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Professions you enjoy the most and the least ?

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I mainly play thief and mesmer. The "highly mobile - stealthy' combinaison makes up for a fast paced gameplay, especially in PvP, and I really enjoy that.


Not a big fan of the revenant and the ranger though. Can't exactly say why for revenant, but for rangers, I feel like their utility spells are all really "meh" and I don't like having a pet following me around.


What about you ?

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I love the elementist for the ability to control the four elements. In other MMORPGs the Mages control a maximum of 3 and not quite as creative as here. The Engineer, Mesmer and Necromancer are also very nice, flee the pattern.

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I'm interested in the elementalist too, but the learning curve is what prevents me from really getting into it, especially as I really like PvP. Getting destroyed over and over again can be depressing at times, so I stick to easier classes for now.

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I love thief to death. At launch, they were an amazingly well designed PvP profession that excelled at one on one fights. They were fluid, and all around just felt good and responsive. Even though I hate all of Anet's balance changes, the communities constant complaints, all of our weaknesses, lowish reward for most things we do, the fact that other classes are capable doing things we're supposed to be good at more efficently and better... I won't stop playing the class.


Not too fond of Warrior or Mesmer.


Warrior because it feels pretty standard to me with few things that makes it really stand out from other MMOs.


Mesmers not because they are currently broken. But because they are invading far too much into thief's territory. And are capable of doing most things a thief is supposed to be good at, better. Dodging? Check. Being incredibly hard to kill? Check. Damage? Check. Mobility? Check.


Then having the second least expensive armor, to craft yourself. The most fucking desired in Raids because of Alacrity (Which barely does shit for thieves). And for some stupid reason, the least nerfed class after the community has been complaining about them. Meanwhile thief gets a completely unreasonably distributed auto attack nerf that more realistically cut their damage in half - because the full chain is fucking hard to land. Gets shot in the foot for escaping a fight by losing their main line of defense rather than giving thief something to ENCOURAGE them to stay and fight. A 1 second delay to backstab because they didn't want to change the behavior of what happens when you stab someone with aegis. Pulmonary Impact which required skill to trigger and was pretty hard to get, got a total of a 50% damage nerf over two nerfs. Still a handful of buggy utilities. And as useful in the water as revenant.


And now... we don't even know what the heck we're supposed to excell in! Damage? Apparently not anymore!


I don't even recommend the class to people anymore. I tell them don't touch the class. You'll fall in love with it, and then it will break your heart. You'll feel like a heart broken man that spends the rest of his days neck deep in alcoholism because you couldn't let go. That or a war veteran who remembered the good ole days, but had both legs blown off and your insurance would only buy you a board with a nail for you to get around on. No wheels. That's what I feel like anyways.

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My favorite profession is Firebrand. I actually didn't like Guardian before PoF but FB was a game changer for me. I rerolled as a FB main a few months ago and I'm in love with it! Also, even though it's underpowered, I still enjoy my old main (core condi kit Engi, P/P + Flamethrower). I really hope Engi will get a condi elite spec next time (that isn't suicidal like Holo, yuck).


My least favorite profession is Thief. The Initiative system just isn't comfortable to me, I can't make a build I truly enjoy and I'm not fond of the weapon choices either.

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For me:

- The most enjoyable is mesmer. It was my preferred profession in GW1 already . I have 5 mesmer toons, each with a different class/build. I never stop getting fun with them.

- The least enjoyable is - don't shoot at me - warrior. It is not that I dislike the profession. It is just that I don't like to play melee (I use pistol/bow with thief, hammer with revenant, scepter/staff with guardian), and in case of the warrior, it combines with the fact that I don't like to play rifle. So, of course, I could set up one using longbow, but I already enjoy that with my rangers and don't see much added value to use bow on a warrior. All in all, up to now, I never found a way to enjoy using a warrior.

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I could never play the warrior. I never liked the atmosphere around it. I'm a bit traumatized back when the meta was Warrior or leave... like it is now... and I never liked facing off against them in PVP and WvW either.


I can't play ranger, either. But that is mostly because there are no ranger specs that I like. Once druid came around I just deleted my ranger.


Favorite classes to play include Thief and Revenant. For different reasons. I like the thief's mobility and self preservation, as well as its strong group defensive utilities and movement skills. When I'm on my "A" game, my thief is unstoppable, and I can just rip through content with little trouble. Revenant is a great all-around class, and it has a toolbox of utility that many other classes don't. I like the idea of energy and legend switching, which gives me a lot more versatility than you'd think.

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After 6 years and having had 2 specializations added to the game, I just cannot get into the Engineer class. I did world completion on one (pre HoT), and that was quite a struggle.

Revenant is 2nd on the list of least enjoyed in my time in game.


Favorites are Ranger, Necro, Thief.

