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Do you watch GW2 trailers?

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The only trailer for this game that I watched was for _A Bug in the System_ - and that was purely because I saw people talking on the forums about the new version of Fear Not This Night. I was curious, so I watched it, and I loved it. I had next to no idea who these characters are or what they're doing, but I watched it purely to hear the song. :D


Other than that...I have an unfortunate tendency to run into spoilers no matter how hard I try to avoid them, but I still _try_, and that means not watching trailers. Especially when I haven't even gotten to the end of the personal story yet...

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > I tend to watch them through the ANet news page postings. I'm not sure if that counts towards YouTube.


> it does: https://imgur.com/a/3QB6QBi


Yeah, I know it is a YouTube embed. I *assume* that means it counts when watched directly in the embed rather than clicking on the YouTube button to go to an actual YouTube page, but I have no direct knowledge that it does other than logical inference. Hence, I'm not *sure* :)


I think ANet has done a fine job on not including spoilers in the trailers. Though that depends on one's level of spoiler tolerance. I have some authors whose books I blind-buy and woe to anyone that tells me anything at all, even just the broad setting. I have others where I read the back cover, or its electronic equivalent. And others where I need a fairly full review (that still doesn't disclose the plot) to decide if I want to buy. In movies I never go in blind, I want some trailer info to give me a feel for what kind of experience to expect. I don't do horror movies, for example, so the trailers help a lot in my knowing my Do Not Want level.


This game is somewhere in the middle of that range. I don't want to know what the story will be, but I kind of like knowing what general topic it will address. The Head of the Snake trailer was of huge help to an RP plot I was in at the time, I and the other writer were able to bend our braided stories to get various characters in place for when the attack on the city came, then we played the LS to get the full impact, then got our characters through the aftermath and into adventures in Lake Doric. It all felt timely and immediate thanks to having enough info in the trailer.


Also, while I know I will be playing the new episode pretty much the moment it releases, I have a lot of friends that only sporadically return to the game. I can link the trailers to them in Discord to pique their interest and then I have more people to play with for a bit. Win!

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > I tend to watch them through the ANet news page postings. I'm not sure if that counts towards YouTube.

> >

> > it does: https://imgur.com/a/3QB6QBi


> Yeah, I know it is a YouTube embed. I *assume* that means it counts when watched directly in the embed rather than clicking on the YouTube button to go to an actual YouTube page, but I have no direct knowledge that it does other than logical inference. Hence, I'm not *sure* :)


> I think ANet has done a fine job on not including spoilers in the trailers. Though that depends on one's level of spoiler tolerance. I have some authors whose books I blind-buy and woe to anyone that tells me anything at all, even just the broad setting. I have others where I read the back cover, or its electronic equivalent. And others where I need a fairly full review (that still doesn't disclose the plot) to decide if I want to buy. In movies I never go in blind, I want some trailer info to give me a feel for what kind of experience to expect. I don't do horror movies, for example, so the trailers help a lot in my knowing my Do Not Want level.


> This game is somewhere in the middle of that range. I don't want to know what the story will be, but I kind of like knowing what general topic it will address. The Head of the Snake trailer was of huge help to an RP plot I was in at the time, I and the other writer were able to bend our braided stories to get various characters in place for when the attack on the city came, then we played the LS to get the full impact, then got our characters through the aftermath and into adventures in Lake Doric. It all felt timely and immediate thanks to having enough info in the trailer.


> Also, while I know I will be playing the new episode pretty much the moment it releases, I have a lot of friends that only sporadically return to the game. I can link the trailers to them in Discord to pique their interest and then I have more people to play with for a bit. Win!


Daybreak trailer was a bit spoilery- with this Kormir thing, but yeah their trailers don't have much spoilers, they just build up a space for speculations what is really fantastic.


I am more like a lone wolf when it comes up to playing the episodes. ;)




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Without any Googling, just from Memory:


> Ascalon was the Gem of Tyria. The center of my world.

> x years ago, my world burned.

