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Nerf Mesmer pull


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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > List of places other mesmers can "pull" me out of the tower regularly.

> > > > 1. top of the wall

> > > > 2. top of the stairs

> > > > 3. middle of the stairs

> > > > 4. bottom of the stairs

> > > > 5. the ground behind the wall

> > > >

> > > > This isn't a one time thing. It is happening all the time, most often in Klovan on the south wall side.

> > > > Maybe the issue is the wall, but I am constantly removed from the structure when I shouldn't be able to be and the walls are all up.

> > >

> > > Are you sure its not a double pull? I've been pulled from the inner lip of the wall to the outer, then pulled out. But when I reviewed my footage (was recording), it was 2 mesmers synchronizing their pulls.

> >

> > Get single pull, realize wall is too hot to stay there. Go down the stairs, get supply, walk to the wall to repair, start repairing, poof, outside and getting killed.


> You sure it was a mesmer? Dragonhunter can spear you and wait 6 seconds to pull you. Might've gotten spear'd when the mesmer pulled you.


Seems unlikely as there is never the F1 animation. I may try to duplicate the DH thing though, to see if that would work. In theory, it shouldn't.

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Am I the only one who thinks its funny this thread is still going? Mesmer pull is the least of most decent WvWers worries. There are def more important matters Anet should look at then an underused weak weapon skill imo. Class balance for starters. Dont be taking their attention away from it over simple matters such as the "major issue of the focus pull"

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Really? Crying about the mesmer pull? Let me give you some tips so you may carry on with your life.


1. Get some form of stability. If it's not from your own skills you can always get it from a shield generator or get a pocket stab bot.

2. Try to LoS it by placing siege on difficult to reach spots or spots that are so far that once pulled you'll have time to stunbreak.

3. Watch the enemy, pull bombs are easy to notice. They normally happen when the whole enemy force is hugging the wall or gate.

4. Keep track of the cooldown, normally it is on a 25 secs one, however it might be 20 secs if traited.

5. Gear up a mesmer and go try it yourself. Pulling enemies out of structures is pretty fun, not to mention watching them melt on a pull bomb.


There you go, now stop being lazy and stop crying about the skills you don't agree with. And next time you find something you don't like, try to figure a way to counter it before you come cry to the forums.



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> @"dani.4398" said:

> Really? Crying about the mesmer pull? Let me give you some tips so you may carry on with your life.


> 1. Get some form of stability. If it's not from your own skills you can always get it from a shield generator or get a pocket stab bot.

> 2. Try to LoS it by placing siege on difficult to reach spots or spots that are so far that once pulled you'll have time to stunbreak.

> 3. Watch the enemy, pull bombs are easy to notice. They normally happen when the whole enemy force is hugging the wall or gate.

> 4. Keep track of the cooldown, normally it is on a 25 secs one, however it might be 20 secs if traited.

> 5. Gear up a mesmer and go try it yourself. Pulling enemies out of structures is pretty fun, not to mention watching them melt on a pull bomb.


> There you go, now stop being lazy and stop crying about the skills you don't agree with. And next time you find something you don't like, try to figure a way to counter it before you come cry to the forums.




The complaints aren't about being pulled from the *top* of the wall, it's being behind the wall that is the issue. If anyone says "but it's been here since the start of the game" - well yes, and remember what happened to heartseeker (and sword2 on thief)? They were around for a long time. Things can change and it's not necessarily a nerf to change the focus from pulling *behind* walls, it will still pull from the top, what is the worry there?

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> i must have been the one who pulled you off a cliff and insta death for you, so sorry that you want a nerf, shoulda fed your corpse with rams


It's fine if you want to show your disdain towards whoever this comment is for, I am only here to expand and discuss about the topic that was brought up, and find solutions that will work for everyone, but by all means please go ahead.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> The complaints aren't about being pulled from the *top* of the wall, it's being behind the wall that is the issue. If anyone says "but it's been here since the start of the game" - well yes, and remember what happened to heartseeker (and sword2 on thief)? They were around for a long time. Things can change and it's not necessarily a nerf to change the focus from pulling *behind* walls, it will still pull from the top, what is the worry there?


