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Will anything happen to make Ascalon great again?


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To be honest the state of Ascalon does not bother mat all and i was a GW1 player. Lets look at this idea that the current State of the charr is a Retcon.

Back in GW1 we were only exposed to one side of the story, Ascalons. We are told the Charr ate "Beasts" mention of early history is never mentioned because it is simply convenient for the war effort. It would be difficult to win a war if your warriors thing that the enemy might have a shred of "Humanity" or even worse might actually have a rightful claim to the land.


We see this dehumanization of the enemy in Real life as well in WW2 propaganda which painted Japan as backwards and less than human (it was so bad when japan reliced there advanced for the time Ki-61 Hien fighter the allies thought it was a Italian design and gave it the reporting name "Tony")


so it is not unbelievable at all that the "beast" char were capable of building great things and we never got a look at iron in GW1 at all although it would have been fun in missions like "The great northern wall" to walk into a row of Iron Legion War machines.


As far as humanity ever retaking ascalon. it will never happen lore paints humanity as a dieing species pushed to one corner and locked in a battle with centaurs determend on their extermination and barely holding there own. Id they tried to reconquer Ascalon they would be mowed over by the char in a matter of days.


And before you scream "But Ebonhawk" that was a siege upon a fortification and good fortifications can make all the difference in that kind of fighting (ebonhawk does not as far as a fortress goes it stinks on ice but let us pretend that it is as awesome as the game portrays it as" for example Corfe Castle (a masterpiece of fortification engineering) in 1643 a group of Parliamentarians about **two to three hundred men** tried to take the castle from Lady Mary Bankes, her daughters and Servants and a force of **Five men ** and they held the castle. Eventually Lady Bankes' ranks swelled to about 80 men ant the parliamentarians to 600. eventually the castle fell only because she was betrayed by someone from the inside.






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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:> And before you scream "But Ebonhawk" that was a siege upon a fortification and good fortifications can make all the difference in that kind of fighting (ebonhawk does not as far as a fortress goes it stinks on ice but let us pretend that it is as awesome as the game portrays it as" for example Corfe Castle (a masterpiece of fortification engineering) in 1643 a group of Parliamentarians about **two to three hundred men** tried to take the castle from Lady Mary Bankes, her daughters and Servants and a force of **Five men ** and they held the castle. Eventually Lady Bankes' ranks swelled to about 80 men ant the parliamentarians to 600. eventually the castle fell only because she was betrayed by someone from the inside. > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Bankes> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corfe_CastleTo be fair Ebonhawke in game is a bit simplified in layout and fortification to fit into the fields of ruin map. It's probably more similar to this:>! ![](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchner_Stadtbefestigung#/media/File:Muenchen_merian.jpg "")>!

Again, who thought that putting images into a forum for illustration purposes is a bad thing?!Except the wall part is actually a mountain, or rock formation, that is around 100 metres in height and fortified with arrow carts, ballistas, catapults, trebuchets, and even cannons imported from Kryta. The Hawkgates can actually be closed so that an attacker has to either blast a hole into the massive rock formation, or has to overcome the cities mountainous walls. Even Nox Darkheart didn't manage that. He and the Dark warband driven off by the defenders, before they could open the gates, or allow Iron Legion to occupy the wall. The defenders likely had (or still have) tunnels to quickly deploy troops, when the charr managed to overwhelm a position on the wall.And even with that wall, Ebonhawke would have fallen to lack of resources, if not for the Krytans, who kept supplying the City of Ebonhawke at their own cost.Lastly, whether or not Ascalon is currently great. The Legions are not really comparable to a military unit in the traditional sense, they are more like nation states in the early modern age. Just the Iron Legion on its own is competitive with Kryta economically and militarily. We couldn't visit the other legion's homelands for comparison, except for Flame Legion, who seem to be much smaller than Iron. The charr have water treatment plants, lots of forges, armories, factories, settlements, ranches, villages/fortresses, mines and other stuff. They do seem to lack the same sense of culture that the humans have, but this is partially rooted in their history, which doesn't compare to the ancient human history. Instead, you could compare the charr to the humans in other fantasy stories. They went from barbaric conquerors to settlers and explorers to successful states. What they lack in a sense of history, they make up for in technology.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Silverkung.9127" said:

> Everything can rise and everything can fall.

