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Disagree with WvW Reward System

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Loot the same as in 2012? I guess you've never seen the pip system then with legendary items as possible reward.

Even if you like to avoid friendly zergs, you can earn pips. It can be a bit hard to get them going but after capturing some camps, claiming sentries and repairing some walls or some trebbing (pick a few) you should get the pips flowing and as long as you keep reasonably active you keep getting them.


Or just join the zerg for some time and then do whatever you like.

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PvP is in so much trouble that they make chests repeatable, 20 gold and shards. They made tournament, first place 500 gold+ valuables! Compared to the dead PVP (were unranked is 100x better) WVW reward system is just like unranked PVP, that simple!! THe only way WvW will have those same rewards like ranked PVP, tournaments, is when the WvW will fall in player numbers... this is the sad truth! PVP would be dead without those rewards!

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> the whole reward track thing was a waste of Dev time. The same effect could've been had by just raising the vendor price for a spike.


Eh. You get quite a bit from reward tracks, especially the mats from the Istan one.

If they wanted a system where junk items replaced all of income from reward tracks they'd really have to SPIKE the price.







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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> > Not to be negative, but OP has no clue what he/she is talking about. You may not like the rewards or the rewards system. But as far as rewards go WvW has a kitten ton more than in 2012.


> That's the thing, you consider getting more greens and blues is a proper reward. I don't.


I get a lot more than that. Sorry you do not see it the same way. Maybe Gw2 is not for you?

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Bigger question is IMO why, with **three reward systems already in place** (dropped loot, rank-up chests, reward tracks) did the devs feel that **adding a fourth one** was the correct move, instead of transforming/replacing/fixing an existing one. Why add pips if they just get bolted on top of multiple ill-implemented issues which never get fixed?


In the end this "development by accretion" just hurts how the game feels to someone new or returning. You can see the dozens and dozens of messy, abandoned or broken systems still in the game, so it feels as if the devs don't care. Even if they fixed it! Because instead of actually fixing the broken elements they staple new ones on top of them so the mixture either works, or players will prefer the new over the old.


Either way: It feels unprofessional as far as game development is concerned. I'd prefer if broken elements are at least **removed**. If pips work better than reward tracks / rank-up chests / dropped loot, **remove all of those**. Roll everything into pip chests.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Have you ever tried...(brace yourself crazy idea incoming)...playing for FUN?

> >

> > I don't know what you are doing in WvW, but if you think the rewards are the same as they were in 2012, you are doing something seriously wrong.

> >

> > I am getting tons of great rewards in wvw. My bags are constantly full, I get mats, gear, siege, consumables, upgrade items, pve stuff. Like seriously what the heck else do you need? You can even get ascended gear, a legendary backpack, and can even upgrade ascended armor to legendary.

> >

> > Seriously, what more do you want???


> For fun is what i've been doing since launch. Too much asking having a proper reward system in one of their main game modes?


I am not certain you even know what you want. You complain endlessly about the loot itself, yet you keep DEMANDING a "new system".... What are your actual complaint? The loot or the system by which you aquire the loot?

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WvW has been since 2012 alrerady a complete mess, that was only for the first year seriously supported, in where ANet tried to do actively something for this gamew mode... after that they completely lost it and ignored it, did absolutely nothing anymore for it, until HoT came out and they added the Desert Map..but from that point on again, a complete mess, but this time bcause of the ridiculous balancing fiasco they just seem not to get handled after all those years, which began short before the release of HoT and became since then only worser and worser over time..


Its outstanding, how long it even took Anet to get the stupid WvW achievements fixed to a point, that they became doable (except 1 that requires rediculous 250k player kills still, which is without match manipulation impossible in a player life/the life cicle of GW2)

I guess anet never had, except for the first year, at all a really good dedicated team for WvW that actually had some good vision on how to brign this game mode further conceptionally and how to improve it and let it grow... and that the dev team that was there originally for WvW had to be decreased continously out of ressource7money reasons, because this game sinmply laacks the income to make all the proper changes this game needs by now to come back to the right path.


Unless GW2 becomes financially significantly stronger, I doubt that we will ever get to see any proper improvements to WvW anymore, the game mode is dead and just is artificially kept alive by anet, but not at all really supported anymore basically since 2014 after the last tournament was... just to get for a few months a tiny revival after HoT, but after seeing that the desert map wasn#t well received by the majority of the WvW players, it basically instantly died out again ,the little glimmer of hope that was there, that WvW might receive finally the attention it needs, to make out of this game mode somethign greait again, how it started and was actively supported back in 2012.

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  • 4 months later...

Compared to pve and spvp, it shouldn't even be considered as a game mode with any kind of reward system cuz you'll be poor4life if all you're playing is wvw. In spvp you get, say, 50g in X amount of time. In wvw, in the same amount of time, you get 5g. Wtf is that!?


