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Keep No Downed State with This Change

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I've now played the no downed state both as a solo roamer in T2 and in zerg in T1. While it does change the game, I kinda like it. Except it is too stark. What is needed is RND. Add downed state back in at the rate of maybe 20% or 25% of the time. So, most of the time, ded is dead, but there is a chance of merely being wounded. --Sasha

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> If they remove it and keep the game as it was, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes Anet has ever made with gw2.


I was skeptical about it before i played reset last night, however it was pretty dam fun lord room fights as a Weaver is pretty intense to say the least, What's your reason to why it would be a mistake?

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > If they remove it and keep the game as it was, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes Anet has ever made with gw2.


> I was skeptical about it before i played reset last night, however it was pretty dam fun lord room fights as a Weaver is pretty intense to say the least, What's your reason to why it would be a mistake?


Because currently, GW2 is highly successful and bringing in many new players. Why change what isn't broken? Jagex did that with EoC and destroyed runescape (though OSRS has brought it back) I know I would quit if downstate was gone.


Downstate adds a sense of urgency or panic and introduces a whole new skillset when someone goes down in a fight. Bad players will try to res the downed without being intelligent about it which lets you kill more players with AOE, for example.

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If they keep it as no downed state game mode, they pretty much end up dumbing down WvW and taking away a strategic element; a distraction during combat. It would take away the need to decide if you should leave someone to die or to try reviving them. Go ahead, take away rallying as a whole, but taking away the ability to use downed enemies to strategically bomb players trying to revive is ultimately removing a way of strategically using the downed state to your advantage. Downed states can also be used to counter-bomb enemies overextending while trying to bomb your downed allie(s). It also makes it straight up frustrating if you manage to get through the doors of your structures, wading past a sea of enemies, only to die to conditions after you blew all your cooldowns barely managing to get inside to your team. I personally don't like the mode atm. without the unique downed state that Guild Wars 2 has. I think the mode loses something without it. I'll be playing a different game this week instead.


No downed state also kills the functionality of the Scrapper's Function Gyro, Guardian's Signet of Mercy, Ranger's "Search and Rescue!" and Nature's Renewal, Elementalist's Glyph of Renewal and Arcane Ressurection trait, Mesmer's Illusion of Life, Necromancer's Signet of Undeath, amongst other skills and traits. I don't particularly like that aspect of the event either. Not all of these skills and traits are commonly used, but does that mean it should be fine to just kill off their potential to be used completely?


Oh, and Finishers that a lot of us paid real money for are now completely unusable within the mode for the entirety of the week. So that's clearly a good thing. Right? Nothing like spending real money on things you bought for use in World vs. World, as silly as they may be to someone else, that you can't use in that very mode. If it became a permanent thing.. ugh. They'd better refund every single Finisher purchase I did (—I switch them up fairly frequently and have all but the recent two, which I am obviously not going to buy now that I feel uncertain if this is a testing the waters kind of ordeal by Anet).

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > If they remove it and keep the game as it was, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes Anet has ever made with gw2.

> >

> > I was skeptical about it before i played reset last night, however it was pretty dam fun lord room fights as a Weaver is pretty intense to say the least, What's your reason to why it would be a mistake?


> Because currently, GW2 is highly successful and bringing in many new players. Why change what isn't broken? Jagex did that with EoC and destroyed runescape (though OSRS has brought it back) I know I would quit if downstate was gone.


> Downstate adds a sense of urgency or panic and introduces a whole new skillset when someone goes down in a fight. Bad players will try to res the downed without being intelligent about it which lets you kill more players with AOE, for example.


ur argument is so weak

1. WvW keeps bleeding players thats why we have server link

2.. downstate helps side with larger blob

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I Totally disagree with this, as a veteran player of Gw2 and more specifically WvW and Guilds in the game mode. I have to say this as a standard mechanic would be fun in a sense for people who enjoy the "One Shot" style of gameplay where they can simply burst you down with a few key strokes from out of stealth. It's not hard to do if you know how you're skills work. Gw2 is about counterplay... and downstate is a chance to outplay brain dead one shot mechanics. Removing this mechanic fundamentally would destroy the gamemode for more of the serious WvW players out there. And as a commander i played 15 minutes of reset before i was singled out, corrupted and deleted by 5 Rangers from 1500 range. Pin snipe is a whole other issue but this encourages everything in wvw people hate...