> We fled to the unexplored lands of Northern Tyria. We encountered dangerous enemies and unpredictable allies.

> Now a new threat from the depths of the world endangers us all.

> **Guild Wars: Eye of the North**


Man, I never was so hyped about a game than for the Eye of the North expansion. And I loved every bit of the game.


> Tyria. The dragons have always been here. Sleeping deep beneath the earth, beneath the sea.

> 100 years ago the lands of Orr rose from the sea by the dragons command.

> [...]

> Our ancestors fought but the dragons were too strong. We've learned from those defeats. We've learned that no single nation can fight against the dragons and succeed. The races of Tyria must stand together and refuse to surrender.

> [...]

> **It is time for Legends to become Real.** (Still getting shivers when I see this part, it was the first real footage from the game I saw. And it was EPIC.)

> Now is the time. Claim your Destiny. Forge your legend.

> **Guild Wars 2**


I still have all of the trailers at my harddisk for safekeeping.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Without any Googling, just from Memory:


> > Ascalon was the Gem of Tyria. The center of my world.

> > x years ago, my world burned.

> > We fled to the unexplored lands of Northern Tyria. We encountered dangerous enemies and unpredictable allies.

> > Now a new threat from the depths of the world endangers us all.

> > **Guild Wars: Eye of the North**


> Man, I never was so hyped about a game than for the Eye of the North expansion. And I loved every bit of the game.


> > Tyria. The dragons have always been here. Sleeping deep beneath the earth, beneath the sea.

> > 100 years ago the lands of Orr rose from the sea by the dragons command.

> > [...]

> > Our ancestors fought but the dragons were too strong. We've learned from those defeats. We've learned that no single nation can fight against the dragons and succeed. The races of Tyria must stand together and refuse to surrender.

> > [...]

> > **It is time for Legends to become Real.** (Still getting shivers when I see this part, it was the first real footage from the game I saw. And it was EPIC.)

> > Now is the time. Claim your Destiny. Forge your legend.

> > **Guild Wars 2**


> I still have all of the trailers at my harddisk for safekeeping.


I love coming back to the old, first trailers and I absolutely love them. :)


GW2 trailers history is like:


MAKE INTERESTED (Guild Wars 2 first trailers and also Season 1 ones) -> MAKE HYPED AND INTERESTED (Season 2 ones) -> MAKE A TOTAL HYPE TRAIN (Season 3 ones and Daybreak) -> MAKE INTERESTED AND AMAZED (A Bug in the System trailer)


ABitS trailer was the first trailer I didn't feel hyped after watching it, I felt scared, amazed, I felt the dread and the best thing about this new design was that it just led you through the humor, funny scenes, and then it comes up with this creepy song and music and all.


I am interested in that if A Bug in the System trailer's design will stay with the designers for at least Season 4, if yes, I think this would make people watch the trailers.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I mean only like 376k people cared about the expansion?

> Nope, just a majority of players don't visit forums etc and thus they weren't even aware there were any trailers.




But wasn't there an annoucement at the end of Season 3?


This brings up the question if there should be announcements of the expansions at the end of story- as far as we know not everyone plays the story, neither visits the forums, sites.


There must be another way to advertise the announcements of the expansions, and I guess putting the infos in the right corner of the most important news like that the new trailer/new episode/the annoucements of the expansions/new PvP season date should be visible until at least 1 week passes.


But it's my opinion, don't know how the community would react to it.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > I mean only like 376k people cared about the expansion?

> > Nope, just a majority of players don't visit forums etc and thus they weren't even aware there were any trailers.

> >

> >


> But wasn't there an annoucement at the end of Season 3?

Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > I mean only like 376k people cared about the expansion?

> > > Nope, just a majority of players don't visit forums etc and thus they weren't even aware there were any trailers.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > But wasn't there an annoucement at the end of Season 3?

> Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that.




so they can just make a list of the features of expansions on GW2 site then, why make such effort in presenting the stuff of the expansions?