You lost me for a second dude, what about heartseeker?


The original post doesn’t argue what you claim. In order to be pulled out of the structure you got to be on top, either on the edge or as far as possible from it, but on top.


Now if you are behind the wall, how exactly do you get pulled out of the structure without the wall being in the way? You make no sense.

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> @"dani.4398" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > The complaints aren't about being pulled from the *top* of the wall, it's being behind the wall that is the issue. If anyone says "but it's been here since the start of the game" - well yes, and remember what happened to heartseeker (and sword2 on thief)? They were around for a long time. Things can change and it's not necessarily a nerf to change the focus from pulling *behind* walls, it will still pull from the top, what is the worry there?


> You lost me for a second dude, what about heartseeker?


> The original post doesn’t argue what you claim. In order to be pulled out of the structure you got to be on top, either on the edge or as far as possible from it, but on top.


> Now if you are behind the wall, how exactly do you get pulled out of the structure without the wall being in the way? You make no sense.


I brought up heartseeker because there were some who mentioned why bother changing focus pull now if it's been around forever, so in turn I also gave examples of things that have also been around for a long time, but were decidedly changed for one reason or another (and these were things that were accepted as a part of the mechanic on those weapons because they had existed for so long, and yet they changed it) - I'm not sure how any correlation could not be made from that. If you read my past posts, you can see where I mention that a player can be pulled from around the 8th to 11th step from top, and dragged towards the outer lip from the top, and yes this can happen. Other things that I have mentioned is that it does not always render on the other side of the wall. And lastly, I mentioned people being pulled from behind the wall (and this seems to be the only skill that can disrupt repairs through a wall seemingly, I won't count scourge torch5 because the out of los reach is not that far and you have to be near a gate), not through it although another user has stated that they have been pulled through the structure itself which may be a bug. I'm sorry if you have difficulty in understanding what I write, but these are valid issues and there does seem to be interest in the topic from the view count. Are people that worried if it can't affect people behind the wall anymore? You can still pull people into aoe bombs with the changes that would not allow it to affect people behind walls, nothing would change from being able to pull someone standing on top of the wall - people seem deathly scared that the change is all about stopping people from using focus to pull people off top of the wall. It's got nothing to do with the top side, it is not hard to understand really. Of course I would still like to use focus to pull anyone standing on the wall, and that's how far it should reach, not behind it. Who knows, maybe they can't fix it, maybe they can.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > Maybe you should start fighting with players instead of siege.

> > > >

> > > > This week is probably one of the very rare cases I saw people building siege for only 2 people. It's getting disgusting.

> > >

> > > Apparently you haven't been playing much since PoF launch, and the new, and not so improved, pirate ship-condi-aoe spam meta has taken over...

> >

> > Looks like you havent heard of ele, rev, mesmer, ranger or deadeye. All counters to condi aoe spam (which is only one class).


> Rev does not counter this anymore since there are 100000 shades to corrupt your resistance spam. Unless you were just lumping them in as a 1200 range power damage spammer basic counter to scourge... But even then, hammer's been nerfed so hard these past patches, it's like throwing a wad of wet paper towels at the enemy.


Wet paper towels that crit for 12k. Lol.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > I get the Mesmer hate pile on thing happening, I really do. But asking for nerfs on weapons already under utilized seems silly. Any pvp game needs CC’s and counters to those CC’s. The thing pulls you. Learn how to prevent it with stab or avoid the following damage after the pull, dodge, stealth, shadow steps, ports, most movement abilities, blocks, and on and on. Really think this one is a true L2Play.

> >

> > its a 600 radius wide Pull how is enemy player's lack of skill to blame for getting pulled from behind structures ?

