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Weaver is in dire need of nerf


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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > Its needs to get less crit dmg from power at the same time it needs better GM effects as well as more non max dmg effects such as unblockables quickness and maybe so means of dealing with boons.

> > > >

> > > > So weaver needs less max dmg and more reliability dmg. As things stand though we are seeing the core ele getting nerfed because of weaver max dmg being so high.

> > >

> > > Negative. That'd make it just the same as any other spec. It's fine to have high unreliable damage, it just needs it to be, you know, high.

> >

> > And weaver just a better damging ele power to crit dmg is silly you do higher crit dmg with power and you also get higher crit dmg from power.


> So? It lets you build a better glass cannon spec. I fail to see the problem.


It oddly make you more tankly more of every thing. In a way weaver line is just a pure + more power healing etc.. its the purest form of power creep added but it dose nothing to fix problem of the core dmg effects. Ele has no means of dealing with dmg mitigation.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


When you're forced to use marauder, vitality trait over dps, vitality food and defense utilities just to survive backline then you can cry. My full zerker core warrior trots frontline with lulez. You complaining about shower/font and the occasional static field makes gud lulz.

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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?

> >

> > What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


> Exactly just look at thief.


There are 2 big differences though.


1. In PvE thief can easily do extremely solid and reliable dps where the rotation might not go over 5 keys to ever be pressed. Yes no more than 5 buttons, ever.

2. In WvW thief is extremely good at roaming while ele is....a mixed bag would be kind and utterly disappointing would be more accurate.


Now if you had said power rev or reaper then yes I’d agree entirely.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?


> What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?

> >

> > What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


> Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.


You are mad.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:


> Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.


Yes, a multi target skill got nerfed against a single target, but buffed against many. Kinda makes sense. It's not the best change for wvw, but it works in pve where MS was the main reason of ele overperforming with any elite spec.


Weaver isnt really the problem since the only relevant build on it was staff, everything else was underperforming. Nerfing staff is crucial for pve balance and class/build diversity when it comes to other classes or other ele elite specs. Days of dps tempest in raids are over (at least power builds) since it's a multi-role spec while weaver is full dps, so of course weaver should perform much much better in that area.


When tempest used to do OP dps and ele got nerfed patch after patch, I always thought it was elite spec which should get nerfed, but it was never the problem in tempest. They kept nerfing staff over and over again with minor nerfs to tempest, but it was still strong build because nerfs were mild. After scepter meta, tempest finally got butchered, again, for no reason. Air overload is completely useless now when it comes to damage and d/w and s/w builds suffer the most from it, not staff. If MS changes we have now happened before PoF, some tempest builds could still be relevant now.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?

> >

> > What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


> Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.


I did read it's just that you aren't making too much sense. Yeah, weaver does more damage than tempest and core ele obviously since it's the damage forcused spec. Tempest is supposed to be the support spec. Weaver gives up everything for that damage. After the nerf to meteor shower they are way closer to other professions in terms of damage. If the damage becomes too low there will be no reason to take weaver. It has no utility to speak of and bad CC, while being squishy.


I do agree that weaver and core ele didn't need nerfs, but it's obvious they nerfed meteor shower just because they got tired of the issues that were caused by the DPS disparity between different hitbox sizes. Nerfing the weaver traits would not accomplish anything in regards to balancing the DPS across different hitboxes. The traits of weaver are a bit excessive in regards to how many are damage modifiers, but that is an issue due to entirely different reasons. The DPS of weaver is fine and other professions are not even close to useless. I have no idea where you get this impression. Weaver isn't the top benchmark anymore either, warrior has that now. Finally condi weaver builds are worse than power ones, so I don't know why you even mentioned them.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?

> >

> > What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


> Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.


I've been ele main since day 1. And no, weaver is not a problem. Wanna know what happened when I switched from tempest to weaver? Dps went up but overall I felt a lot more fragile. It's called "balance". Yeah, it's the better glass cannon spec. And the more fragile. Lower its damage and it becomes useless. Why would you run it instead of the more reliable tempest?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > > Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?

> > >

> > > What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.

> >

> > Some people just don't read post. I am Ele player, that is I play Ele, Temp and Weaver. And weaver it the problem. Meteor shower got nerfed against single target, Weaver hit? Yes, so are other specs, when power Weaver is the problem - temp is OK dps, I'd say it was in good place before meteor shower change where other specs are finally competetive with it. Weaver +bonus dmg is THE PROBLEM. Read. the. first. post. Not just the title.


