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Most OP(Over powered) class in game?


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> @"Nivik.2961" said:

> Man it sucks so much that EVERYONE knows Mesmer is a complete gong show, and yet they just let it ride.

> Mesmer by a mile for my vote


Hey, also everyone knew that ele was totally op, and it took them quite a long time to nerf it.


So there's still hope for mesmer to get a nerf :D


Well we could start with other classes as well.



Engi is way to easy to play for the dmg it does

Same goes for guard

And as a necro main i want to say that scourge is too strong as well. But if you shift scourge to be more support, you need to give it a real good support spec or heavily buff core or reaper, so necro doesn't fall out of meta again.



We'll i can't say much about spvp. It's the gamemode i dislike the most. It has so many bad players, that for example facetank everything that scourge throws at them, and then they cry scourge is op. (Just an example)


As for wvw:



Warriors are way too overtuned. Playing full berserker and still be able to walk into the enemy zerg and get out unharmed? Yeah that's warrior.


Also it think guardians boonsupport is way too much.


And scourge is still in top spot even after sand savant nerf. Again an indicator that necro needs a rework.


But there are other things that are annoying as well.

Eles can hit very hard while being pretty hard to kill due to blocks and invuln. Those meteors....


Yeah well. Let's get to roaming:


Warrior esp. Spellbreaker is almost brain-dead easy mode and even though it almost never play warrior, i can easily kill people with it.


Mesmer esp. Mirage well i don't have to say much more. Look at the op votes.


Thief way too mobile while having a lot of condicleanses and doing a shitload of dmg.

Also you can jump into an enemy zerg, down some players and get out unharmed.


And ranger and ele have way too much self healing without gearing for healpower. And if they do.... They get almost unkillable in 1v1





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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> > i voted mesmer, but NOT because it is overpowered... i play mesmer for 3 years


> Gotcha.


Jupp, i play mesmer for 3 years now and it is my only class, but i can say that **for new players mesmer is hard...very hard**...and i am still not good in pvp / wvw because i dont play it really often, you could say i am not a very good player then, but it is the class that i like, i also like to stick with one character so i dont have any other character that has the same map completition / story as my mesmer, but when i see such a poll i know the Devs will nerf mesmer and for newbies is it then impossible to begin with mesmer and i will loose my only character with a full map / mostly played story _and since there is no class change_.......so yeah......**i dont want more nerfing for pve**.....


Mesmer is **not OP in pve...in pvp / wvw...well IT IS OP**..... so i voted mesmer seeing the fact that for wvw / pvp it is op and it needs nerfs...**BUT just for pvp / wvw...**

nerfing the mesmer any further in pve would ruin it for that sort of gameplay, but i find other classes need buffs....everyone crying for nerfing the mesmer, but when everyone cries everytime just for nerfing a class then someday no class will be good.....


simply because the fun meachanics are also the mechanics that break wvw / pvp......so it needs nerfs for pvp / wvw but not for pve ( against some enemies in HoT / PoF i go into downstate when i am alone,but overall forpve it is balanced,when you see the fact that not every newbie starts with the best armor / sigils / runes / weapons / gold).


So yes you got me...i just have a mesmer with full map / most story since i love to stick with one character, i have one or 2 other classes through the booster from the expansion on lvl 80, but they barely have any map completition......my biggest fear is that mesmer get more nerfs for pve, for wvw / pvp it is totally fine to get some nerfing,

**maybe then ppl stop swapping to mesmer just for pvp / wvw and play the classes for pvp / wvw they use for pve...........** :/

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> @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> Oh, YES i voted mesmer, but NOT because it is overpowered...i voted it because i think it is the only really good balanced class....


