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Proudest accomplishment + Prestige

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Do you ever get in the moment where you reflect your time with GW2 of your proudest accomplishments, and notice how they may not have/or have lost prestige factor in some perceived way?


I speak of that; is it possible to walk the fine line of being proud, obtaining something/title/achievement that other players would be like, "wow that's cool and really took work to obtain." Not about seeking attention. This comes from a military man that rank and medals were important to me. I created a shadow box of what I done and have had conversations about it.


In GW1, pvp rank was of prestige. So I thought let me do that. Before the ranking system changes (pre-r55+ boost), I did enough matches to reach the current rank 80 title . Legendary Champion being easier to obtain lost its prestige. There is the season titles but the pvp community wasn't something I could mesh with any longer after 1,485 games played.


I think people still "admire" Ultimate Dominator which is still on the table for me to keep going towards. 250k kills seems possible if you siege hump and zerg for 8 hours a day (of which I diversify my game time). The wvw community has shifted into GvG wars which lowers the kill count gains vs constant map hop and rolling over corpses.


It took me 18 months to obtain the fractal sword when its drop rate from level 50 was super low. I was proud to get it and people thought it was cool because of its rarity. Now you can get it in a week if you wanted to. I ran fractal 50's and then 100's daily and never could get my hands on the fractal tonic. Now that you can buy it for a high price, of which I obtained, no one cares if you have it. I'm still proud to finally own it after years of farming for it.


High achievement points used to be a cool thing to have but it turned out if you had excessively over average, you were mocked as a no lifer that went after accomplishments that dulfy can easily show you how to obtain.


Legendary armor frames you as an elitist even though that legitimately requires a lot of work to obtain. Looks cool but the people don't seems impressed. Same goes for all the weapons that 1 out of every 3 players has in a given town.


TL:DR; What I'm getting at is, Can there be something to be really proud of doing that at least one person would be like, "wow, that's a cool accomplishment you got there."

---What accomplishments are you proud of? Does it matter to you what others think of it?



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Also as a former military person...I used to tumble onto titles, rewards, and achievements that generated some pride. A few years ago, I drifted away from that. Not really sure why. It just didn't seem to matter much to me. Now I spend my time and energy doing things that I enjoy doing in the game. Some have good rewards and achievement points...and titles. Others do not. I also used to notice more when players had notable gear. But I don't pay much attention to that any more. I enjoy connecting with other players at meta events, mostly...sometimes bounties or even fractals. What impresses me most about other players is how they interact with others. How helpful they are. How pleasant and tolerant they seem.


For those that enjoy the status of achievements and gear—it's great that the game has those things that matter for you. For me, I just enjoy the community.

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For me, it's not the titles or gear, although I think a few are cool. I love finding players in tough spots, or already downed, in the middle of nowhere with no help possible. To appear out of the blue and get them ressed and vanquish whatever was the problem. Or, finding people struggling to get up to something, and pop down with a portal to "save the day". In fact, almost all my best "personal" accomplishments are just helping other people get something done, or find something they couldn't to hopefully improve their day. I use the game as an escape from real life (a lot of times) so it makes me feel a little better knowing I might have been the lone highlight in someone else's "rough" day.

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I believe the prestige thing is more about what goals you've set and accomplished for yourself. Most often those won't be things that other people care about.

Example: I have map completion on 14 of 15 characters on my account, including completion of HoT and season2/3 zones on around 12 of them. Prestigious? not really. Most people couldn't care less. But it's a goal for me that every character I have (excluding the floating key farmer slot) be at level 80 and have world completion.

I also set out to collect as many longbow skins as I could in game. Currently there are only 25 that I don't have, and around 17 of those are obtainable through gold on the TP (I simply buy them as I go). Again, prestigious? no. Impressive? maybe to some. But game wide? No.

About the only thing that could carry prestige or similar weight would be if we had "world first" titles. If I see someone running around with the GWAMM title, I quietly laugh, but if I saw someone with the title "Liardri's Bane" (meaning that they were the first person to defeat Liardri the Concealing Dark), that would be neat to see. Or "Original Griffon Tamer" or similar.

I think the closest we come to this level would be owning a 2nd Generation Legendary weapon, or, as mentioned, the legendary armor.

I've crafted several legendary weapons, but HOPE is the only one I have so far that by default proves that I crafted it. I can *say* that I crafted The Dreamer, Twilight, Quip, etc. but I have no way of proving that I didn't just drop a credit card and buy it off the TP (this is partially why I want Arenanet to retroactively introduce titles for crafting these weapons). In many many cases in Gw2, the Trading Post strips the prestige from the items that should be the most prestigious.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> I think the closest we come to this level would be owning a 2nd Generation Legendary weapon, or, as mentioned, the legendary armor.

