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Uhm excuse me but why are there no 2 handed axes?

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

>Not introducing land spears with Elona was a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE and unfortunate missed opportunity and a perfect example of how Anet just needs to do better with their expansions.


I'm guessing they were worried people would expect GW1's "spear = infinite supply of javelins". Which looked a little odd back then, and would probably look even stranger now. Personally, I think you could do a lot with a proper polearm weapon type, I'd love to fight with a halberd or naginata, but people would cry foul if we got to Elona and spears weren't ranged weapons.

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> @"Eldoth Dyrain.3504" said:

> I guess the problem is (don‘t get me wrong - i‘d love to see new weapons introduced) that if they for example introduce a 2h great axe, i would only fit a few classes (warrior, rev, guardian, engi?). So everybody else would start crying, because there‘s no new weapon for their class.


> So they would have to bring more new weapons at once (at least 3 i think), in order to keep all classes satisfied.


> Let‘s say they would introduce the spear as land weapon too, there we have the same problem: it fits only a few classes, and if its 1h or 2h based on the class (paragon?), how would they manage to solve the problem with the skins? If 2h -> large spear, if 1h ranged -> throwing a 3m spear (eg as mesmer)? :-D


> We would need differnt types of melee/magical weapons, and this would be hard work for anet on balancing etc.


> But who knows? I think at some point the weapon rotation between classes will end, and they have to think about new weapons...or guild wars 3 :-P






I think you are viewing it too tightly and only applying to the practical. Let's not forget that we have a spell caster class that shoots laser beams from a greatsword and a heavy armor class that tosses ghost hammers from far away.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Because the game doesn't need them.


> best answer :)


No, it's not a good answer. The game doesn't "need" anything. That doesn't mean there aren't things that would benefit the game. Many, many people want to see new weapon types - especially considering there are very standard and iconic ones we don't have, such as polearms.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> a 2h axe as a condi weapons would be a disappointing outcome


That doesn't even make sense. For one, it wouldn't have the same role for every class. For two, you couldn't possibly know whether or not the outcome would be "disappointing".

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It's a basic tool in human history and found in almost every game for that reason. I can't think of this genre of MMO ( and I have played dozens over the years ) without a 2H axe. Sword, hammer and axe. We have harpoon guns and spears but no 2H axe? Just doesn't seem right.


> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> So what role would they fulfill? The offensive 2h is generally filled with the GS and defensive by hammer.


> > @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > Most likely if they ever make them they will just be skins for Hammer

> >

> > They've deliberately not added any axe skins to the hammer in order to leave the option open of adding it as a future weapon, still doesn't mean they are going to, but the possibility is there.

> >


> The Glacial Hammer skin is more axe than hammer.



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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Selminus.1490" said:

> > Seems a little odd.


> Because when the game was designed, it didn't make the cut. Since adding a new weapon type is a ridiculous amount of effort for the amount of fun it would bring, it is extremely unlikely to be added to the game at any point.


> The best you are likely to see is a skin for something existing that looks like an axe, but ... that may be challenging what with the whole animation differences and stuff...


It isn't, though. It's just been parroted this way. They're under no obligation to provide dozens and dozens and dozens of skins for new weapon types, and that's really the only impediment I can think of other than designing new skills, which they do anyway for new elite specs. I would be fine if new weapon types were just given a few basic skins with more being developed gradually over time.


I think the fact that we haven't gotten new weapon types, instead of existing ones being passed around ad nauseam (such as the ax-wielding librarian mentioned above) is asinine.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> So what role would they fulfill? The offensive 2h is generally filled with the GS and defensive by hammer.


> > @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > Most likely if they ever make them they will just be skins for Hammer

> >

> > They've deliberately not added any axe skins to the hammer in order to leave the option open of adding it as a future weapon, still doesn't mean they are going to, but the possibility is there.

> >


> The Glacial Hammer skin is more axe than hammer.


Indeed it does, so maybe the decision to not add two handed axes, or even any new weapons at all, has already been made and ANet just kept it to themselves. I just remember them saying it was an option they were keeping open in a dev post a long time ago, I think it was somewhere around the release of the Executioner outfit, which previously had a two handed axe, and sort of popularized the idea of adding one as an actual weapon.


But if it is their decision to never add any new weapons to the game, I'd have to say I think it's an incredibly poor decision regardless of the reasoning, but I think that about a lot of decisions ANet has made and it hasn't changed a single one of them yet.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> >Not introducing land spears with Elona was a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE and unfortunate missed opportunity and a perfect example of how Anet just needs to do better with their expansions.


