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boringness of building a legendary

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so after Sunrise and Aurora i finished Astralaria IV and now i'm back in the stupid goldfarm situation.


Overall building a legendary is dull and only gold focused. three items, which make the most part of a legendary, are not farmable.

Mystic coins, Amalgamated Gemstones, Icy Runestones.

it's funny that the most efficient way is to farm gold and not the item itself ( even not possible with runestones and coins), then playing the content.

Other items are also not farmable because of the random loot situatuion of this game.


i know thats part of the f2p model and that a-net tries that player buy gold via credit card, but imho thats the most unbalanced part of this game.


the collections are fun but after that its the same stupid gold grind farm since release.

so if you make collections to get the precursor, make collections to finish the legendary.


so before the comments "well you have to do something to be shiny" appearing. i dont want that legendaries should be cheap. i want to get rid of that stupid gold grind and grind stuff that you need and play content and not calculate what is the best way to get gold ( because thats ends in running circles and doing boring stuff )


so cu until LW4E3.

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There's only one way I can see to prevent making a legendary being a gold grind, and that's to make everything you need to craft a legendary accountbound so it can't be sold on the TP anymore.


You could also approach it another way: grind the materials instead of gold to buy those materials. You make it sound like the gold farm is the specific problem you have and not the grind process in general, so don't farm for gold (with the exception of Icy Runestones, of course, but not much gold is required for those anyway).


Also, the fact that drops are RNG based doesn't mean you can't farm them. There are very few guaranteed drops in this game. Practically anything any mob drops is based on RNG. So by saying that you are implying that farming is next to impossible in this game.


Making legendaries takes work. Oftentimes it is boring, especially if you don't do anything else. Whenever I get tired of it, I take a break. I focus on stuff I want to do instead of stuff I have to do to obtain a certain objective. And after a while I'll pick it up again. Sounds like taking a break from gold farming is a good option for you at the moment.

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Unfortunately, because the game has no proper questing system, legendaries are nothing but expensive skins. They tried with collections but we all know how unimaginative this system is. Caladbolg quest is an example how good rpg game should handle top tier legendary gear (difficulty and cost adjusted accordingly).

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Legendary weapons are just overpriced skins. Huge gold sinks. Everyone knows that. And as such, they regulate certain materials' prices.


I agree for the most part, but they are also items with every single stat set, on a whim, for free. That is quite a convenience.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Legendary weapons are just overpriced skins. Huge gold sinks. Everyone knows that. And as such, they regulate certain materials' prices.


> I agree for the most part, but they are also items with every single stat set, on a whim, for free. That is quite a convenience.


I own quite a few weapons, and I can honestly say i never switch stats. Maybe the staves, but those for wvw only. Pve, never.

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I couldn't imagine farming _for_ a legendary. My method is to just play the game the way I enjoy it. Mixing it up with fractals, WvW and PvP. Once my gold hits a certain point I then work towards a legendary I want and do the achievements necessary. The gold is just sat waiting.


Starting from 0 gold and aiming directly for a legendary is just way too daunting. Mindlessly running SW and HoT metas or whatever would be boring.


I'd just say if you don't like it there's plenty of other things to do.

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> @"Whitworth.7259" said:

> I couldn't imagine farming _for_ a legendary. My method is to just play the game the way I enjoy it. Mixing it up with fractals, WvW and PvP. Once my gold hits a certain point I then work towards a legendary I want and do the achievements necessary. The gold is just sat waiting.


> Starting from 0 gold and aiming directly for a legendary is just way too daunting. Mindlessly running SW and HoT metas or whatever would be boring.


> I'd just say if you don't like it there's plenty of other things to do.


I agree! If you go from zero to full legendary you're gonna have a bad time.

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All MMOs have items in them which are deliberately made to be hard to get.

ie you have to do lots of stuff to get one .

If grinding is removed so that its not required, then it has to be replaced with something else that still takes the same time and effort to do.

I dont know what else could replace the grinding.


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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Legendary weapons are just overpriced skins. Huge gold sinks. Everyone knows that. And as such, they regulate certain materials' prices.


> I agree for the most part, but they are also items with every single stat set, on a whim, for free. That is quite a convenience.


