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Revert Meteor shower nerf in wvw at least...


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> @"MagicBoi.4160" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > This post is pretty much my last resort before quitting gw2.

> > I will not play this game on any other class except my staff Ele.

> > I can survive without playing pve anymore. But I would like to at least log in for 2-3 hours in the evenings to play some wvw.

> > Please consider reverting this massive nerf for the wvw mode at least.

> >

> > There is no reason why a class that is running full zerker gear, has max 13k hp and 1967 armor, would hit other players for 1k's with their strongest ability.

> >

> > This change is absurd I cannot understand why you would nerf this ability so hard in wvw as well....

> > So please at least consider making this nerf not affect wvw at least.


> No, don't revert it. It's a great buff for WvW.


> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > dont revert the buff. eles is more than viavle now. my team wipes or downs tons from it. dunno.how op does it.but we ge 17k 20k 25k one hit


> Have you bothered asking what build these Eles are using to get a minimum crit of 17k to 25k max on a zerg? I am quite curious here because I've tried running full zerk staff with it in WvW but I've never reached those numbers even with 25 might... surely you're not exaggerating just to passively ask for nerfs, right?







I run full zerker in WvW and have never seen anything CLOSE to 20k either. :pensive:



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Why should a meteor shower get weaker over time?

> Same reason an arrow gains kinetic energy as it travels through the air.


> Tyria is bassawkwards land and we're all nutters \o/

Are you implying that meteor showers has identical rocks that always strike with a fixed interval and never stops?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Why should a meteor shower get weaker over time?

> > Same reason an arrow gains kinetic energy as it travels through the air.

> >

> > Tyria is bassawkwards land and we're all nutters \o/

> Are you implying that meteor showers has identical rocks that always strike with a fixed interval and never stops?



I'm firmly of opinion that the meteors should be progressive and hit harder as the spell is channeled and that projectiles have the most energy just after their launcher releases them.


But I also believe if I worked at Anet I've long since have beaten someone senseless with a physics textbook.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > Ok... so you still feel that way despite it being a buff if it doesn't hit any one player more than 3 times?

> > >

> > > It's a nerf for single target, but a clear buff vs Zergs.

> >

> > Its not sadly as you down ppl in zergs and then you do less dmg over time to that downed player. Ele is a finner class and this makes MS worthless for it. Its a nerf for single targets and zergs.


> Have you tried it in the PvP lobby on the multi target area? I really see this as a buff for anything other than boss fights for PvE.


> If you are running it in a ganking squad, then good luck with that.


> But for groups of 10 or more, if you are waiting for additional hits on downed toons, well, that may be the only aspect of a nerf.


> I really don't see this as a nerf at all. Not for WvW.


Wvw is any where from 1 player to 30 some times more with every veration of who and who dose not walk in your aoes.


The thing about ele is that it needs to land more then one hit to down ppl or do worth wail dmg. Ele is the pure power dmg class when running a staff it lacks any type of unblockable tricks no quickness no condis no counter to boons. You MUST land more then one hit of MS to do any thing and to realy kill ppl you need to have MS hit at least 3 to 5 times as well as landing other aoe attks like a fire ball.


In a way this makes ele less able to down ppl and it ends the abitly for ele to be a down killing class. Its even going to mess up ele ability to down keep lords and siege as well as they use to something that is still very much part of wvw.


Staff ele was already sub optimal to run in wvw now its going to be even worst.


Side note: eng buff to healing and boons comply leaving tempest out in the cold for viable support in wvw. Its to the point where ele has no places in wvw.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > Ok... so you still feel that way despite it being a buff if it doesn't hit any one player more than 3 times?

> > > >

> > > > It's a nerf for single target, but a clear buff vs Zergs.

> > >

> > > Its not sadly as you down ppl in zergs and then you do less dmg over time to that downed player. Ele is a finner class and this makes MS worthless for it. Its a nerf for single targets and zergs.

