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Condi Mirage Take any Nerf at all this patch?


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title says it all.... unaware what the meta or what gets played on condi mirage these days besides the weapons used. With some of the stuff nerf in overall dps did this make a difference for them at all?


NOT saying condi mirage are OP/Broken but..... lets be honest they can use a small tweak in some spots.

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Elusive Mind needs to go. It's a gross trait. After that the torch skills should probably get a stack of burning trimmed off both of them. I think confusion and torment have a lot more opportunity to play around them so I'm generally okay with the shatter burst capabilities. I'll be pretty okay with condi mirage at that point.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> I mean they are annoying as hell but they aren’t broken , I just don’t think a condi class should be able to burst someone in seconds after a burst of 6 different condi stacks.... it’s dumb


You may have ONE stack of burning off each torch skill and that is my **final offer**.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> I mean they are annoying as hell but they aren’t broken , I just don’t think a condi class should be able to burst someone in seconds after a burst of 6 different condi stacks.... it’s dumb


They can't. And I don't think people should make baseless forum posts too.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > I mean they are annoying as hell but they aren’t broken , I just don’t think a condi class should be able to burst someone in seconds after a burst of 6 different condi stacks.... it’s dumb


> They can't. And I don't think people should make baseless forum posts too.


[Confusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cry_of_Pain "Confusion"), [More Confusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude "more confusion"), [Torment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maim_the_Disillusioned "Torment"), [burning](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Pledge "Burning"), [blind](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blinding_Dissipation "Blind"), [Cripple](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master_of_Fragmentation "Cripple"), [bleed ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sharper_Images "Bleed ")and [Poison (doom sigil)](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Doom "Poison (doom sigil)") from a standard carrion ineptitude burst. [immobilize from the Sword 3](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swap "Immobilize from the Sword 3") if you're feeling frisky. Not counting anything on staff.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > I mean they are annoying as hell but they aren’t broken , I just don’t think a condi class should be able to burst someone in seconds after a burst of 6 different condi stacks.... it’s dumb


> They can't. And I don't think people should make baseless forum posts too.


“They can’t “ let combo land on you and see if it takes a few seconds for you to die or not....


Not sure why your saying they “can’t” yet this been a thing for months...

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > I mean they are annoying as hell but they aren’t broken , I just don’t think a condi class should be able to burst someone in seconds after a burst of 6 different condi stacks.... it’s dumb

> >

> > They can't. And I don't think people should make baseless forum posts too.


> “They can’t “ let combo land on you and see if it takes a few seconds for you to die or not....


> Not sure why your saying they “can’t” yet this been a thing for months...


They probably play mesmer :D

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> True, but I think their focus in this patch was bunker chronos. It probably has something to do with the fact that they are banned from a lot of competitive events and stuff. (I'm not sure if Condi mirages are or not though)


Did Anet state anywhere what their intention was with the patch?

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It is great against other damage dealers but weak against bunkers, heavy sustain bruisers. S/D thief is much better at dealing with those.


Pretty balanced in my opinion.


After the confusion change, it is much weaker against good players but even stronger against brainless spammers. So ultimately those who don't even bother to look at their condition bar will complain about this build.


As for the burn, prestige burn activates exactly 3 seconds after mesmer goes stealth. Phantasmal mage both active and phantasm attacks are close range and telegraphed. If you can't recognize and counterplay these 2 skills which are on 24s CD, I don't know what to say.

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not sure why people defending condi mirages (specifically the carrion ineptitude ones, I could care less about axes) when nothing much has changed about it and it's still op. It's like the only play you can do against these mirages is to not do a single thing for ~8s except wasting your double dodges and putting down heals/cleanses on yourself because none of your attacks will connect anyways due to evades and blinds and you'll just be hitting yourself with the confusions plus there's also a high chance it'll get interrupted (stacking more condis) while moving around just cause torment to do extra damage to you. I love offering my ass up to condi mirages and let them do all sorts of free trades on me

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> @"Exciton.8942" said:

> It is great against other damage dealers but weak against bunkers, heavy sustain bruisers. S/D thief is much better at dealing with those.


> Pretty balanced in my opinion.


That's not what i'm calling balanced.. I'm not sure a heavy sustain bunker is going to be a great threat for a condi mirage..

What's the issue is that matchs are going to turn into teams such as 2 scourges condi mirage condi thief, which is totally unfun and out of control at average rank, since any mistake is usually well punished.



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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> hmmm...ppl complaining about a class that applies condis in bursts. Guess ppl forgot about scourge that has barrier out the buttocks and better condi sustain. This is why scourge hasnt been balanced yet cause ppl are complaining about other condi builds :p


Thing is scourge actually has a lot of weaknesses & counterplay to it while mesmers on the other hand just evade/stealth forever. The issue isnt necessarily losing to these classes as much as it is just very boring annoying & unfun to fight. There's little counterplay to it when played correctly.

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> @"Kraitan.8476" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > hmmm...ppl complaining about a class that applies condis in bursts. Guess ppl forgot about scourge that has barrier out the buttocks and better condi sustain. This is why scourge hasnt been balanced yet cause ppl are complaining about other condi builds :p


> Thing is scourge actually has a lot of weaknesses & counterplay to it while mesmers on the other hand just evade/stealth forever. The issue isnt necessarily losing to these classes as much as it is just very boring annoying & unfun to fight. There's little counterplay to it when played correctly.


Thing is there is counterplay....AOEs/cleaves. Kill the clones and the player is screwed. The built of condi stacks come from shattering. Dodge the shatters or AoE them.