> I've been ele main since day 1. And no, weaver is not a problem. Wanna know what happened when I switched from tempest to weaver? Dps went up but overall I felt a lot more fragile. It's called "balance". Yeah, it's the better glass cannon spec. And the more fragile. Lower its damage and it becomes useless. Why would you run it instead of the more reliable tempest?


Problem is, Anet is solving Weaver power problem by nerfing core Ele (DPS class) skills, which are shared between all specs, but +26% dmg from traits is OK? Bull poop. Switch bonus dmg from +26% via traits to 15% and it is still better than Tempest, no core skills needs nerfing and power creep isn't as bad

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


If Weaver could switch attunements without a global cool down, I _*maybe*_ could understand this. But as it works now, Weaver does not need further nerfing.

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> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> If you want it's damaged shaved that bad so other classes can do comparable damage.. then why don't we bring these other classes Hp down to 11k so it can be comparable survivalilty and everyone can do crazy damage and get wrecked at the same time.


Please let's! Let's make all health pools the same in PvE! I really mean it. Cause at the very moment it's ridiculous how many ppl STILL use this as an excuse for the very unhealthy balance that's still around. While in the PvE endgame it's definitely **THE** single worst defensive ability that you can have. Ivulns, blocks, extra evades, etc. those are the REAL lifesavers, not HP!

STOP NOW with this BS!

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Gambino.2109" said:

> > If you want it's damaged shaved that bad so other classes can do comparable damage.. then why don't we bring these other classes Hp down to 11k so it can be comparable survivalilty and everyone can do crazy damage and get wrecked at the same time.


> Please let's! Let's make all health pools the same in PvE! I really mean it. Cause at the very moment it's ridiculous how many ppl STILL use this as an excuse for the very unhealthy balance that's still around. While in the PvE endgame it's definitely **THE** single worst defensive ability that you can have. Ivulns, blocks, extra evades, etc. those are the REAL lifesavers, not HP!

> STOP NOW with this BS!


Ele has no abundance of invulns and blocks, especially not the DPS focused build of weaver in raids. Only sword builds have a decent amount of extra evades. So HP is not the only reason why this build has no survivability to speak of. All it has is the staff water heals, which need at least a 4 second delay to start casting because of the way weaver modifies attunements. Many other profession builds have built-in defensive abilities, like scourge barriers, guardian aegis, daredevil evades etc. Elementalist can have some in-built survivability with tempest, but that has much lower DPS, which is no coincidence. So staff weaver has both low HP and no defensive skills that it can use reliably on demand.

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Weaver is not best in slot for many bosses, its just viable in pug runs for almost every single raid boss there is


the fun fact is that scourge currently is the top spec for many bosses with adds and not ele in coordinated statics

the only time when eles get top dps in pug runs nowadays is when they actually know their class better than some random pug who picked weaver up a few weeks ago

i have outdpsed weavers with spb dps for example on bosses where it shouldnt be possible _if those knew how to play weaver_


so yeah, i dont think ele needs a nerf, i really just think that the latest meteor shower nerf/change was a completely trashy rework in meteors mechanics, for example:


at sloth and sama, who both dont count as "invulnerable" at their breakbar phases, you cant just precast meteor anymore like in the old rotation pre nerf cause your emteor hits, that hit for 0 dmg!, already would count into the calculations for the -10% dmg reduction


meaning the new weaver rota from SC, starting that directkly after the breakbar is broken, would benefit you moer in terms of dmg if you 2x attune fire into lava font and meteor shower to get those nice burst hits before they get reduced


weaver nowadays, especially due to this bullshit meteor change and the devs not wanting to realise that its a completely dumb rework for gameplays sake, makes weaver even harder to play for newer ele players who even struggle to reach 30k bursts on samarog because:


a) MS gets canceled due to them not being used to shockwaves

b) glyph of storms gets canceled for the same reason (and now it doesnt just go on 3-4s CD, but rather onto the full 60s CD when being interrupted.... GJ devs for this gloriious bug!...)

c) them not being good at conjure placement and picking them later anyways

d) those new eles not being good at "recovering" after they lost track of their rotationbecause they dont undeerstand the class to the fullest since even SC does a bad job at explaining, their guides are nowhere near good enough for this, it needs video tutorials


so yeah, you thinking weaver needs another nerf at this point, a class that needs a lot of experience within the game itself and a lot of practice as a weaver itself, is kinda ridiculous


PRE NERF everyone would agree that weaver needed a dmg nerf in its own since it was too much, but this meteor change was just so stupid by whoever came up with it that any other major dmg nerf wuold just punish good weaver players as in: harder to play, but same result as some random DPS spb/ holosmith/ etc pp

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?


