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Why not housing?

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Given that one of the questions that gets asked a lot is "What is there to do at endgame," I've always wondered why housing hasn't been implemented.


A lot of people seem to like it, it's certainly something to grind for.


Is the community here against housing? Is ANet? Is the engine not capable?

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Given that one of the questions that gets asked a lot is "What is there to do at endgame," I've always wondered why housing hasn't been implemented.


> A lot of people seem to like it, it's certainly something to grind for.


> Is the community here against housing? Is ANet? Is the engine not capable?


Likely neither. Most things can be attributed to whether anet consider the resources involved are worth the development time and the potential loss to other areas of the game whilst being made. Housing would be an example. Certainly its not an unpopular idea in general terms

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Hmmm... we already have a home instance, what I would love to see, although, is at least the ability to decorate it as in the guild hall! That way would have the feeling of housing and would give more value to scribing.


But housing as you put it, I really would not know, FF online I recall habing many troubles with housing because of bots renting them so the real person owns more and have, over all a bigger housing. I recall also problems with lack of houses and such, so I believe we should keep the home instance as housing, just being able to do more with it than just a place where you put nodes and get an extra farm.


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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Given that one of the questions that gets asked a lot is "What is there to do at endgame," I've always wondered why housing hasn't been implemented.


> A lot of people seem to like it, it's certainly something to grind for.


> Is the community here against housing? Is ANet? Is the engine not capable?


A lot of people like a lot of things but how would housing address that issue? There are also plenty of things to do but some people have decided they don't want to do any of it.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Isn’t our home instance player housing?


Yes. Not the sort that some players want, though, and most people don't bother to define what they mean, they just act as if there is one single consistent and universally applicable definition of the term. This contributes to the discussions being more heat than light.


The most frequent complaints about that are:


* no custom decorations

* other people living there

* no services


I'm sympathetic that those do, indeed, make it a less useful place to do, basically, anything except harvest your nodes. It isn't really the "spend time there, invest in it" sort of housing that some people like in other games.


It's not radically different from the guild hall, either: the complaints about wanting services in there so you never have to leave are kind of rooted in the same thing.

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Housing for each player char is their own ideal, whereas on would be a small landowner/Gardner another would be a leader in the beggars guild and have a hidden nook in the slums, some more would be a noble with a manor house, a military man might prefer an apartment on a square near his service office. Outfits for home/ social or other home events use are possible as well as social rank/influence even if it's only with what the beggars guild controls, (also note thieves guild, merchants guild, and the quarters of the city for other races and cultures)

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Multiple access portals in each city for the residential points, slums, barracks, apartments, noble areas, racial and cultural city quarters, each with new streets, residences and unique events, purchase or trade homes, an apartment in the military quarter for 300,000 karma.

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The home instance in each city is sort of a map "skin" of the same stuff in some ways, so there is no reason not to have 20 different home skins in each city, call them districts, in the same way as the garden plot was recently added, varies differing homes could be added in the districts, and the district and house used as home is the generic one or one gained by in game achievement or cosmetic purchase.

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> [We had the same conversation, not too long ago.](http:// "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41381/player-housing")



Quite a few times actually, I do believe the search function works on these new forums too. (P.S. fixed your link since it didn't work for me)



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Housing is a rather stupid MMO mechanic if you think about it. I get that some people like it, but it doesn't really fit into the theme of the game. based on Anet's atypical approach to design and implementation, I think the 'House' you want isn't going to happen and the 'House' you are going to get is already here in the home instance.

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The home instance as we currently have is so boring. I just don't get why people are so excited over it. I mean, it was really awesome back in the older Days to have your ''own'' home instance, based on your vanilla story. But that's pretty much it.

Chopping, mining and gathering stuff, urgh please… :sleeping:


If there was a true housing, like you could literally create your own home- similar to the Guild decorations, now that would be fun! :)

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> I'm expecting player housing in the next expac, it's the next logical step, they need to drop something big on us like they did with mounts, player housing fits that situation.


But player housing doesn't help me get around a map faster.... and it feels kind of stupid having level mastery points on Furniture options

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Pretty sure most who "don't understand" why anyone would want housing also are not Roleplayers. It's worth noting that there are actually a lot of us here, and for us it's a big part of our end game, if not our ENTIRE end game (Sorry Fashion Wars). I know there are plenty of folks out there going "Well it doesn't affect my game-play so why should they bother working on it, why does this always come up?" It's REALLY not about you. Not everything is, and not everything should be. Chairs were a big deal for some of us.


Speaking as a role-player, I would be happy with steps in the direction... small implementations that gradually move us towards housing as an option rather than a single big release. The first step should be an expansion of the available decorations and in particular furnishings that can be crafted in the guild hall. That starts with beds more than anything, but expands to more than a single 100g rug decoration, a lot of smaller clutter items, a number of "filled" decorations (like non-empty book shelves) and really basically just any furniture item that exists as a game asset but that we're currently not allowed to craft for ourselves. Once we have that, I think a lot of people would be a lot happier. After that maybe then we could revisit the idea of decorating the home instance ourselves, or even getting access to smaller address-based instances (something similar to what ESO does, right click the player to visit their primary residence) that we can customize for ourselves, but it wouldn't be as necessary.

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Every implementation of housing I've seen added next to nothing. The only one I ever found useful was in SWtOR because I could use it to warp between areas without cost. If they were able to make housing actually feel like a player/character's home, then that'd be quite something, but I am unconvinced that this is possible.


As far as roleplaying goes, I'm more of a minimalist. I fondly remember the days of old forum-roleplaying on sites like ezbread. As a result, I have difficulty grasping how important something like player housing could be to people who use chat to roleplay. Most of my roleplaying takes place in my mind's storyboard, so such limitations don't exist for me. A much bigger irritant for me is when the story puts words in my character's mouth.

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I played Lotro for a while which does have housing, and it was a total disaster after a while , as people get bored with the whole idea, and the game ends up with lots of empty houses cluttering up the instances because the owners lost interest or worse still, the owners left the game.

Houses would only work if each house was its own instance, and only existed in game when the owner was logged on.


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As far as I remember LOTR had the same number houses no matter if the instance you were in was full or had just a few ppl in it. I would love for them to replace the home... or neighborhood instance with home that you could personalize. Hang weapon and armor skins on the wall, use crafting to make furniture and decorations or buy them off the TP, get trophy drops to hang on the wall from bosses. I always loved homes.

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