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Crystal Oasis Having a great deal of difficulty with "Pot of Soup" mastery point.

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I need one more mastery point to get "Canyon Jumping" which I need to reach the mastery points I haven't done in the Crystal Oasis. I have tried 50 times to complete "Pot of Soup". I keep getting the message , that's not what I asked for---or I run out of time. I use the speed boost bunny and I make sure I have the right ingredient targeted. I just can't seem to run fast enough. My connection which is West coast USA Comcast cable, it can be a bit laggy. If I can't complete "Pot of Soup". Is there another way to gain a mastery points? I tried googling and looked at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks. The list seems to imply that I can earn another Mastery point by completing some story line? Can someone please clarify how I can get another mastery point so that I can get the raptor "Canyon Jumping" without completing "Pot of Soup" . Since I have tried all of my remaining Mastery Points in the Crystal Oasis and can't complete any of them without a boost to my raptor's jumping ability.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Make yourself familiar with which ingredients are where, then you can get it easily


If he is lagging, there's not much he can do, especially if the Chef is on the move and the ingredient misses, and you have to get the ingredient again, wasting more time.


First off, I am not sure my method will work but you can try and let me know!

So what I did was to continue the PoF quest line until I had to collect the spirit shard fragments and get into the map of the Springers. From there, I just explored the map until I found (1/2?) mastery points that could be earned.


That should help you unlock your canyon jumping

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I am in the United States on the Eredon Terrace server. If I could group with someone have them get to the mastery point then use a transport to friend I think I might be able to get another mastery point. I know where things are in the kitchen because I've tried 50 times to complete it. I have to master Canyon Jumping before it will let me do the Springers. You CAN NOT get past the 6th experience bar without Canyon Jumping. Either I find someone to group with who can get to a mastery point then I can use "Teleport to a friend" or I give up and quit the game because I literally CAN NOT PROGRESS WITHOUT "POT OF SOUP". THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!! In the Crystal Oasisi I have completed 4/4 tasks, 3/5 Hero Challenges, 3/3 Waypoints and 24/30 Points of Interest. I am currently on "Night of Fires" the attack Balthazar's war camp. I got the gate guard before he could sound the alarm but still died 6 times just at the gate. I've only tried "Night of Fires" once and I don't mind dying but I have to be able to get mid way through before I die 6 times so my equipment doesn't blitz. FRUSTRATED WITH GAME AT THIS POINT Loved the lower levels but really want to be able to continue the game. I was looking forward to gliding. If no one has a solution I'm out of here.

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> I am in the United States on the Eredon Terrace server.


Not exactly relevant, but for anything except WvW, only "EU vs US" makes a difference.


> If I could group with someone have them get to the mastery point then use a transport to friend I think I might be able to get another mastery point.


So, I completely understand your frustration. I am regularly in that zone, and I'm generally happy to help if someone asks in map chat about getting a hand getting a mastery point or whatever. I'm also definitely not alone in that, so asking any time is reasonably likely to be productive.


The other thing that can be a *huge* boost to this is finding a guild where people enjoy helping each other out with story stuff, or mastery points, or whatever. You can ask specifically about guilds that do that sort of thing in the guild recruitment forum here, or just read what people are saying about their guilds. That can make a heck of a difference to enjoying the game when you get stuck on some annoying mastery or whatever.


PS: the story mastery achievements are a challenge. They aren't kidding about when they say "mastery", it really takes that to get them, so don't feel like you are incompetent: room to grow, sure, but ... they are absolutely not trivial, and it takes lots of people quite some time to get them.

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All the advice above is good, especially getting familiar with the ingredient locations, etc.


That said, I got this done on my 10th (?) attempt only because he asked for one ingredient 3 times in a row, then asked for it again one ingredient later. That saved me the seconds I needed to eek out the mastery point. It sucks, but RNG plays a factor with this one.

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Skip it. I kept encountering glitches etc. and finally gave up. I just gathered other points and have never needed it. I was in the same boat as you - having trouble finding the one I needed for Raptor 3 so I could unlock the rest. Do part of the story and it will provide some of the points you need.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> What Blocki.4931 said. Start the event but instead look and familiarise yourself with the kitchen. Pastries at the front, spices, fruits & veges, stove, meat, seafood at the back etc. Just by listening to the ingredients you know where to look.