> And to all PPL who cry for "NERF MESMER" you are mostly pvp players i think....so let me tell you: i play mesmer for 3 years and it is the only class i have done the story and the map completition....and it was NOT EASY.... not a piece of cake...i played thief and ranger and i can say: in EARLY gameplay these classes are BETTER than mesmer...mesmer gets just OP when you can get your hands on the weapons, armor, sigils and runes...for NEW Players Mesmer is one of the most complicated classes and giving this class another nerf is not an option for new players...for veteran players that have the gear, (or the gold for good gear), it is easy to say that this class is op.... they can farm the gear for mesmer with another class and level the mesmer with tomes....and then they practice in wvw / pvp to see that this class needs some skill to play.....currently EVERY class needs skill....and i can say: i am mostly play pve it is not really easy because there are many elite / champion enemies in the newer maps and in wvw / pvp? well because i dont really play it i get oneshotted easily, because i dont have learned the skill that most pvp / wvw mesmers have....


> BUT: before you cry NERF Mesmer to the ground so new players who accidently pick mesmer as their first character will leave the game because it is too difficult for them..... i say NO: BUFF other classes so they can be on the same level of "OP" as mesmer is....or NERF mesmer JUST FOR PVP / WVW....but not for pve......


> **also i would suggest to buff**:


> -(for all classes) most auto attacks that have a cast time from 3/4 or higher - make the cast time lower, 1/2 is enough for a fluid gameplay, the cooldowns on the other skills can stay the same and faster projectile speed, i mean a projectile wich is so slow that an pve enemie can easily dogde and you can nearly run as fast as the projectile??? <3


> - give classes that have no weapon swap a weapon swap ( i mean ele and engi, it is totally outdated that they can not do that, they always have to choose if the equip a close range weapon, a mid range wepon or a range weapon....a weapon swap is good for more builds and more surviability).... <3


> - give classes that have no weapons (by default) with 1200 range...well buff some of their weapons to 1200 range, i mean not everyone want to play an elite just for the option to get an 1200 range weapon.... players without expansions should be able to choose whatever class they want and then play with an 1200 range weapon..... <3


> ok now for mesmer chronomancer: i wonder why the shield has no -20% CD reduction trait, every other weapon (exept pistol, but for pistol we could still get an elite spec so it is ok) has an -20% CD reduction trait and dont say: it is because of continuum split.....this thing has a recharge time (CD) from 105 seconds....that is not nearly enough for saying that shield needs no "CD Reduction Trait", i hope they add it somewhere in the future (i dont want a lower CD on the split...it is an op shatter skill so the high CD on CS is ok).... <3


> also at last for this long text: have you seen this poll in the general thread? Seems that most ppl like other classes and when you say mesmer is op, well then most players play pve with their favorite class and switch just for wvw / pvp to mesmer....so nerfing mesmer any further for pve is unfair to the mesmer mains...or when they decide to nerf it to the ground just because some ppl use the "i swap to mesmer for pvp / wvw and never use it for pve because in pve mesmer is not the best class"...well then i hope they bring an option to change the class ( i know they stated they never will do that)...well anyway here is the link for the "favorite profession thread":


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44694/whats-your-favorite-profession#latest


sorry to burst your bubble friend, but balancing around skill is and should never be a thing, the line should be what you can do with the class, not what the individual is able to do with his personal level of play

just imagine what would happen if every beginner can do everything from the start

first, you would get bored and woulndt have any motivation to get better

and second imagine what ppl can do with it that have more skill than you


also your balancing ideas are givig me nightmares, i already see staff eles nuking the kitten out of their enemies at long range and then swapping to dd or something like that and go into melee mode, theres so mich wrong with your ideas, sorry bro

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> 1-2? lol what are you talking about. core, dh, and fb have good builds in all game modes. can mes say the same? no.