> >

> > Have you tried it in the PvP lobby on the multi target area? I really see this as a buff for anything other than boss fights for PvE.

> >

> > If you are running it in a ganking squad, then good luck with that.

> >

> > But for groups of 10 or more, if you are waiting for additional hits on downed toons, well, that may be the only aspect of a nerf.

> >

> > I really don't see this as a nerf at all. Not for WvW.


> Wvw is any where from 1 player to 30 some times more with every veration of who and who dose not walk in your aoes.


> The thing about ele is that it needs to land more then one hit to down ppl or do worth wail dmg. Ele is the pure power dmg class when running a staff it lacks any type of unblockable tricks no quickness no condis no counter to boons. You MUST land more then one hit of MS to do any thing and to realy kill ppl you need to have MS hit at least 3 to 5 times as well as landing other aoe attks like a fire ball.


> In a way this makes ele less able to down ppl and it ends the abitly for ele to be a down killing class. Its even going to mess up ele ability to down keep lords and siege as well as they use to something that is still very much part of wvw.


> Staff ele was already sub optimal to run in wvw now its going to be even worst.


> Side note: eng buff to healing and boons comply leaving tempest out in the cold for viable support in wvw. Its to the point where ele has no places in wvw.



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> @"Vermillion.4061" said:

> Buff something that didn't need to be buffed.. good one anet


And make believe that was a nurf :D so it can be buffed later again xD


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> It should knock down as well.


That actually would be interesting mechanic to be added i would like as well meteors were larger and slower :) but each meteor would hit 3 players and theres 2 - 3 meteors with a 0.5sec interval on a larger radios.

And KD targets would got 1 stack of fire as well.

If casted on watter would KB instead of KD, and would blind the targets :)

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> > @"MagicBoi.4160" said:

> > > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > This post is pretty much my last resort before quitting gw2.

> > > I will not play this game on any other class except my staff Ele.

> > > I can survive without playing pve anymore. But I would like to at least log in for 2-3 hours in the evenings to play some wvw.

> > > Please consider reverting this massive nerf for the wvw mode at least.

> > >

> > > There is no reason why a class that is running full zerker gear, has max 13k hp and 1967 armor, would hit other players for 1k's with their strongest ability.

> > >

> > > This change is absurd I cannot understand why you would nerf this ability so hard in wvw as well....

> > > So please at least consider making this nerf not affect wvw at least.

> >

> > No, don't revert it. It's a great buff for WvW.

> >

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > dont revert the buff. eles is more than viavle now. my team wipes or downs tons from it. dunno.how op does it.but we ge 17k 20k 25k one hit

> >

> > Have you bothered asking what build these Eles are using to get a minimum crit of 17k to 25k max on a zerg? I am quite curious here because I've tried running full zerk staff with it in WvW but I've never reached those numbers even with 25 might... surely you're not exaggerating just to passively ask for nerfs, right?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> I run full zerker in WvW and have never seen anything CLOSE to 20k either. :pensive:

> Z



To see numbers like this you should be hitting a player running full glass himself. On high armor/toughness values it will be impossible.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> Ah well.

> Excuse me for trying.

> Let scourge meta reign supreme.

> All hail scourges, the only class that is allowed to do dmg in wvw.


> Im done here.



You forgot Spellbreakers :p


Far be it for me to state I welcome the change. I for one enjoy being on a wall siege for more than 5 seconds :p

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> Ah well.

> Excuse me for trying.

> Let scourge meta reign supreme.

> All hail scourges, the only class that is allowed to do dmg in wvw.


> Im done here.



I usually only play Scourge on reset nights, and I play mainly staff weaver every other night, with a different build (on weaver) for smaller groups or roaming, and I can tell you right now staff weaver was, and still is king of damage. For people willing to die a LOT to learn and get good at playing it there is nothing that will out damage Weaver.

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At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.


Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.


Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

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> @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.


> Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.


> Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

Except its a buff.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> > At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.

> >

> > Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.

