any new content. If I were working in that team, I would make stats to see what skills and traits are almost never used and rework all of them. I remember reading a patch note when they said that they wanted to make at least 2 good traits to choose from. Since we have 3 traits to choose from, all 3 should be equally good.


While I still like the game, I am very disapointed with balance team. and sadly, it is probably not going to change. Balance is clearly their last priority, if not, they wouldn't post a patch every 3 months. It is a very long time for a mmo, especially when there are many things that be balanced.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Engraver.5896" said:

> > I'm tired of the constant kitten nerfs we're receiving every time. I've stuck with this class since the beginning but it's come to a point where it feels like you have to try harder than any other class just to be subpar and then you're still worse than the rest of the professions. I'm done with this bs.


> Come to Rev and you'll back to Warrior in no time. We got a whole year of nerfs, plus a spec that's useless outside punching piñata bosses in PvE raids, and the new patch turned our underwater damage (arguably the strongest in the game until two months ago) into thrash, despite submarine gameplay had almost no relvance in the game.


I agree with u. Reve is far from viable, especially in (my favorite) wvw roaming, and i give my full respect to revs who do it still.

what i wish for war community is to get at least close to where mesmer or ele community is. Eles for example, have endless stream of tears when balance do even a slightest change. Mesmers on other hand , they hide current state of that broken class by posting endless row of clone/phantasm posts that prolly not even devs themself understand anymore. Hide obvious behind illusions (kinda goes with the class :) ).

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > @"Engraver.5896" said:

> > > I'm tired of the constant kitten nerfs we're receiving every time. I've stuck with this class since the beginning but it's come to a point where it feels like you have to try harder than any other class just to be subpar and then you're still worse than the rest of the professions. I'm done with this bs.

> >

> > Come to Rev and you'll back to Warrior in no time. We got a whole year of nerfs, plus a spec that's useless outside punching piñata bosses in PvE raids, and the new patch turned our underwater damage (arguably the strongest in the game until two months ago) into thrash, despite submarine gameplay had almost no relvance in the game.


> I agree with u. Reve is far from viable, especially in (my favorite) wvw roaming, and i give my full respect to revs who do it still.

> what i wish for war community is to get at least close to where mesmer or ele community is. Eles for example, have endless stream of tears when balance do even a slightest change. Mesmers on other hand , they hide current state of that broken class by posting endless row of clone/phantasm posts that prolly not even devs themself understand anymore. Hide obvious behind illusions (kinda goes with the class :) ).


If you think about we warriors don't cry and hide our tears, we endure pain..

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> @"Atticus.7194" said:


> Mah dude, you've been absolute staples in WvW for a year or two, watching you drop 18k hits at 1200 yards and down a line of people, you certainly had a place. Still do in fact, zergs still desperately want hammer power heralds.


CoR could only do insane damage against full glass cannon builds designed to gank people (usually in a sudden burst from stealth, like thieves or mesmers), so was a fair trade (zerg Revs don't go around in full zerk stats and can't reach such numbers, which anyway are currently impossible to get due multiple nerfs). But I was talking more from a perspective o a roamer/pvp player; Rev isn't meta from long time ago and the Renegade build used in PvE raids is garbage at everything else.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Atticus.7194" said:


> > Mah dude, you've been absolute staples in WvW for a year or two, watching you drop 18k hits at 1200 yards and down a line of people, you certainly had a place. Still do in fact, zergs still desperately want hammer power heralds.


> CoR could only do insane damage against full glass cannon builds designed to gank people (usually in a sudden burst from stealth, like thieves or mesmers), so was a fair trade (zerg Revs don't go around in full zerk stats and can't reach such numbers, which anyway are currently impossible to get due multiple nerfs). But I was talking more from a perspective o a roamer/pvp player; Rev isn't meta from long time ago and the Renegade build used in PvE raids is garbage at everything else.


that why i get hit for 8k as frontliner with 3k armor

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