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[Question] Swim-Speed Infusions

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > And where do the +20 Infusions at the TP come from? Are they craftable?

> Yes. They are craftable. You would need 2048 +9 infusions for each +20.


Geez... It's unfair that the bonus is some speed buff. You don't have the issue with AR, because of those you need no more than +9 infusions to assemble the maximum value. No one in their right mind will want to afford those +20 underwater speed infusions.


I'm curious, though, what exactly the number means. Percentage bonus?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > And where do the +20 Infusions at the TP come from? Are they craftable?

> > Yes. They are craftable. You would need 2048 +9 infusions for each +20.


> Geez... It's unfair that the bonus is some speed buff. You don't have the issue with AR, because of those you need no more than +9 infusions to assemble the maximum value. No one in their right mind will want to afford those +20 underwater speed infusions.


> I'm curious, though, what exactly the number means. Percentage bonus?


Hooo... sorry. I have no idea if the speed infusions are craftable... was quoting agony.

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>seaworthiness both in and out of combat. Becoming the swiftest diver under the sea will require dedication


Based on this part of the blog, I’d say each scale increases movement speed.


Also based on the following too:


>Double-click to apply to an unused infusion slot. Infuses character with increased swimming speed.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Hooo... sorry. I have no idea if the speed infusions are craftable... was quoting agony.


Of course I was asking about the new infusions, not AR. :s


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Based on this part of the blog, I’d say each scale increases movement speed.


Yes, but I was asking about the exact meaning of the bonus: %, something else? (Would have been nice if we got some official information on that.)

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> Do i understad it right.... the +number in the new UW infusions is an indikator of how much extra swimspeed they give?


Yes, but so far no one could answer what the measurement is (i.e., whether it is +%).


> @"spiritualabyss.7016" said:

> Does this speedboost stack with swiftness?


I got the impression while swimming.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> It feels very weird that there's no AR on the new infusions, and I think there should be a version with AR simply for Aquatic Ruins Fractal.


> Further, needing 1,048,576 +10 Swim-Speed Infusions to get the max +30 seems WAY out there. I cannot imagine a speed boost being **that** useful.


I don't know how it works, but isn't it just like a regular infusion which you can technically, if you wish to do so, put on ANY ascended gear? I'm just going by the description alone which really doesn't tell me anything. If going by the patchnotes it seemed to be only for the waterbreather, sure. Just wondering.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> It feels very weird that there's no AR on the new infusions, and I think there should be a version with AR simply for Aquatic Ruins Fractal.


> Further, needing 1,048,576 +10 Swim-Speed Infusions to get the max +30 seems WAY out there. I cannot imagine a speed boost being **that** useful.


There's no need for AR on the breather nor on your underwater weapons, as the AR needed for the highest level Aquatic fractals is 107.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> You misunderstood. With 11+ not having the aquabreather line, could they be slotted into other gear?


Since the +10 cannot, but only into an ascended aquatic headgear, it is safe to assume that the +11 to +30 ones cannot, either.


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I can't imagine why anyone would _need_ agony resistance on the new infusions. Unless you have AR+30 on a single infusion on your headgear, there's no need to have even rare gear on the breather. The underwater fractal doesn't require much AR relative to level 100, the fights don't require the stats, and our characters don't even need a breather to breathe underwater.


Use the speed boost if you like traveling more quickly, but otherwise, I strongly discourage anyone from spending time or money on getting ascended breathers.

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