I would definitely finally put down the game if this became the norm.


Gw2 is a group and team based game, not a solo experience.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > If they remove it and keep the game as it was, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes Anet has ever made with gw2.


> I was skeptical about it before i played reset last night, however it was pretty dam fun lord room fights as a Weaver is pretty intense to say the least, What's your reason to why it would be a mistake?


Because Down-State is a equalizer to numbers... If you're outnumbered but doing well, you can even things out by finishing an enemy and getting your allies back, without downstate strategy and proficient gaming will always lose to numbers.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > It feels good when you are doing the killing.

> > It feels terrbile when you are repeatedly targeted by a ganker.

> >

> > A middle ground should exist.


> maybe no rally? not much of a middle ground but just an idea.

If anything Rally should be the thing kept, not rid of.


I know that 90% of people in the game right now don't know the fun of balanced WvW. But trust me when i tell you that the first couple fo months of WvW, even with the holes on people's wallets (improving a keep cost more money as enough gems for a bag slot back then) it was awesome. Blobs didn't exist (not like today), and you could win outnumbered fights if you played smart. That's why SFR became #1, people would play smart and win even outnumbered. It was a mid-sized server and was winning against full servers consistently before people started to bandwagon into it. Those were by far the best times for WvW, even better than the tournaments (which were fun, but boring at times, it came to a point where a lot of the server would just stop playing for the last few days of each match-up, since we couldn't lose).


I know that people think WvW **has to be** a game of follow the hen, but it doesn't, it never did, and if anything, what WvW turned into is just a bad parody of what it used to be.


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I could only get behind it as a long term thing if they drastically increased survivabilty in fights or finally fixed the bomb meta, also reduced clones and stealth times . But as it is with so many classes having one shot or run mechanics and other cheap snipe abilties, then NO, at least with downed state I may come back up before their burst recharges or they stealth away.

And in a zerg fighy you have to make the decision to keep DPS'ing or drop dps long enough to rez the person who downed near you. It's an added dynamic that makes a uniquely "Guild Wars 2" experience. Removing that element. imho, would greatly injure the uniqueness of the game

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No downstate is good for people who want a more simple game mode. Examples are those who want to one shot, don't want to think about when to res or not.


Overall the change causes fights to end too fast and the loot is significantly reduced since there are fewer opportunities to tag.

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> > @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > If they remove it and keep the game as it was, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes Anet has ever made with gw2.

> > >

> > > I was skeptical about it before i played reset last night, however it was pretty dam fun lord room fights as a Weaver is pretty intense to say the least, What's your reason to why it would be a mistake?

> >

> > Because currently, GW2 is highly successful and bringing in many new players. Why change what isn't broken? Jagex did that with EoC and destroyed runescape (though OSRS has brought it back) I know I would quit if downstate was gone.

> >

> > Downstate adds a sense of urgency or panic and introduces a whole new skillset when someone goes down in a fight. Bad players will try to res the downed without being intelligent about it which lets you kill more players with AOE, for example.


> ur argument is so weak

> 1. WvW keeps bleeding players thats why we have server link

> 2.. downstate helps side with larger blob


A billion dollar corporation going into financial crisis mode and ultimately ending up having to re-release the original game to save the company because of one dumb decision is a weak argument?


Oh, okay.


Realistically, it's target cap that should be removed - not downstate. This keeps small scale balanced and allows better players to take on a larger amount of players and gets rid of the blob garbage where you stack a ton of bads together but the bads beat you because of numbers. It would be amazing to finally see multiple smaller groups rather than one large group because stacking would be bad.


Target cap is the real issue. But are they even able to get rid of it? Maybe it's possible... but would it cost too much $$$?

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> @"style.6173" said:

> No downstate is good for people who want a more simple game mode. Examples are those who want to one shot, don't want to think about when to res or not.


