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WVW Suggestions! Would Like Feedback and Opinions!


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1. Make support builds able to get better loot just by doing support functions. Not having to tag players to get loot. If I am giving players might, healing, stability, resistance, or other support functions, I am contributing to the DPS and survivability of the squad or zerg. Therefore I should get the same grade of loot as those I am supporting, due to me contributing to the DPS by supporting them and keeping them alive.


2. In an effort to keep things fresh in WVW I suggest that the map for EBG have variations put in place. Edge of the mist doesn't have as many players right now, transforming this map into an second EBG map would create a fresh new take on the WVW gameplay. The maps could alternate like the Alliance Battles alternated in GW1 but they could alternate week by week.


3. The borderland maps should reflect the team color, blue would stay alpine, red would be desert - but it would redone to more balance the defensible areas and to open areas that are too fortified, green would be more of a Forrest area that could be created. It would also reflect the base game, HOT, and POF in the 3 maps.


4. Conditions which are cleansed should have a cool down interval before they could be reapplied to a player. This would help with the issues of zergs getting wiped by a group of scourges. Boons could still be ripped but the conditions would not be placed if their application is on cool down.


5. Have better guards in towers, garrisons, SMC, and such. The guards in ETOM are comparativly better and having better guards would give defenders more time to arrive and help defend rather than just a group taking a tower immediately after the wall goes down.


6. Each area in EBG should have a bonus to the player group whose area it is, red, green, and blue would have bonuses to their corresponding areas of the map- top, left, and right.


7. Commander tags or commander names should stand out more rather than blending in with the surrounding colors of the map. This would help with better coordination so that people don't loose their commander in the middle of a battle, defense, or attack.

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My take:


1) The game was designed without a trinity. All classes are supposed to do damage, tanking and healing. Some doneach better than others. Making pure healing give full tag priority may push us further towards what was not wanted.


2) EBG is considered to be the most populat map. Replacing it, could likely be disastrous.


3). no opinion


4). Very difficult to pull this off as it would have to be player dependent. If multiple classes (let's say 5 players) hit someone with Burning, you wouldn't want all of the additional stacks that the other 4 people to have their conditions negated.


5). I guess this is subjective. I wouldn't care, but many wouldn't want more NPC fighting.


6). Bonuses exist right now to a point; each area has an NPC area that will send squads out to cap areas, and the dredge actually give very annoying turrets. Other than this, I am not sure we want to add more effects.


7). As long as they stood out to the enemy, I agree. The big tag above their head should be enough, And if you are running tagless, then that is a choice.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> My take:


> 1) The game was designed without a trinity. All classes are supposed to do damage, tanking and healing. Some doneach better than others. Making pure healing give full tag priority may push us further towards what was not wanted.


> 2) EBG is considered to be the most populat map. Replacing it, could likely be disastrous.


> 3). no opinion


> 4). Very difficult to pull this off as it would have to be player dependent. If multiple classes (let's say 5 players) hit someone with Burning, you wouldn't want all of the additional stacks that the other 4 people to have their conditions negated.


> 5). I guess this is subjective. I wouldn't care, but many wouldn't want more NPC fighting.


> 6). Bonuses exist right now to a point; each area has an NPC area that will send squads out to cap areas, and the dredge actually give very annoying turrets. Other than this, I am not sure we want to add more effects.


> 7). As long as they stood out to the enemy, I agree. The big tag above their head should be enough, And if you are running tagless, then that is a choice.


1. As it is, it would seem like there is a trinity. Support, conditions, and power. Fb, scourge, spellbreaker/Rev. Fitting into these perspectivly. Actually every class, for what it is main used for in WVW, fits into one of these categories. Every build definitely fits into one. Therefore support builds should not suffer loot loss because they are buffing, cleansing, and keeping their group alive. I'm not talking about theory, or ideally, I'm talking about the reality of the situation.

2. I am not talking about replacing it at all. I am just saying have different versions of it to keep things fresh. Such as alliance battles in GW1 had different maps.