> Weaver more tankly then core ele though.


Not if you build it for damage.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> >

> > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.


> Not if you build it for damage.


If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.


Running weaver is effectually a free 20% crit dmg for ele and that not a problem but it becomes a problem if it effects skills on the core class. Same thing happen with tempest and its happening with weaver now. The core class is getting nerfed because of the elite spec. when it should be the elite spec that should be nerfd. This is true for ALL of the elite spec in this game and there core classes. For what ever reason anet is willing to nerf the core classes to make the elite spec balanced.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > >

> > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> >

> > Not if you build it for damage.


> If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.


The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > > >

> > > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> > >

> > > Not if you build it for damage.

> >

> > If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.


> The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.


What? There higher vit from power/condi dmg %, barrier on duel skills, stances utility and a elite that give you super speed / def for at least 15 sec?. If that not higher def i am not sure what game your playing.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > > > >

> > > > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> > > >

> > > > Not if you build it for damage.

> > >

> > > If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.

> >

> > The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.


> What? There higher vit from power/condi dmg %, barrier on duel skills, stances utility and a elite that give you super speed / def for at least 15 sec?. If that not higher def i am not sure what game your playing.


What you describe isn't a DPS weaver. DPS weaver takes Superior Elements, Swift Revenge and Elements of Rage. No vit, no superspeed. My apologies, I've missed the 378 barrier you get when using a dual skill from the minor. Totally relevant. Offsets the loss of the automatic arcane shield and the prot you get every time you attune earth. /s

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> > > > >

> > > > > Not if you build it for damage.

> > > >

> > > > If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.

> > >

> > > The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.

> >

> > What? There higher vit from power/condi dmg %, barrier on duel skills, stances utility and a elite that give you super speed / def for at least 15 sec?. If that not higher def i am not sure what game your playing.


> What you describe isn't a DPS weaver. DPS weaver takes Superior Elements, Swift Revenge and Elements of Rage. No vit, no superspeed. My apologies, I've missed the 378 barrier you get when using a dual skill from the minor. Totally relevant. Offsets the loss of the automatic arcane shield and the prot you get every time you attune earth. /s


As superior elments is on a long cd and often is not going to even trigger its higher crit chase it seems worthless to run. Every bit of barrier is hp you did not have before it will save you. The super speed is from you self weave and twist of fate.


Passive boons are better then automatic arcane shield i mean its about dmg right so why run a def skill like passive arcane shield?




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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not if you build it for damage.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.

> > > >

> > > > The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.

> > >

> > > What? There higher vit from power/condi dmg %, barrier on duel skills, stances utility and a elite that give you super speed / def for at least 15 sec?. If that not higher def i am not sure what game your playing.

> >

> > What you describe isn't a DPS weaver. DPS weaver takes Superior Elements, Swift Revenge and Elements of Rage. No vit, no superspeed. My apologies, I've missed the 378 barrier you get when using a dual skill from the minor. Totally relevant. Offsets the loss of the automatic arcane shield and the prot you get every time you attune earth. /s


> As superior elments is on a long cd and often is not going to even trigger its higher crit chase it seems worthless to run. Every bit of barrier is hp you did not have before it will save you. The super speed is from you self weave and twist of fate.


> Passive boons are better then automatic arcane shield i mean its about dmg right so why run a def skill like passive arcane shield?





Passive boons from elemental contingency are not better than automatic arcane shield because your team is already giving you those boons. Core ele is far superior in terms of defense not only because of passive arcane shield, but also because of the ability to use all their skills immediately after 1 attunement swap. They can also get renewing stamina for vigor, which is not a widely shareable boon, for an extremely minor DPS loss.


