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Finally a CPU that will be FEROCIOUS enough for Gw2.exe client!!

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> No. GW2 only uses a single core from what I remember.


GW2 uses multiple cores, but it won't scale well, especially to 28 of them. (Like most other games) But that 5 GHz will help. A lot. But more interestingly: When they can make a 5 GHz 28-core, they may also be able to make a 7 GHz quadcore. And that would help GW2 a lot.

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There was a PC World article a couple years ago that tested to see if multiple cores made a difference with DX12. They hit a wall at six cores and didn’t see much of an improvement with adding any more cores past that.


At the moment, adding that many cores just appears to be a marketing gimmick.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > No. GW2 only uses a single core from what I remember.


> GW2 uses multiple cores, but it won't scale well, especially to 28 of them. (Like most other games) But that 5 GHz will help. A lot. But more interestingly: When they can make a 5 GHz 28-core, they may also be able to make a 7 GHz quadcore. And that would help GW2 a lot.


AMD has been able to hit 5 GHz since like 2013 and Intel releases an i7 one this year. I figured some of their more recent ones could already do that but I guess this is the first one that can remain stable?


Anyway, the CPU that the OP listed won’t change anything from how things are today.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> There was a PC World article a couple years ago that tested to see if multiple cores made a difference with DX12. They hit a wall at six cores and didn’t see much of an improvement with adding any more cores past that.


> At the moment, adding that many cores just appears to be a marketing gimmick.


Well, it helps with a whole bunch of things that are not PC computer games, but ... yeah, for the average player the return on cores 5 and 6 are minimal, and cores beyond that are mostly worthless.


It is worth remembering that concurrency is the hardest problem to solve when writing software, and the gain from extra cores depends on both the "CPU" part of the software, and the "talking to the GPU" part. The changes in DX12 help if the second one, talking to the GPU, was slowing down the first part ... but the first part has to be using all those cores to start with, or it can't help. Just like more grip in your tires won't help you accelerate faster if the engine was already giving all it could, y'know?


Getting to 4 cores well used -- which, incidentally, GW2 does a pretty good job of today -- is a hard task. 6 is pretty impressive for something like a game. Going beyond probably means fundamental changes in the way developers approach the problem, and quite possible to the language used to implement the games in favor of one that has better native support for concurrency, and which quite possibly does not yet exist.


So, yes, that many cores would be a marketing gimmick *for gamers*, for sure. Unless you wanna multi-box six characters at the same time, with all the clients on full graphics, I guess. ;)

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> No. GW2 only uses a single core from what I remember.


Not quite: if you eliminate every other bottleneck, the first one you can't just "buy a faster X" for is single core CPU performance, in the GW2 engine.


It does use additional cores: three more run at 70-80 percent solidly at 1440p max graphics, while keeping a 1080Ti about 70 percent used, and that one thread that bottlenecks things hitting the good old 100 percent.


The main reason people talk about single core performance is that you literally can't buy a CPU without all those extra cores "free", so it isn't relevant to the decision about which CPU to purchase, y'know?

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> I haven't tried WvW yet, but my i7-7820X (Skylake X, 8 2-way hyperthreaded cores) with 1080Ti and 32GB of 3000MHz DDR4 copes just fine with Ultra-of-Ultra superhigh GW2 graphics at **_4K_**, thanks.


Heh. I'd imagine; my similar system at 1440p is happy at 144FPS most places, and 120 in otherwise busy ones. It only really hurts in the 150 player Teq mob battle, and even there it stays at 20-30 during the worst of it. I have the model sliders all the way up, too, which is the worst thing for performance. :)

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I have parts for a new PC coming in so I’ll see how that works out with the game. I definitely don’t see a need to go with a bigger processor than the one I’m getting.


I don't think most people need that; as long as you hit 30FPS you will have a pleasant enough game experience. I gave up trying to point that out to people who are complaining about performance optimization long ago, however, as there are some ... deeply held beliefs that you must have the best thing, regardless of the reality.

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The game is multi threaded, but it needs strong single core performance. If you downsample to 1440p or higher it won't increase the CPU usage or lower your framrate, from what I've tested. It's also quite hard to stream or record using x264 if you don't have enough free cores or threads, it's a good stress test to see if you can stream at good enough quality from my experience at least.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> I haven't tried WvW yet, but my i7-7820X (Skylake X, 8 2-way hyperthreaded cores) with 1080Ti and 32GB of 3000MHz DDR4 copes just fine with Ultra-of-Ultra superhigh GW2 graphics at **_4K_**, thanks.


It will in most scenarios, sure. So would something like a 970 Gtx also. It's just that when the limitations show they show for any hardware per Ultra settings or near.

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More cores won't mean GW2 will be able to use them all, fast cores will help though, when I went from a 4 core i5 to a Ryzen 1700X (8C / 16T), it barely made a difference at the same settings. They however help in multitasking and without affecting the game's performance, video recording/streaming for example.

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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> dont overclock your cpu. super energized core and modern cooling systems raise your electric bill.


Also, don't use computers since they raise your electric bill. Live an electric-free life, offgrid so the government agents and aliens can't detect you.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> if you think that intel cpu is beefy: Threadripper 2 with 32cores/64 threads was announced 2 days ago.


Lower per-core performance than the Intel chips, though, so while it is an impressive CPU, it isn't quite so good for GW2.


That isn't the same thing as "not good" though. :)

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> @"friggarn.5360" said:

> > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> > dont overclock your cpu. super energized core and modern cooling systems raise your electric bill.


> Also, don't use computers since they raise your electric bill. Live an electric-free life, offgrid so the government agents and aliens can't detect you.


government agents will go Cold War tactics. and aliens will just use legit egyptian methods.



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