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How Did Logan Thackeray Get Into Destiny's Edge?


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I'm not a lore fanatic for this game and I was wondering how a guy that does so little damage to the enemy and dies so easily is apart of Destiny's Edge (Yes, I know he doesn't do much damage and dies easily because they need to balance him). He also seems to be very wimpyish compared to the other members of Destiny's Edge.

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It's... complicated, but short version is that he isn't wimpyish compared to the others. He, Rytlock, and Caithe were a gladiator team when Eir came looking for recruits, and during those fights Logan held his own just fine. Even soloed a giant destroyer harpy, so he arguably had a more impressive run than the other two.


(Granted, Destiny's Edge's success was all a matter of Snaff's golems, Eir's plans, and the group's collective ability to improvise in a crisis. Logan and Rytlock especially were just along as the muscle.)

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For the full story of how it happened, see if you can track down a copy of _Edge of Destiny._ The full story of Destiny's Edge's formation, rise to fame and then subsequent dissolution is detailed fully there. Aaron did a pretty good job summarizing it.


However, as far as how strong/weak Logan is, have you ever fought beside any of the other members in the original instances? They all die pretty quickly and are of marginal help way back then. The only reason they don't die as much now is because of hidden cheats. In-universe, Logan is as strong as any of them. At least, he was before someone put him in a tree. It's hard to say how strong he is after his convalescence.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> Books are good for the brain!


Hey, not everyone's going to want to shell out money on a video game novel, even if it's a good one. And Edge of Destiny... isn't exactly what I'd call a good one. I wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they were invested in those characters, and Weirdo sounds more irritated than invested.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> I am to be fair not that fond of his personality. That angry self righteusness


To be fair, does anyone care what you're fond of?


> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > Books are good for the brain!


> Hey, not everyone's going to want to shell out money on a video game novel, even if it's a good one. And Edge of Destiny... isn't exactly what I'd call a good one. I wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they were invested in those characters, and Weirdo sounds more irritated than invested.


The paperback costs 7$! And it's a quick, fun read... I've read worse drivel... Hey the whole Twilight Saga (which, yes i've read, can't criticise something before reading it) was a best seller, had a series of movies done after that, and it's a horrible read. So, i guess quality is really a relative thing.


Seriously most of us will spend more than 7$ on useless unhealthy crap this next month... And you definitely get more out of a book than most everything else you'll spend 7$ on. But hey, maybe i'm biased from my compulsive reading.


Yeah irritated is a nice description... You have a question, there's a resource that bears the answer, you prefer to hear it second hand than actually get it from the source... That's how flat earth society started.


Also, if i'm a "weirdo" for telling people to read a book.... Well, thanks, i guess... I'm glad i'm weird to you, wouldn't really want to live your life though!



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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > > Books are good for the brain!

> >

> > Hey, not everyone's going to want to shell out money on a video game novel, even if it's a good one. And Edge of Destiny... isn't exactly what I'd call a good one. I wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they were invested in those characters, and Weirdo sounds more irritated than invested.

> Also, if i'm a "weirdo" for telling people to read a book.... Well, thanks, i guess... I'm glad i'm weird to you, wouldn't really want to live your life though!

Clearing this up to get it out of the way: OP- the fella you're telling to buy the book- goes by TheWeirdoNik. Ergo, Weirdo or Nik for short.


> The paperback costs 7$! And it's a quick, fun read... I've read worse drivel... Hey the whole Twilight Saga (which, yes i've read, can't criticise something before reading it) was a best seller, had a series of movies done after that, and it's a horrible read. So, i guess quality is really a relative thing.


> Seriously most of us will spend more than 7$ on useless unhealthy crap this next month... And you definitely get more out of a book than most everything else you'll spend 7$ on. But hey, maybe i'm biased from my compulsive reading.

As someone who has a home library that constitutes a substantial fire hazard, I'm the last person to judge a pro-book bias. But not all books are made equal, and I don't feel like I got anything worthwhile out of EoD. It was paying seven dollars for the privilege of losing a few hours that I'd rather have back, and I would have preferred to spend it on a cheeseburger with more grease than I'd ever need. (Not to mention the possibility of spending it on a better book!) Some enjoyment is better than none.




