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Prices for mounts?


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Why the hell is the Jackal 20g? Did I miss the part of the story that gives me enough to pay for it? I had to borrow it from a friend, and even then I don't have enough trade contracts despite not spending them on anything but mounts. Why is this so expensive?


And don't come to me about how it was so cheap for you because you have 3000g burning a hole in your pocket. Not everyone just has that much gold lying around.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> Why the kitten is the Jackal 20g? Did I miss the part of the story that gives me enough to pay for it? I had to borrow it from a friend, and even then I don't have enough trade contracts despite not spending them on anything but mounts. Why is this so expensive?


> And don't come to me about how it was so cheap for you because you have 3000g burning a hole in your pocket. Not everyone just has that much gold lying around.


13 days of daily will get you 26g; you need 25g to unlock the core mounts. So even if you don't have 3000g burning a hole in your pocket, you can choose to have that much gold lying around.

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Personally I am never getting jackal of the griffon mounts. In five years of CASUAL gaming, I have never been over 2g mark. At this point I don't know if I will be even able to afford a skimmer :/ Not everyone is interested in fractals or raids, or farming. Some of us only play story elements, and I mean, exclusively those. And there is nowhere near enough gold to be made there.

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SmirkDog, I assume you are a new player. Dont worry. Just play the game. You get gold from killing, doing events, dailies and vendoring as well as some other activities.

Just play the game and you will see that 20 gold doeant take long to earn.

If you play long hours daily you get this much gold in a day or two.

If you dont have much daily time, do daily tasks to get 2g, vendor some stuff, craft daily ascended mats and sell them for more than material cost.

GL in your adventure!

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I'll say that in the last couple of days, just doing four new map completions + events + story, I've been able to refine/sell materials from salvage/unidentified stuffs, and have made circa 40 gold. The 20 gold for the jackal initially floored me on the expense, but I'm okay with it for what it gives back. It's a one-time unlock too, if that helps at all.


250 for the griffon is a challenge and I shall overcome it in the next week or so (back to work in the daytimes and all that).

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In all of the talk about mounts and PoF the last few months, there being a gold cost to acquire mounts like other MMORPGs never once entered my mind.


Individual skins for them being offered on the gem store, expected (and I'm actually surprised there aren't any being sold on launch weekend), but an initial gold cost to even get the mounts? Absurd.


Very, very disappointed to now hear from all of you that ANet chose to make them cost gold, and even relatively obscene amounts for certain ones at that.


I must say, not much they do surprises me anymore, but this aspect of the expansion has surprised me more than anything else they've done has in quite a while.

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I am hoping the story is not gated by my ownership of the skimmer/jackal without providing the funds to purchase these through the story itself. Forcing people with limited play time to do content that (to them) is boring and unenjoyable, and preventing them to play the content of the game that they enjoy and bought the game for in the first place, is simply a bad game design.

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I'm actually pretty disgusted. Had the advertising for pof (sold partly on the promise of mounts) stated that you would have to pay the equivalent of another 20 euros on top of the purchase price, I wouldn't have bought it.

For those that say do a few of this, do a few of that, sell mats etc. and you'll have the gold in no time: I've been playing almost solidly (8-10 hours a day) for the past 3 months. In these months I purchased HOT, Season 3 and then made enough gold in game to cover the cost of Season 2 and I currently have 120 gold on my character from selling mats, but which I also need for ascended stuff. Time-gated, ludicrous amounts of mats required - no casual player will be able to manage this.

I was already miffed at 'having' to get season 2 for enough Tyria mastery points. This takes the biscuit.

Starting work again soon, so will be back to casual play.

Most likely casually playing another game.

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There is really nothing Anet can do without some people complaining about it. I already see threads about mastery points being too hard to get, while they are really everywhere. Getting currency is part of almost every game, and every MMO game. How did you get the idea that you can play all content without getting currency at some point? And currency comes into your pocket by simply playing the game, you don't even have to try hard. You have to explicitly ignore all the treasure that your toons stumble over to not get at least 1 gold coin per day. What do you do with junk items that drop from mobs or with the coins they drop directly? You cannot even avoid to get money in this game. Rare items sell for 20 silver or more, salvage to get ectoplasm and sell, whatever. There is basically no way to not get currency, and 20 gold might take 10 days if you are really trying hard to avoid making money. If you actually try, it takes about a day for casual players. You can get about 30 Elder Wood at the Melandru statue (+ surroundings) in Malchor's Leap in 5 minutes, do that with 2 characters and you have 1 gold in 10 minutes when you sell it on the trading post. You can do that several times a day.


There are so many ways to quickly make 20 gold, only ignorance keeps people from going them.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> Why the kitten is the Jackal 20g? Did I miss the part of the story that gives me enough to pay for it? I had to borrow it from a friend, and even then I don't have enough trade contracts despite not spending them on anything but mounts. Why is this so expensive?


I made 20g by selling loot in my first day playing PoF and by the time i got to the jackal i had 600+ trade contracts. It seems you just rushed too fast.

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> @Vladish.3940 said:

> I am hoping the story is not gated by my ownership of the skimmer/jackal without providing the funds to purchase these through the story itself. Forcing people with limited play time to do content that (to them) is boring and unenjoyable, and preventing them to play the content of the game that they enjoy and bought the game for in the first place, is simply a bad game design.


only doing story? Why limit yourself to only story, there is so much more what makes GW2 unique, there are far better games if you only want a straight story. 20g is well within reach of any player if you are willing to explore the world a bit, doing dailies is an efficient way to get gold fast, or do world bosses, there are websites that will tell you which world boss is active and where to go, look at your laurels and other currencies with some research online you can find ways to convert them to gold.

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