I did all that. Then I start the event, and the chef runs around, and he doesn't call anything out.


It's bugged. Or it was and I can't be bothered to go back now.

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Tried "Pot of Soup" 20 more times. Noticed that I keep getting "Not what I asked for" even when I have targeted the ingredient pressed F ,thrown it with a clear throw, and only pressed F once when picking the item up. When I press F to complete "Viewed Vista" often nothing happens and the delay is so long I log out to get the press F to work. I viewed 7/10 vistas in the Crystal Oasis and had a 20 second or so delay twice, had press F just plain not work until I logged out and back on the Destiny Gorge vista. I believe press F is lagged for me which explains my not being able to complete "Pot of Soup". Is there a way to automate press F ??

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> Tried "Pot of Soup" 20 more times. Noticed that I keep getting "Not what I asked for" even when I have targeted the ingredient pressed F ,thrown it with a clear throw, and only pressed F once when picking the item up. When I press F to complete "Viewed Vista" often nothing happens and the delay is so long I log out to get the press F to work. I viewed 7/10 vistas in the Crystal Oasis and had a 20 second or so delay twice, had press F just plain not work until I logged out and back on the Destiny Gorge vista. I believe press F is lagged for me which explains my not being able to complete "Pot of Soup". Is there a way to automate press F ??


No, there is no way to automate that. (At least, not without breaking the ToS and risking your account being banned.)


High lag interacting like that sounds like maybe some sort of network issue. I say maybe because there are other possible causes, but the network one is easy to eliminate. This guide helps walk through the process of figuring out where (if anywhere) your network is having issues: https://www.pingplotter.com/fix-your-network

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> I am in the United States on the Eredon Terrace server. If I could group with someone have them get to the mastery point then use a transport to friend I think I might be able to get another mastery point. I know where things are in the kitchen because I've tried 50 times to complete it. I have to master Canyon Jumping before it will let me do the Springers. You CAN NOT get past the 6th experience bar without Canyon Jumping. Either I find someone to group with who can get to a mastery point then I can use "Teleport to a friend" or I give up and quit the game because I literally CAN NOT PROGRESS WITHOUT "POT OF SOUP". THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!! In the Crystal Oasisi I have completed 4/4 tasks, 3/5 Hero Challenges, 3/3 Waypoints and 24/30 Points of Interest. I am currently on "Night of Fires" the attack Balthazar's war camp. I got the gate guard before he could sound the alarm but still died 6 times just at the gate. I've only tried "Night of Fires" once and I don't mind dying but I have to be able to get mid way through before I die 6 times so my equipment doesn't blitz. FRUSTRATED WITH GAME AT THIS POINT Loved the lower levels but really want to be able to continue the game. I was looking forward to gliding. If no one has a solution I'm out of here.


There is no need to do the Pot of Soup mastery. There are a total of 26 skippable mastery points in the game. After completing "The Sacrifice" you will have a total of 3 points. The [Old Amnoon][1] insight just requires swimming up to it and the [Amnoon Bazaar][2] requires a bit of jumping. Then there is the [teleporter][3] one which is also in Crystal Oasis. You start it then some orbs light up and you have to remember their order and then interact them in the same order. You do 3 rounds of that to complete the mastery point. That brings you to a total of 6 points for mastering Canyon Jumping.




[1]: http://dulfy.net/2017/09/23/gw2-path-of-fire-crystal-oasis-mastery-insights-guide/#Crystal_Oasis_Insight_Old_Amnoon "Old Amnoon"

[2]: http://dulfy.net/2017/09/23/gw2-path-of-fire-crystal-oasis-mastery-insights-guide/#Crystal_Oasis_Insight_Amnoon_Bazaar "Amnoon Bazaar"

[3]: http://dulfy.net/2017/09/27/gw2-crystal-oasis-achievements-guide/#A_Trip_Down_Memory_Lane_3_AP_1_Mastery "teleporter"


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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> Tried "Pot of Soup" 5 more times made sure to press F key and not use mouse---still getting "NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR". Don't need this level of frustration so GOOD BYE GAME


Do another achievement/mastery insight? To quote my self, minus this Pot of Soup, and points you need another mount for;


>Pahans Memory Game (A Trip Down Memory Lane, has a map icon)

>Amnoon Bazaar Insight

>Old Amnoon Insight

>Reins of the Raptor

>Crystal Oasis Bounty Tour (3 bounties, 1 from each board location)


There’s 5 right there in Crystal Oasis.