> May be ANet will clear Charr story about how to handle ghost of ascalon,Flame legion,Separatist.

> Ascalon will be free or clean from they curse like Orr. . .but how and when.


Maybe its like in Lotr the true king of Ascalon can set them free use them to his will but im sure none of the royal family survived.

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> @"Imba.9451" said:

> Basically the title says it all.

> I find it extremly infuriating, that Ascalon became the mess that it is today. GW1 players started there, we all remember that it wasn't that scorched wasteland before. And now all the characters, most being good people, are bound in an endless cycle of reliving the terrors of war each and every day, while being scoffed at by the charr. I don't think they deserve it.

> (Same thing with the poor sunspears btw. I just started playing after i finished PoF half a year ago, played the new frac, and hated every second of it. It's like Anet hates humans.)


Willing to make a human guild if your in.

Ascalon Steel Legion

Heroes of Ascalon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Charr, and they have left nothing for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance—now is our time.

We do not wither before the flames of war, for our resolve is like steel and only hardens with heat. Do not let these new foes forget who we are. Show them our strength and our unbending fury!

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> @"Reusterr.6982" said:

> Willing to make a human guild if your in.

> Ascalon Steel Legion

> Heroes of Ascalon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Charr, and they have left nothing for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance—now is our time.

> We do not wither before the flames of war, for our resolve is like steel and only hardens with heat. Do not let these new foes forget who we are. Show them our strength and our unbending fury!


The Iron Legion has much more steel than a human guild could realistically handle. Plus, releasing the Ghosts of Ascalon into the Mists aligns with Iron interests, so you can at least solve that problem before committing suicide by charr. Also, a human faction openly fighting the Charr in Ascalon would nowadays call in Kryta to fight as an ally to the charr. This is a reciprocation of the charr assistance during Caudecus' White Mantle insurrection.

With Flame Legion likely defeated, Iron allied with Blood and Ash, Ebonhawke in a campaign with the charr against ogres, where would your group get its manpower, funding, supplies, to even begin a campaign to liberate Ascalon?

What allies would you be able to mobilize? Align with the ogres and Ebonhawke will hate your guts, Kryta's anti charr faction is pretty much dead. The Free City of Lion's Arch has roughly 14% charr population (taken from Playerbase Poll.), the Dredge will no longer trust any non dredge after Scarlet. Grawl make for unreliable allies, following whoever impresses them at the moment. You might be able to get one or two norn, but then their rivals would join the opposing side for an epic duel. The Inquest is just as likely to sell out and betray your human freedom fighters - no wait, that is an inevitability - once they got what they wanted.

Elona has just experienced two conflicts (Balthazar, Sunspear uprising) and has an ongoing defense against the branded. The last thing they want right now is another conflict. And you still had to negotiate free passage through the Fields of Ruin, unless you like fighting the Ebon Vanguard.

Most likely, your group is on their own, with little support and little resources, besides what they already have.


And even if you managed to gather your loyal band of rebels and cuthroats, you'd still have to actually remove the Iron Legion from its own territory. As an early modern state, that's likely in the range of millions of charr (around 10-15). Their technology level is comparable to industrial England, while their actual weapons range from 19th century to pre WWI and they have retained some of their cossack level friendlyness from 250 years ago.


If you ever wanted to test whether your unbending fury actually bends or breaks of chokes, this is it.

Not only that, even if your companions started out loyal to your cause, how much slaughter could they handle? Could the group rationalize slaughtering a Fahrar? A Primus and all the Cubs? And if not, how would you deal with defectors?

Would the group's ethos survive massacring Butcher's Block, Nageling, Smokestead?

How would the self proclaimed freedom fighters react, if Seraph reinforcements called for them to lay down their arms?

Or if they heard the news, that the Pact set out to stop a group of terrorists, that so far evaded capture by lawful authorities?


And lastly, would the Ascalon you produce be greater than the Ascalon that currenty exists? Or would it be overrun by ogres, branded and harpies, turning into a depopulated crystalline wasteland?

