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No Downstate Rotation?


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Wondering if it'd be possible to get the no downstate on a BL rotation. That way it only affects 1/3 BLs, and of course rotates so the same world/link isn't getting it on their BL every time. Figure it'd be a good way to test to see how many players actually like it, as more should gravitate towards/away depending on preference?

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No more 'no-downed state' event, please ANet. It crippled support classes with reviving traits and utilities and made our gemstore finishers useless. And is it coincidence that you guys put up a bunch of finishers on sales and then remove stomping from WvW two weeks later? -.-

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Not good as a rotation but they should run it for a week without bonus xp to get good metrics.


I agree, Personally I feel that one week of every month should have no downstate, I don't care about the buffs, I just like the instant kills.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> No more 'no-downed state' event, please ANet. It crippled support classes with reviving traits and utilities and made our gemstore finishers useless. And is it coincidence that you guys put up a bunch of finishers on sales and then remove stomping from WvW two weeks later? -.-


In all fairness, they did give more than 2 weeks notice that it was coming and soon.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > No more 'no-downed state' event, please ANet. It crippled support classes with reviving traits and utilities and made our gemstore finishers useless. And is it coincidence that you guys put up a bunch of finishers on sales and then remove stomping from WvW two weeks later? -.-


> In all fairness, they did give more than 2 weeks notice that it was coming and soon.


Lol I bought 3 finishers and I don't feel harmed by this. It's almost like they could have your finisher play with a 20s cd between to prevent spam or something, use your imagination dude.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> Not good as a rotation but they should run it for a week without bonus xp to get good metrics.


if they run it again, theyd need to keep the bonus xp to get me to play during it.


I do like your idea of having finishers play on killing someone though, even if it wasnt a "press f" kill.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:


> I do like your idea of having finishers play on killing someone though, even if it wasnt a "press f" kill.


Maybe it did not occur to you but imagine a zerg vs zerg fight, 6 people die first push, then your screen is filled with 6 different finisher animations, it would be an effects overload that would hinder gameplay. So tbh it's a terrible idea.

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Regarding having "no-down" on a single map: If you're going to use a borderland, I'd say use one of the two Alpine ones, to make some difference between the two. I'd probably suggest the Green Alpine, since green are most often the largest server int he match-up, and thus give some advantage to the roamers against green.


But All in all I think a better idea would be to make a second copy of EBG and apply the "no-down" to it instead.




I think making a list of small variations like the "no-down" and set to a cycle to shift through them every week could be interesting way to create some minor changes from week to week. The game does feel incredibly stagnant.

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> @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

> Wondering if it'd be possible to get the no downstate on a BL rotation. That way it only affects 1/3 BLs, and of course rotates so the same world/link isn't getting it on their BL every time. Figure it'd be a good way to test to see how many players actually like it, as more should gravitate towards/away depending on preference?


As much as I would like to support ideas of this nature, I cannot support it in the least, unless they change scrapper first. It is imperative to avoid making an entire elite specializations elite skill absolutely null and void.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:


> > I do like your idea of having finishers play on killing someone though, even if it wasnt a "press f" kill.


> Maybe it did not occur to you but imagine a zerg vs zerg fight, 6 people die first push, then your screen is filled with 6 different finisher animations, it would be an effects overload that would hinder gameplay. So tbh it's a terrible idea.


Or it did, but my computer can handle that, so it wouldnt bother me...

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> @"Dante.1763" said:


> Or it did, but my computer can handle that, so it wouldnt bother me...


The issue was never if a computer could handle it, more a question of screen clutter, effect spam, visual noise overload. There is already enough of that in WvW as it is, we certainly do not need more of it.

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Defenders on their home BL frequently have to deal with 2v1 scenarios. Grant the home team an advantage in that _if they own an objective_ on their own map the enemy players have no downstate in that region. Only the home team gets this advantage and only on their home map. No change in ebg. If people are concerned that that's _too much_ of an advantage for home bl defenders, perhaps no downstate deaths don't cause rallies.


Or tie it to the ruins. If your team owns the ruins, enemies have no downstate on that map. Regardless, a rotation would not be a good idea.


~ Kovu

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:


> > Or it did, but my computer can handle that, so it wouldnt bother me...


> The issue was never if a computer could handle it, more a question of screen clutter, effect spam, visual noise overload. There is already enough of that in WvW as it is, we certainly do not need more of it.


What If the player who stomps and The downed player only sees The finisher

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> @"Slanderman.9532" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> >

> > > Or it did, but my computer can handle that, so it wouldnt bother me...

> >

> > The issue was never if a computer could handle it, more a question of screen clutter, effect spam, visual noise overload. There is already enough of that in WvW as it is, we certainly do not need more of it.


> What If the player who stomps and The downed player only sees The finisher


Or a toggle in the options menu that enables that!

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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> As much as I would like to support ideas of this nature, I cannot support it in the least, unless they change scrapper first. It is imperative to avoid making an entire elite specializations elite skill absolutely null and void.


The interesting part is this change made the Holo a superstar in small scale. What a couple skills/traits lost with no downed state so many others became impressively good.

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> @"Straegen.9534" said:

> > @"coglin.1496" said:

> > As much as I would like to support ideas of this nature, I cannot support it in the least, unless they change scrapper first. It is imperative to avoid making an entire elite specializations elite skill absolutely null and void.


> The interesting part is this change made the Holo a superstar in small scale. What a couple skills/traits lost with no downed state so many others became impressively good.


I do not see how anything you just stated, justifies making an elite specializations specializations completely useless, null and void.

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