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Not to annoy with one of those 'but I' posts, but...I got the canyon jumping without EVER doing the soup event. (It still stares at me, unfinished, whenever I'm on the map.) Are you sure you've got all the low-hanging-fruit mastery insights from all the maps? Have you done the easier achievements, like the Raptor treats one?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Not to annoy with one of those 'but I' posts, but...I got the canyon jumping without EVER doing the soup event. (It still stares at me, unfinished, whenever I'm on the map.) Are you sure you've got all the low-hanging-fruit mastery insights from all the maps? Have you done the easier achievements, like the Raptor treats one?


Forgot when that one unlocked so I didn't mention it but it turns out that just requires doing "Sparking the Flame"

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I would say: Skip it, at least for now. For quite a number of players this one is just too difficult, but the good thing is that there are enough alternative mastery points available to allow you to skip a few. By the way: Did you know you can glide from the pyramid area in Crystal Oasis to the quicksand island mastery point?


Also, when you ask for a portal in map chat you can get lucky and find a mesmer willing to portal you to a few higherup mastery point insights that require a spriner otherwise.


About the chef mastery point: I ultimately got lucky when the chef requested three times the same ingredient in a row and was finally able to complete it. Without this, I just was too slow.

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> I am in the United States on the Eredon Terrace server.


Ah, that's a NA server :( I won't be able to port you to any nearby points after all.

The other people in this thread are right though. There is an excess of mastery points in the game, precisely so that you can skip those that you find too difficult to do. Others aren't as difficult if you ask for help in map chat (there are some really helpful people there) or find a guild who is happy to help you. Don't give up on the game yet, but yes, passing on Pot of Soup for now would be a good idea.

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> Tried "Pot of Soup" 5 more times made sure to press F key and not use mouse---still getting "NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR". Don't need this level of frustration so GOOD BYE GAME


You can skip that one. I don’t have it either and I got the Raptor Long leap without it.


If you have extended gliding you can get the mastery point on the western border of that map, the one that’s high up on a rock that’s in the middle of quicksand. Start way back south where the pyramids are. Get on top of the northern most one. Glide till you can reach the cliff border on your left. Run along the top of the cliff till you have to glide again. Glide to the Mastery point. I think you have to glide to the top of a building before it then glide again till you reach it. If you don’t have extended gliding but have a Teleport to a friend then you can ask someone to let you port to them.

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> @"Portia.2975" said:

> Tried "Pot of Soup" 5 more times made sure to press F key and not use mouse---still getting "NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR". Don't need this level of frustration so GOOD BYE GAME


Try having someone grant you constant swiftness and try to memorize and anticipate where the requested ingredients are located. I know it's lag you are dealing with and if those 2 can't alleviate it still, I think the others commented other mastery points instead.



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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Not to annoy with one of those 'but I' posts, but...I got the canyon jumping without EVER doing the soup event. (It still stares at me, unfinished, whenever I'm on the map.) Are you sure you've got all the low-hanging-fruit mastery insights from all the maps? Have you done the easier achievements, like the Raptor treats one?


I still don't have that mastery point or the one with the colour pattern lights. I was able to get past that section without either of those points but I tend to use the Achievements panel and look for various collections etc that I can complete while questing. Needless to say, I had no problem completing the Raptor training without these two points and have all PoF masteries trained now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all for your advice and encouragement.

Manged to get through "Nights of Fire" by carefully using 10 armor repair kits---one for every 3 times I died. Barely made it. The mastery point gave me Cannon Jumping. After that it's been good. Now have basic gliding and springer mount with no problems. Getting Cannon Jumping was to be honest hard. Really wish they would create a couple more options for Mastery Points. The instance in "Nights of Fire" where you are looking for Balthazar took 10 armor repair kits for me to be able to get through it.

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Thank you all for your advice and encouragement.

Manged to get through "Nights of Fire" by carefully using 10 armor repair kits---one for every 3 times I died. Barely made it. The mastery point gave me Cannon Jumping. After that it's been good. Now have basic gliding and springer mount with no problems. Getting Cannon Jumping was to be honest hard. Really wish they would create a couple more options for Mastery Points. The instance in "Nights of Fire" where you are looking for Balthazar took 10 armor repair kits for me to be able to get through it.

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