Right now, the former Kingdom of Ascalon houses a successor state, the Duchy of Ebonhawke, which is experiencing peace and has been granted a good amount of surrounding land, which the Iron Legion has ceded to it in the Human-Charr peace treaty. Human settlers are establishing new villages and farms, which will later grow into towns. Ebonhawke has the geography to become the gateway to Elona, allowing the humans to dominate regional trade.


For now, it is better for everyone involved to stay peaceful and work together to prevent a magic induced cataclysm. Humans can worry about their former possessions much later.

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The lore says that Ascalon was inhabited by the Forgotten, but Charr fought and claimed it after the forgotten just retreated mysteriously. So yeah, Charr are the righteous owners since then.

The humans then came and kicked Charr out of their territory, but Charr didn't gave up and reclaimed the land back after the Foefire, although with an apparently permanent ghostly predicament.


As a Treaty-sympatizer Charr I got to admit that i'm worried about what comes to the future after we get rid with all the problems we got right now (Ancient dragons, branded, ghosts...) because, you know, Charr are very territorial species, driven to conquest and dominate new lands, the most probable thing that will happen is that we're going to spread out reclaiming new lands, but only Smodur knows what he's planning, and only the potential Khan-Ur will know what will be our next plan-of-action.

Another thing that would happen is that all races gets to an agreement to live in peace, but a happy ending to GW2 would be lame and boring if you ask me and its more likely that some sort of conflict will continue on gw3 or something, peace never lasts forever.

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> As far as humanity ever retaking ascalon. it will never happen lore paints humanity as a dieing species pushed to one corner and locked in a battle with centaurs determend on their extermination and barely holding there own. Id they tried to reconquer Ascalon they would be mowed over by the char in a matter of days.

I don't think that this depiction of humanity holds much weight anymore, to be honest, especially when we analyze the lore. Even in the pre-expansion days, this "dying race" idea lost a lot of steam. This idea is less rooted in "lore" and more an initial sales pitch meant to show how dire things have changed for humanity since the previous game, and meant to also build up some excitement for non-human races by taking humanity down a notch. The game depicts, however, humanity firmly holding their ground and fighting back as well. In order for the ball to bounce, the ball must first drop. This was essentially a brief 250-year setback for humanity. The charr were setback by over 1000 years out of Ascalon. Should we have written them off as a dying race too?


Most of Kryta's struggles, for example, were artificially engineered from within to undermine the crown: e.g., Lord Beetlestone and the White Mantle. We are basically told that if Kryta sorted out its mess that it would be a fearsome kingdom that could easily hold its ground against foes. The tides essentially turn the moment that we put Lord Beetlestone under house arrest. As we uncover these nefarious plots, the Seraph and Shining Blade begin pressing an offensive and counterplot. And in the course of the game, though the maps are frozen in time, humanity soundly defeats the centaurs. The Seraph pushes back the centaurs on all fronts. We kill Ulgoth the Mighty of the Modniir, the leader of the Centaur Alliance. The White Mantle have finally been wiped out after 250 years. We have even killed the last Mursaat. Beetlestone and the nobles loyal to him have been publicly outed and defeated. This is the perfect opportunity that Queen Jenna will use to solidify her reign and authority. "Loyalists" will flock to her side. The commoners will uphold Queen Jennah as the one who succesfully protected them from the White Mantle assault. From a PR perspective, this was a total knockout win for Queen Jennah and the Royalists. Furthermore, Queen Jenna has brokered a peace treaty with the charr that both the Iron and Ash Legions also wanted, which gives Ebonhawke room to breathe.


What "dying race"? The game gives humanity a springboard upward! Kryta is one of the few playable nations that is actually given a forward trajectory into their future through the course of the game. And consider that much like with the Lake Doric map, we know that there are regions we have not visited yet that Kryta likely still holds dominion over. In contrast, if we regard each charr legion as a "nation," we more or less see the totality of Iron Legion's territory. But it's wedged between the norn and Hoelbrak in the west; the Flame and Blood legions in the north; the Brand, the Blazeridge Steppes, and likely the Ash Legion to the east; and Ebonhawke and the Crystal Desert to the South.