I'm affraid that being OP and having good build in every gamemode isn't the same thing. Guardian's builds are fine but most of them don't really stand out to the point of qualifying them as OP. The reason people point out at mesmer instead is that mesmer blow everything around him at the moment, even common sense.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:


> also your balancing ideas are givig me nightmares, i already see staff eles nuking the kitten out of their enemies at long range and then swapping to dd or something like that and go into melee mode, theres so mich wrong with your ideas, sorry bro


Well, the Balacing ideas are just suggestions and nothing that they need to implement to 100%, also _every other class can swap from range to melee_, your fear that ele can do that too after they get weapon swapping is a bit big, i mean a thief with the deadeye elite can already oneshot, or go into stealth and kill you before you even see what was happening and he can swap weapons too (nothing against thief when they play really good They give me a shock but after i got oneshotted i will laugh because i find their tactical playstyle good .... B)



For the reduce caststime for auto-attacks....i dont want to make classes op, i just want that classes that feel slow and cluncky feel more fluid in gameplay...and when that means to make the cast-time faster but balance the dmg out...well then **they can nerf the dmg from the auto-attack** so that _the dmg output with faster cast- time is the same ammount of dmg from the slower cast - time....JUST the animation is faster so that it feels better._ ;)

(i mean asura run at the same speed as norn, but norn feel more cluncky because the animation is slower and asura feel faster because their animation is faster but in the end the speed is exactly the same....)



For faster projectile speed from some auto attack ( for every class): _well comapred to some bow-projectiles most staff projectiles are slow as......_ you know....

ask a friend (maybe a mesmer) if he could shoot a projectile with his staff and then run with the projectile, it is not much faster than you...an pve- enemie can dogde it easily when it is not in close range (and pvp / wvw ppl will laugh at you when you try to hit them from far away with staff auto attack)......so staff is (even when it is a ranged weapon with 1200 range) basically a close range weapon with a range that it dont need with this projectile speed, every bow can do better...and i dont ask for an increased dmg i just ask for more speed from the projectile for some classes to have the chance to get an hit on an enemie that is far away, calculating where this enemie might go next is not what a ranged weapon should be, bow is fine compared to staff....



And for one default 1200 range wepon for classes that have no 1200 range weapon by default: not every player wants to play an elite (and use a build slot) just for playing with 1200 range so buffing one of their non elite weapons to 1200 range would give (especially new players) us the option to play with every class in any situation without using an elite spec and yes even this request is nothing about an dmg upgrade...it is more a quality of life upgrade....



I dont want to "balance around skill" i know i am bad in wvw / pvp and that will never change unless i try and get more practice with it, i also dont want an increased dmg for these changes, i know that would be a bad thing, i hope with this text i made it clearer...but seriously every other class can go from range to melee and kill you with that why should the poor ele and engi players dont have that for their surviability just because you see yourself dying from their weapon swap ability? In the end they need to be good at it or they will also die from your hands.... ;)




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> @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:


> > also your balancing ideas are givig me nightmares, i already see staff eles nuking the kitten out of their enemies at long range and then swapping to dd or something like that and go into melee mode, theres so mich wrong with your ideas, sorry bro


> Well, the Balacing ideas are just suggestions and nothing that they need to implement to 100%, also _every other class can swap from range to melee_, your fear that ele can do that too after they get weapon swapping is a bit big, i mean a thief with the deadeye elite can already oneshot, or go into stealth and kill you before you even see what was happening and he can swap weapons too (nothing against thief when they play really good They give me a shock but after i got oneshotted i will laugh because i find their tactical playstyle good .... B)



> For the reduce caststime for auto-attacks....i dont want to make classes op, i just want that classes that feel slow and cluncky feel more fluid in gameplay...and when that means to make the cast-time faster but balance the dmg out...well then **they can nerf the dmg from the auto-attack** so that _the dmg output with faster cast- time is the same ammount of dmg from the slower cast - time....JUST the animation is faster so that it feels better._ ;)

> (i mean asura run at the same speed as norn, but norn feel more cluncky because the animation is slower and asura feel faster because their animation is faster but in the end the speed is exactly the same....)



> For faster projectile speed from some auto attack ( for every class): _well comapred to some bow-projectiles most staff projectiles are slow as......_ you know....