> I'm guessing they were worried people would expect GW1's "spear = infinite supply of javelins". Which looked a little odd back then, and would probably look even stranger now. Personally, I think you could do a lot with a proper polearm weapon type, I'd love to fight with a halberd or naginata, but people would cry foul if we got to Elona and spears weren't ranged weapons.


There are lots of sillies in existing GW2 weapons, so an infinitely rethrowable javelin would fit right in. What do I mean?

* GW2 rifles and pistols are shown to be, in some cases at least, flintlocks, and yet their basic attacks don't have a fifteen second cooldown while we reload a muzzle-loading musket.

* Ranger longbow attack 2 has a ridiculously high rate of fire.

* The Holosmith's Sword is an effing lightsabre.

* Warrior has an attack where you throw a GS and can attack again before the animation returns it.

* Warrior GS 2 involves a strip of steel that's longer than you are, and you waving it around like it's a piece of string.

* Anyone with a rifle, pistol, longbow, or shortbow can fight for as long as is required without running out of ammunition.

* Same for harpoon guns in underwater combat.

* And the Guardian's U/W spear basic attack.

* There are probably others that I haven't thought of.


A Paragonic one-hand spear would have been feasible to add, but probably called a "Javelin" since in GW2 terms it isn't a Spear. Well, almost. According to the Lore, the Sunspears don't use spears any more (that's why the Spellbreaker's espec weapon is a dagger, after all), so in that sense, it's reasonable to not add the Javelin.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > >Not introducing land spears with Elona was a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE and unfortunate missed opportunity and a perfect example of how Anet just needs to do better with their expansions.

> >

> > I'm guessing they were worried people would expect GW1's "spear = infinite supply of javelins". Which looked a little odd back then, and would probably look even stranger now. Personally, I think you could do a lot with a proper polearm weapon type, I'd love to fight with a halberd or naginata, but people would cry foul if we got to Elona and spears weren't ranged weapons.


> There are lots of sillies in existing GW2 weapons, so an infinitely rethrowable javelin would fit right in. What do I mean?

> * GW2 rifles and pistols are shown to be, in some cases at least, flintlocks, and yet their basic attacks don't have a fifteen second cooldown while we reload a muzzle-loading musket.

> * Ranger longbow attack 2 has a ridiculously high rate of fire.

> * The Holosmith's Sword is an effing lightsabre.

> * Warrior has an attack where you throw a GS and can attack again before the animation returns it.

> * Warrior GS 2 involves a strip of steel that's longer than you are, and you waving it around like it's a piece of string.

> * Anyone with a rifle, pistol, longbow, or shortbow can fight for as long as is required without running out of ammunition.

> * Same for harpoon guns in underwater combat.

> * And the Guardian's U/W spear basic attack.

> * There are probably others that I haven't thought of.


> A Paragonic one-hand spear would have been feasible to add, but probably called a "Javelin" since in GW2 terms it isn't a Spear. Well, almost. According to the Lore, the Sunspears don't use spears any more (that's why the Spellbreaker's espec weapon is a dagger, after all), so in that sense, it's reasonable to not add the Javelin.


you forgot ranger's mainhand axe...


which is basically unlimited stock of throwing axes ;)


so I'd rather say that the main reason we didn't get new weapon types (like sunspear spears or 2h axe) is that it'd require to introduce alot of new weapon skills which wouldhave to be balanced and they'd be needed for every class because imagine outcry if they have introduced 2h axes as for example - warrior only weapon

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> It's a basic tool in human history and found in almost every game for that reason. I can't think of this genre of MMO ( and I have played dozens over the years ) without a 2H axe. Sword, hammer and axe. We have harpoon guns and spears but no 2H axe? Just doesn't seem right.


GW2 doesn't need to be like "almost every game". Also it is subjective to consider 2H axes "mandatory". Sword, shield, staff and bow are the basics which _almost_ every fantasy MMO has had (weirdly there was one played with no bows) - maybe dagger, but everything else becomes optional.

I'm not against new weapons being added, but it's never going to happen - you have to consider all 9 classes getting a new weapon - do they all get the same one, or 3 different, or 9 ?

Using the argument that GW2 needs to have something just because other titles have it is a weak argument.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> so I'd rather say that the main reason we didn't get new weapon types (like sunspear spears or 2h axe) is that it'd require to introduce alot of new weapon skills which wouldhave to be balanced and they'd be needed for every class because imagine outcry if they have introduced 2h axes as for example - warrior only weapon


I'm pretty sure that what you say here is *exactly* the reason why.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> And the same postulate again. "Since it is in most MMO games, it should be in GW2". I don't consider that a valid reason. Please stop trying to make GW2 like the proverbial generic game it is NOT.