Ebonhawke held its own for centuries, and it will likely be expanding slowly outwards as part of the peace settlement. If (human) Ascalon is to be "great" again, it will likely need to look forward and not backwards for its greatness. It will likely become more cooperative with the Iron Legion, possibly creating a shared cross-species Ascalonian-identity. It does not even need expand northwards. It may have the territory between the Brand and the Blazeridge Mountains, but it also may consider expanding southwards to solidfy land trading routes between Tyria and Elona.


Furthermore, Zhaitan raised Orr and the Source of Orr has been cleansed. Though a slow process, it's not hard to imagine a gradual recolonization of Orr by humanity or even other races. Will Orr ever be as grand as it once was? Probably not. But a lot of that magical allure was probably due to Zhaitain slumbering underneath.


And unless something drastic has happened, we last left Cantha in human control too, with the tengu migrating out of Cantha.


Meanwhile, humanity has consistently held the region of Elona in relative peace, even if under the reign of Palawa Joko. And with PoF, humanity is told by Kormir that humanity does not need the Gods to succeed as they had in the past. We are left with the impression that humanity will continue to survive and thrive on Tyria well into the future. The comparison often made is that the gods are like parents attempting to teach babies that they too can walk on their own. So if anything, this comparison only spells greater things for humanity in Tyria.


Let's be honest here. If there was a Guild Wars 3 set another three-hundred-years or six-hundred-years or even nine-hundred-years in the future, which single race do you think ArenaNet would most definitely feature? It may be boring and conventional, but my bet is on humanity.

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"Reusterr.6982" said:

> > Willing to make a human guild if your in.

> > Ascalon Steel Legion

> > Heroes of Ascalon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Charr, and they have left nothing for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance—now is our time.

> > We do not wither before the flames of war, for our resolve is like steel and only hardens with heat. Do not let these new foes forget who we are. Show them our strength and our unbending fury!


> The Iron Legion has much more steel than a human guild could realistically handle. Plus, releasing the Ghosts of Ascalon into the Mists aligns with Iron interests, so you can at least solve that problem before committing suicide by charr. Also, a human faction openly fighting the Charr in Ascalon would nowadays call in Kryta to fight as an ally to the charr. This is a reciprocation of the charr assistance during Caudecus' White Mantle insurrection.

> With Flame Legion likely defeated, Iron allied with Blood and Ash, Ebonhawke in a campaign with the charr against ogres, where would your group get its manpower, funding, supplies, to even begin a campaign to liberate Ascalon?

> What allies would you be able to mobilize? Align with the ogres and Ebonhawke will hate your guts, Kryta's anti charr faction is pretty much dead. The Free City of Lion's Arch has roughly 14% charr population (taken from Playerbase Poll.), the Dredge will no longer trust any non dredge after Scarlet. Grawl make for unreliable allies, following whoever impresses them at the moment. You might be able to get one or two norn, but then their rivals would join the opposing side for an epic duel. The Inquest is just as likely to sell out and betray your human freedom fighters - no wait, that is an inevitability - once they got what they wanted.

> Elona has just experienced two conflicts (Balthazar, Sunspear uprising) and has an ongoing defense against the branded. The last thing they want right now is another conflict. And you still had to negotiate free passage through the Fields of Ruin, unless you like fighting the Ebon Vanguard.

> Most likely, your group is on their own, with little support and little resources, besides what they already have.


> And even if you managed to gather your loyal band of rebels and cuthroats, you'd still have to actually remove the Iron Legion from its own territory. As an early modern state, that's likely in the range of millions of charr (around 10-15). Their technology level is comparable to industrial England, while their actual weapons range from 19th century to pre WWI and they have retained some of their cossack level friendlyness from 250 years ago.


> If you ever wanted to test whether your unbending fury actually bends or breaks of chokes, this is it.

> Not only that, even if your companions started out loyal to your cause, how much slaughter could they handle? Could the group rationalize slaughtering a Fahrar? A Primus and all the Cubs? And if not, how would you deal with defectors?

> Would the group's ethos survive massacring Butcher's Block, Nageling, Smokestead?