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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > READ THE BOOK!

> > > > Books are good for the brain!

> > >

> > > Hey, not everyone's going to want to shell out money on a video game novel, even if it's a good one. And Edge of Destiny... isn't exactly what I'd call a good one. I wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they were invested in those characters, and Weirdo sounds more irritated than invested.

> > Also, if i'm a "weirdo" for telling people to read a book.... Well, thanks, i guess... I'm glad i'm weird to you, wouldn't really want to live your life though!

> Clearing this up to get it out of the way: OP- the fella you're telling to buy the book- goes by TheWeirdoNik. Ergo, Weirdo or Nik for short.


Ah ok, i'm sorry, then!


> > The paperback costs 7$! And it's a quick, fun read... I've read worse drivel... Hey the whole Twilight Saga (which, yes i've read, can't criticise something before reading it) was a best seller, had a series of movies done after that, and it's a horrible read. So, i guess quality is really a relative thing.

> >

> > Seriously most of us will spend more than 7$ on useless unhealthy crap this next month... And you definitely get more out of a book than most everything else you'll spend 7$ on. But hey, maybe i'm biased from my compulsive reading.

> As someone who has a home library that constitutes a substantial fire hazard, I'm the last person to judge a pro-book bias. But not all books are made equal, and I don't feel like I got anything worthwhile out of EoD. It was paying seven dollars for the privilege of losing a few hours that I'd rather have back, and I would have preferred to spend it on a cheeseburger with more grease than I'd ever need. (Not to mention the possibility of spending it on a better book!) Some enjoyment is better than none.




Well, i enjoyed that one, true, i prefer Ghosts of Ascalon, and haven't bought Sea of Sorrows yet. But it was a fun read. I read it before GW2 launched, and then again a while after.

So it's entirely persona, and again, i read the Twilight saga... I think it's better to waste 10 hours reading a bad book, than 2 watching a bad movie. While you're reading your brain is working, watching tv, movies and the like isn't nearly as productive.

Yeah, i stopped buying paper books as much, since i don't have a place to put them.


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> @"TheWeirdoNik.6247" said:

> I'm not a lore fanatic for this game and I was wondering how a guy that does so little damage to the enemy and dies so easily is apart of Destiny's Edge (Yes, I know he doesn't do much damage and dies easily because they need to balance him). He also seems to be very wimpyish compared to the other members of Destiny's Edge.


He's not weak, first off. If you play CoF story you notice how he catches Rytlock from falling, then lifts him up with one arm. Logan's capable of one-handing a fully grown, body-builder level muscular, male charr in heavy armor. That ain't weak. In Arah story, he holds off a dozen risen abominations, which are among the strongest of the "regular" dragon minions - one risen abomination would be able to overpower your average person.


As others have said, the story behind him joining is in Edge of Destiny, but it should be noted that the main event for Logan is how he _single-handedly_ killed a very powerful destroyer harpy, something a group of Lionguard had troubles subduing and was being promoted as a major event intended for the whole of Edge of Steel (aka Logan, Caithe, and Rytlock) to fight together and have troubles with after the group had gained a bunch of notoriety in the arena.


So again, not weak.


Barring a human PC, he'd be among the strongest humans around if not _the_ strongest (prior to HoT anyways for spoiler reasons).

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On more than one occasion he has a permanent invincibility bubble and he pretty much single-handedly tanks something way beyond the realm of feasibly survivable in one of the last episodes of the core story IIRC. He is very much a complete and total tank. I'd go as far as to say he may be the single strongest member of DE ig ignoring GW1 lore (because I've not read it nor do I really care to at this point).


They've had to nerf Logan in a few story instances (causing him to die a lot) because he used to downright solo (after a long time) the content as well.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > Books are good for the brain!


> Hey, not everyone's going to want to shell out money on a video game novel, even if it's a good one. And Edge of Destiny... isn't exactly what I'd call a good one. I wouldn't really recommend it to someone unless they were invested in those characters, and Weirdo sounds more irritated than invested.