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Elementalist is my favourite, having bucket loads of cool looking spells appeals to me, I often favour magic user classes in RPGs.


I would probably say engineer is my least favourite, I haven't spent a huge amount of time on it, but I just don't seem to find it as fun as the other classes.


Then there's Mesmer, which is the class I really want to enjoy, but I just can't seem to as I just don't seem to be able to work out how to play it very well. Whatever I seem to try I always seem really weak and it seems to take me forever to kill anything with it (even general mobs in PvE). I don't know why I can't seem to get my head around how to play it, when to shatter illusions,why I've got no dps etc. A shame because the class and weapons available to it all appeal to me.

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> I don't know why I can't seem to get my head around how to play it, when to shatter illusions,why I've got no dps etc. A shame because the class and weapons available to it all appeal to me.


Have you tried looking for a build ? People on the Mesmer forum would be happy to help and give you a few tips l think

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I suppose out of all the builds I've tried so far (which is most, but not all), I probably find staff Thief to be the most enjoyable. I'm generally not big on highly evasive playstyles, but Daredevil just somehow makes it fun.


Engineer just hasn't clicked at all with me yet, though I'm am still yet to try Holosmith.

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Necromancer and core ranger are my favorites. I love my AI beasties :) I enjoy core guardian a lot, but have abandoned mine since I partially unlocked firebrand. For some reason, I can't stand the elite spec. I don't like either of the ranger elite specs, so I ignore them on my 80. Pistol/pistol thief is fun, but deadeye isn't for some reason. I usually love sniping things, but something about it puts me off. Scourge is a lot of fun.


I've never finished leveling a mesmer. There's something about it that's annoying, but I can't put my finger on it. I have one sitting unused at level 30. I used an insta-80 to try out holosmith and engineer before trying to start the personal story from scratch. Something about the playstyle drove me nuts, but I can't put my finger on what. Never tried a warrior beyond level 11 or so-- it didn't stick with me long enough to even finish a key run. Never finished an elementalist, either, and I'm not sure why.

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Favourite is of course mesmer, specifically mirage now, because just like Will Smith said in MIB - the difference between mesmer and all other classes is they make this look good. B)

Also most unique fantasy rpg class with most unique mechanics compared to all the generic rogues/mages/warriors that are the same staple things in every fantasy game. Extremely satisfying aural and visual effects, skill concepts and animations - just a privilege and joy to play, it's like making a painting - therapeutic and satisfying. Mirage in addition is like art/sound therapy - from breaking mirrors to the mirage cloak audio/visual to axe animations and things like staff ambush - it's so kitten sexy to play, I love it. I only play gw2 because of mesmer.


Second favourite is melee ranger, though I haven't played it in a long time. Melee ranger specifically - I don't like bows. Just the GS and sword animations are awesome (hilt bash into maul is extremely satisfying) and it's evasive like thief without being spammy/one-dimensional.


Least favourites - warrior (generic/boring for me), necro (thematically - I don't like the whole death thing - but then modern Halloween is my least favourite "festival" IRL so that makes sense).


Side notes - I like the concept of thief, but the spammy nature of initiative and ridiculous animations on say staff (vault just looks stupid - like Yoda flying around) really put me off. I actually started the game on thief at launch but deleted the character after 2 weeks because just wasn't finding any of the weapon sets fun at the time. Always wanted a staff since then so you'd think I'd play DD for sure but as said, staff animations are too over the top especially on asura - I like the usual asura acrobatics but spamming various staff attack animations doesn't satisfy me. But I do like the deadeye rifle concept and p/p, if only the latter was less spammy. Have been tempted to make a new alt to play deadeye but not sure if I can be bothered with the effort - not really much of an alt player.


Rev is cool thematically with the whole mist thing, but I don't like many of the legend characters or feeling of being tools for their power.


Ele would be cool if you could specialise only in one two elements. I don't like the whole attunement juggling thing sadly - just feels messy and convoluted. Would like to play single element users rather than full on Captain Planet.


Holosmith is an awesome conceptually and with the skill effects - love the whole clean tech harnessing the power of light vibe - but then my favourite aspect of physics has been photonics/optics so that's the reason why. If holosmith had been in the game from launch I may have mained engi - but I can't be bothered to create a dedicated character for it now. Don't like core engi or scrapper.


Firebrand is a satisfying concept and has nice skill effects. But overall guardian bores me slightly - nothing particularly excites me when having played with it.

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I have only played 5 professions throughout the years of playing Guild Wars 2. Here are my favorite professions:


1. Engineer


Core engineer has been the profession I played and enjoy the most. It's a profession that is so addicting and rewarding, especially when you use kits properly. It is regarded as lackluster by many, but not me. I love core engineer and just how diverse the profession is. It needs buffs and big buffs at that if ArenaNet wants build variety. I want build variety, but it can't be achieved if you only make one build objectively better than the rest which is similar to revenants' current state.


