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Why not housing?

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Housing is a moot point in this game due to the existence of Guild Halls and the Home Instance. The customization available in the Guild Hall is excellent at the moment so, if needed, you could always ask to become a decorator for your guild and explore there.


As for the Home Instance, this would likely be the target of potential development if ArenaNet decided the investment was worth it.


I wouldn't expect housing in this game ever. Sorry.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> Housing is a moot point in this game due to the existence of Guild Halls and the Home Instance. The customization available in the Guild Hall is excellent at the moment so, if needed, you could always ask to become a decorator for your guild and explore there.


> As for the Home Instance, this would likely be the target of potential development if ArenaNet decided the investment was worth it.


> I wouldn't expect housing in this game ever. Sorry.


That is the issue with Scribing though. There is no way to raise your level crafting furniture unless your guild mates say it's okay. The way it's set up prevents you from making upgrades to anything, even if you have a basic furniture item that makes it into your actual inventory (along with the actual crafting components). I don't care about placing items in this specific instance, as much as I do about crafting the items, but housing can give the best to both worlds. Hell, even that crap Runescape could figure it out when it was still java based.

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I've found player housing in other games to be extremely fun, its one further way to customize your avatar & to show to your closest guildies or friends your own unique decorating style. Some players would love to collect unique items from throughout the world of Tyria & place them in there own house to simply show them off, while others would use it as a place to just hang out. From a marketing stand point ANET would quickly have many more things they could offer at the gem store for personal housing purposes... I hope to eventually see this in a future patch or expansion, for those that don't want it, thats fine << just dont use it, but for the rest of us, I'd love to have a personal customized house (a uniquely themed house according to your avatars race would be even better!)

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:


> But player housing doesn't help me get around a map faster.... and it feels kind of stupid having level mastery points on Furniture options


No but it does allow people to have a queit place to rest and relax away from other players who think they are comedians...

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Were none of you there for the Garrison disaster that WoW had in Warlords of Draenor? Don't ask for houses, you don't know what you ask for... it'll turn the game in Farmville. Just No.


the Garrison had nothing to do with player housing. it seems that a lot of people here have never experienced good mmo housing.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Dont turn Guild wars 2 into the sims. It is a totally unneeded addittion.


That would imply taking away every non-sim part of the game. Almost nothing added to a mmo is "needed".


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> people who want housing never played Aion.



Either that or played a bunch of games where it worked out perfectly fine, enjoyed themselves and want to see it here.



What people are talking about is a desire to have a part of the game added that would have absolutely no effect on the people who are against it. Its seems kind of narcissistic to say "If I don't get something out of it no one should get anything out of it and I demand that no one ever ever talk about!". I'm referring to not just comments on this page or even specifically this game just typical behavior of some forum commenters.



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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Games that rely on cash shop income are always looking for new ways to generate revenue. I don't see how housing would be a cash bonanza considering how many people like housing.


Quite possibly also a significant gold sink, since a crafting skill similar to Scribe would make sense to allow building of in-home decorations, should ANet be looking for one of those.


All that said, I don't think it will make the bar for a new feature -- not because of any inherent technical difficulty, but simply because the more "alone time" a subsystem of the game enables, the more it makes the open world seem dead, and as other threads attest, that is something that makes players wonder what is going on. Something that encourages players into visibility and group activity is more likely to beat out housing.


For the sake of all y'all that want it, though, I hope I'm wrong about that. :)

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There are several different ways player housing could be implemented, an option to make the house open to the public is one such way to allow other players to visit homes & talk to those players + view there unique house designs. Just because player housing exists doesn't mean those players will simply disappear from the open world altogether... as to whether that specific player wants there home private or public is entirely up to them. Players already disappear into there home instances so I don't see a significant difference as to whether its a home instance or a unique house that they go to, the only difference being the housing could be open to the public to visit, while the home instance is always party invite. This would encourage players to interact more with one another, (not less) in my opinion. Ask yourself this question, would you rather visit a uniquely player created house or a normal home instance that looks exactly the same as everyone else's..... I know which one I'd choose... the player created house of course!

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Faline.8795" said:

> > Games that rely on cash shop income are always looking for new ways to generate revenue. I don't see how housing would be a cash bonanza considering how many people like housing.


> Quite possibly also a significant gold sink, since a crafting skill similar to Scribe would make sense to allow building of in-home decorations, should ANet be looking for one of those.


> All that said, I don't think it will make the bar for a new feature -- not because of any inherent technical difficulty, but simply because the more "alone time" a subsystem of the game enables, the more it makes the open world seem dead, and as other threads attest, that is something that makes players wonder what is going on. Something that encourages players into visibility and group activity is more likely to beat out housing.