> I've crafted several legendary weapons, but HOPE is the only one I have so far that by default proves that I crafted it. I can *say* that I crafted The Dreamer, Twilight, Quip, etc. but I have no way of proving that I didn't just drop a credit card and buy it off the TP (this is partially why I want Arenanet to retroactively introduce titles for crafting these weapons). In many many cases in Gw2, the Trading Post strips the prestige from the items that should be the most prestigious.


At least 3/4 of any legendary can be bought regardless of which generation it is from anyway. A title for that seems a bit dishonest.

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My proudest accomplishment at least when it comes to PvP is reaching platinum as core support engineer. I lost it and was brought back to gold 3, but I don't care. Gold 3 is a great accomplishment for core engineer instead of the Holosmith. I played other professions in season 11, but I mostly played with core support engineer. Reaching near platinum as a core engineer, a profession regarded as inferior by many was truly an experience.

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I always favored a recommendation-system, where every account is able to recommend 10 different people per day. Every week, the score resets. So when you come across a person and click on the name, you see his reputation-score. I know by now, that there would be people in LFG willing to purchase recommendations and many other fake-scores. You always have black sheep in every herd. But I think the majority of reputation-scores would be fair.


Another thing I would like to see would be an achievement/title in PvE where there is no Dulfy guide for it. A small test I always do with people, to check if they are only talk or really into exploration, the tailpipe bandana. The only skin you can get from a quest, which is not tied to an achievement. There is a guide on the wiki for it and if you browse your wardrobe and want that particular skin, you will get it. But a large group of people still has no clue this item exists.


When I discovered the Modus Sceleris and started to look out for them, I always hoped to get a title or achievement or become a member of them, with a few privileges like a special vendor which sells real luck-potions.


Sadly, everything which can be farmed, will be farmed :S. Rhendak is my number one example of an awesome minidungeon with an epic atmosphere turned into a dairy-cow getting milked on respawn.


Personal accomplishments?

- Every reference/easer-egg I find in this game. I found the holy grail 1-2 years ago and the statue of liberty a few weeks ago. Stuff like this keeps me motivated to explore the maps of GW2. Especially core-tyria is full of hidden treasures and none of them give achievements or loot.

- During my explorations, once in a while I am confronted with a vicious and deadly creature, in most cases of legendary rank with the ability to pulverize entire parties. Whenever I ask friends or my guild for help, they refuse although I help them whenever I can. Retreat is not an option, so I usually end up fighting those monstrosities on my own. Sooner or later I get downed and die, I return and retry. The last encounter took me two hours to slay a legendary boss. My wrists did hurt like hell, but I won. It felt really good. But if I tell anyone I just receive a "lol, no you did not. Liar. It is impossible to solo this boss!" - what makes me really proud ^^.

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Once again, I'm reminded of how different people are ;) I really don't feel any sense of pride or accomplishment in any video game. I do use titles, but mostly because some of them amuse me. I'm running around on half my characters with "Armchair Commander" because it still makes me giggle and reminds me of the fun I had identifying chairs all over Tyria.


Other than that, eh. I have a "prestige" outfit in SWL that I use on one of my toons because I like the aesthetics. I don't really think of the "accomplishment" of getting it-- I just capstoned a weapon for the stat boost and suddenly noticed I had something new in my wardrobe. *shrug* In GW2, I don't think I could tell a "prestige" item from an ordinary one aside from it being bigger or more blinding. In other games, I've never been particularly impressed by anyone else's items either. It's just not in my wiring, I guess.

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There’s nothing I personally find prestigious in this game. Dedicated, expensive, harder to get, sure. None are prestigious though.

I’m happy with what I’ve achieved in my game time, but I don’t really get jealous of what other players obtain, if I wanted it, I’d get it myself. ^^

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I can't say I've ever worried about prestige. I mainly pick titles I think suit the character - for example my main uses A Light in the Darkness because her last name means dawn star, my sylvari uses Knight of the Thorn, my revenant uses Mist Runner, Mist Treader or Veteran of the Mists (even though I don't play her in WvW) and I often use Avenger of the Dispossessed, Traveller or Volunteer just because it suit what the character is doing at the time. Or Distinction/Honours in Applied Jumping because I like jumping puzzles and SAB.


It's the same with equipment skins, dyes etc. I use ones I like and which I think work well together and suit the character, not the ones I imagine some random other person might be impressed I have. And I'm the same with other people - the things that make me stop and admire another character are a really well put together outfit dyed nicely, either with a theme or just generally pretty looking. Not a single item which is rare or difficult to get.