With all of that said, it's true that core ele and tempest shouldn't be nerfed at all, but meteor shower was changed so that it gets normalized between hitboxes, not simply to nerf weaver. They have been trying to normalize meteor shower for a while now. Unfortunately, core elementalist and tempest didn't get any good buffs to compensate, but this balance patch was barebones because of the underwater work.

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> @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> Weaver is not best in slot for many bosses, its just viable in pug runs for almost every single raid boss there is


> the fun fact is that scourge currently is the top spec for many bosses with adds and not ele in coordinated statics

> the only time when eles get top dps in pug runs nowadays is when they actually know their class better than some random pug who picked weaver up a few weeks ago

> i have outdpsed weavers with spb dps for example on bosses where it shouldnt be possible _if those knew how to play weaver_


> so yeah, i dont think ele needs a nerf, i really just think that the latest meteor shower nerf/change was a completely trashy rework in meteors mechanics, for example:


> at sloth and sama, who both dont count as "invulnerable" at their breakbar phases, you cant just precast meteor anymore like in the old rotation pre nerf cause your emteor hits, that hit for 0 dmg!, already would count into the calculations for the -10% dmg reduction


> meaning the new weaver rota from SC, starting that directkly after the breakbar is broken, would benefit you moer in terms of dmg if you 2x attune fire into lava font and meteor shower to get those nice burst hits before they get reduced


> weaver nowadays, especially due to this kitten meteor change and the devs not wanting to realise that its a completely dumb rework for gameplays sake, makes weaver even harder to play for newer ele players who even struggle to reach 30k bursts on samarog because:


> a) MS gets canceled due to them not being used to shockwaves

> b) glyph of storms gets canceled for the same reason (and now it doesnt just go on 3-4s CD, but rather onto the full 60s CD when being interrupted.... GJ devs for this gloriious bug!...)

> c) them not being good at conjure placement and picking them later anyways

> d) those new eles not being good at "recovering" after they lost track of their rotationbecause they dont undeerstand the class to the fullest since even SC does a bad job at explaining, their guides are nowhere near good enough for this, it needs video tutorials


> so yeah, you thinking weaver needs another nerf at this point, a class that needs a lot of experience within the game itself and a lot of practice as a weaver itself, is kinda ridiculous


> PRE NERF everyone would agree that weaver needed a dmg nerf in its own since it was too much, but this meteor change was just so stupid by whoever came up with it that any other major dmg nerf wuold just punish good weaver players as in: harder to play, but same result as some random DPS spb/ holosmith/ etc pp


No, latest ele nerf need roll back and nerf weaver traits, as Ele itself was as big of a problem, as bonus DMG traits give

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > > There is no weaver power problem. The higher power is required to make such a fragile spec *work*. What part of this you're having trouble understanding?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Weaver more tankly then core ele though.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not if you build it for damage.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you build for dmg on core ele your far less tankly then what weaver has both passive and utility.

> > > >

> > > > The only thing a damage weaver spec has that has anything to do with being tanky is the minor that gives some toughness when you attune earth. A damage core ele will have arcane in place of weaver, which is far superior defensively. Your utilities in both cases have zero defensive value.

> > >

> > > What? There higher vit from power/condi dmg %, barrier on duel skills, stances utility and a elite that give you super speed / def for at least 15 sec?. If that not higher def i am not sure what game your playing.

> >

> > What you describe isn't a DPS weaver. DPS weaver takes Superior Elements, Swift Revenge and Elements of Rage. No vit, no superspeed. My apologies, I've missed the 378 barrier you get when using a dual skill from the minor. Totally relevant. Offsets the loss of the automatic arcane shield and the prot you get every time you attune earth. /s


> As superior elments is on a long cd and often is not going to even trigger its higher crit chase it seems worthless to run. Every bit of barrier is hp you did not have before it will save you. The super speed is from you self weave and twist of fate.


> Passive boons are better then automatic arcane shield i mean its about dmg right so why run a def skill like passive arcane shield?





The CD of Superior Elements is irrelevant. This isn't single player and Weakness is easy to apply. You can't pick some vit over 15% crit and pretend you're running a dps spec.


Speaking of which, Weave Self is optional, and unlike Superior Elements, its CD is actually long. The occasional superspeed from it hardly changes anything. Twist of Fate is zero dps, so you don't run this.

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