> How would the self proclaimed freedom fighters react, if Seraph reinforcements called for them to lay down their arms?

> Or if they heard the news, that the Pact set out to stop a group of terrorists, that so far evaded capture by lawful authorities?


> And lastly, would the Ascalon you produce be greater than the Ascalon that currenty exists? Or would it be overrun by ogres, branded and harpies, turning into a depopulated crystalline wasteland?

> Right now, the former Kingdom of Ascalon houses a successor state, the Duchy of Ebonhawke, which is experiencing peace and has been granted a good amount of surrounding land, which the Iron Legion has ceded to it in the Human-Charr peace treaty. Human settlers are establishing new villages and farms, which will later grow into towns. Ebonhawke has the geography to become the gateway to Elona, allowing the humans to dominate regional trade.


> For now, it is better for everyone involved to stay peaceful and work together to prevent a magic induced cataclysm. Humans can worry about their former possessions much later.


wow you put more thought into this then i did :P to be honest I'm new to GW and have been following the lore from GW1 and see the char as a evil force but from what you said they seem to be evolving into a good decent society but there not as evil as i thought. did not know the char let the humans come back to build towns.

what i thought was a good intention could turn ugly fast but they seem to always do.

i guess to was 250 years ago so no1 alive today was affected anyways.

one thing i could not find is how kryta survived the attacks.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> I'd be all in favor for making Ascalon 'great' again... a great city of the Iron Legion, that is.


> Sorry, humans, your time there is done. Charr were there first, and charr will be there last.


By the argument of "charr were there first", it should belong to the grawl, since the Forgotten and dwarves who held some sway in the land before charr are extinct (in Tyria, for the Forgotten at least).


> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> It's already better than it was when humans controlled it, so I don't know about this again business. Sounds like specieism to me.


Mass amounts of industrial pollution is better than when humans controlled it? When humans controlled it, there was no pollution. It was the charr who caused the Searing, and it is the charr who are creating smelters and forges left and right in the land producing massive amounts of smoke, and their own smelters are suffering from [mercury poisoning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horgan_Yellowplume).


> @"Reusterr.6982" said:

> one thing i could not find is how kryta survived the attacks.

If by "the attacks" you mean the charr invasion, the TL;DR is they were saved by the mursaat, who turned into oppressive tyrants and were subsequently killed.

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From what remember if the ghosts in Ascalon are gone, the Legion will push the peace with the humans. That could probably trigger an expansion, since the blood legion imperator is not in favor of the peace and leave us to the Charr Homelands, there was alredy some posts in reddit about they been the next expansion maps.


Im a charr fan, so im hoping for it.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Nicholas S Lin.6187" said:

> > I would like human Ascalonian to return from Kryta and rebuild Ascalon City and the other major human cities like Serenity Temple and Fort Ranik. Realistically I would say that only Ascalon City will be multicultural and be like Lion's Arch - but ruled by a human council representing all cities of human-Ascalon: Ascalon City, Ebonhawke, Serenity Temple and Ashford(?). (PS: Note I chose Serenity Temple as a city as well since I believe it holds such an important cultural and religious significance to humans.)


> convincing charr to allow for this would be...... interesting task xD


If it ends in a ingame event, the numerous humans will die, charrs are more organized an are better playing generally, it will be like a zerg vs a havoc group, lets do it xd.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > I'd be all in favor for making Ascalon 'great' again... a great city of the Iron Legion, that is.

> >

> > Sorry, humans, your time there is done. Charr were there first, and charr will be there last.


> By the argument of "charr were there first", it should belong to the grawl, since the Forgotten and dwarves who held some sway in the land before charr are extinct (in Tyria, for the Forgotten at least).


> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > It's already better than it was when humans controlled it, so I don't know about this again business. Sounds like specieism to me.


> Mass amounts of industrial pollution is better than when humans controlled it? When humans controlled it, there was no pollution. It was the charr who caused the Searing, and it is the charr who are creating smelters and forges left and right in the land producing massive amounts of smoke, and their own smelters are suffering from [mercury poisoning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horgan_Yellowplume).


> > @"Reusterr.6982" said:

> > one thing i could not find is how kryta survived the attacks.

