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[Suggestion] Horse Mount [merged]

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> @"Malkom.5607" said:

> I used to chill out by riding a horse in the virtual world Second Life (SL).

> SL is huge, and like GW2 has many varied terrains that demand some skill when riding a horse.

> Terrains in SL range from grass, forests, mountains and deserts.

> GW2 certainly has far more advanced terrains with none of the sim border crossing issues of SL.


> Yes, I can see that a regular horse would require a really huge amount of work by the devs so would need to be economically viable.

> Somehow they would have to get players interested but I think there would be more players interested than many expect.

> SL still has a vibrant horse community with everything from loners like myself, to social gatherings.


SL has not had any "vibrant communities" for years. It's a terrible platform that has been dying slowly for the better part of a decade. It's an environment where all the best items are massive hacks on the existing technologies filled with kludges and bad workarounds to the limitations of the engine.

Are there people who ride horses in SL? I'm sure there are a few dozen left.

There are people who build and drive race cars there as well... Should Guild Wars cater to 15 remaining people on SL who enjoy this too?

There's also a significant Gor community there as well. Should Anet cater to groups who take part in RP centered around sexual slavery?


SL is an environment where it takes a half hour just to learn to put on a pair of shoes. It's a game that doesn't protect it's content creators from theft of their work. It's a platform being kept alive by a relatiively small group of people who are too uneducated to understand that the sim costs are a scam.


While I understand that you may really want a horse, Guild Wars has nothing to learn from the platform.... unless of course the devs want a world that looks like a junkyard with dancer poles every 20 feet.

Invoking the platform detracts from your argument.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > I do not want to ride a classic horse, and no i dont find it weird we dont have one. There are no horses in GW2(the game world, *NOT* the books i know they mention them there.). Now a dolyak maybe.

> >

> > But what would it offer? What would be the point of having one? All the other mounts *do* something, what would a horse bring to the game?


> Aren't the books canon. So that means horses exist. How about a unicorn. They are in the game as a wep and finisher. So let's ride them. I hope they fart rainbows.


Actually the books arent canon. Or rather, if it isnt in the game its not. I forgot what the devs called it exactly.


whether they are extinct or never existed isnt toroughly clarified. I suppose that They could exist somewhere we havent been or evolved from things we did see.


At least would like some proper logical reason if we ever get one. I dont like to have certain a mount just because its like that in the other mostly generic fantasy worlds.


I think to make tyria not have all the generic mounts or other things just adds to its magic, makes it its own world, rather than half a copy of the real world or previous fantasy worlds because that's what were used to and therefore it MUST be in GW2 too.


Ofcourse, for some people it might be too dystopian and a weird world with too much non-earthlike inhabitants and architecture is scary and unimaginable or simply too far away from reality.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I am still waiting for a Horse mount. <3


> [Example 1](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/8/81/Imperial_White_Horse.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140131225123 "Example 1")

> [Example 2](https://www.gamereactor.eu/media/77/elderscrollsonline_1877713b.jpg "Example 2")

> [Example 3](https://skyrimfansite.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/eso-nightmare-courser-horse-3.gif "Example 3")


Seems to me Elder scrolls is your game of choice then! :p

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > I do not want to ride a classic horse, and no i dont find it weird we dont have one. There are no horses in GW2(the game world, *NOT* the books i know they mention them there.). Now a dolyak maybe.

> > >

> > > But what would it offer? What would be the point of having one? All the other mounts *do* something, what would a horse bring to the game?

> >

> > Aren't the books canon. So that means horses exist. How about a unicorn. They are in the game as a wep and finisher. So let's ride them. I hope they fart rainbows.


> Actually the books arent canon. Or rather, if it isnt in the game its not. I forgot what the devs called it exactly.


> whether they are extinct or never existed isnt toroughly clarified. I suppose that They could exist somewhere we havent been or evolved from things we did see.


> At least would like some proper logical reason if we ever get one. I dont like to have certain a mount just because its like that in the other mostly generic fantasy worlds.


> I think to make tyria not have all the generic mounts or other things just adds to its magic, makes it its own world, rather than half a copy of the real world or previous fantasy worlds because that's what were used to and therefore it MUST be in GW2 too.


> Ofcourse, for some people it might be too dystopian and a weird world with too much non-earthlike inhabitants and architecture is scary and unimaginable or simply too far away from reality.


Actually the books are cannon, they where made to fill in the gap between GW1 and GW2. They where overseen by ANet themselves.

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Show only collectors mounts.


The 10 meter snake. -- no range for travel but can squeeze in combat, (sometime also a bit of rider squeeze)

The flesh crafted artists recreations of the legendary unicorns -- Too delicate for even a mild wind.

The Large-Hob-Snail --- moves as fast when sleeping as awake.


There is a market for decorative less utilitarian intown mounts, collectors like such things.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Guild Wars may have no horses, but there were Kirin in Cantha (Guild Wars Factions) which look a bit horse-like.


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kirin

> [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(monk)](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(monk) "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(monk)")

> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Stone_Scale_Kirin

> [https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(mesmer)](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(mesmer) "https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Torn_Kirin_(mesmer)")


> Maybe a mount idea with a future Cantha-expansion? It would surely look great with a Sylvari riding it.


I had to just say HECK YES! Not only would I love a true cantha expansion but a Kirin mount to boot would be amazing. Honestly factions was one of my favorite installments, I know a lot of people crapped on it but I really enjoyed it. Plus I miss the Kurzick / Luxon faction feel. Granted from past things I've read I doubt we will see cantha or if we do it will be vastly different.


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> What's a horse?

Its half a centaur.


Which would be excellent as mounts. Just make them complain every minute.


*"You're getting heavier."*

*"I thought you said you could run faster than me?"*

*"I'm not jumping that."*

*"Look at that majestic griffon... I wish you sat on him instead."*

*Punches player*

*"Go ahead..." spawns with spiked saddle*

*"We have 6 legs and 2 of them are useless."*

*"Why are you always in a skirt?"*

*"Next time I ride you."*


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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> You could have it as a mount available for non-PoF players, that'd be slower than the raptor, maybe springer speed, with no ability. Like, it'd be worse than the actual PoF mounts, but it'd still be something for new players and RP players.


Or, non-PoF players could purchase PoF.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> You could have it as a mount available for non-PoF players, that'd be slower than the raptor, maybe springer speed, with no ability. Like, it'd be worse than the actual PoF mounts, but it'd still be something for new players and RP players.


Actually a non-pof mount that would act as a teaser for people to buy PoF might be an interesting idea

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > You could have it as a mount available for non-PoF players, that'd be slower than the raptor, maybe springer speed, with no ability. Like, it'd be worse than the actual PoF mounts, but it'd still be something for new players and RP players.


> Actually a non-pof mount that would act as a teaser for people to buy PoF might be an interesting idea

Fairly sure someone zooming past you on a raptor/griffon/tractor/whatever is the teaser.


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I too, would love a horse mount in this game. But, there has to be a movement mechanic that comes with it like all of the other mounts that are current. You can skin and reskin your Griffon but ... its still a Griffon. The movement mechanics of it cannot currently be matched so it normally ranks #1 for players choice in game. If Anet was to add a horse mount what would it do? How does it help the player traverse the world that the Raptor and Jakal doesnt already do? Veteran Zelda player here and would love my own Epona in GW2 .... but I see why my pony doesnt belong here ..... yet.

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