> For the sake of all y'all that want it, though, I hope I'm wrong about that. :)


On the other hand, if said housing offered features like displaying trophies, collected books, collection items, etc., it might encourage more play out in the world (to collect and be able to display such items). Or, if one were crafting items for the 'house', it would be little different than using crafting stations now. Might stimulate the economy, be a sink for low-value items, etc., as well.


Who knows?

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> @"Sirian.3689" said:

> The home instance in each city is sort of a map "skin" of the same stuff in some ways, so there is no reason not to have 20 different home skins in each city, call them districts, in the same way as the garden plot was recently added, varies differing homes could be added in the districts, and the district and house used as home is the generic one or one gained by in game achievement or cosmetic purchase."


Each district becomes a game map with the events you would have in each unique part of a city, modern events always different due to a large set of combination and random start times,. do it as an expansion where free players get to choose a single district to explore and perhaps live in. (in any case current home area will still be there)

Create the expansion in parallel with another world plot expansion if need be but add the city life content, The life of the city stories.


A funeral procession of ___ proceeds turns to avoid the bar fight between some haulers on strike as a gang of thieves slips through carrying a kidnapped nobles daughter who writhes in the blanket attracting notice of an off duty guardsman who strikes their leader as you come out of your house onto the street.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Scribing is pretty much doing this to decorate guild halls. And its a hideously expensive affair.

> Better to add some proper content instead of pseudo content like this. More living story with smaller breaks.


Even if it doesn't really interest me, this isn't "pseudo content", it is "content that doesn't interest us". It's ok to not like things, but we shouldn't be mean about it. :)


Plus, honestly, as @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" says, it might even end up encouraging more investment in play. I suspect I'd end up liking the trophy thing way, way more than I thought. :)

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> @"Faline.8795" said:

> Given that one of the questions that gets asked a lot is "What is there to do at endgame," I've always wondered why housing hasn't been implemented.


> A lot of people seem to like it, it's certainly something to grind for.


> Is the community here against housing? Is ANet? Is the engine not capable?


I sincerely hope ANet don't waste their resources on player housing. Many people barely visit their home instance appart from the daily farm and the Guild Hall is a far better alternative for a gold sink with decorations.


Yes this topic rears it's head every now and again, but it's a small minority who "desparately" want this function and the best argument most put forward is - "well other games had it, why not GW2?" which is always a weak line.


If you want an unbiased survey, create a poll with fair, balanced points. Not one of those loaded question polls where 7 out of 8 answers are "yes" and 1 is "maybe". To truely see if this is something the community wants, you need to ask if the playerbase would want resources going into housing development rather than other aspects of the game.

IMO, there are far better things ANet can do rather than creating a personal man-cave for the minority.

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> @"Patchwreck.2357" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Dont turn Guild wars 2 into the sims. It is a totally unneeded addittion.


> That would imply taking away every non-sim part of the game. Almost nothing added to a mmo is "needed".


> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > people who want housing never played Aion.

> >


> Either that or played a bunch of games where it worked out perfectly fine, enjoyed themselves and want to see it here.



> What people are talking about is a desire to have a part of the game added that would have absolutely no effect on the people who are against it. Its seems kind of narcissistic to say "If I don't get something out of it no one should get anything out of it and I demand that no one ever ever talk about!". I'm referring to not just comments on this page or even specifically this game just typical behavior of some forum commenters.




It is a bit inaccurate to say that adding housing will have no effect on those not interested in it. Every dollar, every man hour, spent on one thing is not, by definition, spent on something else.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Isn’t our home instance player housing?


> Yes. Not the sort that some players want, though, and most people don't bother to define what they mean, they just act as if there is one single consistent and universally applicable definition of the term. This contributes to the discussions being more heat than light.


> The most frequent complaints about that are:


> * no custom decorations

> * other people living there

> * no services


> I'm sympathetic that those do, indeed, make it a less useful place to do, basically, anything except harvest your nodes. It isn't really the "spend time there, invest in it" sort of housing that some people like in other games.


> It's not radically different from the guild hall, either: the complaints about wanting services in there so you never have to leave are kind of rooted in the same thing.


have you ever played another MMO with Housing? If so, what did those features normally consist of?

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Housing is a rather stupid MMO mechanic if you think about it. I get that some people like it, but it doesn't really fit into the theme of the game. based on Anet's atypical approach to design and implementation, I think the 'House' you want isn't going to happen and the 'House' you are going to get is already here in the home instance.


I dont understand what you are saying. whats the theme of the game that housing system doesnt fit? and whats stupid about it as you say? also is the current housing instances in the game better feature than what most people that do want player housing are requesting?

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