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Will the Zephyrites ever play a role again? (spoilers)


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They were once such a mysterious group with such a cool background. Taking care of Glint's legacy, travelling the world and visiting places that we probably never heard about, and so on. Now, the Zephyr Sanctum lies in ruins, with a percentage of its population dead, including the Master of Peace and one of the Aspect masters. They suffered a heavy loss, but were not completely wiped out. A pretty huge number of Zephyrites survived the crash. According to Nebula (npc), they are lucky that they lost so few. Story-wise, they should have already at least partially recovered since the crash. Also, I read somewhere that Zephyrites had more than just the Zephyr Sanctum, they were made of an entire fleet. So there were possibly other airships that avoided the crash. If yes, I wonder what happened to them and where they are.


I loved Zephyrites. I loved the Zephyr Sanctum, its design. These two times when we had the chance to visit it (before being destroyed) were two of my favorite LW 1 and 2 releases. I would really love to see Zephyrites coming back one day. What do you think, are there any chances for them to have any comeback in the story, even if just a small one? They have a potential for that... now in this current stage of story, when we'll be potentially dealing more with Aurene, they still might hold some valuable info when it comes to dragons, since they were very close to Glint, even before her death... Or even in the more distant future, if there'll be an expansion taking us to faraway places (for example Cantha, that would even fit since some Zephyrites are of Canthan origin), we may interact with a Zyphyrite member who will join our group and travel with us, to return to that place once again, and possibly share with us some valuable and interesting information about it. What do you think? Do Zephyrites still have a potential in the story?


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I love the labyrinth cliff. It would be nice if somehow their recovery was shown/put into the story. I would love another live event where we help rebuild their sanctum with a few twists of newer technology while keeping to the old traditional look that we all know and love. It would be a neat tie in where we use them as a way to get into the humancentric Cantha territory or traveling to a faraway place that normal society has yet to map out.


At most, I think they can provide the next launch point for an expansion as they have probably cultivated countless contacts and are viewed as an exotic merchants where all types of character come over to buy and sell goods with them as the focal point of the bazaar. I am sure there might be a whisper's agent or two lurking in the crowd that can show us some way to get to our destination.


A tangent thought I have is that they could be brought as a dues ex thingamajig where they know someone or thing that can help against the plague with blish's research or their power harness in a certain way can do something negative to the plague with the help of the two asuras.

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i guess anet played "near extinct" card on them.


> are there any chances for them to have any comeback in the story, even if just a small one?


yeah theres the "small group left behind" card, or even the survivors on Dry Top reappear as "reformed" Zephyrites in another map.

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I honestly have always thought the Zephirite do have more flying ships and should be reconstructing their lives somewhere in the labyrinthine cliffs, preparing the stuff for a new 4 winds bazaar to be announced soon. Even if they barely survived, they should still be much, much more relevant and active in the current story.

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To those who think the Zephyrites are "near extinct" or "only a small group left"... that's actually unlikely. In Labyrinthine Cliffs we saw **13** airships.


In Dry Top, there are **4** crashed ones. That's at least 9 ships unaccounted for. And doesn't count those we never saw.


Granted, their largest airship (the Zephyr Sanctum) was lost, but the Seraph also mention that there were a surprisingly large amount of survivors from it (though given that the average survivor of airplane crashes in reality is 0, the 25 or so we see are certainly a lot).


The biggest harm is them losing the Master of Peace and Master of Sun. And losing their primary, hidden, purpose and as such their strongest connection to the plot - Glint's Egg.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> To those who think the Zephyrites are "near extinct" or "only a small group left"... that's actually unlikely. In Labyrinthine Cliffs we saw **13** airships.


> In Dry Top, there are **4** crashed ones. That's at least 9 ships unaccounted for. And doesn't count those we never saw.


> Granted, their largest airship (the Zephyr Sanctum) was lost, but the Seraph also mention that there were a surprisingly large amount of survivors from it (though given that the average survivor of airplane crashes in reality is 0, the 25 or so we see are certainly a lot).


> The biggest harm is them losing the Master of Peace and Master of Sun. And losing their primary, hidden, purpose and as such their strongest connection to the plot - Glint's Egg.


I could see them returning to the plot when we actually take on Kralkatorrik.

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There's one subtle mystery introduced in S3 Episode 6. When the Commander and Kerida raid the White Mantle hideout, she's [humming a tune](

) while trying to pick the lock. And guess what tune that happens to be?


That's right: the ["Song of the Zephyrites"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyrites_Music_Box)!


Kerida knowing the tune leads to some interesting implications:


1) She either visited the Zephyrites at some point or learned the song via other unknown means (and clearly she's interested in it in some manner because why else would she just happen to hum that tune, which is an intriguing retelling of Glint's demise, in particular?),


2) If she visited the Zephyrites, perhaps this means she might belong to the same benevolent cabal of Tyrian protectors that Ogden [alluded to in Season 2's "Hidden Arcana"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana) (and which the Master of Peace was apparently a member of, and potentially E too if Ogden already being informed of our coming is anything to go by, and how E did mention to Marjory how "There are forces at work in this city, in this world, that will take us all down if we let them. Together, you and I can make a difference."):


> **Ogden:**Actually, I think you need information about the meaning of your vision from the Pale Tree.

> **Player:** What? How did you—

> **Ogden:** There are those who have taken interest. I had some warning that you might be calling. Your challenges do not go unnoticed.

> **Player:** Who?

> **Ogden:** All in good time. But know that they have Tyria's best interests at heart.

> [...]

> **Player:** It was a portal to Glint's lair.

