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Do you still play Guild Wars 1?

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Like most modern games, GW2 is designed to monopolize time. Despite it being forgiving on breaks in play, or unstable play time, the time investments required are big enough that being away from them too long feels like a loss of productively. I can't logically break to go play GW1 and not feel like its cutting into my GW2 productivity. So in order to do so, the trip needs to be well worth my time for other reasons.


But theres a problem..... GW1 is designed very similarly. And unlike GW2, wealth conversion via market mechanics was not designed in the core of GW1's reward system. Targeted farming is difficult, and crafting materials for armor incredibly rare even when farming for them. I want to go back to do more HOM achievements.... but the ones that I need are time investments that easily rank in weeks of effort, require specific items with incredibly low drop rates, or need substantial amounts of materials that cost a small fortune in plat. I'm also no longer passively farming gold to trade for armor mats, or I'd have to play a hard game of trade negotiations with other players. I don't have a huge glut of wealth to start with.....and what I do have was slowly gained via trash loot. Those that had a lot of plat probably spent a lot of time in UW or FoW, as the materials gained there are highly valuable....... I didn't have the interest/guildies at the time to do this more then a few runs per months.


As much as I'd like to revisit GW1, I won't spend a significant amount of time in it without a specific goal in mind. And that gets harder every year, since its biggest draw was adventuring around with a good group of folks for the fun of it. But the more reward focused you become, or the fewer people around to party with, the more players focused into efficient farming areas at the exclusion of nearly everything else.

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I keep playing there. There are so many things I do love and miss from it!

- Menagerie.

- Heroes & Henchies.

- Guild Hall for everybody, some really nice with more nature.

- Build template.

- Hall of Monuments.

- Cantha.

- Vanquishing (areas).

- FoW, Underworld and DoA.

- The old version of LA that I liked a lot so simple, with lot of green. Generally, GW1 had a lot more green than GW2, what I prefer.

- Some runs, like the Droknar one.

- Seeing foes on compass.

- And so on...............

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I had good times with GW1 very cool armors, good stories/intriguing lore, fun pvp/pve. But yeah the lack of anything new is what makes me not login also the camera system feels the most dated I can't even zoom in to take a full body screenshot of my toon. It would take a bit of an overhaul for me to login daily like a wardrobe system/ up to date QoL features and have a population boost

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I recently bought the Platinum edition (Core + EotN). Basically to unlock certain things in the sequel. Did not like the first game. Cause i started with GW2 and it has so much more quality of live improvements compared to the origin. But after putting some hours, trying and ui changing, i started to enjoy it. May actually put some serious hours in it as well.

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I still play it every now and then. I started when Prophecies launched and quite a few weeks after Nightfall. A few years ago I bought everything again as I had forgotten my info.


That actually reminds me that I still need to buy the remaining minis and make another attempt to beat Prismatic Ooze or Duncan to complete my HoM.

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