Mesmer can't "stealth/evade forever" (i understand the exaggeration, however to state this is still false). Yes they can stealth for like ~12ish seconds, however that is using up most of their utility slots just to do that (and thus is wasted from a fighting standpoint).


Evades have high CD's (double dodge and shatter and one on sword) which isnt that long when chained. This too will waste valuable resources and will leave the mirage dry.


Fighting condi mesmers (in any variant) is like fighting thieves...its all about reaction times. If you can react quick enough, its game over for them. They have 2 main condis...Confusion and torment. If they ar eon Axe/x, then go ranged or if melee, throw down PbAoE's as they need to get really close to do anything. If you have access to stealth, time its use.


Condi mesmers may be strong, however learning to fight them is based on experience...thus learning to play against them. If you need someone to spar, lemme know and I can jump on my condi build.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Kraitan.8476" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > hmmm...ppl complaining about a class that applies condis in bursts. Guess ppl forgot about scourge that has barrier out the buttocks and better condi sustain. This is why scourge hasnt been balanced yet cause ppl are complaining about other condi builds :p

> >

> > Thing is scourge actually has a lot of weaknesses & counterplay to it while mesmers on the other hand just evade/stealth forever. The issue isnt necessarily losing to these classes as much as it is just very boring annoying & unfun to fight. There's little counterplay to it when played correctly.


> Thing is there is counterplay....AOEs/cleaves. Kill the clones and the player is screwed. The built of condi stacks come from shattering. Dodge the shatters or AoE them.


> Mesmer can't "stealth/evade forever" (i understand the exaggeration, however to state this is still false). Yes they can stealth for like ~12ish seconds, however that is using up most of their utility slots just to do that (and thus is wasted from a fighting standpoint).


> Evades have high CD's (double dodge and shatter and one on sword) which isnt that long when chained. This too will waste valuable resources and will leave the mirage dry.


> Fighting condi mesmers (in any variant) is like fighting thieves...its all about reaction times. If you can react quick enough, its game over for them. They have 2 main condis...Confusion and torment. If they ar eon Axe/x, then go ranged or if melee, throw down PbAoE's as they need to get really close to do anything. If you have access to stealth, time its use.


> Condi mesmers may be strong, however learning to fight them is based on experience...thus learning to play against them. If you need someone to spar, lemme know and I can jump on my condi build.


Fighting condi mirages is nothing like fighting thieves. Against thieves, you only have to worry about dodging their Steal (2x on sword), use no-ports, and try to land a cc on them (forcing long cd stunbreaks, usually Shadowstep, which will likely force them to retreat altogether & rotate elsewhere once this key ability is on cd). Whereas against condi mirages, you have to dodge their sword 3 immob, torch 5 phantasm, all forms of ambush, and all 3 shatters while they clog up your awareness with clones and force at least 1 dodge from stealthing up in the beginning. Landing a cc on them also don't matter because they have access to low cd stunbreaks on evade on top of signet of midnight/blink/jaunt/staff 2 to displace themselves if they are somehow bad enough to get caught in one without evades. The blinds also prevents a big deal of counter pressure on both themselves and their clones. The only good AoE against them are spammable, big, bursty ones that only scourges and shortbow thieves have access to. Maybe spellbreaker's FC too but that's more because it gives resistance on a guaranteed proc than anything. Holosmith and other classes' aoe gets blinded and interrupted too often to do anything before clones are shattered.


And the only evade that has high cd is Distortion, 12s cd on sword 2 is not high cd (basically anything ~10s where it lines up with weapon swaps is not high cd). Distortion is also retarded when you trait that bs that generates mirrors that lasts 8s for some reason so a mesmer that's out of evades can just staff/blink to kite to 1200 range, heal up, poke you with staff, maybe even ambush, then walk right back in to spam more ambushes through the mirrors and sword 2 will be up for more evades.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Would u all say that condi mirage is now the top 1v1 class now that disenchanter chrono is gone? What do u all think counters condi mirage in a 1v1?


In my personal experience in a cap fight 1v1, i would say holo spellbreaker and good sd thief, it is not a hard counter but both got 50%win rate

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> Fighting condi mirages is nothing like fighting thieves. Against thieves, you only have to worry about dodging their Steal (2x on sword), use no-ports, and try to land a cc on them (forcing long cd stunbreaks, usually Shadowstep, which will likely force them to retreat altogether & rotate elsewhere once this key ability is on cd). Whereas against condi mirages, you have to dodge their sword 3 immob, torch 5 phantasm, all forms of ambush, and all 3 shatters while they clog up your awareness with clones and force at least 1 dodge from stealthing up in the beginning. Landing a cc on them also don't matter because they have access to low cd stunbreaks on evade on top of signet of midnight/blink/jaunt/staff 2 to displace themselves if they are somehow bad enough to get caught in one without evades. The blinds also prevents a big deal of counter pressure on both themselves and their clones. The only good AoE against them are spammable, big, bursty ones that only scourges and shortbow thieves have access to. Maybe spellbreaker's FC too but that's more because it gives resistance on a guaranteed proc than anything. Holosmith and other classes' aoe gets blinded and interrupted too often to do anything before clones are shattered.


> And the only evade that has high cd is Distortion, 12s cd on sword 2 is not high cd (basically anything ~10s where it lines up with weapon swaps is not high cd). Distortion is also kitten when you trait that bs that generates mirrors that lasts 8s for some reason so a mesmer that's out of evades can just staff/blink to kite to 1200 range, heal up, poke you with staff, maybe even ambush, then walk right back in to spam more ambushes through the mirrors and sword 2 will be up for more evades.


yeah i switched to necro/scourge long time ago cuz i get tired of deal with illusionists and trickers. i just picked up the most spammeable AoE class.

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