> **Ogden:** So it was. The Master of Peace and I set it up after Glint's death so I could guard it for the Brotherhood.

> [...]

> **Player:** I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> **Ogden:** Fear not. He did not steal it. He was given custody of it.

> **Player:** By whom?

> **Ogden:** You know. You witnessed it, didn't you?

> **Player:** Not clearly.

> **Ogden:** Then you're not meant to know just yet. All things in their time.


While many in the community speculated the mysterious entity who gave Master of Peace the egg (Aurene) may have been Vlast given the deep, distorted voice we witnessed in Glint's lair in Season 2, we never got confirmation for this in PoF despite a reference to an earlier visit to Glint's lair in "Crystalline Memories". If it wasn't an oversight in writing, we've yet to learn if it truly was Vlast or someone we've yet to meet (or learn of) later on. Perhaps this, as well as dragging E back as part of this curious secret justice league of Tyria, could be our way of revisiting the Zephyrites too to learn what secret their Aspect Masters may have left. And it would be nice too to introduce Aurene to them and have them be happy about how their mission turned out in the end. :)


And speaking of that cranky old stone dwarf, while my Dawnbloom sylvari is very diplomatic and patient, it's high time Ogden spilled the beans about what he meant by his S2 comments. It's been three years already, Vlast is gone and Aurene's growing, how long is he gonna wait until the time is "good"? :(

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> @"Kossage.9072" said:

> There's one subtle mystery introduced in S3 Episode 6. When the Commander and Kerida raid the White Mantle hideout, she's [humming a tune](

) while trying to pick the lock. And guess what tune that happens to be?


> That's right: the ["Song of the Zephyrites"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyrites_Music_Box)!


> Kerida knowing the tune leads to some interesting implications:


> 1) She either visited the Zephyrites at some point or learned the song via other unknown means (and clearly she's interested in it in some manner because why else would she just happen to hum that tune, which is an intriguing retelling of Glint's demise, in particular?),


> 2) If she visited the Zephyrites, perhaps this means she might belong to the same benevolent cabal of Tyrian protectors that Ogden [alluded to in Season 2's "Hidden Arcana"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana) (and which the Master of Peace was apparently a member of, and potentially E too if Ogden already being informed of our coming is anything to go by, and how E did mention to Marjory how "There are forces at work in this city, in this world, that will take us all down if we let them. Together, you and I can make a difference."):


> > **Ogden:**Actually, I think you need information about the meaning of your vision from the Pale Tree.

> > **Player:** What? How did you—

> > **Ogden:** There are those who have taken interest. I had some warning that you might be calling. Your challenges do not go unnoticed.

> > **Player:** Who?

> > **Ogden:** All in good time. But know that they have Tyria's best interests at heart.

> > [...]

> > **Player:** It was a portal to Glint's lair.

> > **Ogden:** So it was. The Master of Peace and I set it up after Glint's death so I could guard it for the Brotherhood.

> > [...]

> > **Player:** I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> > **Ogden:** Fear not. He did not steal it. He was given custody of it.

> > **Player:** By whom?

> > **Ogden:** You know. You witnessed it, didn't you?

> > **Player:** Not clearly.

> > **Ogden:** Then you're not meant to know just yet. All things in their time.


> While many in the community speculated the mysterious entity who gave Master of Peace the egg (Aurene) may have been Vlast given the deep, distorted voice we witnessed in Glint's lair in Season 2, we never got confirmation for this in PoF despite a reference to an earlier visit to Glint's lair in "Crystalline Memories". If it wasn't an oversight in writing, we've yet to learn if it truly was Vlast or someone we've yet to meet (or learn of) later on. Perhaps this, as well as dragging E back as part of this curious secret justice league of Tyria, could be our way of revisiting the Zephyrites too to learn what secret their Aspect Masters may have left. And it would be nice too to introduce Aurene to them and have them be happy about how their mission turned out in the end. :)


> And speaking of that cranky old stone dwarf, while my Dawnbloom sylvari is very diplomatic and patient, it's high time Ogden spilled the beans about what he meant by his S2 comments. It's been three years already, Vlast is gone and Aurene's growing, how long is he gonna wait until the time is "good"? :(


I’m still waiting for news on Evennia. A mystery that will soon to be 8 years old next month. I’m hoping I’m not waiting 10 years for that plot point to pay off.

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Kerida is pretty old and could have met the zepherites a Time or two in her life. Maybe she just like it ?


About evennia wasnt she executed ? Maybe one of the more "evidence searching" guys can Show us Bout that im still not much of a researcher myself :anguished:

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> @"norbes.3620" said:

> Kerida is pretty old and could have met the zepherites a Time or two in her life. Maybe she just like it ?


> About evennia wasnt she executed ? Maybe one of the more "evidence searching" guys can Show us Bout that im still not much of a researcher myself :anguished:


Good ole Caudecus wrote in a letter during the current event with the white mantle propaganda that King Adelbern had shining blade assassins, hung.


“My brothers and sisters from Ascalon, you know my history. I fought with you against the charr! I bled with you, I wept with you as the once-great country was consumed by the ravenous beasts. And this is not the first time the White Mantle aided Ascalon in their fight with the charr.


Read on.


Generations ago, Zain the Merciful brought food and clothing for your countrymen. What did the Shining Blade send? Assassins, who your king had hanged from Ascalon City! Join me, and the White Mantle will reclaim your home from the charr, and we shall form a grand human empire the likes of which has never been seen before! —Lord Caudecus Beetlestone”


I just hope that Evennia was simply hanged in Ascalon City and no one reported this to us.

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