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Can we officially name this the week of NA WvW bag farming?


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This has been happening lately: (Look at the K/D stats per tier)


[gw2stats.com/na/matchups/](http://gw2stats.com/na/matchups/ "gw2stats.com/na/matchups/")


The four highest K/D servers are each sitting in their own tiers when they should be fighting each other. it the worst case scenario Maguuma's K/D is 6x (2.4 K/D) that of the lowest opponent (DB @ 0.4) and that is in tier 4??? Will K/D take a more active determination in the future or with alliances in what tier a world sits in? It should count at least equally to PPT and the current way tiers shake out seems just a bit off...

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> @"Kayowin.9217" said:

> This has been happening lately: (Look at the K/D stats per tier)


> [gw2stats.com/na/matchups/](http://gw2stats.com/na/matchups/ "gw2stats.com/na/matchups/")


> The four highest K/D servers are each sitting in their own tiers when they should be fighting each other. it the worst case scenario Maguuma's K/D is 6x (2.4 K/D) that of the lowest opponent (DB @ 0.4) and that is in tier 4??? Will K/D take a more active determination in the future or with alliances in what tier a world sits in? It should count at least equally to PPT and the current way tiers shake out seems just a bit off...


Nope. Servers choose their tiers by keeping a place in a score.


The past three weeks were the same.


Each of the highest KDR servers will tell you it's just that they are better at fights.


The only server people will disagree with is BG.

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It's a permanent effect of 1-up/1-down and uneven strength of primary+linkage. Under the ungainly Glicko system, the same servers tended to fight each other for weeks on end, because those with similar ratings (suggesting similar strengths) would remain in the same relative tiers. Under 1u/1d, one server always moves up regardless of relative strength, and one down.


So take a scenario in which there is one Gold-level world, three Silver, and three Bronze, the gold will always dominate which ever two silvers it fights. The remaining Silver will dominate two of the Bronze, and the remaining Bronze will dominate its non-rated opponents. Prior to some deliberate tanking to open up certain worlds, that was pretty close to the situation in NA for ages.

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1 up 1 down is a bust,i dont know how any one thinks it will be any different with alliance mode when one alliance dominates every week the next biggest ones will plunder lower tiers for easy choo choo.can not put old wine in a new bottle

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i thought anet said they would remove 1up 1down if it was abused the mode has been awfull for along time now.2 of the full servers have a refusal to play a decent match enough is enough wont be any one left for alliance mode at this rate

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everyone knows the scoring system is a complete failure because it assumes no foul play / people giving up cuz bad organization / guild transfers / coverage. basically everything that is human behavior. it amazes me to this day no one at anet has tried anything new.

just turning off all scoring would be better lol.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


> just turning off all scoring would be better lol.


It really would. This whole popular idea that we're supposed to _avoid_ PvP to flip empty structures is backwards. The 24/7 point tick is the prime motivator of stacking in NA. It'd make no sense at all to all be on one side if the only thing to do was kill each other.


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> .

> > just turning off all scoring would be better lol.


> It really would. This whole popular idea that we're supposed to _avoid_ PvP to flip empty structures is backwards. The 24/7 point tick is the prime motivator of stacking in NA. It'd make no sense at all to all be on one side if the only thing to do was kill each other.


Agreed, I'd actually like to see completely random server matchups. With no score, there is no tier, therefore no 'win'


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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


Who is tanking for easier fights? Some people just don’t have ppt stress while the other server(s) are tryharding objectives.


If a “fight” server keeps the same kdr in every tier how can you even come up with something like that statement? :/


Plus the lower tiers are boring. Sure, most people want to avoid T1 but it isn’t like anyone is eager for T3-4...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > .

> > > just turning off all scoring would be better lol.

> >

> > It really would. This whole popular idea that we're supposed to _avoid_ PvP to flip empty structures is backwards. The 24/7 point tick is the prime motivator of stacking in NA. It'd make no sense at all to all be on one side if the only thing to do was kill each other.