> > even scourge's 300 radius aoe covers slightly more radius than wvw wall's width


> Situation is this. Commanders tell people “ don’t stand so close to the edge you’ll get pulled,” and some always do, they get pulled. Your on top of a wall and see a Mesmer running torward the wall, hmm, wonder what he’s doing, swish you get pulled. I look at pulls like complaining about 10k+ meteor bombs. If your unaware or stay too long or don’t react you get punished. If your getting owned by Mesmer pulls it’s s L2Play thing. Let’s face it we all raid with people that get owned by every single kind of CC consistently.


it is not a L2P case when i mention people behind the wall or on the stair on the wall behind the wall get pulled though, yes many risk it and hop onto the wall's edge and those cases deserve what they get

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> I don't think the pull needs to be nerfed per se, it just needs to follow LOS rules. If you can't see it (e.g., it's placed on the side of a wall), you shouldn't be subject to its effects. The range is otherwise fine.


i think this is the biggest problem with WvW right now and so far I attribute it to snap cast targetting bypassing LoS , since it places ground targetted AoE ontop of targets even if they are behind walls

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> why not delete all "pull" skills from the game? necro can, ele can, guardian can.


Engi and thief are also some others which also have pulls, but their effects do not work behind walls which is one of the main issues brought up in this post.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > why not delete all "pull" skills from the game? necro can, ele can, guardian can.


> Engi and thief are also some others which also have pulls, but their effects do not work behind walls which is one of the main issues brought up in this post.


mesmer doesn't either, the player have to stand on the edge that is tall to get pull off? right?

pull function is use when you need to stop people from dropping disabler on your sieges. If you remove those then a defender can stand on the edge of the wall whole day to shot at the siege without even getting off the wall.

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > why not delete all "pull" skills from the game? necro can, ele can, guardian can.

> >

> > Engi and thief are also some others which also have pulls, but their effects do not work behind walls which is one of the main issues brought up in this post.


> mesmer doesn't either, the player have to stand on the edge that is tall to get pull off? right?

> pull function is use when you need to stop people from dropping disabler on your sieges. If you remove those then a defender can stand on the edge of the wall whole day to shot at the siege without even getting off the wall.


It's not about the top of the wall, the pulling from the top of the wall is fine - it's that the pull can do its effects behind the wall that is the issue.

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Must be nice to always have full meta groups standing by in towers to defend against the 30-70 man blobs that show up.

Every class does NOT have endless stability.

Every class can NOT spam their class abilities/stability WHILE using siege to try and stall the blob so more defenders can show up.

No class should be able to pull defenders OUT of a tower, if they are on the stairs or on the ground INSIDE the tower.


Yes, this is a small problem compared to tons of other issues...but it is still an issue.

I main a mesmer, regularly pull people off walls, I think it needs fixed.

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Mesmer pull when spammed was barely tolerable a couple years ago. Now, after PoF, it's really not that tolerable any longer. There's simply been far too much visual and sound effect spamming that's been added to the game, especially from Scourges. The effects completely drown out and conceal Temporal Curtain's usage.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> List of places other mesmers can "pull" me out of the tower regularly.

> 1. top of the wall

> 2. top of the stairs

That seems like the skill is working as intended.


> 3. middle of the stairs

This is borderline, but I've never managed to pull (or be pulled) from that location.


> 4. bottom of the stairs

> 5. the ground behind the wall


That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > List of places other mesmers can "pull" me out of the tower regularly.

> > 4. bottom of the stairs

> > 5. the ground behind the wall


> That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental.




Let's see if I was a Dev would I rather,

A:) Dive into the collision system

B:) Alter the one skill causing an issue. (which some players don't like anyway)

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> @"Rampage.7145" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > Mesmer pulls don't need a nerf.

> >

> > To actually pull someone from a ledge, you have to place the pull correctly and it's easy to dodge and easily countered.

> > It's not really an issue if you play smart and learn to place your siege. Also, siege fighting xD

> > It's a L2P issue.


> Have you ever tried to teach a monkey how to play???? It would probably be as a hard (or harder) than teaching a tarnished coast siege humper how to play brah, all the do is get on AC press 1111111 that is all what their gaming capabilities allow em to do. lets nerf everything in the game just leave 1 skills so this people can actually be on par with the normal players pls ty.


I can't agree more lol, All of the pve casuals are in TC and try to WvW and protect their precious siege then complain when someone nukes them because they never learned how to dodge

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