3. Ok.

4. This idea is one that has come up time and time again by players in conversation. The constant reapplication of conditions is what kills groups, plus with how classes work, any boons or resistance they try to use to lighten the damage get corrupted, I feel this is a good trade off other than a redesign of the scourge class as a whole. Multiple players shouldn't be able to just constantly reapply the conditions to a single player without them having some fighting chance against it. As things are now, there is no fighting couster against constant reapplication of conditions since even resistance gets corrupted. Either that or have boon corruption have a cool down for each player to give them a counter to all the constant condition reapplication.

5. It would give more incentive for players to level up stuff if the guards actually got exponentially stronger as the structure was leveled up. Taking a T3 camp in a matter seconds shouldn't be able to happen, same with a T3 structure once the walls are down. This would also allow more time for defenses to be placed.

6. The other two are very squishy and don't provide any real bonus other than npcs. Having swiftness or a bonus to movement, other than gliding, would give more chance for things to be defended and would make taking things require more strategy than just laying siege and firing away.

7. The point being that the colors, green, red, blue,yellow, and others are also used throughout the map and can sometimes can be hard to follow in a zerg fight or when fighting against a defense or when defending.

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1. They already boosted credit for healing recently. I'm not sure how much they should boost it for getting credit without damage, would that just encourage heal bots? Support should get more credit for loot while in groups though, my friend always mentions to me how bad the loot is while being on his full support tempest.

2. NO. Ebg is off limits to being removed in any capacity for the simple fact that is the map that is most popular map, this has already been discussed many times in the past. They can do a reskin if they wish, that would be cool, but never replaced.

3. They don't have plans for a new map at the moment, eotm and desert have been poorly received in the past. They could just do a reskin of alpine and turn it into a forest area like auric basin(very tall trees not like the ones in south camp which a pain in aaa on your camera), again that would be cool.

4. A mini period of resistance to that specific condition or diminishing returns might work. They won't do the work for that though. Frankly the whole conditions/cleanse mechanic could use an overhaul as it's evolved a lot since the game started, but again they won't do the work for that.

5. Don't care for improved AI, I play wvw for killing players, not AI, lots of pve content available for that. Fortified walls/gates, siege, disablers, and iron guard tactics already help in stalling attackers.

6. What type of bonuses? and why?

7. Tell your commander to stop playing asuran and run a tall race. Or place your target on the commander to have them stand out, or use squad markers.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> 1. They already boosted credit for healing recently. I'm not sure how much they should boost it for getting credit without damage, would that just encourage heal bots? Support should get more credit for loot while in groups though, my friend always mentions to me how bad the loot is while being on his full support tempest.

> 2. NO. Ebg is off limits to being removed in any capacity for the simple fact that is the map that is most popular map, this has already been discussed many times in the past. They can do a reskin if they wish, that would be cool, but never replaced.

> 3. They don't have plans for a new map at the moment, eotm and desert have been poorly received in the past. They could just do a reskin of alpine and turn it into a forest area like auric basin(very tall trees not like the ones in south camp which a pain in aaa on your camera), again that would be cool.

> 4. A mini period of resistance to that specific condition or diminishing returns might work. They won't do the work for that though. Frankly the whole conditions/cleanse mechanic could use an overhaul as it's evolved a lot since the game started, but again they won't do the work for that.

> 5. Don't care for improved AI, I play wvw for killing players, not AI, lots of pve content available for that. Fortified walls/gates, siege, disablers, and iron guard tactics already help in stalling attackers.

> 6. What type of bonuses? and why?

> 7. Tell your commander to stop playing asuran and run a tall race. Or place your target on the commander to have them stand out, or use squad markers.


1. I think that support shouldn't be required to tag someone in order to get good loot. They should be able to get loot while being support, because after all they are keeping the group alive and on top of that are buffing them. How do you think there would be healthy bots? Following a zerg? that wouldn't work as a bot that I known of...

2. It would be like a re skin, it would be same concept but different look, some new functions maybe, and they would alternate between the maps on a week by week basis.