When WoW presents the trailers for their big patches there are milions of views, when Overwatch's director and OW's team present the new characters, new map or the history of each character there are almost everytime 10 mln views on yt (it usually reaches 16mln).


GW2 community doesn't support their devs like WoW's or OW's that they can see their effort, their hard work on cinematics, on presenting the features.


Just look at this, the Overwatch director presents the character- no vids in there, only dry, almost boring talking- and it has.... 3mln views:



While the expansion announcement for PoF- with also the previous Game Director M. O'Brien and some people from the ANet's team presenting the mounts etc, you can see their whole passion in everything they say, they share, if you watch it you can feel their happiness. And it has ~400k views.




_Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that._


Maybe only in GW2, because I can see by the stats that other communities don't have any problems with reaching to YT videos or searching for the infos about the contents.


I'd not be surprised though, if the announcement for Expac3 would appear on GW2 site as a list of the features, not as a video.

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I watched them all since I started playing 2 years ago, but the last one "Bug in the System" was literally the first one to completely blow my mind. Had to watch it like 20 times and then listen as many times to the song snippet, which now thankfully turned into a grown up song =)

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > > I mean only like 376k people cared about the expansion?

> > > > Nope, just a majority of players don't visit forums etc and thus they weren't even aware there were any trailers.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > But wasn't there an annoucement at the end of Season 3?

> > Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that.

> >

> >


> so they can just make a list of the features of expansions on GW2 site then, why make such effort in presenting the stuff of the expansions?


> When WoW presents the trailers for their big patches there are milions of views, when Overwatch's director and OW's team present the new characters, new map or the history of each character there are almost everytime 10 mln views on yt (it usually reaches 16mln).


> GW2 community doesn't support their devs like WoW's or OW's that they can see their effort, their hard work on cinematics, on presenting the features.


> Just look at this, the Overwatch director presents the character- no vids in there, only dry, almost boring talking- and it has.... 3mln views:




> While the expansion announcement for PoF- with also the previous Game Director M. O'Brien and some people from the ANet's team presenting the mounts etc, you can see their whole passion in everything they say, they share, if you watch it you can feel their happiness. And it has ~400k views.




> _Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that._


> Maybe only in GW2, because I can see by the stats that other communities don't have any problems with reaching to YT videos or searching for the infos about the contents.


> I'd not be surprised though, if the announcement for Expac3 would appear on GW2 site as a list of the features, not as a video.


The answer is simple: Blizzard games are extremely popular. Overwatch sold over 35 million copies and we don't need to talk about WoW. That said, there is also the point of the dwindling popularity of the whole genre of MMOs. They aren't simply taht popular anymore. It later went on with MOBAs and now Team shooters and/or Battle Royale games.


I really don't get why no one is telling this here. The answer is so simple. Check out Twitch: there are like 3-4 blizzard games in the top 10 streaming list and GW2 is on place 70 or 80. We talk here about several hundred thousands viewers vs. 300 in GW2... GW2 is simply extremely unpopular and the major reason behind this is the failed expansion which HoT was: too much hype, too low on content and then months of no content at all. It broke its neck. I am sure GW2 will be here for a long time to come be cause of a loyal core fan base, but it will remain a niche thing for the rest of its life cycle.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> _Knowing that expansion is coming and being interested in it doesn't automatically convert into people trying to search for trailers/more information elsewhere. Most people don't really do that._


> Maybe only in GW2, because I can see by the stats that other communities don't have any problems with reaching to YT videos or searching for the infos about the contents.


Oh, GW2 community doesn't have any trouble with that as well, it's that GW2 community numbers are much smaller than those games you probably reference. Remember, that those 370k people you mentioned in opening post are likely a whole _third_ of the gw2 active community. This game simply doesn't have multiple millions of players anymore. I'd be really surprised if significantly more than a third of the Overwatch/WoW players watched trailers and other dev videos.


So, basically, those numbers are okay anf you really shouldn't expect bigger ones.


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