Some will say "bu but wvw is so casul". Everything in gw2 is casual, so that's not an excuse.

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Not to sound like an old man, but back in the days(2014?) you got as good as nothing, paid for the upgrades of keeps AND siege weapons and then when you were done you walked to the next tower you wanted to defend, mentally bended over and said:

"Thank you sir, may I have another one please?" :)

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Didnt you make this thread before? I am happy with the rewards. I have played long enough to remember when rewards were actually really bad and non existent.






The OP’s complaint in their previous thread was addressed fairly well.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Didnt you make this thread before? I am happy with the rewards. I have played long enough to remember when rewards were actually really bad and non existent.


good question lol maybe i did made something similar, dunno. But nothing has changed (reward wise), nor is there anything changing on the horizon so it must be asked.

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The rewards are alright. Keep in mind, every single enemy and loot chest from reward tracks you get can possibly contain an ascended armor box. Most of the money besides that comes from Skirmish Chests. You can either grab a ton of unidentified dyes and sell them (20s each and you easily stack up to 50 in 6 hours or something) or by buying and selling the sieges you get.

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> Not to sound like an old man, but back in the days(2014?) you got as good as nothing, paid for the upgrades of keeps AND siege weapons and then when you were done you walked to the next tower you wanted to defend, mentally bended over and said:

> "Thank you sir, may I have another one please?" :)


You're right, and that's why gw2 as a whole was known as a game with very poor reward system throught the game.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The rewards are alright. Keep in mind, every single enemy and loot chest from reward tracks you get can possibly contain an ascended armor box. Most of the money besides that comes from Skirmish Chests. You can either grab a ton of unidentified dyes and sell them (20s each and you easily stack up to 50 in 6 hours or something) or by buying and selling the sieges you get.


Selling sieges o.O


Do you get more than 20s a day selling siege???

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > The rewards are alright. Keep in mind, every single enemy and loot chest from reward tracks you get can possibly contain an ascended armor box. Most of the money besides that comes from Skirmish Chests. You can either grab a ton of unidentified dyes and sell them (20s each and you easily stack up to 50 in 6 hours or something) or by buying and selling the sieges you get.


> Selling sieges o.O


> Do you get more than 20s a day selling siege???


Oh look, somebody doesn't know how to get money but complains that it's impossible to get money.. Get superior siege blueprint cases from the skirmish chest and hope you get a golem.. rest is worth like 5 silver each, you get 2 sieges per case so around 10 silver every time. 1 unidentified dye is currently 22 silver, you can get 1 per skirmish chest.


But yes, if you only play like 30 minutes you're not gonna make any money from it. Finishing up until the last Diamond chest gives you around 40 skirmish chests, so 40 x 20 silver + afterwards 1 chest every 55 pips = 55 minutes worst case if your team has the least points. Half that time if you're outnumbered, a bit less if you have more points or a higher rank. Keep in mind that earlier chests don't take that long to get, since they require less pips total.


The gamemode in itself wants people to play a lot of it. Getting the last diamond chest requires you to play for around 1300 pips.


Besides thatyou can also sell memories of battle, of which you will get a bunch as well. Right now they are worth 8 silver each.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > The rewards are alright. Keep in mind, every single enemy and loot chest from reward tracks you get can possibly contain an ascended armor box. Most of the money besides that comes from Skirmish Chests. You can either grab a ton of unidentified dyes and sell them (20s each and you easily stack up to 50 in 6 hours or something) or by buying and selling the sieges you get.

> >

> > Selling sieges o.O

> >

> > Do you get more than 20s a day selling siege???


> Oh look, somebody doesn't know how to get money but complains that it's impossible to get money.. Get superior siege blueprint cases from the skirmish chest and hope you get a golem.. rest is worth like 5 silver each, you get 2 sieges per case so around 10 silver every time. 1 unidentified dye is currently 22 silver, you can get 1 per skirmish chest.


> But yes, if you only play like 30 minutes you're not gonna make any money from it. Finishing up until the last Diamond chest gives you around 40 skirmish chests, so 40 x 20 silver + afterwards 1 chest every 55 pips = 55 minutes worst case if your team has the least points. Half that time if you're outnumbered, a bit less if you have more points or a higher rank. Keep in mind that earlier chests don't take that long to get, since they require less pips total.


> The gamemode in itself wants people to play a lot of it. Getting the last diamond chest requires you to play for around 1300 pips.


> Besides thatyou can also sell memories of battle, of which you will get a bunch as well. Right now they are worth 8 silver each.


5s here or 20s there is not gonna get you anywhere. compared to spvp, this is absolutely nothing.

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I would say some of rewards tracks are a bit to much, maybe less chests spam and some more direct reward besides open bag inside chest inside bag that was inside another chest.


But the rewards tiselves on WvW are kinda fine, besides siege and some gold to buy some food nourishment is all that is needed on WvW IMO.


It does not need to be a gold mine....

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