4. I agree, it would be nice for an overhaul. But the suggestion might work for now.

5. Stronger guards would be good since you can basically run them over as it is now. Doesn't matter if you are one person or 20 or 50. They are kinda weak as they are.

6. Basically kinda like a home field advantage. Like swiftness or maybe even mounts on owned territory.

7. All of the things you mentioned doesn't help when everything is green, blue, yellow, red and such due to skills. The tag or marker gets lost among the other animations.

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> @"EMTDJ.9042" said:

> 5. Stronger guards would be good since you can basically run them over as it is now. Doesn't matter if you are one person or 20 or 50. They are kinda weak as they are.

Like I mentioned iron guards tactic already did this by making them tougher, plus they were given break bars with HoT, particularly on the lords, which also scale to the amount of players around, ever seen how long it takes for the smc lord to go down when 3 zergs are on the inner? The other problem is when you start adding too much health on npcs then smaller groups will take longer on captures, and will be required to bring bigger groups instead to deal with those buffed npcs. There's a bare minimum that needs to be kept in order to make small groups still viable, and then you scale according to how many after that are around.


> 6. Basically kinda like a home field advantage. Like swiftness or maybe even mounts on owned territory.

We already have objective auras from guild claims, plus presence of the keep tactic, that covers a lot of ground as it is. Mounts will be in at some point I'm sure, not that people are going to like it, but they'll just add it in like gliders probably at the end of PoF life cycle.



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> @"EMTDJ.9042" said:

> 1. Make support builds able to get better loot just by doing support functions. Not having to tag players to get loot. If I am giving players might, healing, stability, resistance, or other support functions, I am contributing to the DPS and survivability of the squad or zerg. Therefore I should get the same grade of loot as those I am supporting, due to me contributing to the DPS by supporting them and keeping them alive.


> 2. In an effort to keep things fresh in WVW I suggest that the map for EBG have variations put in place. Edge of the mist doesn't have as many players right now, transforming this map into an second EBG map would create a fresh new take on the WVW gameplay. The maps could alternate like the Alliance Battles alternated in GW1 but they could alternate week by week.


> 3. The borderland maps should reflect the team color, blue would stay alpine, red would be desert - but it would redone to more balance the defensible areas and to open areas that are too fortified, green would be more of a Forrest area that could be created. It would also reflect the base game, HOT, and POF in the 3 maps.


> 4. Conditions which are cleansed should have a cool down interval before they could be reapplied to a player. This would help with the issues of zergs getting wiped by a group of scourges. Boons could still be ripped but the conditions would not be placed if their application is on cool down.


> 5. Have better guards in towers, garrisons, SMC, and such. The guards in ETOM are comparativly better and having better guards would give defenders more time to arrive and help defend rather than just a group taking a tower immediately after the wall goes down.


> 6. Each area in EBG should have a bonus to the player group whose area it is, red, green, and blue would have bonuses to their corresponding areas of the map- top, left, and right.


> 7. Commander tags or commander names should stand out more rather than blending in with the surrounding colors of the map. This would help with better coordination so that people don't loose their commander in the middle of a battle, defense, or attack.


1. They get more loot nowadays. I get at least as many bags when playing with my support temp, my support fb. Not sure what the issue is. No class simply heals, all classes do some dmg even if it is laughable, either by reflects/autoatacks etc

2. Eotm is where it belongs. That map, with the constant cliff falling is a meme map, for me at least. It is a lobby for actual wvw. It does that job well enough. Nothing to add there.

3. No opinion here.

4. Would make more condi application impossible. Players would rightfully rage.

5. Iron guards are a tactic you can use in pretty much all structures (not camps).

6. Thats a thing in eotm, if i remember correctly. We have guild bonuses from claiming towers keeps etc. So, why?

7. Use squad markers.


I understand a lot of players used to farm eotm like crazy (karmatrains and quick experience levelling), but that map has the place it always should have had. It drained wvw from players, now it doesnt (and rightly so).

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