"Convenient", but not even close to being economical. Most builds don't change often enough to need the stat swapping QOL, and changing stats on Asc gear is incredibly cheap (rarely more then a few gold per armor piece). The bigger issue are the trinkets..... but LS chapters make them available for a moderate time investment that you'd probably already fill just K-training the map while farming for other stuff. Plus most of the rare stats used in meta builds are from HOT, and simply having one set of Unbound magic gathering tools supplies you with enough UB magic to feed build changes over time.


Balance passes are now roughly 2 months apart. But as far as I've seen, each class might see incentive for a drastic stat change maybe twice in one year. Each game mode also gravitates to certain sets. We've made a meta thats mostly revolving around 4 stats, with only 3 fringe cases out of a total of 30 something builds across all classes.

For Raids, Fractals and most other PvE, they mostly use Berzerkers and Vipers, some times supplemented with "off-versions" such as Assassins, Sinsters or Grieving. Of the healer builds for raids, the most difficult set to get is Harriers Trinkets... but with Sandswept being insanely farmable right now, a surplus of tokens needed to get them is not difficult, and will likely be this way unless the next LS map is somehow even more farmable. Even converting or repurposing armor isn't that difficult or expensive considering how easy you can recycle these stats across multiple builds, and Asc gear being shared across characters. Of all the builds, Chrono is the only one that needs frequent stat tweaks for Toughness based tanking, and maybe Ranger if you rotate between its 4 major builds for flexible group comp.


For WvW its Minstrels and Trailblazers, both of which come from HOT, and Celestials, which is Core. But WvW also has the ability to supply its own gear requirements, since it gives choosy armor and weapons as rewards, and you can now get choosey trinkets which can be reset if needed. 4 weeks of skirmish rewards gets all but back piece for trinkets, and 8x reward tracks for a full set of exotic armor and weapons.


After looking at justification, now lets look at cost. Legendary armor is 60 times the cost of an exotic set (~1800g - 2000g depending on market), with Legendary weapons ranging from 1800-2500g depending on its crafting requirements.... and thats just ONE weapon where most builds will carry 3. I can gear up 9 characters in Ascended armor and weapons for a bit over 4000g, convert stats for roughly 40g (on the extreme end) per gear set, and only have to worry about obtaining trinkets. I gear up one character in full asc for between 500-550g, and only cost 10% of that to completely convert to a different stat, high cost stat. If we focus on just the Weapon........ making a new Asc one costs around 60-70g, and 2-5g to stat change. Most Raiders have at least 3 characters geared up for Raids, and WvW might have 3-5 if we focus on the most common group comp (Guard, Ele, Necro, Warrior and Mesmer).



There is an issue with implying the convenience is worth it, because it'll get used. But the truth is our gear stat and build system are too interdependent to make frequent tweaks to gear stats warranted. On average, you need around 300 points in a stat to make a noticeable impact in the output numbers, and many stats require pairing with 1 or 2 other stats to not become a net loss. The core game/gear system was never designed to accommodate small tweaks on the fly; and it failed to properly reward mixed stats, so players can only very rarely take advantage of it. I have a half dozen legendary weapons, and the most I've ever used this feature is when I move the weapon to a different character during build shuffles, where I don't already have a certain stat on another weapon, and not sure if I'm going to bother long term. If it does get enough use, I'll make a proper one (with sigils) to sit on the character for when its needed, or back fill the old spot if I still use that build often enough. But over time, I've been bothering less with Asc gear during build shuffles, and filling it with Exotic armor or weapons when I know I'm having to carry multiple sets. My ranger is all exotics save for the trinkets (which usually aren't worth getting non-ascended anyway), and I don't focus exclusively on raids to justify "top DPS/top Healing" gear. I wvw enough to get armor boxes out the exhaust port, which helps... but without that, I wouldn't have bothered in investing into a specialty build, unless I was going to play it enough.


Honestly.... getting into a Tier 3 or Tier 2 WvW server supplies you with so much useful junk for PvE, the only reason not spend some time there is phobic levels of insecurity about PvP. But I make that Tier distinction, because T4 servers are the abuse magnets for the other servers looking for bag farms. I know this because Mag dropped from T1 down to T4 around the time No Down state week was announced, and they've been throwing PPT in favor of bag farms (and the KDR to warscore total to show it) on their way down. T3 tends to have enough guilds looking to fight, so you're not constantly outnumbered or ghost towned for a week because of a bad reset night. You're going to have to at some point for Gift of Battle.... so you may as well get some fun and utility out of it, rather then live in constant fear of other players just looking at you funny.