What, by adding more weapon options? What a silly argument, lol.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > so I'd rather say that the main reason we didn't get new weapon types (like sunspear spears or 2h axe) is that it'd require to introduce alot of new weapon skills which wouldhave to be balanced and they'd be needed for every class because imagine outcry if they have introduced 2h axes as for example - warrior only weapon


> I'm pretty sure that what you say here is *exactly* the reason why.


That's not a good reason - they add a full set of new weapon skills for each class every expansion anyway. We're coming to a point where they really should be adding them as new weapon types for flavor reasons.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> GW2 doesn't need to be like "almost every game". Also it is subjective to consider 2H axes "mandatory". Sword, shield, staff and bow are the basics which _almost_ every fantasy MMO has had (weirdly there was one played with no bows) - maybe dagger, but everything else becomes optional.

> I'm not against new weapons being added, but it's never going to happen - you have to consider all 9 classes getting a new weapon - do they all get the same one, or 3 different, or 9 ?

> Using the argument that GW2 needs to have something just because other titles have it is a weak argument.

It's not like the weapons we do have are spread around equally. Counting elite specializations, there's 5 weapon types that have only 3 classes using them. If you added a new weapon type and only gave it to three classes, it'd be no worse off than shortbows or pistols are right now. Adding a full set of weapon skills, their associated animations and particle effects, and balancing them when a new elite spec is made, is no different if it's an existing weapon or a new weapon. Skin variety for a new weapon is a much bigger issue, than having to come up with new toys to give to each class.


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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > And the same postulate again. "Since it is in most MMO games, it should be in GW2". I don't consider that a valid reason. Please stop trying to make GW2 like the proverbial generic game it is NOT.


> What, by adding more weapon options? What a silly argument, lol.


If you want to add more weapon options, please consider one more interesting and truly new. Like something that can't be easily done with a simple hammer skin. I will support something that actually add new ways of play, non generic ones.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> If you added a new weapon type and only gave it to three classes,


except other 6 classes would whine about 3 getting new toys so you'd need to find something new to introduce to them to satisfy those, and then you could get into issues of "but XX weapon fits Y class more than Z so why Z has it and Y don't" elite specs gets somewhat away with it because all classes gets something "new" in terms of tools available to them but nothing of these is purely exclusive to anything. so the only complaints you hear is that one guy complaining about axe-wielding librarians (which sounds awesome to me but apparently silly to him) or those guys complaining about one class getting mainhand and offhand while other gets only one of these. which is still much less

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > so I'd rather say that the main reason we didn't get new weapon types (like sunspear spears or 2h axe) is that it'd require to introduce alot of new weapon skills which wouldhave to be balanced and they'd be needed for every class because imagine outcry if they have introduced 2h axes as for example - warrior only weapon

> >

> > I'm pretty sure that what you say here is *exactly* the reason why.


> That's not a good reason - they add a full set of new weapon skills for each class every expansion anyway. We're coming to a point where they really should be adding them as new weapon types for flavor reasons.


I didn't say it was a *good* reason, just a ("the") reason.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > If you added a new weapon type and only gave it to three classes,


> except other 6 classes would whine about 3 getting new toys so you'd need to find something new to introduce to them to satisfy those, and then you could get into issues of "but XX weapon fits Y class more than Z so why Z has it and Y don't" elite specs gets somewhat away with it because all classes gets something "new" in terms of tools available to them but nothing of these is purely exclusive to anything. so the only complaints you hear is that one guy complaining about axe-wielding librarians (which sounds awesome to me but apparently silly to him) or those guys complaining about one class getting mainhand and offhand while other gets only one of these. which is still much less


You're sensationalizing something that's mostly a non-issue. They could easily add 3-4 new weapon types in a single expansion and give each class access to one of those 3 or 4. And I'm sure people will complain anyway, but people complain about everything that happens. That shouldn't stop the addition of things that are good for the game.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Asura outlawed the use of Double Handed Axes, because too many "Accidents" in the lab while trying to slice watermelons.


> Now you all know why they are not in the game.


That's just about as dumb as Elonians breaking their spears and turning them into daggers. Because someone who's used a spear their whole life is going to want to destroy the weapon they're intimately familiar with and distort it into something else they aren't as adept with.

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > Asura outlawed the use of Double Handed Axes, because too many "Accidents" in the lab while trying to slice watermelons.

> >

> > Now you all know why they are not in the game.


> That's just about as dumb as Elonians breaking their spears and turning them into daggers. Because someone who's used a spear their whole life is going to want to destroy the weapon they're intimately familiar with and distort it into something else they aren't as adept with.


Asura may be many things, brilliant, inventive, and the like.. but they were never accused of having good common sense.

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