> Overall the change causes fights to end too fast and the loot is significantly reduced since there are fewer opportunities to tag.


That is quite the opposite actually. Having the downstate favors large blob of players, hence dumbing down the game.


If you are able to OS someone, it means you can be OS as well, High risk/high reward. I know something pleb on gw2 are not used to (see mirage/scourge)

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:


> Oh, and Finishers that a lot of us paid real money for are now completely unusable within the mode for the entirety of the week. So that's clearly a good thing. Right? Nothing like spending real money on things you bought for use in World vs. World, as silly as they may be to someone else, that you can't use in that very mode. If it became a permanent thing.. ugh. They'd better refund every single Finisher purchase I did (—I switch them up fairly frequently and have all but the recent two, which I am obviously not going to buy now that I feel uncertain if this is a testing the waters kind of ordeal by Anet).


and this. Ironically I bought the skritt scavenger finisher with statues like an hour before reset last nite *facepalm* well chit (and yes thats real money not game currency because statues are a BL chest thing)

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> @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> >

> > Oh, and Finishers that a lot of us paid real money for are now completely unusable within the mode for the entirety of the week. So that's clearly a good thing. Right? Nothing like spending real money on things you bought for use in World vs. World, as silly as they may be to someone else, that you can't use in that very mode. If it became a permanent thing.. ugh. They'd better refund every single Finisher purchase I did (—I switch them up fairly frequently and have all but the recent two, which I am obviously not going to buy now that I feel uncertain if this is a testing the waters kind of ordeal by Anet).


> and this. Ironically I bought the skritt scavenger finisher with statues like an hour before reset last nite *facepalm* well chit (and yes thats real money not game currency because statues are a BL chest thing)


Play spvp, so you can use it. Fixed it.

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The no downstate was quite enjoyable last night. I can see its allure. But I think the occasional us of the no downstate week would be better than a permanent one. The week is still young and we'll see what kind of population is left after the weekend. Will it be an increased runaway from a fight wasteland(which already existed before) or will more stand and fight encounters? My squad did real well last night and had a great time. But after defeating a certain group multiple times, they never stood and fought us again, unless they had massive backup.


Side note: I think a really good change would be no rallying off a killed player.

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Can't support this being permanent when there's still combat problems around, this just encourages more of it and will turn the mode into mindless ganking. If they keep it they would also have to give everyone auto proc immune to damage traits like rangers and engineers, they would have to rework finishers to like proc automatically, vitality may have to be adjusted to compensate for the loss of down state, not to mention the skills and traits and items that need to be reworked. Keep in the mind the other side affects of this, players will be more hesitant to engage in fights, pirate shipping, more siege use, camping out in structures.


This change punishes bigger groups that rely on numbers and not on proper builds and use of proper skills and that's a good thing, obviously the gankers and their squads are happy they don't need to work on finishing people when it's automatically done for them, it's like everyone has finishing blow now. There are legit skilled players in this game, and they can already work with the downed state, it's the stealth, or macro, or near one shot, or one shot combo, or 1800 bow range, players that don't get my respect for this and should not be rewarded in this way. This highlights how fast a group of burst specs can just delete other groups quickly. Just another step turning this into a mmofps.

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> @"Specialka.7290" said:

> > @"Kilamanjaro.2705" said:

> > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > >

> > > Oh, and Finishers that a lot of us paid real money for are now completely unusable within the mode for the entirety of the week. So that's clearly a good thing. Right? Nothing like spending real money on things you bought for use in World vs. World, as silly as they may be to someone else, that you can't use in that very mode. If it became a permanent thing.. ugh. They'd better refund every single Finisher purchase I did (—I switch them up fairly frequently and have all but the recent two, which I am obviously not going to buy now that I feel uncertain if this is a testing the waters kind of ordeal by Anet).

> >

> > and this. Ironically I bought the skritt scavenger finisher with statues like an hour before reset last nite *facepalm* well chit (and yes thats real money not game currency because statues are a BL chest thing)


> Play spvp, so you can use it. Fixed it.


No, I have a toxicity meter that goes nuts just zoning in. Played to rank 28 i think before swearing to never return to the toxic tweenager hangout

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