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I pass gear around a lot, and I like to mess around with different builds. Changing stats may not be that important to some people, but others might find it to be extremely important for gameplay. Dont forget, your experiences aren't everyone's experiences. Stat swapping is the only reason I god for legendaries.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Legendary weapons are just overpriced skins. Huge gold sinks. Everyone knows that. And as such, they regulate certain materials' prices.


> I agree for the most part, but they are also items with every single stat set, on a whim, for free. That is quite a convenience.


They also change to the max stat every time Arenanet updates the max stat possible.

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> @"BareManny.7190" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > Legendary weapons are just overpriced skins. Huge gold sinks. Everyone knows that. And as such, they regulate certain materials' prices.

> >

> > I agree for the most part, but they are also items with every single stat set, on a whim, for free. That is quite a convenience.


> They also change to the max stat every time Arenanet updates the max stat possible.


Which hasnt been for a very long time now, and who knows if theyll update it again

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Unfortunately, because the game has no proper questing system, legendaries are nothing but expensive skins. They tried with collections but we all know how unimaginative this system is. Caladbolg quest is an example how good rpg game should handle top tier legendary gear (difficulty and cost adjusted accordingly).


If you mean collections to get ascended weapons for your specialisation? I love those things. Great addition IMO and fun to do.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Yeah legendaries don't exactly feel "legendary". I don't feel impressed when I see someone with one. Honestly I feel more impressed by seeing someone with cheaper and less used skins that they based a nice transmog around.


> There's no journey. That's the problem.


I wouldn’t be impressed if I saw someone with one even if there was a journey to acquire it.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Yeah legendaries don't exactly feel "legendary". I don't feel impressed when I see someone with one. Honestly I feel more impressed by seeing someone with cheaper and less used skins that they based a nice transmog around.


> There's no journey. That's the problem.


The problem is the access to them without any effort. You can buy gems, exchange for gold, and bam, instant legendary. The armor is different, since you can't buy it, but I feel like most people cover it with a different look.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Yeah legendaries don't exactly feel "legendary". I don't feel impressed when I see someone with one. Honestly I feel more impressed by seeing someone with cheaper and less used skins that they based a nice transmog around.

> >

> > There's no journey. That's the problem.


> I wouldn’t be impressed if I saw someone with one even if there was a journey to acquire it.


Ok. But you surely agree that it feels like more of an in-game accomplishment if you earn it through play-time and events rather than just throwing money on the counter.

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Most of the expensive collections just boil down to repeating the most profitable content, currently Palawadan me thinks, about a thousand times.

And hope you have enough obsidian at the end.

There's nothing legendary or glorious about. It's just grinding literal tons of gold.

I'd love it if they could just add more challenges/adventures as part of it


I'm probably going to be beaten by a stick, but i really think some things you gotta do are several long event chains that are significant to the world, raids and fractals. And cut down on the "grind several tons of gold"

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> so after Sunrise and Aurora i finished Astralaria IV and now i'm back in the stupid goldfarm situation.


> Overall building a legendary is dull and only gold focused. three items, which make the most part of a legendary, are not farmable.

> Mystic coins, Amalgamated Gemstones, Icy Runestones.

> it's funny that the most efficient way is to farm gold and not the item itself ( even not possible with runestones and coins), then playing the content.

> Other items are also not farmable because of the random loot situatuion of this game.


> [...]


Just to provide an example, I got most if my Mystic Clover from either the Mystic Forge or those rare material bags you can buy in LWS3 for Unbound Magic. I wish there was something similar for Mystic Coins et al.


But I agree that the most **fun** part of the legendary journeys are the scavenger hunts. I wish more of the journey consisted of those rather than the annoying grinding parts. (I have crafted a total of seven legendaries so far, two of which I sold, and will do the same with the eighth.)

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Yeah legendaries don't exactly feel "legendary". I don't feel impressed when I see someone with one. Honestly I feel more impressed by seeing someone with cheaper and less used skins that they based a nice transmog around.

> > >

> > > There's no journey. That's the problem.

> >

> > I wouldn’t be impressed if I saw someone with one even if there was a journey to acquire it.


> Ok. But you surely agree that it feels like more of an in-game accomplishment if you earn it through play-time and events rather than just throwing money on the counter.


And you can do that right now. Not everyone buys gold.

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