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No LWS4 Ep 3 for today, nor trailer: are you sleeping?

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Trailers are always released the week prior to the patch. Next week has always been the expected date, since season 4 will likely stick to having 3 months between episodes, compared to 2.5 during the last season, which started nearly a year after HoT. There is however a holiday next week, which they may end up using as an excuse to delay it another week, since that would put the episode's launch on the same day as their appearance at E3.

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Better a finished and polished product than an unfinished and buggy one. Yes, three months between episodes is the norm now due to resources going toward the expansions.


And remember . . . they threw us a bone about a month ago with a current event. So it's not exactly a content drought either.


Don't worry. New content is coming. Hang in there! ?

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> Why does it take so much time?!

> You should have released trailer today at the very least...I'm disappointed.


Why "should" it have been?


Don't forget, the 3 month release is an intention not a guarantee. If it runs over by 2-3 weeks, no big deal really given how much content they provide nowadays vs other games.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> Why does it take so much time?!

> You should have released trailer today at the very least...I'm disappointed.


Give yourself a challenge, create something in blender and attempt to create a simple program (this would be at low level for these guys).


Maybe you may gain a little understanding how hard creating content is...

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I'll never understand why people worry so much about when a trailer is released. It comes when it comes.


Impatience. Impatience to start playing an episode, which they’ll undoubtably rush and complete in under a week, and then wait another 10 weeks before demanding the trailer for the next episode only to repeat this all over again.

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Having no trailer confirms only one thing that even if we get a trailer next week that means episode 3 will release not before the 5th of June.

Where am I going with this you asked? It means what I feared it meant at episode 2's release. Having mounts now means bigger maps which means no more release every 2 months from now on it'll be only every 3 months, instead of a potential 6 maps a year now 4 you will get. If like that makes you unsatisfied then do dailies and episode then play other games. Come on " Aquanox: Deep Descent", come out already. B)


Another possibility is that this has quite a bit of water combat an since Anet has lost their touch with water content it'll take another 3 months so be patient or go play a game of Russian Roulette. :o :'(



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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> Having no trailer confirms only one thing that even if we get a trailer next week that means episode 3 will release not before the 5th of June.

> Where am I going with this you asked? It means what I feared it meant at episode 2's release. Having mounts now means bigger maps which means no more release every 2 months from now on it'll be only every 3 months, instead of a potential 6 maps a year now 4 you will get. If like that makes you unsatisfied then do dailies and episode then play other games. Come on " Aquanox: Deep Descent", come out already. B)


> Another possibility is that this has quite a bit of water combat an since Anet has lost their touch with water content it'll take another 3 months so be patient or go play a game of Russian Roulette. :o :'(




You reasoning is...incomplete, just because we haven't seen a release for LWS4 within the minimum 2 month window yet does not mean it won't happen...maps are the least likely thing to prevent a shorter release window. Also keep in mind they have 3 LW teams, each working on an episode concurrently with the other two teams, so by now it's conceivable that the EP1 team is already finished with EP4(though unlikely it is possible, the entire seasons story line was previously mapped out long ago and only needs tweaking/tightening up, as per the last Guild Chat). Which also means that the EP2 team has already been hard at work on EP5, etc., etc., etc.,


Furthermore, in the other thread when people where speculating on the trailers release date and the date for the release of EP3, I had already said it wouldn't be until the 29th of May at the earliest(for the trailer), but more likely on the 5th of June instead.

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Episode 2's release was 27th feb (not counting the one-week-"bug in the system"-delay because it doesn't affect the development of ep 3) so the patch should come out on 29th may but we'll get the trailer on that day so the patch will be 1 week after the 3 months threshold.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > Having no trailer confirms only one thing that even if we get a trailer next week that means episode 3 will release not before the 5th of June.

> > Where am I going with this you asked? It means what I feared it meant at episode 2's release. Having mounts now means bigger maps which means no more release every 2 months from now on it'll be only every 3 months, instead of a potential 6 maps a year now 4 you will get. If like that makes you unsatisfied then do dailies and episode then play other games. Come on " Aquanox: Deep Descent", come out already. B)

> >

> > Another possibility is that this has quite a bit of water combat an since Anet has lost their touch with water content it'll take another 3 months so be patient or go play a game of Russian Roulette. :o :'(

> >

> >


> You reasoning is...incomplete, just because we haven't seen a release for LWS4 within the minimum 2 month window yet does not mean it won't happen...maps are the least likely thing to prevent a shorter release window. Also keep in mind they have 3 LW teams, each working on an episode concurrently with the other two teams, so by now it's conceivable that the EP1 team is already finished with EP4(though unlikely it is possible, the entire seasons story line was previously mapped out long ago and only needs tweaking/tightening up, as per the last Guild Chat). Which also means that the EP2 team has already been hard at work on EP5, etc., etc., etc.,


> Furthermore, in the other thread when people where speculating on the trailers release date and the date for the release of EP3, I had already said it wouldn't be until the 29th of May at the earliest(for the trailer), but more likely on the 5th of June instead.



