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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> mine is rev. can play even on 4k ping. core rev only though. built it tanky as canbe


Core engineer. You might think that I'm joking, but I'm not. I've been playing GW2 since 2013 and I've never seen such disregard in the ways ArenaNet has given core engineer. Only very recently they have reworked the Med Kit, but that's not enough. I want core engineer to be viable, but ArenaNet is just ignoring core engineer and his kits. The kits need to be reworked or just anything that will make them useful to fight against a Holosmith and the rest of the professions.


Core engineer is more rewarding to play due to the complexity with the profession. With the Holosmith, the skill ceiling is so much lower, just wait for an enemy to come and just use Photon Forge. What's worse is that ArenaNet decided to make the Holosmith able to use healing and utility skills while in Photon Forge.


I don't care if anyone tries to defend it, but Photon Forge should work like the necromancers' Shroud form, where you can't use healing and utility skills. It's already a glass cannon specialization that gives you the highest damage possible, so why not nerf the Holosmith like this? Why not balance the specialization to be on par with the Scrapper and core. Keep the glass cannon damage as it is, but make the Holosmiths vulnerable that a good Scrapper or core engineer can have a fair chance to fight them. I've never seen an elite specialization be made so much better than the other specializations.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > mine is rev. can play even on 4k ping. core rev only though. built it tanky as canbe


> Core engineer. You might think that I'm joking, but I'm not. I've been playing GW2 since 2013 and I've never seen such disregard in the ways ArenaNet has given core engineer. Only very recently they have reworked the Med Kit, but that's not enough. I want core engineer to be viable, but ArenaNet is just ignoring core engineer and his kits. The kits need to be reworked or just anything that will make them useful to fight against a Holosmith and the rest of the professions.


> Core engineer is more rewarding to play due to the complexity with the profession. With the Holosmith, the skill ceiling is so much lower, just wait for an enemy to come and just use Photon Forge. What's worse is that ArenaNet decided to make the Holosmith able to use healing and utility skills while in Photon Forge.


> I don't care if anyone tries to defend it, but Photon Forge should work like the necromancers' Shroud form, where you can't use healing and utility skills. It's already a glass cannon specialization that gives you the highest damage possible, so why not nerf the Holosmith like this? Why not balance the specialization to be on par with the Scrapper and core. Keep the glass cannon damage as it is, but make the Holosmiths vulnerable that a good Scrapper or core engineer can have a fair chance to fight them. I've never seen an elite specialization be made so much better than the other specializations.


Photon forge is lazy design. It's almost copy pasta of reaper. 2 leap, 3 stab, 5 big hit thing. At least 4 has some range skill instead of a spin...I guess. D:


Also Scrapper is in the right place now with medkit too.

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Engineer- Gadgets, turrets, kits, guns, BOMBS and general steampunkiness. In a game filled with so much sword swinging and magical princess nonsense, Engineers -particularly Asura Engineers- are a breath of fresh air. Now, if only turrets were restored to their former glory.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > mine is rev. can play even on 4k ping. core rev only though. built it tanky as canbe

> >

> > Core engineer. You might think that I'm joking, but I'm not. I've been playing GW2 since 2013 and I've never seen such disregard in the ways ArenaNet has given core engineer. Only very recently they have reworked the Med Kit, but that's not enough. I want core engineer to be viable, but ArenaNet is just ignoring core engineer and his kits. The kits need to be reworked or just anything that will make them useful to fight against a Holosmith and the rest of the professions.

> >

> > Core engineer is more rewarding to play due to the complexity with the profession. With the Holosmith, the skill ceiling is so much lower, just wait for an enemy to come and just use Photon Forge. What's worse is that ArenaNet decided to make the Holosmith able to use healing and utility skills while in Photon Forge.

> >

> > I don't care if anyone tries to defend it, but Photon Forge should work like the necromancers' Shroud form, where you can't use healing and utility skills. It's already a glass cannon specialization that gives you the highest damage possible, so why not nerf the Holosmith like this? Why not balance the specialization to be on par with the Scrapper and core. Keep the glass cannon damage as it is, but make the Holosmiths vulnerable that a good Scrapper or core engineer can have a fair chance to fight them. I've never seen an elite specialization be made so much better than the other specializations.


> Photon forge is lazy design. It's almost copy pasta of reaper. 2 leap, 3 stab, 5 big hit thing. At least 4 has some range skill instead of a spin...I guess. D:


> Also Scrapper is in the right place now with medkit too.


Not just lazy design, but it gives the Holosmith too much sustain to even be called a glass cannon. The nerf I suggested may seem harsh to some players, but not being able to use healing and utility skills will make the Holosmith very vulnerable and since its' original design was to be a glass cannon, I see no reason why ArenaNet wouldn't rework the Holosmith like this. It's sad that they looked at the Holosmith, thought it was fine to not reduce the sustain capabilities it currently has and didn't seem to think or even think about core and Scrapper.


The Holosmith is your cookie cutter, easy to play specialization that is a disgrace to the engineer profession. Before the Holosmith, engineer was the most difficult profession to play in the entire game because of the kit complexity and the things you could do with them. They allowed good engineers to dominate most of the professions in 1v1 scenarios, but nowadays, we have this pathetic excuse for an "engineer" specialization, one that caters to those that don't want to deal with the complexity that comes with the profession.

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Few reasons for it

1. I like sci-fi over fantasy so the engie has the tech side covered for me.

2. Turrets (though not great) hold a special place in my heart.

3. Though they aren't great by any stretch of the imagination, the racial skills (excluding elite ones) have toolbelt skills too and some of them are pretty nifty.

4. The mortar kit, oh how I love this so much.

5. How good the magitech armour looks for an engineer.

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Thief. Working on a build over time and putting it to use is fun and Initiative is a major part of that, as non meta as it is in every mode and how out of touch devs can be with it, the payoffs through the heartbreak and rage is worth it. Also stringing animations together like Jumping into a Flanking Strike will push the animations into something a little different if the sequence and timing are done right and thief has a few of those that look awesome. Your own side doesn't want you around because you're a thief and the other team doesn't want you around because you're a thief, nice place to be since no one wants to bother with you.

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To be honest, my preferred class is mesmer (whatever builds), but if I am good at it in PvE, I suck at it in WvW. Because of that, rather than being a dead weight for the team, I decided to give a try to Herald and it was a lot better. I did not stop enjoying it since then. That's why I voted Rev. :)

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