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Be Careful what you wish for, Arenanet may give it to you . . . But wrong Category >.<

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There's a lot of internet between your computer and ANet. Higher ping can be caused anywhere along the way. And the more we stream, the more problems we're going to see, as the infrastructure is falling behind our insatiable demand for more bandwidth.


Check where the problem is occurring and then create a support ticket, so that ANet can work with you to help identify where the issue is.



> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" wrote

> It's possible that the problem is anet, ... [however] ... the Internet is built in a way that three to five companies handle your traffic, if not more, just inside the continental USA. There are *lots* of places that the problem could spring from that neither end is responsible directly for. :(


> https://www.pingplotter.com/fix-your-network has a good guide for identifying where the problem is, but if you have trouble with that feel free to post screenshots from it and we can help work out where it is.


> [GMMagister wrote on Reddit](

) (**emphasis** added)

> one of the first things support does for connectivity/lag issues is run a ping test which shows the speeds and packet loss on every step of the way from your computer to our servers. **If this test shows the AWS servers behaving poorly**, the agents should be escalating the tickets to me in the main office so I can chat with the server team.


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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> I always wish that someday Arenanet will accidentally send free gold to my wallet, the higher numbers and more digits are the better.


> And they did send me the numbers, but not to my wallet!


> This is not what I wish or ask for.

> [https://imgur.com/8REqnm1](https://imgur.com/8REqnm1 "https://imgur.com/8REqnm1")


Do you play from the moon?

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To be specific, I do not use any other programs while playing GW2, living alone so solely internet user. The high ping really kill my gaming time, cant join meta evnets, cant do fractal, cant do Adventures in HOT, nothing...


So I exit GW2 and close it completely. The. i play Starcraft 2 which has no issue at all. Clearly not my end!


I play on SEA server for both GW2 and SC2 and they both merged to NA server but only GW2 has problem and it was recently, after the patch I guess.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> To be specific, I do not use any other programs while playing GW2, living alone so solely internet user. The high ping really kill my gaming time, cant join meta evnets, cant do fractal, cant do Adventures in HOT, nothing...


> So I exit GW2 and close it completely. The. i play Starcraft 2 which has no issue at all. Clearly not my end!


> I play on SEA server for both GW2 and SC2 and they both merged to NA server but only GW2 has problem and it was recently, after the patch I guess.


It's equally clearly not on Anet's end since a lot of players would complain. I suggest that you have a look at that link above that SlippyCheeze originally posted. It has some very good descriptions of how it works and how it may be that it hits only GW2 for you, and not SC2.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> The. i play Starcraft 2 which has no issue at all. Clearly not my end!


That doesn't prove it's "not your end." It might not be your modem/router, but it could still be anywhere in between your local computer and ANet's servers. The only way to be absolutely sure if it's ANet's problem or not is to use pingplotter or send a traceroute to the IP and see where stuff is goofing up. Unfortunately if it's somewhere in between, it's unlikely you can do much.



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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> To be specific, I do not use any other programs while playing GW2, living alone so solely internet user. The high ping really kill my gaming time, cant join meta evnets, cant do fractal, cant do Adventures in HOT, nothing...

At best you have a dedicated link to the edge of your property. At any stage between there and Anet other traffic could conflict with yours.

> So I exit GW2 and close it completely. The. i play Starcraft 2 which has no issue at all. Clearly not my end!

The QoS on a particular link can mean a completely different experience going to any two services. Even talking to the same server, you can have e.g. video traffic throttled whilst voice is prioritised.

> I play on SEA server for both GW2 and SC2 and they both merged to NA server but only GW2 has problem and it was recently, after the patch I guess.

Paths to geographically close servers can vary wildly. A degraded router somewhere in Texas could impact your GW2 experience, whilst SC2 routes via Florida.


tl;dr networks are complicated



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Agree with the above it very well might be a point to point issue. Half the time I play I am on bad connections but the response time is still relatively good to the server so the slower connection does not impact it. Also if you have software set on your PC that updates in the background that could impact you without you being aware. Microsoft, Malware, Virus apps, drivers, other game apps may eat up bandwidth without giving many signs outside of reviewing process threads on your machine. On top of that you have devices and connections that will throttle connections. Example: Satellite providers have in their fine print that your connection speed will be limited if you exceed a certain amount of traffic in a 24 hour period. The issue will start and then magically clear after a bit of time leaving you thinking it might have been the other side. If you haven't done a tracert, or aren't familiar with it google it, and take a look at your hops between yourself and the ANet server you are connecting to. That might point you in the direction to check, but if its between you and ANet there is not much they can do, but it would at least give you piece of mind of that its not you or them. Sorry for the ping rate, pings like that will kill online gaming, but the more you know about where the slowdown is the more you have to try and figure how to counter it.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> To be specific, I do not use any other programs while playing GW2, living alone so solely internet user. The high ping really kill my gaming time, cant join meta evnets, cant do fractal, cant do Adventures in HOT, nothing...


> So I exit GW2 and close it completely. The. i play Starcraft 2 which has no issue at all. Clearly not my end!


> I play on SEA server for both GW2 and SC2 and they both merged to NA server but only GW2 has problem and it was recently, after the patch I guess.


Besides what others have said:

contact support with the details you have


Whether you are correct (the problem is with GW2) or not, they can't possibly help unless they have some information about who is affected, when, by how much, how often, etc.

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It is possible for nothing to be wrong on either end and still generate lag. The fault lies with the ISP's, not either client. But, as you can see, the ISP customers would rather blame each other. If Internet were classified properly as a utility, this should be correct... but it isn't.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > I always wish that someday Arenanet will accidentally send free gold to my wallet, the higher numbers and more digits are the better.

> >

> > And they did send me the numbers, but not to my wallet!

> >

> > This is not what I wish or ask for.

> > [https://imgur.com/8REqnm1](https://imgur.com/8REqnm1 "https://imgur.com/8REqnm1")


> Do you play from the moon?


oh, i had loads worse back in GW1 in 2007, they added presents drops in winterday events and i had a ping of 30.000+ before it crashed the server.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > > I always wish that someday Arenanet will accidentally send free gold to my wallet, the higher numbers and more digits are the better.

> > >

> > > And they did send me the numbers, but not to my wallet!

> > >

> > > This is not what I wish or ask for.

> > > [https://imgur.com/8REqnm1](https://imgur.com/8REqnm1 "https://imgur.com/8REqnm1")

> >

> > Do you play from the moon?


> oh, i had loads worse back in GW1 in 2007, they added presents drops in winterday events and i had a ping of 30.000+ before it crashed the server.


Grenth is the god of Justice and Balance........ all things have a price that must be paid. And unfortunately Dwayna gives some damn good gifts. So if Grenth is as fair has is written, then someone must had gotten an ultra rare drop in their box on that map. Lucky bastard.

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