> ask a friend (maybe a mesmer) if he could shoot a projectile with his staff and then run with the projectile, it is not much faster than you...an pve- enemie can dogde it easily when it is not in close range (and pvp / wvw ppl will laugh at you when you try to hit them from far away with staff auto attack)......so staff is (even when it is a ranged weapon with 1200 range) basically a close range weapon with a range that it dont need with this projectile speed, every bow can do better...and i dont ask for an increased dmg i just ask for more speed from the projectile for some classes to have the chance to get an hit on an enemie that is far away, calculating where this enemie might go next is not what a ranged weapon should be, bow is fine compared to staff....



> And for one default 1200 range wepon for classes that have no 1200 range weapon by default: not every player wants to play an elite (and use a build slot) just for playing with 1200 range so buffing one of their non elite weapons to 1200 range would give (especially new players) us the option to play with every class in any situation without using an elite spec and yes even this request is nothing about an dmg upgrade...it is more a quality of life upgrade....



> I dont want to "balance around skill" i know i am bad in wvw / pvp and that will never change unless i try and get more practice with it, i also dont want an increased dmg for these changes, i know that would be a bad thing, i hope with this text i made it clearer...but seriously every other class can go from range to melee and kill you with that why should the poor ele and engi players dont have that for their surviability just because you see yourself dying from their weapon swap ability? In the end they need to be good at it or they will also die from your hands.... ;)





no, sorry, you clearly have not played the game long enough or on a atleast minimal competetive level

staff ele is one of the hardest hitting ranged aoe specs out there, getting hit by 6k+ meteors with 3k armor is not a laughing mattern they are weak if you can close the distance and stick to them, this is their tradeoff, if they could swap to another weaponset which is good for melee combat theyd have not weakness anymore, let alone the amout of skills they would gain, with 1 weaponset they already have more skills to use than most classes with 2 sets

those classes are balanced around the fact that they only have 1set, they dont need more, believe me

and about the projectiles, im pretty sure mesmer staff autos follow the target...

its also not always just about the dmg, some autohits have special effects, like guard hammer, spawning a symbol with every third hit, or gs granting might....

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I never saw the projectile from mesmer following a target for a long time, it dont hit when the range is bigger and the enemie steps more than 2 or 4 steps away from the location you shoot at...yes it bounces from target to target but when you miss the first hit then it missed....so i want it to be a more viable ranged weapon, because why having a 1200 range when it is just usefull in mid or close range combat? That is the reason i said faster projectiles and lower cast time but lesser dmg, ijust want to land a hit, currently i am using mostly gs because when you come to an pve fight and the enemie is already half dead you can be sure: gs gets a hit, staff not...


Talking about the meteor from ele......well it hits hard you are right, but it is no auto attack and has a cooldown...and i am sure some other classes have hard hitting skills too, given that logic no class should be able to swap their weapons, ok when you see it that way than they should change it so that no class should be able to swap their weapons, so they too need to decide if they want to be strong at range OR melee, not both so they have the same weakness as ele or engi....and again my suggestions are mostly for PVE, never saw these little raptors from maguuma? i am pretty sure there are plenty of ele and engi players out there that wished to swap to a close range weapon to fight them...but then there are some monsters that you dont want to fight in close range...but changing the weapon from your bag while you are "in fight" is impossible...(and that is good, swapping weapons from the bag while in fight would be truly op)....


And again compare ele and thief both are some sort of glass cannon, but while thief can swap their ranged one shot wepon for a deadly close range weapon, ele and engi players can not do that....and yes i know no class should be able to oneshot in pvp / wvw...but again the dmg is good for pve....and that is the biggest problem:


**good for pve means bad for pvp / wvw....and good for pvp / wvw means bad for pve....**


_so when you have such big problems with giving ele and engi a weapon swap in pvp / wvw....maybe you are ok with giving them a weapon swap JUST for PVE???_


My suggestion for a faster attack speed and lower dmg so that the dmg output is the same is mostly for ranged weapons and guard hammer is a close range weapon, also it already has a cast time from 1/2...and as i stated: 1/2 is good so it dont need to be changed....

