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Mysterious Mist traveler Zeghai of the Lost added with recent patch. A Revenant of an unknown race.

Daniel Handler.4816

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We might not need to decipher anything after all.


They already dropped a new Trident https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trident with skills referencing our aura and attuning to Legends.


And now this weird blue person:




Who says to Revenants:

> I see you clearly. We have both walked in the Mists. We have seen the realm of infinite possibilities and chosen to risk our existence to manipulate them.


Is Revenant using something stronger than chaos magic? Mesmer can manipulate the ether, and probability, but not to this degree. It's like if an elementalist attuned to Mists.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> Is Revenant using something stronger than chaos magic? Mesmer can manipulate the ether, and probability, but not to this degree. It's like if an elementalist attuned to Mists.

Revenants were never implied to be manipulating chaos magic. The only profession ever suggested to be tied to chaos magic is mesmers. Revenants channel the Mists. So yes, they channel something stronger than chaos magic. They channel the very building blocks of reality.


> @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

> Revenants are using the same Magic as Ritualists I think and Ritualists don't use any of the mentioned Magic Spheres if I recall.

Ritualists channeled souls, not the Mists, but also mixed in Bloodstone/Tyrian magic into their practices. So far, we don't really have hints of Tyrian magic mixing into revenant magic.

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> @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

> Revenants are using the same Magic as Ritualists I think and Ritualists don't use any of the mentioned Magic Spheres if I recall.


Do you mean Spheres of Influence? Early Ritualists didn't use them because the domains they correspond to were locked away in the Bloodstones. Instead, they channeled the bond that powerful ancestral spirits maintained with them. Probably something like Norn racial skills.


After magic was released they started using techniques from Preservation to enhance their original abilities. And the capacity to influence/imprison/forcibly invoke/consume spirits probably comes from the domain of Jormags unnamed second sphere.


It's likely Revenants and Ritualists are related. We don't know how closely.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > Is Revenant using something stronger than chaos magic? Mesmer can manipulate the ether, and probability, but not to this degree. It's like if an elementalist attuned to Mists.

> Revenants were never implied to be manipulating chaos magic. The only profession ever suggested to be tied to chaos magic is mesmers. Revenants channel the Mists. So yes, they channel something stronger than chaos magic. They channel the very building blocks of reality.


Rifts, replicating effects/imagery, consciousness sharing, etc implied ether manipulation. Chaos Magic was just a guess about how they manipulate the realm of infinite possibilities. But now that appears to be a reference to fractals.


Are Revenants and Ritualists using two different definitions of Mists?


* @"draxynnic.3719" https://www.guildmag.com/magazine/issue9/interview.htm the Mists are where worlds and fractals reside. In malleable pairings that can be influenced by memory. And the echoes are the history that resonated, not the exact version of events.


* vs the Mists are the realm of the afterlife. The various destinations of the spirit after death that each have their own reality. Some of which, like RoT, can resonate echoes and have the ether strain into their reality.


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> Are Revenants and Ritualists using two different definitions of Mists?


> * @"draxynnic.3719" https://www.guildmag.com/magazine/issue9/interview.htm the Mists are where worlds and fractals reside. In malleable pairings that can be influenced by memory. And the echoes are the history that resonated, not the exact version of events.


> * vs the Mists are the realm of the afterlife. The various destinations of the spirit after death that each have their own reality. Some of which, like RoT, can resonate echoes and have the ether strain into their reality.


Best we can understand, the two definitions are the same. The Mists are basically the combination of the afterlife, the building blocks of reality (aka protomatter), and outer space combined. All things exist within the Mists and touch the Mists (ergo, outer space), which includes the afterlife realms, and consists of protomatter that has a misty appearance (hence the name; as can seen from places like Heart of the Mists).


"Going to another world" or "going to the afterlife" is going into/through the Mists, in a similar way as you're going into/through outer space to reach another planet or the moon.


What's unclear is just how the actual outer space of the GWverse functions, since we can see stars and the like from Tyria and certain afterlives.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> What's unclear is just how the actual outer space of the GWverse functions, since we can see stars and the like from Tyria and certain afterlives.


Maybe it could be like the TES universe, where the realms of oblivion are actually planets, the Void is the literal space, Magnus is the sun, his daughters are the stars, etc

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> > What's unclear is just how the actual outer space of the GWverse functions, since we can see stars and the like from Tyria and certain afterlives.


> Maybe it could be like the TES universe, where the realms of oblivion are actually planets, the Void is the literal space, Magnus is the sun, his daughters are the stars, etc.


In our vision of the All there are 2 rings orbiting around each Dragon orb and several around Tyria. One of the rings around Tyria is the same as the one found on the map of the Realm of Torment. A place that reflects Tyria's darker aspects. Maybe each Realm is in a Halo situation, a circular planet.


It's also possible that those rings, and the 2 around each Dragon orb, would be experienced as spheres in a lower dimension. Making them seem like Spheres of Influence and Planets were you to stand on the surface.





