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Glider Skins

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I'm bringing this up because while I enjoy PoF, I miss seeing new glider skins in the gem store. We still have several back pieces that *should* be turned into glider skins, and Anet has proven that they are willing to do 4 dye channels on gem store items. I love the PoF mounts, but I'd like to not see one of the biggest features of HoT ignored.

Would you like Arenanet to balance output of glider skins and mount skins?

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The teams that develop the glider skins are likely the same teams that develop mount skins. So while I do think continuing to generate glider skins would be nice, it diminishes mount skin production.

I'm not a fan of them bloating the gem store with either kind of skins, but I understand how important it is to their business model, so I will just assume it's not something that will ever end.

I'd be cool with seeing them alternate between the two. One big mount skins release, then the next big item release be a glider/backpack combo or two, then the next be mounts again.

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I think it's understandable that we've gotten more mount skins since PoF was released. Firstly they needed to 'catch up' since they were starting fresh with none and it took a while for any mount skins to be added (I was genuinely expecting them within the first week). But also, with the exception of the 2,000 gem skins they ideally need to be released in sets of 5 - either a 5 pack or an RNG bundle with equal numbers of skins for each mount. So it's almost 5 times as much work (I say almost because once they've got a theme I assume it's less work to adapt it to each mount than to start from scratch).


But I do hope haven't just stopped making glider skins and will release more in future. I'm also disappointed that they seem to have stopped making mail carriers, I was hoping to end up with 1 which fit each of my characters themes but I still have several characters who don't have a mail carrier that's quite right for them. We've got a much better selection of gliders, but again I've got a few characters who don't have one that's quite right for them.


Also I'd really love an invisible glider. Sometimes it doesn't load right away and I just see my character flying along with their arms out. I'd love to be able to have that all the time because I think it looks really cool.


(Also also, it's probably impossible but I'd love it if there was a way for my elementalist to automatically switch between the Geomancer, bubble, electromagnetic and phoenix gliders based on which element she's attuned to.)

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I am still using the default glider right from the beginning of HoT...




Because I'm still waiting for that perfect glider skin to match my character's fashion.


What would I like?


Star-themed dyeable glider to match the Stardrift/bound/dust (and likely future starspringer/raptor). Ideally as a kind of effect that flows seamlessly from the character's body (arms and legs at least), streaming out behind like the trails on the stardrift skimmer. And if it has a counterpart back "item", this could simply be a star styled cloak or subtle aura around the character's arms and legs.

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Love both, but tbh..

They should look at how many things they could make, because there are loads of possibilities with the gliders....


For mounts, it is not that I don't want more skins, but it is that it's all just very slight variations of the same generic thing. The same raptor with different skins gets dull, although a few have been good.

The cool unique ones, like LionGriffon, Forged Wolf (plus that stone-like rhino faced skin) , Moa Chocobo rip-off birdy raptor thingy, etc.

Anything non generic in appearence, is great and gives you something to use that doesn't just feel like one of the 5 generic mounts.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Now that I have mounts I don’t use gliders nearly as often as I used to. Which means I no longer have the interest in new glider skins as when I used gliders routinely every day. ANet can put new glider skins in the gemstore but I’m not likely to buy them.


Still a big thing in WvW those shiny gliders. ?

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It's not necessary at this moment. People hardly use gliders these days, at least this is my observation. Unless there are no updrafts and a few other uses (i.e. in combat jumping off the cliff, using glider until out of combat to access the griffon) and this won't change, they should minimise output of gliders. Mounts clearly have a lot more use and they should focus on that.

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