Hey! Edge of Destiny is a perfectly [good](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoBadItsGood "good") book. ;)


I'd say it's worth a read both for the sheer dumbfounded "what the *heck*?" factor and for the background story of Destiny's Edge: why they formed, and then broke apart. Though be warned: nobody save maybe Zojja acts even remotely like their in-game counterparts (Logan's the worst offender: if it wasn't for his name being Logan Thackeray, I would have thought this was someone else entirely), and there are numerous plot holes so large Primordus itself could fly through them with room to spare. It's still entertaining, in an [MST3K](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/MysteryScienceTheater3000 "MST3K") sort of way. And it does do an adequate job of explaining how Destiny's Edge, this ragtag group of adventurers, went down in history as one of the greatest bands of warriors to challenge the dragons. There are parts that are genuinely quite awesome, though they are few and far between (and require you to shut your brain off entirely so you don't question how any of what just happened is actually possible).


But enough about the book (and my long-winded rambling; sorry!). Logan Thackeray, like all Destiny's Edge members, is by necessity treated differently in story instances than he is in lore. He's an NPC in a video game, so they can't make him - or Rytlock or Eir or anyone else - super strong or else he'd just do all the work for the PC, and leave us feeling like we aren't needed. In lore, I'd argue that Logan is indeed one of the strongest (living) members of Destiny's Edge. In-game, of course it's different. It's the same as Elder Dragons not being raid bosses and requiring entire armies to take down, but able to be smushed by one PC and a magic laser cannon.

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In the book he is taking down Charr and Ogres, who are tearing down his scouts (charr) and kill charr without much of a problem (ogres). He keeps Snaff and Zojja alive during the Morgus Lethe encounter. He destroys branded Hyenas which ripped Seraphs and Ebon Vanguard to pieces. He is taking down norn fighters with ease (while the other 2 books show that a single norn is an almost invincible opponent for a human).


He is truely a hero. Unlike Zojja he is even likeable.


In the game a NPC that could march ahead in front of the PC and pulp all the mobs is a big no go. There is only one NPC in the whole game that really does not need any player help at all... Aria Venom and that is such a minor event that nobody cares or notices.


But Logan (or Rytlock) trampling down any resistance and rage murdering the opposition with the player just a dumbstruck wall ornamental? No, this can not be, so Logan, Rytlock and all the others are pretty weak.


Too bad they missed the chance to make Zojja a lot less spiteful and unlikeable.



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Just as a counter to the 'but the book costs $7' argument, I would like to point out that **most books are available through public libraries**, and if your local library does not have a book you really want, it is often possible to get the book through interlibrary loan from OTHER libraries, if you ask your librarian. Depending on how well your local library is funded and supported and connected, you may be able to get a book from anywhere in the country. In my experience, this is usually a free service, though it's possible some libraries with funding problems might charge a fee these days. (I only have experience with US libraries, not sure how they run in other countries.)


I read the entire series for free, got it boosted in from libraries in the next state over. (Sorry, Anet, but you do get enough of my money through the gem store.)

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

There is only one NPC in the whole game that really does not need any player help at all... Aria Venom and that is such a minor event that nobody cares or notices.






Also dont forget about Halla Corpseflayer that fighted a whole horde of risen by herself and still didnt found then to be a worthy apponent.

But about Logan, its obvious that the game will nerf any NPC, they aint supposed to carry the player lol, but Logan does have some pretty impressive feats on the game, like creating a barrier strong enough to protect you from Gaheron Baelfire fire balls...and Gaheron claimed he achieved godhood.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:


> However, as far as how strong/weak Logan is, have you ever fought beside any of the other members in the original instances? They all die pretty quickly and are of marginal help way back then. The only reason they don't die as much now is because of hidden cheats. In-universe, Logan is as strong as any of them. **At least, he was before someone put him in a tree.** It's hard to say how strong he is after his convalescence.


You mean, "Logan and Jenna sitting in a tree..."?

I don't think he will ever recover from that.


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