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Logan Thackeray: different NPC size depending on mission/instance

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*Gasp!* ...Logan, are you wearing height increasing high-heel shoes for men©? Come on, you know the Queen <3's you, no matter how tall or short you are. And Rytlock, you know, he's always going to be bigger than you, and that's just something you need to come to terms with.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Example: He's significantly taller in the Silverwastes story missions than he is in his office instance in Divinity's Reach.


I'd love to see some sample pics of this. It strikes me as weird.

Maybe in later missions they wanted to make him more visible? It's a common thing for bosses, so maybe his "heroic" status and position as an ally warranted him being larger.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Still makes no sense to _not_ adjust the height for all instances and missions then, no?


I don't know why they didn't adjust his height in the older instances. My guess would be that they probably didn't think it was **that** important so they just skipped it altogether.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> I'd love to see some sample pics of this.


There you go:


![](https://i.imgur.com/hrRBNmL.png "")


I believe there might be _three_ sizes of him, actually, because for some reason I _think_ I remember that he was taller than in pic one but shorter than in pic two in the Arah dungeon story mission (i.e., core campaign finale).

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> So its pre-mordrem pod y post-mordrem pod.

> He clearly didn't have the will to resist mordrem in the pod was replaced for a bigger version which will betray us (again) at some point in the future.


By the Six! Err... Five! His legs are longer! He can run away faster!

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> So its pre-mordrem pod y post-mordrem pod.

> He clearly didn't have the will to resist mordrem in the pod was replaced for a bigger version which will betray us (again) at some point in the future.


**No**, it is not! He was far from being captured in a pod during Season 2. As the screenshots say, it is **pre-Season 2 vs. Season 2 and beyond**. I only chose Lake Doric for the second screenshot, because I couldn't be bothered to enter the aforementioned Silverwastes mission (or any other mission) again, so I chose the open-world map instances as an alternative. Sizes are the same in the respective missions. (If you don't believe me, simply enter any of the Season 2 Silverwastes missions and then the Core Campaign ones in Lion's Arch or Arah for proof.)


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Are you sure it's not your character that is shrinking or growing? :astonished:


:s Yes, I am 100% certain. These were taken the same day, yesterday, just 1 minute apart.

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What is his rank in those pictures? Is he perhaps a champ in the first and legendary in the second?


It always looked to me that NPC size scales with rank (possibly unless Anet manually sets the character's height). That's why Vets are larger than regular enemies, even if they're of PC races, which leads to odd-looking situations at higher ranks, like legendary-ranked asura bosses such as Arkk being as tall as a norn.

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It seems to be a general problem, as I just noticed **the same issue with Lord Faren**! In LSW3 Episode 4's mission "A Meeting of Ministers" he is significantly shorter than during PoF's first mission where you go talk to Ellen Kiel before she sends you off to Amnoon (in which he is super tall).


Apparently, there are no set sizes for each story NPC, and each dev working on a mission has the freedom to scale them as they like. I find that silly.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the size difference is as consistent as their story, that's for sure.


Thanks for the morning laugh! :p


> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Soo.... the better known, more legendary you become, the alrger you get in GW2 world ?


I am not certain what's behind it, but apparently there is no quality management for their content to ensure consistency in all departments.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Players get older and shrink with the years. Adventuring takes its toll on the body.


Indeed. But I've never heard of adventurers growing taller over the years. ;)


> Anet should make a week long event where everyone have permanent uncleansable cripple.



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