> >

> Agreed, I'd actually like to see completely random server matchups. With no score, there is no tier, therefore no 'win'



Me too. Just actual playing and fighting. Having it random will be refreshing. There won't be a "bg" stuck in a tier. Sure people can still bandwagon but the servers you will play against change weekly. Having to play against new random opponents each week will let everyone feel the differences between servers/players on a more global scale instead of fighting same stale people/server. Having it change constantly will make people less inclined to hop servers [possibly].

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> @"Tina.1458" said:

> i thought anet said they would remove 1up 1down if it was abused the mode has been awfull for along time now.2 of the full servers have a refusal to play a decent match enough is enough wont be any one left for alliance mode at this rate


I agree, the 1 up/down should be changed due to gaming of the system. WvW - the game mode where you win by not coming in first.


Alliances can't come soon enough, though I'm at the point where I really just don't care much anymore. It's such a mess.

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> @"Brian.1289" said:

> thats the thing they dont have impressive kdr when they play other full servers its always around 1.0 to 1.3 heck last time i saw mag play bg they had 0.9 k/d


Umm maybe overall, in one match.

Tends to go down when you're cracking t3's.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


Blame BG for borking the balance of servers so bad that ANET has to create the alliance system. Tanking is just a symptom of BG's cheating the system to create a server that is massively overpopulated in evey time zone.


BG is the problem. Until BG is broken up nothing good will happen in WvW.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


> Blame BG for borking the balance of servers so bad that ANET has to create the alliance system. Tanking is just a symptom of BG's cheating the system to create a server that is massively overpopulated in evey time zone.


> BG is the problem. Until BG is broken up nothing good will happen in WvW.


Yes they have alot of players, but the issue isnt tge BG players, it is the WvW core design of how Wvw was ment to be played.


Bg trying to stack decent to good numbers of timezones is just a simpton of how broken and **how uselss WvW is**. Alliance wont solve this...:) it will be the same with diferent or the same players, guilds will just have the easier possibility of rotatte and will manipulate the fights against servers they can ktrain and farm them in SMC.


LamerWars wont change that easilly.


Has a smaller server that reached to figth against BG, i actually liked to fight against them, dispise those momments where they scourge group on the zerg was the size of our zerg ehehhehe, but that is another issue with the developers awfull class design quality over stupidity to help very bad players stacking and be carried.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


> Blame BG for borking the balance of servers so bad that ANET has to create the alliance system. Tanking is just a symptom of BG's cheating the system to create a server that is massively overpopulated in evey time zone.


> BG is the problem. Until BG is broken up nothing good will happen in WvW.


It is the players, not just bg. Stacking is done by players. BG simply just the only server that stacked the most successfully.

BG doesn't have super stacked timezone either, there are servers with super stacked timezones.


Blowing up the servers is overdue, thanks to the hesitation of the dev and illogical reasoning of the conservatives.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Blame 1u1d and people tanking for easier fights.


> Blame BG for borking the balance of servers so bad that ANET has to create the alliance system. Tanking is just a symptom of BG's cheating the system to create a server that is massively overpopulated in evey time zone.


> BG is the problem. Until BG is broken up nothing good will happen in WvW.


I disagree I think Asians and Australians are really the problem and BG just happens to have the most competent Asians and Australians left playing the game at the moment. It doesn't matter how good your server's EU and NA are if you have little or no OCX or SEA or if your server's OCX and SEA are complete trash which most of them are because of ping issues and general lack of experience and just general lack of game knowledge. SEA and OCX pugs are always the worst pugs on every server because a lot of them are playing with 300 ms pings or worse and they just don't seem to know or care much about the game so if you've got a good organized SEA or OCX guild you can take everything and run over everyone in just a few hours. It's always been this way it will probably always be this way I don't think any amount of reorganizing can change it. Breaking up BG will do nothing in the long run imo.

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1. I think the scoring system is broken. Scoring should stimulate fights and not sitting inside in defense. Central idea for wvw should be more fights.

2. People like EBG more than other maps. Forcing ppl to play other maps because of que time or more ppt is not good. I think the solution is to have only 1 big map in wvw. That can be done by extending ebg (or complete remake which will be much bigger than current one) and disabling other maps.

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