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I am skeptical that merchant NPC will become part of something bigger in the lore. But I'm hoping something big comes around. Being optimistic, underwater and revenant polishing indicate something to come in this direction in the LS4 chapter 3. Being pessimistic, it's just "polishing."


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Zeghai reminds me of Razah, some similarities there. Perhaps using this particular type of NPC to sell these recipes instead of someone from a race we already have might be a prelude to something in the future, who knows. It very well could be considering what is happening in the mists with the exodus of the gods. I honestly dont think they would throw in such a mysterious character and not have it lead anywhere.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Zeghai reminds me of Razah, some similarities there. Perhaps using this particular type of NPC to sell these recipes instead of someone from a race we already have might be a prelude to something in the future, who knows. It very well could be considering what is happening in the mists with the exodus of the gods. I honestly dont think they would throw in such a mysterious character and not have it lead anywhere.


It could be he is just for the recipes because it wouldn't make sense that other people knew them. But some sort of invasion might be cool too.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Best we can understand, the two definitions are the same. The Mists are basically the combination of the afterlife, the building blocks of reality (aka protomatter), and outer space combined. All things exist within the Mists and touch the Mists (ergo, outer space), which includes the afterlife realms, and consists of protomatter that has a misty appearance (hence the name; as can seen from places like Heart of the Mists).


I suppose I've always interpreted the Mists as a kind of huge celestial scrapheap. As you say, there are the building blocks of reality there – things that may come into being in the material world – as well as things that have passed from this world. There are unfinished worlds that never came fully into being, and warped, twisted alternate versions of places in the material world as well. It is simultaneously infinite potential and infinite loss.


Revenants are beings who not only choose to wander through the Mists from time to time, but also periodically pick things up and go "Hey, I can think of a use for this...". The way Rev legends are 'channelled' feels very different from Ritualists in GW1, where ashes were used with reverence but spirits were somewhat generic.



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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> If he's Razah, it would be a hilarious coincidence that Razah happens to be Ritualist and the person we talk to is clearly a Revenant, which would confirm the long-standing theory that Ritualist and Revenant share a connection.


Actually that was a bug that was later fixed. Razah has no profession until you tell him to emulate one of them.


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > If he's Razah, it would be a hilarious coincidence that Razah happens to be Ritualist and the person we talk to is clearly a Revenant, which would confirm the long-standing theory that Ritualist and Revenant share a connection.


> Actually that was a bug that was later fixed. Razah has no profession until you tell him to emulate one of them.



Where does it say that? Everywhere i look mentions he's a Ritualist by default.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > If he's Razah, it would be a hilarious coincidence that Razah happens to be Ritualist and the person we talk to is clearly a Revenant, which would confirm the long-standing theory that Ritualist and Revenant share a connection.

> >

> > Actually that was a bug that was later fixed. Razah has no profession until you tell him to emulate one of them.

> >


> Where does it say that? Everywhere i look mentions he's a Ritualist by default.


Well, the original plan was for him to be a profession-selectable hero (even says "Variable" in the NF manual IIRC), but they didn't have that profession-swapping tech in yet. It went onto the backburner and only showed up years later with Mercenary Heroes, and they added the ability to Razah.


Since he was a ritualist for years, it wouldn't surprise me if wiki never got updated properly, though I never personally recruited Razah after the update so I don't know if he starts as a rit or whatever you choose.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > If he's Razah, it would be a hilarious coincidence that Razah happens to be Ritualist and the person we talk to is clearly a Revenant, which would confirm the long-standing theory that Ritualist and Revenant share a connection.

> > >

> > > Actually that was a bug that was later fixed. Razah has no profession until you tell him to emulate one of them.

> > >

> >

> > Where does it say that? Everywhere i look mentions he's a Ritualist by default.


> Well, the original plan was for him to be a profession-selectable hero (even says "Variable" in the NF manual IIRC), but they didn't have that profession-swapping tech in yet. It went onto the backburner and only showed up years later with Mercenary Heroes, and they added the ability to Razah.


> Since he was a ritualist for years, it wouldn't surprise me if wiki never got updated properly, though I never personally recruited Razah after the update so I don't know if he starts as a rit or whatever you choose.


The wiki has the correct information in the bottom (trivia?) section. But the sidebar hasn't been updated to reflect the change.

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"The protomatter that makes up the Mists strains toward creation, often spawning demonic creations in nightmarish forms. Not all creatures from the Mists are demonic, however. When the Mists come into contact with a suitable human template, for example, it can copy that form, creating a sentient entity with humanoid appearance and an almost human mind.


Razah is one such creation. It has sprung into being a fully-formed adult. It has the knowledge and capabilities of a human, but lacks common sense. As a result, it asks odd questions about human emotions, contemplates human motivations, and attempts to duplicate human mannerisms. Razah is a contradiction: more than human in some ways, and less than human in others. It needs an identity, a personality, and a purpose. Hopefully, it will find its purpose by working with a hero. Otherwise, it could degenerate into an abomination as monstrous and inhuman as its demonic brethren."


Mists often spawn demons but that doesn't mean he is a demon.

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