> If by "the attacks" you mean the charr invasion, the TL;DR is they were saved by the mursaat, who turned into oppressive tyrants and were subsequently killed.


You mean the pollution that they clean up after? Have you actually done the hearts in the area? A good portion are dedicated to cleaning it.


Where we do see actual substantial pollution is Elona, which is a Human kingdom.

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> @"Imba.9451" said:

> I really hope so. The current state of Ascalon is just sad.

> I propose, in order to make Ascalon great again, to rebuild the great wall! And then make the charr pay for it! :D


So you propose another war between humans and charrs? Interesting way to sort things up in Ascalon

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> > @"Reusterr.6982" said:

> > Willing to make a human guild if your in.

> > Ascalon Steel Legion

> > Heroes of Ascalon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Charr, and they have left nothing for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance—now is our time.

> > We do not wither before the flames of war, for our resolve is like steel and only hardens with heat. Do not let these new foes forget who we are. Show them our strength and our unbending fury!


> The Iron Legion has much more steel than a human guild could realistically handle. Plus, releasing the Ghosts of Ascalon into the Mists aligns with Iron interests, so you can at least solve that problem before committing suicide by charr. Also, a human faction openly fighting the Charr in Ascalon would nowadays call in Kryta to fight as an ally to the charr. This is a reciprocation of the charr assistance during Caudecus' White Mantle insurrection.

> With Flame Legion likely defeated, Iron allied with Blood and Ash, Ebonhawke in a campaign with the charr against ogres, where would your group get its manpower, funding, supplies, to even begin a campaign to liberate Ascalon?

> What allies would you be able to mobilize? Align with the ogres and Ebonhawke will hate your guts, Kryta's anti charr faction is pretty much dead. The Free City of Lion's Arch has roughly 14% charr population (taken from Playerbase Poll.), the Dredge will no longer trust any non dredge after Scarlet. Grawl make for unreliable allies, following whoever impresses them at the moment. You might be able to get one or two norn, but then their rivals would join the opposing side for an epic duel. The Inquest is just as likely to sell out and betray your human freedom fighters - no wait, that is an inevitability - once they got what they wanted.

> Elona has just experienced two conflicts (Balthazar, Sunspear uprising) and has an ongoing defense against the branded. The last thing they want right now is another conflict. And you still had to negotiate free passage through the Fields of Ruin, unless you like fighting the Ebon Vanguard.

> Most likely, your group is on their own, with little support and little resources, besides what they already have.


> And even if you managed to gather your loyal band of rebels and cuthroats, you'd still have to actually remove the Iron Legion from its own territory. As an early modern state, that's likely in the range of millions of charr (around 10-15). Their technology level is comparable to industrial England, while their actual weapons range from 19th century to pre WWI and they have retained some of their cossack level friendlyness from 250 years ago.


> If you ever wanted to test whether your unbending fury actually bends or breaks of chokes, this is it.

> Not only that, even if your companions started out loyal to your cause, how much slaughter could they handle? Could the group rationalize slaughtering a Fahrar? A Primus and all the Cubs? And if not, how would you deal with defectors?

> Would the group's ethos survive massacring Butcher's Block, Nageling, Smokestead?

> How would the self proclaimed freedom fighters react, if Seraph reinforcements called for them to lay down their arms?

> Or if they heard the news, that the Pact set out to stop a group of terrorists, that so far evaded capture by lawful authorities?


> And lastly, would the Ascalon you produce be greater than the Ascalon that currenty exists? Or would it be overrun by ogres, branded and harpies, turning into a depopulated crystalline wasteland?

> Right now, the former Kingdom of Ascalon houses a successor state, the Duchy of Ebonhawke, which is experiencing peace and has been granted a good amount of surrounding land, which the Iron Legion has ceded to it in the Human-Charr peace treaty. Human settlers are establishing new villages and farms, which will later grow into towns. Ebonhawke has the geography to become the gateway to Elona, allowing the humans to dominate regional trade.


> For now, it is better for everyone involved to stay peaceful and work together to prevent a magic induced cataclysm. Humans can worry about their former possessions much later.


if looking for allies i would ask the Norn and let them keep the land they capture around the north of Shiverpeak Mountains.