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> @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> I never saw the projectile from mesmer following a target for a long time, it dont hit when the range is bigger and the enemie steps more than 2 or 4 steps away from the location you shoot at...yes it bounces from target to target but when you miss the first hit then it missed....so i want it to be a more viable ranged weapon, because why having a 1200 range when it is just usefull in mid or close range combat? That is the reason i said faster projectiles and lower cast time but lesser dmg, ijust want to land a hit, currently i am using mostly gs because when you come to an pve fight and the enemie is already half dead you can be sure: gs gets a hit, staff not...


> Talking about the meteor from ele......well it hits hard you are right, but it is no auto attack and has a cooldown...and i am sure some other classes have hard hitting skills too, given that logic no class should be able to swap their weapons, ok when you see it that way than they should change it so that no class should be able to swap their weapons, so they too need to decide if they want to be strong at range OR melee, not both so they have the same weakness as ele or engi....and again my suggestions are mostly for PVE, never saw these little raptors from maguuma? i am pretty sure there are plenty of ele and engi players out there that wished to swap to a close range weapon to fight them...but then there are some monsters that you dont want to fight in close range...but changing the weapon from your bag while you are "in fight" is impossible...(and that is good, swapping weapons from the bag while in fight would be truly op)....


> And again compare ele and thief both are some sort of glass cannon, but while thief can swap their ranged one shot wepon for a deadly close range weapon, ele and engi players can not do that....and yes i know no class should be able to oneshot in pvp / wvw...but again the dmg is good for pve....and that is the biggest problem:


> **good for pve means bad for pvp / wvw....and good for pvp / wvw means bad for pve....**


> _so when you have such big problems with giving ele and engi a weapon swap in pvp / wvw....maybe you are ok with giving them a weapon swap JUST for PVE???_


> My suggestion for a faster attack speed and lower dmg so that the dmg output is the same is mostly for ranged weapons and guard hammer is a close range weapon, also it already has a cast time from 1/2...and as i stated: 1/2 is good so it dont need to be changed....


dude tbh idc what they do with pve, but im sure alot of ppl would dislike that, because of balancing issues

there are reasons these classes dont have weapon swaps, if you dont see why, i cant help you, its so obvious

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> @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > @"Hibiskus.8294" said:

> > > i voted mesmer, but NOT because it is overpowered... i play mesmer for 3 years

> >

> > Gotcha.


> Jupp, i play mesmer for 3 years now and it is my only class, but i can say that **for new players mesmer is hard...very hard**...and i am still not good in pvp / wvw because i dont play it really often, you could say i am not a very good player then, but it is the class that i like, i also like to stick with one character so i dont have any other character that has the same map completition / story as my mesmer, but when i see such a poll i know the Devs will nerf mesmer and for newbies is it then impossible to begin with mesmer and i will loose my only character with a full map / mostly played story _and since there is no class change_.......so yeah......**i dont want more nerfing for pve**.....


> Mesmer is **not OP in pve...in pvp / wvw...well IT IS OP**..... so i voted mesmer seeing the fact that for wvw / pvp it is op and it needs nerfs...**BUT just for pvp / wvw...**



You are kidding right? You can almost heal a group alone, you are a boonspam bot while being tanky af.

And you can even play dmg, Condi or power doesn't matter.


Show me one other spec that is as good as mesmer.

Either mesmer needs a nerf, or all other classes need heavy buffs.

So warrior can be a healer with shouts.

Or thief can be a healer.

Or give necro way more boon output.



You see. Mesmer has been meta since raids came out. Don't get me wrong, it's nice for all mesmer players to be wanted.

But now you have to couple this with:

Op in PvP

And op in wvw roaming


As a fellow necro player, i can only dream about doing what mesmer is able to do


But even if it's just troll pre released patch notes that don't actually get live, where necro might get boonspam - every other non-necro player will cry like a little baby that it's op.

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I mean, is there any type of content where you wouldn't want a mesmer in your team? No? Exactly - that's why Mesmer is in the lead in this poll by a large margin.

Mesmer has an incredible array of useful tools while beeing pretty much whatever you want it to be.

