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Too Much DAMAGE.


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> @Apolo.5942 said:

> There was a time when elixir might stacking was a thing, now days you would be dead 6 times over, before you got to 10 might stacks...


I like this, good objective comparison. And sadly very true.


I for one think damage in PvP is perfect as it is, it makes it more exciting. There was never a reason to buff defenses or nerf damage for PvP when purposely overpowered traitlines were introduced, who would think that? It being fast paced is what makes it fun, this will attrack new players and would improve viewship if esl was still a thing; fast and exciting is the very reason why F1 races are won by the first person to start their engine.


In all honesty though, that burst, especially in team fight situations, takes away a great deal of skill from the equation.

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This is why setting the launch of PoF to be in the middle of an active season was an absolutely atrocious idea on anet's part. If you're not going to hold off on launching the game that's fine, just disable the new specs in PvP until the next season. Anet rightly said they wouldn't make balance changes mid season to avoid upsetting the meta but apparently dropping an entire new line of elite specs is right in line with that. Let people blast each other with broken builds that hadn't been thought of in unranked games when the season is over and see what is out of line BEFORE you release it onto the ladder.

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> @Akilles.4320 said:

> Too much damage? Really? No one here ever asked to nerf bunkers? Being the Ventari Rev the last victim


to be fair they were some who only asked to deal with the knockdown and keep the rest unchanged some even argued for more support capability. u gotta blame a-net partly for bieng to rigid with this nonsense. and listening to those that cry the hardest rather then moving into a more grey area and determine wheter the critism is valid. there is a thing such as not going overboard.


>A-net knows the pvp community wants build diversity

>A-net knows there are players having issue with ventari rev


They destroyed it. instead of trying to fulffill both of the above requirementsthey only listen to the latter rather then also including the former and smite ventari rev with the nerf hammer.




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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> I used to be able to 1v2 and hold off 1v3s for awhile. Now even with almost every action i do clears condis im getting 1 tick killed left and right in pvp/wvw. The boon currupt and stripping plus condi damage is absolutely over the top.


Get used to it I figured out before hot release it will only get worse balance wise they will continue to push for what we had to start with (massive backstabs cheap gimmick builds etc) for balance its what they intend it to be so it only continues this path of balance not gets better. Celestial removal was part of this path of balancing im telling you it for surely will only get worse proven over and over again without a doubt.

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When I was playing gw1 I had really high expectations of mmo pvp. I assumed an mmo coming out with pvp would automatically have deathmatch as a format and be balanced and have healers. Then I played rift and got to feel what others considered mmo I guess... not having arenas was a nightmare I was completely shocked, gear grind based pvp is a nightmare. Then gw2 releases without healers and deathmatch with a very generic mmo feel to it, feels like rift to me moreso than gw1 balance/design wise and people called that game a wow clone. My expectations for mmos has since went far downhill they really lowered the bar. My expectations for mmos now are they are going to have bad pvp and not many formats and concluding that im stuck with gw2 being the only thing thats viable even if not desirable.

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> @mistsim.2748 said:

> always an issue with big changes, and new features. situation was the same when HoT released. that being said, the powercreep is totally bananas right now. they haven't done anything to prevent this.


Actually HoT release was the exact opposite nobody could kill anyone bunkers were virtually invincible and could capture points at the same time.

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This was a horrible move by Anet...

AA monthly tournament right after PoF hits and now half a season with PoF specs with no practice time for new specs, won't even mention their state really...


I guess they didn't disable specs, because of a "tech limitation" or in others words, there was no way for them to do it.

Guess GW2 is purely a PvE game now since Anet disrespects its own rules of not making massive balance changes mid season, to this day I don't think I have heard of a single MMO leaving a PvP season on when expacks hits.

I'm just disappointed in seeing how far PvP has fallen and will fall, because I enjoy this game mode and want to play more, but things like this are discouraging.

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> @StarDroid.1038 said:

> This was a horrible move by Anet...

> AA monthly tournament right after PoF hits and now half a season with PoF specs with no practice time for new specs, won't even mention their state really...


> I guess they didn't disable specs, because of a "tech limitation" or in others words, there was no way for them to do it.

> Guess GW2 is purely a PvE game now since Anet disrespects its own rules of not making massive balance changes mid season, to this day I don't think I have heard of a single MMO leaving a PvP season on when expacks hits.

> I'm just disappointed in seeing how far PvP has fallen and will fall, because I enjoy this game mode and want to play more, but things like this are discouraging.


Exactly what I'm saying!!!! It was a terrible move. They could of easily ended the season sept 22nd as well, but they didn't.

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The whole concept of elite specs has been a joke since HoT though. Balance wise, they were "supposed" to be sidegrades and allow a different playstyle. However, they are more time consuming to earn, usually offer more (at least more weapon and utility choices, since you don't lose access to any skills when slotting a elite spec) and better abilities, are called ELITE specs and have mostly decreased viable build options for many classes. The somewhat good PvP balance / quality of combat (though I have to admit this is also a matter of taste) pre HoT was achieved by a years of ANet's "slow and steady" balancing approach. With HoT all of that was ditched into an abyss we knew it would never recover from. Too many rules, reasonable limitations in terms of power and access to certain mechanics to keep balance in check were completely disregarded in favor of new flashy PvE stuff. GW2's balance now is a balance of unbalance. Everything seems wrong compared to what it was and keeps other things in check, kind of.

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