Ever since the Med Kit rework, I switched my core engineer to support engineer. I use Rune of the Pack and Mender's Amulet. I prefer Pack because with Water or Monk I lose damage. Playing core support engineer is almost as good, if not just as good as support Scrapper and I've managed to carry teams by constantly healing them. It's not as effective as Firebrand, but it's good enough. For PvP season 11, I managed to reach platinum 1 until I lost it and was brought back to gold 3. But I don't care, reaching gold 3 as a core support engineer using 4 kits (yes, 4 kits, I'm that big of a nutcase) has been the most challenging and worthwhile experience.


2. Elementalist


Core elementalist is doing just fine even though it got nerfed not too long ago. Playing core elemetalist isn't as easy as some players might say, but it certainly is rewarding to multitask when playing Fresh Air. Keeping the air auto attack active while switching to different attunements and keeping the high damage consistent is key to playing core elementalist.


It's a glass cannon profession, but due to the low health and light armor, it was intended to be a glass cannon. It has low survivability when not played right, but in the right hands, core elementalist can be really deadly.


3. Guardian


Not many people play core guardian, but those that do know how to play the profession. Core guardian is the purest example of a fighter and a team supporter. It can fight foes while protecting allies.


The different weapons types from swords and shields to scepters and focus, guardian has a fairly solid weapon variety.


**(It's funny how the professions that have the biggest support capabilities happen to be my top 3 favorite professions)**


4. Thief


By far the best core profession in the entire game. Core thief has been in the meta and for good reasons. D/p Daredevil is still good, but since I'm a core player and I'm talking about core professions, s/d core thief is doing amazingly well.


5. Warrior


Good old warrior. The first profession I started playing Guild Wars 2. I have a lot of fun playing core warrior even in PvP and it's still viable. Too bad so many players play Spellbreaker because it's the new kid on the block.


While I do like playing warrior, it is by far the easiest profession to be kited by other professions. I kited warriors with engineer, elementalist, thief and guardian. Warrior is indeed a beginner friendly profession that has skill to be mastered, but it's very limited in terms of fighting their opponents.

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I am an Elementalist. This was the case with Guild Wars and all of its expansions and this is the case for GW2. Yes, I do have other professions and races, but mostly to play their personal story and gain a bunch of profession/race specific achievements.


So, I guess life is bad as being an alt on my account. Especially in GW1 where those alt-chars were just pack-dolyaks.

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* Guardian Dragonhunter with GS, LB, and traps, with fire doggies for extra muscle when needed.

* Thief Daredevil with Staff and Pistol/Pistol.

* Elementalist Weaver, doing the Elemental Dance with Sword/Dagger.

* Revenant Herald, Sword/Shield (Glint's Bastion, duh) and Hammer using Glint and Jalis.

* Reaper with GS. Gravedigger FTW!



* Ranger Soulbeast, LB and GS, with Jacaranda and Iboga.

* Engineer Scrapper with Hammer and Flamethrower. Feeds my inner pyromaniac.

* Engineer Holosmith, with Lightsabre/Pistol and Flamethrower.


Can't "grok":

* Mesmer.

* Mesmer.

* Mesmer.

* Mesmer.

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I like all professions. I do not like all builds.


With warrior I have a lot of fun with a viper Berserker and a Berserker spellbreaker.

With Guaridan I have th emost fun with a trapper zealot and a viper firebrand.

With Revenant I'm having the most fun with a viper Mallyx Kalla renegade and a berserker jallys kalla renegade. Sorry, Herald, you boring.


With engineer the most fun I have is a berserker turret scrapper, a berserker Static Discharge holosmith, a viper explosive holosmith, and a celestial flamethrower elixir spammer.

With ranger the most fun I had was with viper and berserker soulbeast.

With thieves I have been having a blast with a staff+p/p berserker daredevil, a shortbow + daggers daredevil interrupt viper spammer, and an assassin rifle+dagger/dagger deadeye. The deadeye does the least average damage, but building up massive critical strikes is still gratifying. I just wish the buildup could be sped up a little longer.


Anything I ever do with an elementalist is fun.

With mesmer I've been enjoying berserker phantasm spam chronomancers. I can make a TON of phantasms in HoT spots with 3 adrenaline mushrooms. **A TON**. Making phantasms not count for the clone cap was a good idea, but they need to give those phantasms their own cap. They can be improved afterwards, but the spam and visual clutter needs to stop. I have been also having fun with a viper axe/torch+scepter/pistol mirage. When you put 3 axe clones on an enemy about to die, swap them to a different enemy, shatter an kill both of them it always feels nice.

With necromancer the most fun I've been having is a berserker chilling reaper and a viper scepter scourge.

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