There absolutely are things I'm proud of having done and which give me a sense of accomplishment, but it's personal to me rather than because I think anyone else would be impressed. For example I'm happy every time I make it through the Dreamdark Enclave jumping puzzle without falling because I remember how hard I found it when I first tried and how many attempts it took. It's the same with having the title and mini for beating Liadri. It took me forever to do it and by the time I did various people were talking about how easy it was and how they had it down to 'farmable' now, but I found it extremely difficult so I was very happy when I finally beat her. Or nice memories involving other people like 4 members of my guild agreeing to join the Tournament of Legends with me even though none of us played PvP so I could win a mini llama back when that was the only way to get one.


Those things can never lose their sense of accomplishment for me because it's entirely dependant on how _I_ felt at the time and that's not going to change.

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**For me, it was the Mad King Jump Puzzle**


Now it was not the prestige or the reward, as truth be told, I don't use the title and I just wanted the cloth boots as I had not done any cloth crafting and did not want to spend the time or money to raise my Tailoring to 400 just to make a single pair of shoes.


But I guess what I am proud about is that I kept at it, I kept failing and doing that puzzle until I finally beat it, and once I beat it, it made me think.. Well damn.. if I can beat that.. let me go see what other JP's I can beat! so.. it started a minor trend for me to do JP from time to time. I even made a mesmer for the task just so I can help my friends that don't like JP's.


Anyway, getting to your next question.


**Can this be Taken from me?**


Well as Irony would have it, I had till then still been stumped by the Wintersday Jump Puzzle but now that I beat the Mad King, I was getting ready to own that Present Jumping Nightmare! and Lo'.. they made an EASY MODE! I was able to learn the puzzle by starting with an easy mode and working up to the hard mode. **I had a blast**..


Now if they suddenly put in an Easy Mad King.. I'd be happy about that, as I know others would be able to do it on their own. It would not take away from me the fact that I beat it, as it was a personal victory and truth be told, if I could, I would have gladly helped anyone and everyone else complete the JP along with me.


Thing is in a game.. the only victory you have.. are the fun you get from playing the game. Everything else.. just digital vapor.

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i believe i established my benchmarks/base, in gw1 and gw2 and now it's only harvesting mode. i might not be broadcasting that live on twitch or saved videos on youtube but everyday is a "profitable" day for me. and i think that's the prestige that "The Bosses" are rewarding me. Gotta be loyal and reverent to them, as always, errday.

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> @"jessiejay.3625" said:

> TL:DR; What I'm getting at is, Can there be something to be really proud of doing that at least one person would be like, "wow, that's a cool accomplishment you got there."

> ---What accomplishments are you proud of? Does it matter to you what others think of it?



My Ranger has the Title _Combat Medic_ it's pretty easy to get really... but every time I see that Title.. I think "They will at least TRY to save me"


Sometimes.. the best prestige does not come from trying to impress people by making yourself out to be better then them.. but by letting them know you are there WITH them..

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > I think the closest we come to this level would be owning a 2nd Generation Legendary weapon, or, as mentioned, the legendary armor.

> > I've crafted several legendary weapons, but HOPE is the only one I have so far that by default proves that I crafted it. I can *say* that I crafted The Dreamer, Twilight, Quip, etc. but I have no way of proving that I didn't just drop a credit card and buy it off the TP (this is partially why I want Arenanet to retroactively introduce titles for crafting these weapons). In many many cases in Gw2, the Trading Post strips the prestige from the items that should be the most prestigious.


> At least 3/4 of any legendary can be bought regardless of which generation it is from anyway. A title for that seems a bit dishonest.


The following are not something you just drop your mothers credit card on:

The "gift of.." purchased with 500 of a given dungeon currency

The Bloodstone Shard purchased with 200 spirit shards

250 Obsidian shards (for the Gift of Mastery) purchased with various in game currency that requires game play (525,000karma, for example)

The Gift of Exploration

The Gift of Battle

77 Mystic clovers (No, not all the items used in the mystic forge recipe can be purchased with gold, the Philosophers Stones are roughly 141spirit shards on average)


So while I'm sure people will jump right in and claim that those can all be obtained in a days worth of game play, there are a lot of people who find the tasks required to be a challenge. All this is also assuming you drop gold on the precursor you need instead of crafting it, which itself is a process that has a similar structure that includes collection items and so on.

All I want to see is a title for each legendary that shows the person wielding it did those account bound tasks.

As for "dishonest", there are plenty of misleading titles in Gw2. "The Annihilator" comes to mind. It's nothing to do with your combat prowess. It says you were part of a zerg that killed a Legendary Husk that carries that name.

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