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Is it ok to lock the Gryphon mount behind a gold sink collection.


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Honestly, I'm surprised it's not an even bigger gold/resource sink. Compared to legendary weapons/armor or even Aurora, it's not only relatively inexpensive, the fact that it's straight gold and not mats/map specific currency means you can play your content of choice to raise the funds if you're short.


And, overall, I'm really impressed with the implementation of it. It's truly optional, it encourages exploration of the zones without tying you to weeks or months of time-gated metas/raids, and it's expensive enough to feel like an honest-to-goodness reward without being so expensive that it's out of reach of most players.

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> @Draknar.5748 said:

> This really only affects new players. If you don't have 250g at this stage in the game, especially considering you get 2g for 10min of playing every day, then that's your own fault. This isn't vanilla GW2 where it was tedious to make money. You can make money very easy in this game now. For 250g you might have to actually save instead of spend, maybe clean out your collectibles tab if you're really desperate. But really it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.


That's still 1500 minutes, 25 hours of playing repetitive tasks, over the course of 150 days. Not trivial, at all.


You can buy gems and then convert to gold. It's not pay to win tho, bc you win nothing.

It maybe gives you pleasure to fly around and it's ok to be charged for it... right?

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Of course, 250 gold isn't that hard to make, it's cheaper than a full set of ascended weapons and armor, it certainly is cheaper than making a Legendary, further more its comparable to converting gold to gems for an outfit or armor set.


Its a reasonable gold sink, I'd be ok with it costing more; and I'm a filthy casual that complains about things like the Chef mastery point, and raid difficulties.

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> @Terrahero.9358 said:

> It's boring and lazy.


> They could've made it a far more interesting collection, but instead they went with a dull gold sink. I typically feel the same way about Legendaries. It's not a journey, it's not an undertaking, it's foremost a gold grind. Which i think is dull, far to many things are already basicly just a gold grind.


That's because it's how they monetize the game. The outrageous gold sinks of legendaries means some whales will spend ~ $150 per legendary in gem to gold conversions. Even if you only purchase half that amount in gems, they've beat the price of a single game box.


A legendary would otherwise take people who don't play auction house baron or farm/grind unholy hours around 102 days assuming that you get 30 gold per day from ~1-2 hours of play. You open your wallet, and suddenly wave away 3+ months of waiting.


I can assure you legendary gem to gold incentives are one of their really big sources of income from the gem store.

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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> I will definitely spend my gold to unlock this mount because I am a GW2 lover and I cannot be healed. Most people told me that with a full mastered Griffon is like you fly with a super-jet plane. As most of you already know, this mount is unlocked by completing a collection where you have to buy 10 items, 25 gold each so you have to spend 250 gold. Do you guys think it is ok to lock a new mount, with new abilities, with new masteries to level(so a bigger mastery level) behind a gold sink. 250 gold is definitley no a small price. Even raids who were not for everybody offered you the chance to unlock the mastery track just by doing one simple boss like escort or prison camp.


Add 50 gold and you get a commander tag. Much more useful, depending on how you play.

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I see np with it i don't even have PoF yet lol. Meant to give ya something to work for, don't expect everyone to have gold sitting so they can buy it right away. Those that do probably happy to finally find something worth sinking it into.

Work for it, set it as a goal give you a reason to play. Personally, I welcome it with open arms. This game has always had very hard time holding me here, more things I can set goals for the better and the longer I will stay interested. Right now my goal is "The Emperor" title that is 140g per race more or less. I'm 72/90 started 2 months ago @ playing maybe 2hrs a day. Gives me something waste gold on once you have all classes decked out really not much to spend gold on. (atleast in my case)

It's only a problem if you don't have the patients to work for something and/or type of player that wants the greatest and latest and can't afford it.....

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> It should be more. To be clear I'm not rich, not even close. I don't have enough gold banked currently to buy it but I feel like it should be a prestige mount.


I agree people act like 250g is alot, sure maybe back in 2012 when gw2 first released it was. But now 250g very easy to come by, I wouldn't even consider myself a rich person. I just pretend 100g is 0g lol so i never drop below 100g unless something really nice in the BLTC worth any reason to drop under 100g was few occasions like the silver fed salvage kit machine. in 2012 I think my gold threshold was like 20g was considered as 0g lol. Times and things have changed alot in this game.

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It's the perfect gold sink. Gold is disappearing from the market and directly away from players to try to help curb inflation. It's not trying to lock away an important mount (be honest, the griffon isn't important to movement...it's neat to have but you do not need it), it's trying to passively remove a ton of gold from the game. It's doing a very, very good job at what it was intended to do. I'm ok with it, hurt the wallet a little but I was expecting the collection/amount to be more honestly.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I'm a big believer in multiple ways to doing things; buy/farm mats, long easier challenges/short epic level challenges, real $/gems/in-game gold it would allow everyone to play to their strengths and abilities.

> When things are truly locked behind a single aspect of the game that you don't accel (Jumping Puzzles, Raids, Fractals), you really can't go further.


Exactly, I actually see it as a DISINCENTIVE to finish the story now because I know if I do I would feel I have to get the griffon. So a lot of time and effort to get the thing. I would much rather just spend some real world $ to just get it over with.


Sure, people are flying them now because it is new. I have to wonder how many people will be doing so in 6 months though.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> I think it's a bad idea considering there is a way to buy gold with real money. It's essentially selling the mounts.


> Do no work? It requires playing quite a bit to unlock the mounts!


That's a pointless argument since that could apply to almost everything in the game, like legendary weapons. And obviously nobody will ever complain for being able to buy a leg weapon with real money, same applies to prestigious mounts (like griffon or whatever else will come in the future).

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm a big believer in multiple ways to doing things; buy/farm mats, long easier challenges/short epic level challenges, real $/gems/in-game gold it would allow everyone to play to their strengths and abilities.

> > When things are truly locked behind a single aspect of the game that you don't accel (Jumping Puzzles, Raids, Fractals), you really can't go further.


> Exactly, I actually see it as a DISINCENTIVE to finish the story now because I know if I do I would feel I have to get the griffon. So a lot of time and effort to get the thing. I would much rather just spend some real world $ to just get it over with.


> Sure, people are flying them now because it is new. I have to wonder how many people will be doing so in 6 months though.


I won't deny it, I've used Griffon more for show than for actual convenience the first day I had it. Lately though I just use the mount perfect for the landscape i'm going to traverse. Mostly on a Jackal because it is the fastest and safest to run around with in dense areas, and if I am on high elevated terrain I swap to Griffon for obvious reasons.

It has its uses, but it is not the end all be all people make you believe it is.


It is however my favorite aesthetics wise

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> @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

> It should be more. To be clear I'm not rich, not even close. I don't have enough gold banked currently to buy it but I feel like it should be a prestige mount.


Yes, I would not have a problem with it if it were like the 'I am rich you know' tag and they were rare. My fear is if we start to see them everywhere and having a griffon is just expected, like how people looked down on those of us who never bothered to max our masteries.

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> @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> You can always buy 20€ worth gems for that mount. Ppl who tell those stories about not having Time to farm gold because of 8 different Jobs and military service should have that extra money in their pocket:D

... people don't generally work multiple jobs for fun or because they have enough money to get by so that's an asinine thing to say.


Anyways, while I don't think the gold locking is bad it is not a very creative way of handling it. As it is the quest isn't terribly involved (a lot of fetching things) people had the mount quickly and groups are full of them so it doesn't seem that Legendary as other people are saying. It seems more like gold sink content, which most mounts in most games are, which isn't bad.


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