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I wish dueling was a thing

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Like it is in WoW


In WoW too, 1v1 isn't the balance focus of the PvP team, and nobody cares, it's always fun to duel people before an event or while waiting in a queue, or just to test a build or confront a friend just for fun

It wouldn't harm the game in any way

I don't understand why this isn't a thing after all these years


And yes I know you can create a custom lobby and blablabla...But come on...

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[OPINION] No, it isn't fun to duel people. More to the point, it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want.(0) It isn't fun to have things to do and some random moron who really, really wants to duel you, and won't take no for an answer.(1) It also isn't fun to be level 7 on a starter planet of SWTOR, and some random level 60 idiot decides its funny to challenge you (and all the other level sub-10 characters) to duels. [/OPINION]


(0) For me, that means *all* of them.


(1) This was in SWTOR. He didn't stop until I announced "harassment" in the equivalent of /map (although I meant it to be /say).

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It's like anything, some ppl would like it and some wouldn't. I think the reason they never included it in pve is bc conceptually part of what was meant to make gw2 stand out from the mmo crowd was that it was a game where seeing other players was a good thing, where players were encouraged to help each other and rewarded for their efforts. Introducing dueling to pve wouldn't prevent that, but it would change the tone of the pve environment. And since dueling is readily available in other modes, it's really a non-issue . . .

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> I actually like the idea of dueling but with an option to disable it so you don't get the invites when you're not in the mood or don't have time or simply don't want to.


It's a lot more complicated than that. In open PvE, which is meant to be cooperative, boons are shared, fields can be applied, banners can be dropped, etc., all of which boost a player. How does Anet turn that off just for a duel? And what about duels at an event? Again, Anet separated this stuff for a reason.


Edit: I'm referring to boosts from bystanders.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> > I actually like the idea of dueling but with an option to disable it so you don't get the invites when you're not in the mood or don't have time or simply don't want to.


> It's a lot more complicated than that. In open PvE, which is meant to be cooperative, boons are shared, fields can be applied, banners can be dropped, etc., all of which boost a player. How does Anet turn that off just for a duel? And what about duels at an event? Again, Anet separated this stuff for a reason.


> Edit: I'm referring to boosts from bystanders.


Don't think it's nearly as complicated as you think. After duel begins restrict players from receiving benefits from anyone they aren't in party with, or anyone at all. While dueling your opponent doesn't count as a party member so that shouldn't be an issue either.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want


> Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...


apart from it isn't really when map/say/whisper chat is still a thing and can still be spammed with annoying messages

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Maybe it's selfish but I'm glad this game doesn't have duelling. My other MMO does and even though you can disable the invites you can't disable:

* People spamming chat with requests to duel

* People arguing in chat about the outcome of a duel, or trying to pick a fight to start one

* People who follow you around spamming skills because they seem to think that's going to persuade someone who has disabled invites that actually they do want to duel after all

* People who want an audience and seem to think the best way to get one is to duel on top of the bank/merchant/quest givers etc.


Or people insisting that skills need to be balanced for duels, or simply crying out for skills to be nerfed/buffed because of their experience duelling.


So yes, even if you choose not to duel and disable invites it still has an impact, almost everywhere you go.


There are already ways to duel in GW2 - you can go to a private PvP arena or a guild hall. I don't think we need to bring it into the open world as well.

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Why not? It's voluntary.


There are SO MANY fantastic maps in this game. They're beautifully designed and have interesting/varied terrain .. but I never play in them because the only thing to kill there are enemy npcs. It'd be so much fun to fight real opponents.


.. but yeah, They like keeping the PvE carebare game separate. They'd never allow it, even if it required both participants' explicit consent before a duel could begin.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Like it is in WoW


> In WoW too, 1v1 isn't the balance focus of the PvP team, and nobody cares, it's always fun to duel people before an event or while waiting in a queue, or just to test a build or confront a friend just for fun

> It wouldn't harm the game in any way

> I don't understand why this isn't a thing after all these years


> And yes I know you can create a custom lobby and blablabla...But come on...


Neat idea, but I can't see it being implemented in PvE that well. Dueling in PvE will put some professions at a disadvantage. What I mean by this is that let's say we have a duel between a ranger and an engineer. The engineer is at a disadvantage because the engineer doesn't have cover to use or to LoS the ranger. The engineer would be out of cover all the time and by the time he injures the ranger, he would be dead by then.