You would think. But theoretically episode 2 and 3 would have been mostly done while episode 1 was created or episode 3 while 2 was worked on. Yet it’s still a 3 month + wait each episode despite the separate teams. So either there are major steps that cannot be completed until the prior episode is finished which is likely with voice acting and story progression steps, or they’re just holding back and pacing themselves as previously suggested to space out content until the next expansion.


That’s fine and all, but having silence makes the 3 month gap plus a little frustrating. Would be nice to get little teaser screenshots or something even if they don’t want to release the trailer.


I’m a little disappointed just because I wasn’t a huge fan of the previous episode. It’s hard to top an episode like daybreak which came out already so close to the expansion release.





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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Faith is disappearing fast, and so are their chances to avoid at least somewhat of a permanent loss. And I’ll not be spending money until it’s out


Faith in what? They said a new episode every 2-3 months and it's not 3 months yet. Honestly the six guys that won't spend money till it's out aren't affecting revenue enough to make a significant difference in my opinion. I don't really consider this reasonable.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I have a feeling that they’re just pacing themselves until the next expansion. They probably have a specific number of episodes already planned out so they’re just buying themselves as much time as they can.


Sounds legit. They've probably got a date for the the new XPac to hit. It would be better to pad the time between episodes by a week each than have a longer wait between the last Season 4 episode and the new XPac.

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They still have 2 weeks to release the episode. 3 months will pass on June 6 (June 5 is Tuesday).


Stay tuned at 2pm-3pm UTC-O next week, they usually release their trailer at this time.



Also I'd not mind if this episode would be called A Bug in the System, Part 2. :)


That'd be nice, because we haven't seen anything like this since "The Dragon's Reach, part 1 and part 2"


If the trailer won't be released at this usual time, then stay tuned at the usual patch release time, because Mike Z may tell again that the episode will be delayed.


But I guess they prepare something special to us, so let's just wait. :)

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Faith is disappearing fast, and so are their chances to avoid at least somewhat of a permanent loss. And I’ll not be spending money until it’s out


> Faith in what? They said a new episode every 2-3 months and it's not 3 months yet. Honestly the six guys that won't spend money till it's out aren't affecting revenue enough to make a significant difference in my opinion. I don't really consider this reasonable.



Faith that they can be trusted I guess. At this point they can totally reverse any negative feelings in having but if they fall outside 3 months too many times I won’t trust them as much. There’s still a chance it’ll be on June 5th I suppose though

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > Faith is disappearing fast, and so are their chances to avoid at least somewhat of a permanent loss. And I’ll not be spending money until it’s out

> >

> > Faith in what? They said a new episode every 2-3 months and it's not 3 months yet. Honestly the six guys that won't spend money till it's out aren't affecting revenue enough to make a significant difference in my opinion. I don't really consider this reasonable.



> Faith that they can be trusted I guess. At this point they can totally reverse any negative feelings in having but if they fall outside 3 months too many times I won’t trust them as much. There’s still a chance it’ll be on June 5th I suppose though


People really amaze me. Trust them? They're a business. I've seen a thousand programs get moved back due to the fact that the company took longer than expected. Problems arise all the time in programming. Even major companies sometimes have to push back updates due to unexpected happenings. If that's what you're basing trust and not trust on, you might want to forget about software altogether, because I can't think, of a company that hasn't had to push back a deadline at some point.


Then there are companies like Bethesda that makes pretty good games, but they come out so full of bugs, they're not even playable until the players fix the game through mods. Sorry but this seems to me a completely unrealistic way to approach any game company.

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its not like we don't get anything between the episodes- gemstore updates with like this beautiful nine-tails jackal or the yesterday's outfit, also the current events and balance updates, AFC on GW2 forums and interesting Guild Chats (Cinematic's team is gonna join Rubi Bayer this Friday).


It's a lot going on. I'll be upset if this episode won't launch on June 5, but I'll support them if there will some bugs appear out of sudden.

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It's almost like Reddit in here. "Arenanet has promised this, they promised that, GIMME GIMME GIMME NOW!"


Anet promised nothing. As a company with a million impatient customers hanging on to their every word, they simply can't promise anything at all. Because if it goes south, it's a storm out there.


They gave us a target schedule, and said they'll _try_ to push out a new episode every 2 to 3 months. Naturally, impatient people cling to the 2 instead of 3. Then they start throwing angry accusations as soon as that mark has passed.


Arenanet has done a wonderful job releasing their updates on schedule, but keep in mind anything might happen. This update might be bigger somehow, or there could be technical issues, someone has been sick, whatever really. If it's going to be late, I'm sure Anet will let us know.

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