Tanky? Can do

1-shot-wonder? Can do

Boon B****? Can do (better than any other class could ever be)

Healer? Well.. it's possible but outclassed by others, still a possibility though if you're desperate

DPS? Can do (not top dps of course but mixed with mesmer's other upsides still good dps)


No other class is that versatile nor that good in that many points.

Sure Ele has the highest DPS and a somewhat decent Healing/Support Build but thats about it.

Sure Spellbreaker is pretty strong and easy to play but outside of PvP it's still pretty useless and even in PvP it's not exactly dominating it's just very good while beeing accessible even for less experienced players.


Scourge would be my top contender besides Mesmer because he does one thing and does it incredibly well, he dishes out a lot of damage in a huge area while beeing incredibly tanky and supporting at the same time. But since that's the only thing he's good at and since in most gametypes his role can easily be replaced by other classes like Ele or even Ranger, sometimes Engi or even other Necro builds like base or Reaper, he only makes it in second which isn't enough to get a vote here.


Honorary mention goes to Thief, or more specificly Daredevil. The better a player is at playing Daredevil the stronger the spec gets, it doesn't feel like there's a cap. When you meet a Daredevil and you yourself don't play Daredevil and the other guy is really good at his class you don't have a chance even if you've mastered whatever class you play, the Daredevil will most likely beat you because his spec has a much much higher cap than all other classes. That beeing said, the number of players that are THAT good at Daredevil is (thankfully) pretty low but still, Daredevil is a Spec that should always be looked at in every balance patch (not neccessarily changed, but looked at) otherwise there might be a day where they start taking over Tyria.

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> @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> For me it's warrior, if only for the tendancy to go completely invulnerable when totally outnumbered for what seems like forever. They often invariably go down eventually but the fight was lost well before.


> Then again I suppose keeping multiple opponents occupied facing certain death in WvW is a completely valid strategy.


you just remember them, because you hit so long on them, but in the end you finally kill them, mesmer and thief will just run away at the sight of your group and will come back later to annoy you, or oneshot you when you arent looking

keeping you occupied without facing certain death

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Mesmer ofc. They are most wanted or at least welcome in all game modes - never saw a group saying "no mesmer" . And look at what they "can" potentially.. Stealth, blink, reflects, boon remove (even with their main/meta weapon - sword!!), evade blocks.. PORTAL (the most unique feature even now after the necro got their portal for poor ppl) - they can condi, power, support (as someone mentioned above) - so yeah.. thats how i would define OP. Lets ask the other way.. is there something they cant?

I even have 2 of them but i wont touch them anymore until they are brought in line with other classes.

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> @"Chay.7852" said:

> Mesmer ofc. They are most wanted or at least welcome in all game modes - never saw a group saying "no mesmer" . And look at what they "can" potentially.. Stealth, blink, reflects, boon remove (even with their main/meta weapon - sword!!), evade blocks.. PORTAL (the most unique feature even now after the necro got their portal for poor ppl) - they can condi, power, support (as someone mentioned above) - so yeah.. thats how i would define OP. Lets ask the other way.. is there something they cant?

> I even have 2 of them but i wont touch them anymore until they are brought in line with other classes.


I don't mind that they can do all of these. But I do mind when they can do all of these at the same time. Professions should be able to perform a specific role well depending on build choice, and if they can perform another sub role half as good, then I'd say it's balanced. But when a profession can do well in every role in one build, that's when something's gotta give.

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> @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

> > @"bearshaman.3421" said:

> > I need to know what game mode before I can express an opinion

> >


> This in general for all the gamemodes



I won't comment then. I don't pvp, and don't have enough experience with wvw (though I hear scourge is the most insane in wvw).

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Revenant is ridiculous OP. They can spam 20k attacks from range, while evading constantly. Do I need to even mention the Shiro/glast/Balthazar build that allows them to equip two elite specs at once?.…. Do I?... Cause I can't. Haha


But I do hope during my years playing rev, that I could be responsible for one of those votes. Rev can certainly blow some people up pretty darn fast.


Not as fast as a few condi ticks from mirage, but it's close.

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