> >

> > Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

> Except its a buff.


I think few have actually tested in Zergs. Walls, single target it's a drop.


Anything more than 5 targets it's a straight up buff.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> > At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.

> >

> > Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.

> >

> > Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

> Except its a buff.


so yea, if anyone can confirm what the dev release notes actually mean, if 10 percent less refers to 10 percent less of the first hit (which was buffed by 23 percent) or 10 percent less of the original hit, then we can finally conclude if this is a nerf or a buff.

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> @"Roxanne.6140" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> > > At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.

> > >

> > > Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.

> > >

> > > Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

> > Except its a buff.


> so yea, if anyone can confirm what the dev release notes actually mean, if 10 percent less refers to 10 percent less of the first hit (which was buffed by 23 percent) or 10 percent less of the original hit, then we can finally conclude if this is a nerf or a buff.


Basically, MS got 23% buff ofc, now lets say you drop this meteor on a group of 50+.. lets say 12 meteors hits the same 3 people (Very Unlikely) then the damage will be low, but if the next meteor hits a new target that it hasn't hit before it will hit for the high end as it would at the start

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Roxanne.6140" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> > > > At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.

> > > >

> > > > Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.

> > > >

> > > > Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

> > > Except its a buff.

> >

> > so yea, if anyone can confirm what the dev release notes actually mean, if 10 percent less refers to 10 percent less of the first hit (which was buffed by 23 percent) or 10 percent less of the original hit, then we can finally conclude if this is a nerf or a buff.


> Basically, MS got 23% buff ofc, now lets say you drop this meteor on a group of 50+.. lets say 12 meteors hits the same 3 people (Very Unlikely) then the damage will be low, but if the next meteor hits a new target that it hasn't hit before it will hit for the high end as it would at the start


^^. This. Any talk of a nerf is to single or small group targets.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> > > At a certain point you just have to give up. Leave the game like me and most of my ele friends did. They have continuously made that class worse to play.

> > >

> > > Gw2 had its glorious days and they won't come back.

> > >

> > > Even when you come back to read this forums after a few months it's still more nerfs for a class that has literally been destroyed and has no variety left.

> > Except its a buff.


> I think few have actually tested in Zergs. Walls, single target it's a drop.


> Anything more than 5 targets it's a straight up buff.


Well wvw is some times 5 ppl or 5 downs that you need to lay dmg into the down and the ppl who are rezing. Wvw is a moment to moment size when it comes to pAoE. Even in a zerg of 40 you could be hitting just 5 ppl if you have 5 ppl stun / rooted slow etc.. in your MS and they are getting hit with more then one MS rock.


Its counter to the ideal of staff ele a aoe control class if you do less of something when they stand in your aoe then your not contorting any thing your just doing dmg that is burst that happens to have a wind down after effect. Image if other classes had this demising returning on dmg and effects take well of corruption on necro. What if it only boon corrupted on the first tick per player but after that it dose not corrupted a boon how much weaker of a skill would that be? Or lets take pAoE support such as time warp on mez what if it only gave quickness to each player on the first pulse per target (may not be the best example of support).


My point is ele is a pure dmg class MS is a pure dmg skill that takes 3 sec root to cast and is on a relative long cd. There a lot of risk in use to make it weaker per hit on per target is going to destroy any type of reward for the high risk of casting. There was a skill split for 2? months and now that skill split is gone and we have a very complected set of rules (effects) for a just dmg spell. Anet has lost any order of leadership and direction.

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It's definitely a huge buff that needs to be reverted in wvw. First, it shouldn't be able to hit nearly all of the stairs in a tower (and every inch of every wall). But, Anet doesn't give a shit and wants blobs to be able to mow down towers fast. But, it kills 100% health superior arrow carts in 2 hits...this is definitely not ok.

They need to make it reflectable. If they can nearly instakill EVERYTHING on a wall in 1 cast, than a mesmer hitting them with feedback mid cast should put the damage back on them.

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