There's a reason why dueling only happens in PvP maps. The maps are made for all professions to fight in and use the environments and higher grounds to their advantage in fights.

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I can't really speak for wow dueling, but there is a game that adreeses many of the "fairness" complaints, as well as the requests-for-duels complaints in their dueling system.


Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)


[https://elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25797](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25797 "https://elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25797")


I play that game and GW2. I have BDO but it is hard to get motivated to play that game lol.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> A game with duels ruins my immersion. Anet you need not to add duels, because with them my gameplay is disturbed.





Good luck getting duels but this is a dead horse, the PvE population has spoken and they say even if it was instanced in the Black Citadel out of sight, it was still too disturbing to their game play.

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> Dueling in PvE will put some professions at a disadvantage.


Yes, I said that in my very first message. It wouldn't be balanced, and it's not an issue. Duels are a "fun" thing, not a "serious, competitive" thing. WoW 1v1 isn't balanced either, but people still duel for fun, or in between queues. And there's an option do disable duels too. Also, you can't duel in certain areas, like big cities or within instanced places.


If the PvE community doesn't want to be "bothered", dueling could be disabled near dungeons, raids or whatever. Or just allowed in some dedicated places, even that would be an improvement. I still don't get why people are against it.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want


> Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...


Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.


I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > A game with duels ruins my immersion. Anet you need not to add duels, because with them my gameplay is disturbed.





> Good luck getting duels but this is a dead horse, the PvE population has spoken and they say even if it was instanced in the Black Citadel out of sight, it was still too disturbing to their game play.


That's not actually what I said. In SWTOR, you can challenge players anywhere, and the fight takes place right there, and there are players who think it's fun to challenge you:

* Repeatedly until you /ignore them or call them out in /map or /report for harassment

* When you are level 7 and they are level 60, just for laughs.(1)


If the duels are just a form of 1v1 PvP in an instanced arena, with a queue rather than an open-world challenge system, sure, that could work. I wouldn't participate, but I don't see any reason (aside from development time resource limits) to say that it's a bad idea.


(1) SWTOR has level sync, sort of like the level scaling in GW2, except that it trims the power of synced characters significantly less than in GW2. Level 60 versus level 7 on a starter planet is more or less an instant squish.

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

> >

> > Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...


> Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.


> I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.


If the basis for not having things in the game is they might have some vague potential to annoy someone if they are misused, then we better remove players from the game because you people might get annoyed by someone randomly spamming skills in Lion's Arch or somewhere, or by chat (better remove chat), or merely by a player who decides to follow you around.


Really if your level of intolerance is this high then you simply aren't suited to an MMORPG and should go play a solo game.

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > > it isn't fun to receive duelling challenges you don't want

> > >

> > > Nice, add a "I don't want to receive duels" option, there you go, problem sovled...

> >

> > Why add a solution to a problem that has not to be there? And if you really think this would stop people from harassing potential duelling partners, you are gravely mistaken. Annoyance is like life in Jurassic Park, it finds a way too.

> >

> > I can kind of understand why people want to duel, but the annoyance potential for morons rises massively when you allow open world duelling. I don´t want anyone to follow and pesker me in map chat because he always wanted to duel a two pistol engineer or something like that.


> If the basis for not having things in the game is they might have some vague potential to annoy someone if they are misused, then we better remove players from the game because you people might get annoyed by someone randomly spamming skills in Lion's Arch or somewhere, or by chat (better remove chat), or merely by a player who decides to follow you around.


> Really if your level of intolerance is this high then you simply aren't suited to an MMORPG and should go play a solo game.


Bad argument is bad. Anet designed a game intentionally where it's harder to grief people. That is they took away kill and node stealing for a reason. Adding in stuff that goes against one of the core design principles is ridiculous. It's like adding meat dishes to a vegetarian restaurant. It's a change that people will be uncomfortable with and every such change makes the game less "yours". The more you do that, the more reason you give people to leave.


I've played games with dueling and had invites off. It didn't stop idiots from insisting I turn it on, following me around, jumping up and down in my face. Whether it annoys you or not is not really relevant to the conversation. Whether it annoys me or not isn't really relevant either. The real question is what percentage of people it would annoy and how do you stop those people from doing it. Well one way to stop them is to take away the tools in the first place. There's no reason to do that if there's no dueling in the game in the first place.

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