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> @"Lucius.2140" said:

> Asura and charr because they are unique to the game, gw3 will need differentiation.


You know it would be humans. Anything else is intellectually dishonest.

> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> You mean the pollution that they clean up after? Have you actually done the hearts in the area? A good portion are dedicated to cleaning it.

Nah. In many cases, it's also the pollution that they also start.


> Where we do see actual substantial pollution is Elona, which is a Human kingdom.

Not really.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Mass amounts of industrial pollution is better than when humans controlled it? When humans controlled it, there was no pollution. It was the charr who caused the Searing, and it is the charr who are creating smelters and forges left and right in the land producing massive amounts of smoke, and their own smelters are suffering from [mercury poisoning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horgan_Yellowplume).


And who is to say that human industry is better for the environment? If your argument is magic, let me remind you of the ecological damage Magic has done to Tyria, which includes Brand and Foefire, the Sinking and Rising of Orr, the Dragonbrand, the magical anomalies, the Crystal Desert, which was known as Crystal Sea, and that are only the events we know of. The Asura magitech is not exactly clean either, see Whitland Flats.


As for mercury, the real world has an interesting precedent: In the earth near Belgrade lie major deposits of cinnabar. In medieval time, some of the outlying villages were known for their crazyness and the older locals say, that on especially hot summers, they observed a silvery rain. The last part may be due to old mines near Šuplja Stena, which existed since ancient times. Horgan will discover soon enough, that mercury is not good for his daggers, as the liquid metal builds amalgames, which tend to be soft, but at least they bind the quick silver, so it's safe to transport.

In fact, Vermilion cinnabar pigment will likely be an export good by Iron Legion along with Arsenic Green, Cadmium Yellow, Lead White, Cobalt Blue and Purple. On the other hand, artists in Kryta and Lion's arch will like the pigments for their rich colour and fastness against sunlight.


> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> Nah. In many cases, it's also the pollution that they also start.


> > Where we do see actual substantial pollution is Elona, which is a Human kingdom.

> Not really.

Hey, at least they clean up after themselves. Compare to the Inquest, who just leave their waste to contaminate Mt. Maelstrom, or the Flame Legion, who take Scorched Earth to its logical conclusion.

Imagine Elona actually kickstarts a refinery to gain different chemicals from all the naphtha and the tar. This may fuel a charr automobile industry. Calling it now: Guild wars three will play in a modern age scenario! =)

As for the dominant races in Tyria: Humans (Cultural) Charr(Military) Asura (Technology). The Norn will build a libertarian utopia in the mountains, while Sylvari are a wildcard.

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Too lazy to quote, so:


As people have mentioned, cleaning up pollution is the subject of quite a few heart quests in the charr lands. Compare this to a group like the Inquest, whose experimental waste is literally destroying entire ecosystems. Big difference there.


Also, the charr who caused the Searing are the Flame Legion... who present-day charr are fighting AGAINST. I feel like people forget that. Most charr hate the guts of the Flame Legion, who are the ones who actually destroyed Ascalon, just as much as humans do-- if not even moreso because they misled and enslaved half the race (the females) for decades, if not centuries. Non-Flame charr hate Flame and Searing-type magic with a passion.


Charr today are not the same as the charr that GW1 fans love to hate. The modern-day charr nation has shaken off the shackles of the Flame Legion and continues to march forward technologically, militarily, ideologically, and culturally. They are now a stoically secular race who are seeking peace with their former enemies.They have developed miles in the lore of GW2, and I love them for it. I hope Anet will continue to show them love in the future.

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> @"Genesis.8572" said:

> > @"Lucius.2140" said:

> > Asura and charr because they are unique to the game, gw3 will need differentiation.


> You know it would be humans. Anything else is intellectually dishonest.

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > You mean the pollution that they clean up after? Have you actually done the hearts in the area? A good portion are dedicated to cleaning it.

> Nah. In many cases, it's also the pollution that they also start.


> > Where we do see actual substantial pollution is Elona, which is a Human kingdom.

> Not really.



Yes really, have you seen Elona? You've provided no actual evidence to counter what I said.

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