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Do you use your race's cultural armour?

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> You forgot a poll option with "_Yes, I use all of the tiers_"

> ....

> The cultural are the best armor for each races, I love them and got all of them. They suits and fits best for their own armor.

> I just wish we had more tiers with more racial and cultural armor sets.




This. I use a different mix of many armor on every one of my chars, and the cultural pieces are a prominent and truly important part on most of them.

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  • 10 months later...

My character is sylvari and I find all their cultural armor cheesy as kitten. Don't like the whole tree-hugging aspect of it anyway, so my sylvari is of enlightened few who discarded their old savage ways of life ("All things have a right to grow" - what a load of outdated crap, pfff, what is it, something-70s? No hippy will last long in this magical world of never-ending struggle), wielding only modern armors and weaponry.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/giyieStl.jpg "")

> >

> Love the screenshot btw. Is the glow on the back piece due to Bifrost, or do I just really suck at display settings?


The backpiece is the [sun Catcher](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun_Catcher_Skin "Sun Catcher"), so it does glow by itself, but the Bifrost also puts an aura around the character.


I think the map had something to do with it too, I can't remember exactly where it was (somewhere in Orr) but I remember liking the lighting and being surprised I got good light in Orr.

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I use a mixture of all three tiers for my sylvari, asura, and charr characters (when I can afford tier 3, that is...so beautiful, and *so expensive*). Especially the sylvari - their cultural armor is just *gorgeous*. I love how parts of certain sets even glow at night.

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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:

> Nope. Playing mostly human female elementalist and I don't like light armour at all, on any tier.


I feel your pain. Most of light female armor makes me cringe (and that's from somebody who doesn't even consider objectivation a real issue and likes his gurl characters be nice and sexy eyes candies lol). It just looks ridiculous to the point it's immersion breaker, like something you wear to the beach, or to comiccon, but definitely not for combat.

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I only have two characters in full cultural, but i use a lot of random bits to accent various mostly-not-cultural-skins outfits. I couldn't imagine my charr engi without the.... tier 2? whatever the shoulder skin is that looks like a ring, assassin boots (teir 3 human medium) get used a lot, human light has a lot of fun accent parts, i use asura light shoulder teir...uhh...1? for my mesmer, etc


That said, my least fave cultural armor is probably the ones peeps like the most; sylvari. They dye so badly even with the same teir and same dyes, most exclusive dyes look terrible >>

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I have used them all from time to time, usually when levelling. Especially for Sylvari I find there aren't a lot of options that look sufficiently plant-themed. However, I do have enough other options that I don't really use the racial armor in my 'final' design for any given toon.

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No suitable vote option for me.


It depends on the character and theme i'm going for.

Some of my characters wear T1, some T2, some T3 but most not at all.


Human Ranger, Ornate Guild Armor with Falconer headgear.

Charr Necromancer, Full Bladed armour

Human Necromancer, Head, Shoulder, Gloves and Boots CoF set, HoTw Chestpiece and CoE Legs.

Sylvari Necromancer, T3 Cultural Armor with Gemstore Dragon horns.

Sylvari Ranger, T1 Cultural Armor

Charr Warrior, Arah dungeon armor with Bezerker Helm

Sylvari Warrior, Full Leystone set inc weapons.

Asuran Engineer, Sagal's Armor with Dragonscale Epaulets and Eagle eye Goggles


Just to throw a couple of my characters and what they're wearing out there.

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